How to silence output in a Bash script? - bash

I have a program that outputs to stdout and would like to silence that output in a Bash script while piping to a file.
For example, running the program will output:
% myprogram
% Done.
I want the following script to not output anything to the terminal:
myprogram > sample.s

If it outputs to stderr as well you'll want to silence that. You can do that by redirecting file descriptor 2:
# Send stdout to out.log, stderr to err.log
myprogram > out.log 2> err.log
# Send both stdout and stderr to out.log
myprogram &> out.log # New bash syntax
myprogram > out.log 2>&1 # Older sh syntax
# Log output, hide errors.
myprogram > out.log 2> /dev/null

Redirect stderr to stdout
This will redirect the stderr (which is descriptor 2) to the file descriptor 1 which is the the stdout.
Redirect stdout to File
Now when perform this you are redirecting the stdout to the file sample.s
myprogram > sample.s
Redirect stderr and stdout to File
Combining the two commands will result in redirecting both stderr and stdout to sample.s
myprogram > sample.s 2>&1
Redirect stderr and stdout to /dev/null
Redirect to /dev/null if you want to completely silent your application.
myprogram >/dev/null 2>&1

All output:
scriptname &>/dev/null
scriptname >/dev/null 2>&1
scriptname >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
For newer bash (no portable):
scriptname &>-

If you are still struggling to find an answer, specially if you produced a file for the output, and you prefer a clear alternative:
echo "hi" | grep "use this hack to hide the oputut :) "

If you want STDOUT and STDERR both [everything], then the simplest way is:
myprogram >& sample.s
then run it like ./script, and you will get no output to your terminal. :)
the ">&" means STDERR and STDOUT. the & also works the same way with a pipe: ./script |& sed
that will send everything to sed

Try with:
myprogram &>/dev/null
to get no output

Useful variations:
Get only the STDERR in a file, while hiding any STDOUT even if the
program to hide isn't existing at all. (does not ever hang):
stty -echo && ./programMightNotExist 2> errors.log && stty echo
Detach completely and silence everything, even killing the parent
script won't abort ./prog (Does behave just like nohup):
./prog </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
nohup can be used as well to fully detach, as follow:
nohup ./prog &
A log file nohup.out will be created aside of the script, use tail -f nohup.out to read it.

Note: This answer is related to the question "How to turn off echo while executing a shell script Linux" which was in turn marked as duplicated to this one.
To actually turn off the echo the command is:
stty -echo
(this is, for instance; when you want to enter a password and you don't want it to be readable. Remember to turn echo on at the end of your script, otherwise the person that runs your script won't see what he/she types in from then on. To turn echo on run:
stty echo

For output only on error:
so [command]


Redirect stdout to file and tee stderr to the same file

I am running a command which will (very likely) output text to both stderr and stdout. I want to save both stderr and stdout to the same file, but I only want stderr printing to the terminal.
How can I get this to work? I've tried mycommand 1>&2 | tee file.txt >/dev/null but that doesn't print anything to the terminal.
If You Don't Need Perfect Ordering
Using two separate copies of tee, both writing to the same file in append mode but only one of them subsequently forwarding content to /dev/null, will get you where you need to be:
mycommand \
2> >(tee -a file.txt >&2) \
> >(tee -a file.txt >/dev/null)
If You Do Need Perfect Ordering
See Separately redirecting and recombining stderr/stdout without losing ordering

What's the difference between `command > output` and `command 2>&1 > output`?

I'm somewhat familiar with the common way of redirecting stdout to a file, and then redirecting stderr to stdout.
If I run a command such as ls > output.txt 2>&1, my guess is that under the hood, the shell is executing something like the following c code:
open("output.txt") // assigned to fd 1
dup2(1, 2)
Since fd 1 has already been replaced with output.txt, anything printed to stderr will be redirected to output.txt.
But, if I run ls 2>&1 > output.txt, I'm guessing that this is instead what happens:
dup2(1, 2)
But, since the shell prints out both stdout and stderr by default, is there any difference between ls 2>&1 output.txt and ls > output.txt? In both cases, stdout will be redirected to output.txt, while stderr will be printed to the console.
With ls >output.txt, the stderr from ls goes to the stderr inherited from the calling process. In contrast, with ls 2>&1 >output.txt, the stderr of ls is sent to the stdout of the calling process.
Let's try this with an example script that prints a line of output to each of stdout and stderr:
$ cat
echo "to stdout"
echo "to stderr" 1>&2
$ sh >/dev/null
to stderr
$ sh 2>/dev/null
to stdout
Now if we insert "2>&1" into the first command line, nothing appears different:
$ sh 2>&1 >/dev/null
to stderr
But now let's run both of those inside a context where the inherited stdout is going someplace other than the console:
$ (sh 2>&1 >/dev/null) >/dev/null
$ (sh >/dev/null) >/dev/null
to stderr
The second command still prints because the inherited stderr is still going to the console. But the first prints nothing because the "2>&1" redirects the inner stderr to the outer stdout, which is going to /dev/null.
Although I've never used this construction, conceivably it could be useful in a situation where (in a script, most likely) you want to run a program, send its stdout to a file, but forward its stderr on to the caller as if it were "normal" output, perhaps because that program is being run along with some other programs and you want the first program's "error" output to be part of the same stream as the other programs' "normal" output. (Perhaps both programs are compilers, and you want to capture all the error messages, but they disagree about which stream errors are sent to.)

How to redirect stdout+stderr to one file while keeping streams separate?

Redirecting stdout+stderr such that both get written to a file while still outputting to stdout is simple enough:
cmd 2>&1 | tee output_file
But then now both stdout/stderr from cmd are coming on stdout. I'd like to write stdout+stderr to the same file (so ordering is preserved assuming cmd is single threaded) but then still be able to also separately redirect them, something like this:
some_magic_tee_variant combined_output cmd > >(command-expecting-stdout) 2> >(command-expecting-stderr)
So combined_output contains the both with order preserved, but the command-expecting-stdout only gets stdout and command-expecting-stderr only gets stderr. Basically, I want to log stdout+stderr while still allowing stdout and stderr to be separately redirected and piped. The problem with the tee approach is it globs them together. Is there a way to do this in bash/zsh?
From what I unterstand this is what you are looking for. First I made a litte script to write on stdout and stderr. It looks like this:
$ cat
echo foo 1>&2
echo bar
Then I ran it like this:
$ ./ 2> >(tee stderr | tee -a combined) 1> >(tee stdout | tee -a combined)
The results in my bash look like this:
$ cat stderr
$ cat stdout
$ cat combined
Note that the -a flag is required so the tees don't overwrite the other tee's content.
{ { cmd | tee out >&3; } 2>&1 | tee err >&2; } 3>&1
Or, to be pedantic:
{ { cmd 3>&- | tee out >&3 2> /dev/null; } 2>&1 | tee err >&2 3>&- 2> /dev/null; } 3>&1
Note that it's futile to try and preserve order. It is basically impossible. The only solution would be to modify "cmd" or use some LD_PRELOAD or gdb hack,
Order can indeed be preserved. Here's an example which captures the standard output and error, in the order in which they are generated, to a logfile, while displaying only the standard error on any terminal screen you like. Tweak to suit your needs.
1.Open two windows (shells)
2.Create some test files
touch /tmp/foo /tmp/foo1 /tmp/foo2
3.In window1:
mkfifo /tmp/fifo
</tmp/fifo cat - >/tmp/logfile
4.Then, in window2:
(ls -l /tmp/foo /tmp/nofile /tmp/foo1 /tmp/nofile /tmp/nofile; echo successful test; ls /tmp/nofile1111) 2>&1 1>/tmp/fifo | tee /tmp/fifo 1>/dev/pts/1
Where /dev/pts/1 can be whatever terminal display you want. The subshell runs some "ls" and "echo" commands in sequence, some succeed (providing stdout) and some fail (providing stderr) in order to generate a mingled stream of output and error messages, so that you can verify the correct ordering in the log file.
Here's how I do it:
exec 3>log ; example_command 2>&1 1>&3 | tee -a log ; exec 3>&-
Worked Example
bash$ exec 3>log ; { echo stdout ; echo stderr >&2 ; } 2>&1 1>&3 | \
tee -a log ; exec 3>&-
bash$ cat log
Here's how that works:
exec 3>log sets up file descriptor 3 to redirect into the file called log, until further notice.
example_command to make this a working example, I used { echo stdout ; echo stderr >&2 ; }. Or you could use ls /tmp doesnotexist to provide output instead.
Need to jump ahead to the pipe | at this point because bash does it first. The pipe sets up a pipe and redirects the file descriptor 1 into this pipe. So now, STDOUT is going into the pipe.
Now we can go back to where we were next in our left-to-right interpretation: 2>&1 this says errors from the program are to go to where STDOUT currently points, i.e. into the pipe we just set up.
1>&3 means STDOUT is redirected into file descriptor 3, which we earlier set up to output to the log file. So STDOUT from the command just goes into the log file, not to the terminal's STDOUT.
tee -a log takes it's input from the pipe (which you'll remember is now the errors from the command), and outputs it to STDOUT and also appends it to the log file.
exec 3>&- closes the file descriptor 3.
Victor Sergienko's comment is what worked for me, adding exec to the front of it makes this work for the entire script (instead of having to put it after individual commands)
exec 2> >(tee -a output_file >&2) 1> >(tee -a output_file)

How do I log stderr and stdout synchronously, but print stderr to screen only?

This is a task that I try to do pretty often.
I want to log both stderr and stdout to a log file. But I only want to print to console stderr.
I've tried with tee, but once I've merge stderr and stdout using "2>&1". I can not print stdout to the screen anymore since both my pipes are merged.
Here is a simple example of what I tried
./ | tee -a log 2>&1.
Now I have both stderr and stdout to the log and the screen.
Any Ideas?
Based on some reading on this web site, this question has been asked.
Write STDOUT & STDERR to a logfile, also write STDERR to screen
And also a question very similar here:
Save stdout, stderr and stdout+stderr synchronously
But neither of them are able to redirect both stdout+stderr to a log and stderr to the screen while stdoud and stderr are synchronously written to the log file.
I was able to get this working in bash:
(./ 2> >(tee >(cat >&2) >&1)) > tmp.log
This does not work correctly in zsh (the prompt does not wait for the process to exit), and does not work at all in dash. A more portable solution may be to write a simple C program to do it.
I managed to get this working with this script in bash.
mkfifo stdout
mkfifo stderr
rm -f out
cat stderr | tee -a out &
cat stdout >> out &
(echo "stdout";
echo "an other stdout";
echo "again stdout";
stat) 2> stderr > stdout
rm -f stdout
rm -f stderr
The order of the output is preserved. With this script the process ends correctly.
Note: I used grep and stat without parameter to generate stdout.

Write STDOUT & STDERR to a logfile, also write STDERR to screen

I would like to run several commands, and capture all output to a logfile. I also want to print any errors to the screen (or optionally mail the output to someone).
Here's an example. The following command will run three commands, and will write all output (STDOUT and STDERR) into a single logfile.
{ command1 && command2 && command3 ; } > logfile.log 2>&1
Here is what I want to do with the output of these commands:
STDERR and STDOUT for all commands goes to a logfile, in case I need it later--- I usually won't look in here unless there are problems.
Print STDERR to the screen (or optionally, pipe to /bin/mail), so that any error stands out and doesn't get ignored.
It would be nice if the return codes were still usable, so that I could do some error handling. Maybe I want to send email if there was an error, like this:
{ command1 && command2 && command3 ; } > logfile.log 2>&1 || mailx -s "There was an error"
The problem I run into is that STDERR loses context during I/O redirection. A '2>&1' will convert STDERR into STDOUT, and therefore I cannot view errors if I do 2> error.log
Here are a couple juicier examples. Let's pretend that I am running some familiar build commands, but I don't want the entire build to stop just because of one error so I use the '--keep-going' flag.
{ ./configure && make --keep-going && make install ; } > build.log 2>&1
Or, here's a simple (And perhaps sloppy) build and deploy script, which will keep going in the event of an error.
{ ./configure && make --keep-going && make install && rsync -av --keep-going /foo devhost:/foo} > build-and-deploy.log 2>&1
I think what I want involves some sort of Bash I/O Redirection, but I can't figure this out.
(./doit >> log) 2>&1 | tee -a log
This will take stdout and append it to log file.
The stderr will then get converted to stdout which is piped to tee which appends it to the log (if you are have Bash 4, you can replace 2>&1 | with |&) and sends it to stdout which will either appear on the tty or can be piped to another command.
I used append mode for both so that regardless of which order the shell redirection and tee open the file, you won't blow away the original. That said, it may be possible that stderr/stdout is interleaved in an unexpected way.
If your system has /dev/fd/* nodes you can do it as:
( exec 5>logfile.txt ; { command1 && command2 && command3 ;} 2>&1 >&5 | tee /dev/fd/5 )
This opens file descriptor 5 to your logfile. Executes the commands with standard error directed to standard out, standard out directed to fd 5 and pipes stdout (which now contains only stderr) to tee which duplicates the output to fd 5 which is the log file.
Here is how to run one or more commands, capturing the standard output and error, in the order in which they are generated, to a logfile, and displaying only the standard error on any terminal screen you like. Works in bash on linux. Probably works in most other environments. I will use an example to show how it's done.
Open two windows (shells, tmux sessions, whatever)
I will demonstrate with some test files, so create the test files:
touch /tmp/foo /tmp/foo1 /tmp/foo2
in window1:
mkfifo /tmp/fifo
0</tmp/fifo cat - >/tmp/logfile
Then, in window2:
(ls -l /tmp/foo /tmp/nofile /tmp/foo1 /tmp/nofile /tmp/nofile; echo successful test; ls /tmp/nofile1111) 2>&1 1>/tmp/fifo | tee /tmp/fifo 1>/dev/pts/2
Where you replace /dev/pts/2 with whatever tty you want the stderr to display.
The reason for the various successful and unsuccessful commands in the subshell is simply to generate a mingled stream of output and error messages, so that you can verify the correct ordering in the log file. Once you understand how it works, replace the “ls” and “echo” commands with scripts or commands of your choosing.
With this method, the ordering of output and error is preserved, the syntax is simple and clean, and there is only a single reference to the output file. Plus there is flexiblity in putting the extra copy of stderr wherever you want.
command 2>&1 | tee output.txt
Additionally, you can direct stdout and stderr to different places:
command > stdout.txt >& stderr.txt
command > stdout.txt |& program_for_stderr
So some combination of the above should work for you -- e.g. you could save stdout to a file, and stderr to both a file and piping to another program (with tee).
add this at the beginning of your script
set -e
exec > >(cat >> $outfile)
exec 2> >(tee -a $outfile >&2)
# write your code here
STDOUT and STDERR will be written to $outfile, only STDERR will be seen on the console
