Testing Google's ClientLogin - google-api

I have a WPF form that uses ClientLogin to log a user into their Google account.
Specifically, I would like to test my CAPTCHA handling routing. I can't seem to get my account to generate a CAPTCHA.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to reliably get the Google ClientLogin to ask for a CAPTCHA challenge for testing?

I've just spent quite a while trying to do exactly the same thing.
I found the answer here:
Basically you have to spam the ClientLogin service with bad credentials for a valid user email until it responds with a captcha request.
The page above provides a ruby script to do this, implement in a language of your choice!


How to put a Google login on my main login form as an option?

I just want to put an Google login on my main form login as an Alternative way of logging in to the Mob app that i was developing.I want on my main fomr to have a (Login with Google) but i dont have any idea how to do it. is there anyone can help me? this is only for educational purposes, i just want to enhance my programming skills.
I tried searching and Firebase auth always appears.
Firebase Auth is actually free to use for the auth section so it's not a bad option.
There are a lot of moving parts with this and learning by using Firebase as your core is a great way to get introduced without handling so much of the complications. If this is just for education my personal recommendation would be to learn Firebase methods first and then look into replacing it with your own implementation.
However, if you want to just use Google Auth using a native plugin and nothing else then there is a tutorial on IonicThemes.com which covers how to set it up.
You can read it here if you're fast:
This question will probably get deleted as it doesn't meet the guidelines to just post links to tutorials, but it's a lengthy process so I don't know what else StackOverflow expects me to offer in this instance. Perhaps just to vote to close your question.

Get user's email ID on Google Home

I'd want to get user's emailID from an Action on Google. I understand that Google Sign-In is the best way to do that. Even though I don't really need the user to sign in to the action, I think there is no other way to get user's email (please correct me if I'm wrong). But according to the documentation,
Google Sign-In for the Assistant is currently in developer preview. You can build Actions that use this feature, but they can't be published at this time.
However, Walgreens action does the same thing. I wanted to know how. I tried to search a lot, and ended up with these answers. I have done this already and it works. But I wanted to know, if there is any way to release an app using Google Sign-In.
If not, do I need to go through OAuth2.0 flow, and if so, I assume I'd need to have my own authentication system in place?
Please correct me if I'm wrong and help me find the best way to get user's emailID. I think there should be something easier than getting an authentication system in place and getting it to support OAuth2.
if there is any way to release an app using Google Sign-In.
You want the email id of the user. Google sign-in is nothing more than you getting the user's email address (inside a token that is signed by Google so you can verify it).
If you just get an email address as a "string" then you'd need to verify it before you can use it. So think of Google sign-in as an optimized UI flow to get a user's email address. Once you get the verified email address from Google, you can let them have access to the data on your site that is under that account.
Let me know if that is not clear.
From a timeline perspective, this should be out of developer preview within a month. Let me know if you want to try using it before that.
From my own research I think you are right. Until the Google Sign In account linking graduates from developer preview you would have to implement an OAuth workflow, which is a bit of a pain (although the implicit one doesn't look too bad). So perhaps the real question is ... when will Google Sign In account linking be fully available? Anyone from Google? Even a ballpark estimate would be useful.

SMS service for two-factor authentication in Rails

I have already implemented two-factor authentication using the tinfoil gem in Rails. It's using Google Authenticator to display the verification code to the user.
I would also like to implement sending the verification code to the user via SMS. I am wondering what is the best solution for this?
I have also searched around and found free SMS services for Rails like SMS FU and SMS-easy, but it seems like the gems are not active and they don't support a lot of the UK carriers.
So, should I resort to paid service like twilio?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
For something important like two factor authentication, where you need the messages to arrive or your user cannot log in, then I highly recommend a paid service.
StackOverflow is not exactly the right site to be asking for opinions on this sort of thing, it is more for code issues that can be solved. However, if you are interested in using Twilio for this and you find yourself with any questions about the service, you can contact me directly at philnash#twilio.com.

Access to GMail mailbox content with google-api

Is there a way to access a Gmail Mailbox using the google-api? I'm trying to do this from command line using Java FWIW.
I already have code in place that achieves this via IMAP so that is not what I'm looking for.
You can access GMAIL IMAPS and SMTP using XOAUTH authentication, see here :
It is not really the google-api-java-client, it is plain IMAP/SMTP but authentication is OAUTH2.
After going through the Google API once again and considering this question did not get an answer in the past 6 days, I guess it is safe to say there is no other way aside from IMAP/S.
This question was initiated because I was told by numerous people that a certain Google API was available and preferable for this purpose. It seems they were all informed by the same person who was not able to show me his source of information and agreed that according to the documentation IMAP indeed is the only API available as of now.

How can I log into gmail in a script/program using HTTPS?

My teacher has given me as an assignment to log into gmail and then send one e-mail or read the list of unread e-mails, but I can't use IMAP/POP3/SMTP or anything that isn't HTTP or HTTPS. I've tried looking for libraries in Ruby/Java to do it but nothing really worked for me.
I tried looking at the gmail source code page but I couldn't really understand what was going on. The page seems to call a post method on a link, but sniffing the packets what I saw was a GET apparently using a session generated using the info I send. So sending it "raw" didn't work either.
I've no idea what to do now.
After you authenticate with OAuth, you can get unread emails via an atom feed.
URL to hit: https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom/[<label>]
You can toy around with this at the Google oauth playground. Get an access token by continually clicking buttons and authenticating, and then hit discover feeds.
If you want a Java OAuth library, signpost is really good. You'll need to read the google documentation on its open authentication scheme. Specifically, you need to pass a scope query parameter when you attempt to authenticate. This is nonstandard, and it will trick you up if you're not looking for it.
If you're confused about OAuth or why its necessary, you may want to check out this resource.
Check out httplib2—it has (among other things) Google Account Authentication.
