disable text selection in gwt - user-interface

i am pretty new to GWT,
i have an image that i have placed a text on top, i need the text to look as part of the image.
i have used the image widget and the HTML widget to position it on top of it, i need this text to change according the locale.
the problem that the text is selectable, so it does not look right.
1) is there any way to make the text un-selectable?
2) is there a better way to achieve that?

This is handled by the user-select attribute.
See: http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1184318&page=1


Can images be block-hilighted? (like text)

I'm trying to adapt ckeditor, where the content is not text, but images only, where each image displays a character in the alphabet. (By creating an image from an off-screen canvas object)
Only problem is that users can't do block selections by dragging over them (like you would with text). Is this even possible in the contentEditble world? I was hoping that setting the draggable attribute to false for each tag would do it - but no dice :-(
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I've copied the image in the demo and then I'm able to drag select all of them.
I guess that it might be harder to control the selection like you do with text.
I got this to work now. Just had to listen for mouse & key events and handle the selection manually.

GWT align image and text

Using GWT I am trying to create a row of images with text centered below them. There isn't much detail on GWT online so I'm having a difficult time. The image should also be a hyperlink.
You can achieve this layout using standard HTML and CSS. The most obvious solution is to use floating divs which contain an image and its text, with "text-align: center" rule applied to the div.
In GWT you can achieve this either through a Ui:Binder, or, if the images are dynamic, by creating a custom widget to represent each image with its text.
The alternative solution is to use a HorizontalPanel widget and add images and text inside, which is an equivalent of using a table to achieve your desired layout. This solution is not responsive, though.

WP7 wrap text around image

I have an image with a large amount of text to the right in a textblock control. How can I get that text to wrap on the right and below the image?
The standard TextBlock and Image controls wouldn't work for you.
I think you'd either:
have to use HTML inside a WebBrowser (this is potentially very slow and ugly!)
have to use multiple TextBlock's and you'd have to measure the text in order to implement the wrapping out yourself.
It might be an idea to consider a different layout - is the text really free flowing and needs wrapped around the image? Or can the text be split up into header, caption, body, etc?

How to wrap some text around an image?

In flex, I have HBox in which I have loaded an image. I want to wrap text around it. Hence, there would be an image on right and text will be on left. After the image is cleared, text will be displayed 100% of the width.
How can I achieve it?
Although what you describe is easy to do with HTML. I didn't think the htmlText property in Flex supported anything more than simple HTML.
You'll want to look into the Text Layout Framework for Flex.
Edit: Despite my initial claim, the htmlText property actually does support the img tag with align property. It is documented here

Wrap text around image in rich textbox control

Ok, basically i have a vb6 app and i want to wrap the text in a rich text box around an image i have inserted into the rich text box from the clipboard. At the moment when you insert an image, the text does not wrap around the image...
let me know if you need a screenshot of what i am trying to explain.
Kind Regards,
C# version but you might be able to extrapolate:
