How to automatically open a session after a Windows 2003 SP2 reboot? - session

i'm using a Windows 2003 Server.
I have a session with my username on it and i have a windows application (not service) opened on it. I want this application to always be running.
The problem is, when Security updates force Windows to reboot, my session is closed and i need to reconnect to the session to get my application working again ..
How can i do to automaticaly force the opening of my user's session upon server's reboot ? (application launch is in the startup of my session)

If you want to have the program running consistently, I would highly recommend making it into a Windows service (see also this page). Then you can set the username that the service logs on with (this is particularly important if the app needs to access networked resources), and even set the stability values to have the service restart itself if the EXE crashes for some reason.
Otherwise, if you really want the computer to login as your user and run the program, you could set the autologon parameters to your username and password, and put the shortcut to your program in the user's Start Menu Startup folder. (But this does not provide you any of the stability benefits that a service would.)

Add a startup script,


Script to Log into several user accounts

We manage several laptops that are used for emergency situations and thus are rarely used (knock on wood).
When we start up these laptops periodically to run windows updates, we also sign in with several user accounts for each laptop in order to keep the profile up to date.
Is there a way to automate the logging in of each account with a script?
For example, I could log in as administrator, run the script and the laptop would do the following:
Log out my administrator account,
sign in with useraccount 1, log out
sign in with useraccount 2, log out
sign in with useraccount 3, log out
I havent had much luck in googling this type of thing and was hoping someone here might have an idea.
I simply cant find a script that logs in with a user account.
The closest I can find is recommending auto signin but that only applies to one account and not what I need for this task.
Globally, you can't do that: it would break security if you were allowed to interact, programmatically, with the login screen.
IF it's possible, I would look to a way to do the login to remote machine through either Telnet (not recommended! but can be done with standard Windows tools) or SSH (will need a SSH server). If you can do the upgrade this way, then you're saved, in particular with SSH because you can avoid passwords' sharing through key exchange - probably won't work with domain accounts, however, but local accounts will be fine.
Otherwise, if you require to really open a Windows session, best you can do, IF your configuration allows it AND if it works (regarding the profile's update) is to connect through RDP (Remote Desktop) to each laptop, with each login.
You'll need to establish a RDP connection to each laptop from a "pilot" PC, save each connexion individually within a .rdp file, saving password inside the connection file.
Then, you can launch the connection with the command mstsc <machine+account>.rdp to establish a connection. A bit later, you can kill the connection (with either taskkill or through a pilot process / tool, I would use AutoIt for this preferably).
If password saving is an issue, then each employee should have its own set of RDP files. Through something like Autoit, in particular, you can input the password once, and fill automatically each password prompt.
The tricky part would be to know when it's time to close the remote desktop. I would try to automatically execute a command to distant computer that would reboot it once done, so your remote desktop would close automatically.
Anyway, it will be a real gas plant to implement all this in a smooth process...

How to automate program initialization through GUI

We have a software that needs to get password to be initialized. Software is running on a build server (Windows 10) and used as part of the build process. Password resets after reboot or after RDP session. Therefore RDP access to the server is disabled and it's running VNC.
However, still we have a problem that once in a while server reboots and in this case someone needs to login to the server over VNC and to initialize the software by typing password in.
Is there any way that this process may be automated? Some QA tools that may be utilized for this puprpose?
If auto logon is set (find the instruction on SuperUser site), startup script can run on this server without alive VNC connection (in Windows Task Scheduler by logon trigger). As an GUI automation library you can use pywinauto (need any Python on the server + pip install pywinauto). If you keep the server always logged in, maybe another trigger would be useful (from Jenkins slave if it's connected to Jenkins). But it must run not as a service (services can't access GUI).

SendInput or similar from windows service (session 0) in Windows 8 to login screen

As I understand, when we start windows it starts Session 0 which does not connect to any GUI, etc. and runs all windows services. So my task is, after windows was started, emulate windows input for selecting user and login to is session. I know that for sending input from service I should run desktop app and through it send input, show GUI, so on, but how can I do it before any user session was start? (for example I see that TeamViewer can do it)
WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId() will tell you which session is attached to the physical console.
You can then duplicate your security token with DuplicateTokenEx(), change the new token's session with SetTokenInformation() and the TokenSessionId option, and launch a process with CreateProcessAsUser().
The new process should then be running in the right session, but it may also need to attach itself to the right desktop before it can interact with the logon interface. You can use EnumDesktops() to list the available desktops, and trial and error to determine which one the logon interface runs in. (Note that this may be different in different versions of Windows.)

WNetGetConnection and run as admin

I need to call WNetGetConnection to get the UNC path and it works good when application run as standard user but it returns 1201(ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL) error code when application run as admin. According to the documentation its working as expected.
If the network connection was made using the Microsoft LAN Manager
network, and the calling application is running in a different logon
session than the application that made the connection, a call to the
WNetGetConnection function for the associated local device will fail.
The function fails with ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED or
ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL. This is because a connection made using
Microsoft LAN Manager is visible only to applications running in the
same logon session as the application that made the connection. (To
prevent the call to WNetGetConnection from failing it is not
sufficient for the application to be running in the user account that
created the connection.)
that means its not possible at all to get the UNC path from the app running as admin ? Is there some other way ?
This is by design. Network shares created by a non-elevated account are not visible under elevation, and vice versa.
See this question on Super User for discussion of the issue. There is apparently a registry setting that enables mapped drives to be shared between elevated and non-elevated accounts but I've never tried it myself.
Network connections cannot normally be shared across different Windows login sessions. This is regardless of admin account / elevation level. Each Windows login or impersonation session needs to create its own network connections.

Windows service doesn't start until user login

I have a service that logs in as a specific user. The service works great when the user logs in, but won't start until they do so. Is there some kind of a setting I am missing?
This is running on a Windows 7 Ultimate box.
The user is an administrator of the box and the service is set to automatically start.
No errors are in the application log, and the service runs like a champ once the user logs in (without having them start it).
Does the user have privileges to start Windows Services (the user policy)? You can try using ntrights.exe to make sure that he does. Also, can you start the service from Services.msc when logged in another account?
I think this is a privileges problem. Either the service login information is incorrect or the user cannot start services.
This was a fun one, but I figured it out this morning.
The issue is that the server was a clean Windows 7 Ultimate install. That means the power management functionality was set to default which causes the machine to power down after 30 minutes, hence the service would stop running. Fixed the power management settings to never sleep and running like a champ.
Thanks for the input folks.
