Implementing a Hilbert map of the Internet - algorithm

In the XKCD comic 195 a design for a map of the Internet address space is suggested using a Hilbert curve so that items from a similar IP adresses will be clustered together.
Given an IP address, how would I calculate its 2D coordinates (in the range zero to one) on such a map?

This is pretty easy, since the Hilbert curve is a fractal, that is, it is recursive. It works by bisecting each square horizontally and vertically, dividing it into four pieces. So you take two bits of the IP address at a time, starting from the left, and use those to determine the quadrant, then continue, using the next two bits, with that quadrant instead of the whole square, and so on until you have exhausted all the bits in the address.
The basic shape of the curve in each square is horseshoe-like:
0 3
1 2
where the numbers correspond to the top two bits and therefore determine the traversal order. In the xkcd map, this square is the traversal order at the highest level. Possibly rotated and/or reflected, this shape is present at each 2x2 square.
Determination of how the "horseshoe" is oriented in each of the subsquares is determined by one rule: the 0 corner of the 0 square is in the corner of the larger square. Thus, the subsquare corresponding to 0 above must be traversed in the order
0 1
3 2
and, looking at the whole previous square and showing four bits, we get the following shape for the next division of the square:
00 01 32 33
03 02 31 30
10 13 20 23
11 12 21 22
This is how the square always gets divided at the next level. Now, to continue, just focus on the latter two bits, orient this more detailed shape according to how the horseshoe shape of those bits is oriented, and continue with a similar division.
To determine the actual coordinates, each two bits determine one bit of binary precision in the real number coordinates. So, on the first level, the first bit after the binary point (assuming coordinates in the [0,1] range) in the x coordinate is 0 if the first two bits of the address have the value 0 or 1, and 1 otherwise. Similarly, the first bit in the y coordinate is 0 if the first two bits have the value 1 or 2. To determine whether to add a 0 or 1 bit to the coordinates, you need to check the orientation of the horseshoe at that level.
EDIT: I started working out the algorithm and it turns out that it's not that hard after all, so here's some pseudo-C. It's pseudo because I use a b suffix for binary constants and treat integers as arrays of bits, but changing it to proper C shouldn't be too hard.
In the code, pos is a 3-bit integer for the orientation. The first two bits are the x and y coordinates of 0 in the square and the third bit indicates whether 1 has the same x coordinate as 0. The initial value of pos is 011b, meaning that the coordinates of 0 are (0, 1) and 1 has the same x coordinate as 0. ad is the address, treated as an n-element array of 2-bit integers, and starting from the most significant bits.
double x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
double xinc, yinc;
pos = 011b;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
switch (ad[i]) {
case 0: xinc = pos[0]; yinc = pos[1]; pos[2] = ~pos[2]; break;
case 1: xinc = pos[0] ^ ~pos[2]; yinc = pos[1] ^ pos[2]; break;
case 2: xinc = ~pos[0]; yinc = ~pos[1]; break;
case 3: xinc = pos[0] ^ pos[2]; yinc = pos[1] ^ ~pos[2];
pos = ~pos; break;
x += xinc / (1 << (i+1)); y += yinc / (1 << (i+1));
I tested it with a couple of 8-bit prefixes and it placed them correctly according to the xkcd map, so I'm somewhat confident the code is correct.

Essentially you would decompose the number, using pairs of bits, MSB to LSB. The pair of bits tells you if the location is in the Upper Left (0) Lower Left (1) Lower Right (2) or Upper Right (3) quadrant, at a scale that gets finer as you shift through the number.
Additionally, you need to track an "orientation". This is the winding that is used at the scale you are at; the initial winding is as above (UL, LL, LR, UR), and depending on which quadrant you end up in, the winding at the next scale down is (rotated -90, 0, 0, +90) from your current winding.
So you could accumulate offsets :
suppose I start at 0,0, and the first pair gives me a 2, I shift offsets to 0.5, 0.5. The winding in the lower right is the same as my initial one. The next pair reduces the scale, so my adjustments are going to be 0.25 in length.
This pair is a 3, so I translate only my x coordinate and I am at .75, .5. The winding is now rotated over and my next scale down will be (LR, LL, UL, UR). The scale is now .125, and so on and so on until I run out of bits in my address.

I expect that based on the wikipedia code for a Hilbert curve you could keep track of your current position (as an (x, y) coordinate) and return that position after n cells had been visited. Then the position scaled onto [0..1] would depend on how high and wide the Hilbert curve was going to be at completion.
from turtle import left, right, forward
size = 10
def hilbert(level, angle):
if level:
hilbert(level - 1, -angle)
hilbert(level - 1, angle)
hilbert(level - 1, angle)
hilbert(level - 1, -angle)
Admittedly, this would be a brute force solution rather than a closed form solution.


Maximum possible number of rectangles that can be crossed with a single straight line

I found this challenge problem which states the following :
Suppose that there are n rectangles on the XY plane. Write a program to calculate the maximum possible number of rectangles that can be crossed with a single straight line drawn on this plane.
I have been brainstorming for quite a time but couldn't find any solution.
Maybe at some stage, we use dynamic programming steps but couldn't figure out how to start.
Here is a sketch of an O(n^2 log n) solution.
First, the preliminaries shared with other answers.
When we have a line passing through some rectangles, we can translate it to any of the two sides until it passes through a corner of some rectangle.
After that, we fix that corner as the center of rotation and rotate the line to any of the two sides until it passes through another corner.
During the whole process, all points of intersection between our line and rectangle sides stayed on these sides, so the number of intersections stayed the same, as did the number of rectangles crossed by the line.
As a result, we can consider only lines which pass through two rectangle corners, which is capped by O(n^2), and is a welcome improvement compared to the infinite space of arbitrary lines.
So, how do we efficiently check all these lines?
First, let us have an outer loop which fixes one point A and then considers all lines passing through A.
There are O(n) choices of A.
Now, we have one point A fixed, and want to consider all lines AB passing through all other corners B.
In order to do that, first sort all other corners B according to the polar angle of AB, or, in other words, angle between axis Ox and vector AB.
Angles are measured from -PI to +PI or from 0 to 2 PI or otherwise, the point in which we cut the circle to sort angles can be arbitrary.
The sorting is done in O(n log n).
Now, we have points B1, B2, ..., Bk sorted by the polar angle around point A (their number k is something like 4n-4, all corners of all rectangles except the one where point A is a corner).
First, look at the line AB1 and count the number of rectangles crossed by that line in O(n).
After that, consider rotating AB1 to AB2, then AB2 to AB3, all the way to ABk.
The events which happen during the rotation are as follows:
When we rotate to ABi, and Bi is the first corner of some rectangle in our order, the number of rectangles crossed increases by 1 as soon as the rotating line hits Bi.
When we rotate to ABj, and Bj is the last corner of some rectangle in our order, the number of rectangles crossed decreases by 1 as soon as the line rotates past Bj.
Which corners are first and last can be established with some O(n) preprocessing, after the sort, but before considering the ordered events.
In short, we can rotate to the next such event and update the number of rectangles crossed in O(1).
And there are k = O(n) events in total.
What's left to do is to track the global maximum of this quantity throughout the whole algorithm.
The answer is just this maximum.
The whole algorithm runs in O(n * (n log n + n + n)), which is O(n^2 log n), just as advertised.
In the space of all lines in the graph, the lines which pass by a corner are exactly the ones where the number or intersections is about to decrease. In other words, they each form a local maximum.
And for every line which passes by at least one corner, there exist an associated line that passes by two corners that has the same number of intersections.
The conclusion is that we only need to check the lines formed by two rectangle corners as they form a set that fully represents the local maxima of our problem. From those we pick the one which has the most intersections.
Time complexity
This solution first needs to recovers all lines that pass by two corners. The number of such line is O(n^2).
We then need to count the number of intersections between a given line and a rectangle. This can obviously be done in O(n) by comparing to each rectangles.
There might be a more efficient way to proceed, but we know that this algorithm is then at most O(n^3).
Python3 implementation
Here is a Python implementation of this algorithm. I oriented it more toward readability than efficiency, but it does exactly what the above defines.
def get_best_line(rectangles):
Given a set of rectangles, return a line which intersects the most rectangles.
# Recover all corners from all rectangles
corners = set()
for rectangle in rectangles:
corners |= set(rectangle.corners)
corners = list(corners)
# Recover all lines passing by two corners
lines = get_all_lines(corners)
# Return the one which has the highest number of intersections with rectangles
return max(
((line, count_intersections(rectangles, line)) for line in lines),
key=lambda x: x[1])
This implementation uses the following helpers.
def get_all_lines(points):
Return a generator providing all lines generated
by a combination of two points out of 'points'
for i in range(len(points)):
for j in range(i, len(points)):
yield Line(points[i], points[j])
def count_intersections(rectangles, line):
Return the number of intersections with rectangles
count = 0
for rectangle in rectangles:
if line in rectangle:
count += 1
return count
And here are the class definition that serve as data structure for rectangles and lines.
import itertools
from decimal import Decimal
class Rectangle:
def __init__(self, x_range, y_range):
a rectangle is defined as a range in x and a range in y.
By example, the rectangle (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1) is given by
Rectangle((0, 1), (0, 1))
self.x_range = sorted(x_range)
self.y_range = sorted(y_range)
def __contains__(self, line):
Return whether 'line' intersects the rectangle.
To do so we check if the line intersects one of the diagonals of the rectangle
c1, c2, c3, c4 = self.corners
x1 = line.intersect(Line(c1, c4))
x2 = line.intersect(Line(c2, c3))
if x1 is True or x2 is True \
or x1 is not None and self.x_range[0] <= x1 <= self.x_range[1] \
or x2 is not None and self.x_range[0] <= x2 <= self.x_range[1]:
return True
return False
def corners(self):
"""Return the corners of the rectangle sorted in dictionary order"""
return sorted(itertools.product(self.x_range, self.y_range))
class Line:
def __init__(self, point1, point2):
"""A line is defined by two points in the graph"""
x1, y1 = Decimal(point1[0]), Decimal(point1[1])
x2, y2 = Decimal(point2[0]), Decimal(point2[1])
self.point1 = (x1, y1)
self.point2 = (x2, y2)
def __str__(self):
"""Allows to print the equation of the line"""
if self.slope == float('inf'):
return "y = {}".format(self.point1[0])
return "y = {} * x + {}".format(round(self.slope, 2), round(self.origin, 2))
def slope(self):
"""Return the slope of the line, returning inf if it is a vertical line"""
x1, y1, x2, y2 = *self.point1, *self.point2
return (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) if x1 != x2 else float('inf')
def origin(self):
"""Return the origin of the line, returning None if it is a vertical line"""
x, y = self.point1
return y - x * self.slope if self.slope != float('inf') else None
def intersect(self, other):
Checks if two lines intersect.
Case where they intersect: return the x coordinate of the intersection
Case where they do not intersect: return None
Case where they are superposed: return True
if self.slope == other.slope:
if self.origin != other.origin:
return None
return True
elif self.slope == float('inf'):
return self.point1[0]
elif other.slope == float('inf'):
return other.point1[0]
elif self.slope == 0:
return other.slope * self.origin + other.origin
elif other.slope == 0:
return self.slope * other.origin + self.origin
return (other.origin - self.origin) / (self.slope - other.slope)
Here is a working example of the above code.
rectangles = [
Rectangle([0.5, 1], [0, 1]),
Rectangle([0, 1], [1, 2]),
Rectangle([0, 1], [2, 3]),
Rectangle([2, 4], [2, 3]),
# Which represents the following rectangles (not quite to scale)
# *
# *
# ** **
# ** **
# **
# **
We can clearly see that an optimal solution should find a line that passes by three rectangles and that is indeed what it outputs.
print('{} with {} intersections'.format(*get_best_line(rectangles)))
# prints: y = 0.50 * x + -5.00 with 3 intersections
(Edit of my earlier answer that considered rotating the plane.)
Here's sketch of the O(n^2) algorithm, which combines Gassa's idea with Evgeny Kluev's reference to dual line arrangements as sorted angular sequences.
We start out with a doubly connected edge list or similar structure, allowing us to split an edge in O(1) time, and a method to traverse the faces we create as we populate a 2-dimensional plane. For simplicity, let's use just three of the twelve corners on the rectangles below:
9| (5,9)___(7,9)
8| | |
7| (4,6)| |
6| ___C | |
5| | | | |
4| |___| | |
3| ___ |___|(7,3)
2| | | B (5,3)
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
We insert the three points (corners) in the dual plane according to the following transformation:
point p => line p* as a*p_x - p_y
line l as ax + b => point l* as (a, -b)
Let's enter the points in order A, B, C. We first enter A => y = x - 1. Since there is only one edge so far, we insert B => y = 5x - 3, which creates the vertex, (1/2, -1/2) and splits our edge. (One elegant aspect of this solution is that each vertex (point) in the dual plane is actually the dual point of the line passing through the rectangles' corners. Observe 1 = 1/2*1 + 1/2 and 3 = 1/2*5 + 1/2, points (1,1) and (5,3).)
Entering the last point, C => y = 4x - 6, we now look for the leftmost face (could be an incomplete face) where it will intersect. This search is O(n) time since we have to try each face. We find and create the vertex (-3, -18), splitting the lower edge of 5x - 3 and traverse up the edges to split the right half of x - 1 at vertex (5/3, 2/3). Each insertion has O(n) time since we must first find the leftmost face, then traverse each face to split edges and mark the vertices (intersection points for the line).
In the dual plane we now have:
After constructing the line arrangement, we begin our iteration on our three example points (rectangle corners). Part of the magic in reconstructing a sorted angular sequence in relation to one point is partitioning the angles (each corresponding with an ordered line intersection in the dual plane) into those corresponding with a point on the right (with a greater x-coordinate) and those on the left and concatenating the two sequences to get an ordered sequence from -90 deg to -270 degrees. (The points on the right transform to lines with positive slopes in relation to the fixed point; the ones on left, with negative slopes. Rotate your sevice/screen clockwise until the line for (C*) 4x - 6 becomes horizontal and you'll see that B* now has a positive slope and A* negative.)
Why does it work? If a point p in the original plane is transformed into a line p* in the dual plane, then traversing that dual line from left to right corresponds with rotating a line around p in the original plane that also passes through p. The dual line marks all the slopes of this rotating line by the x-coordinate from negative infinity (vertical) to zero (horizontal) to infinity (vertical again).
(Let's summarize the rectangle-count-logic, updating the count_array for the current rectangle while iterating through the angular sequence: if it's 1, increment the current intersection count; if it's 4 and the line is not directly on a corner, set it to 0 and decrement the current intersection count.)
Pick A, lookup A*
=> x - 1.
Obtain the concatenated sequence by traversing the edges in O(n)
=> [(B*) 5x - 3, (C*) 4x - 6] ++ [No points left of A]
Initialise an empty counter array, count_array of length n-1
Initialise a pointer, ptr, to track rectangle corners passed in
the opposite direction of the current vector.
vertex (1/2, -1/2)
=> line y = 1/2x + 1/2 (AB)
perform rectangle-count-logic
if the slope is positive (1/2 is positive):
while the point at ptr is higher than the line:
perform rectangle-count-logic
else if the slope is negative:
while the point at ptr is lower than the line:
perform rectangle-count-logic
=> ptr passes through the rest of the points up to the corner
across from C, so intersection count is unchanged
vertex (5/3, 2/3)
=> line y = 5/3x - 2/3 (AC)
We can see that (5,9) is above the line through AC (y = 5/3x - 2/3), which means at this point we would have counted the intersection with the rightmost rectangle and not yet reset the count for it, totaling 3 rectangles for this line.
We can also see in the graph of the dual plane, the other angular sequences:
for point B => B* => 5x - 3: [No points right of B] ++ [(C*) 4x - 6, (A*) x - 1]
for point C => C* => 4x - 6: [(B*) 5x - 3] ++ [(A*) x - 1]
(note that we start at -90 deg up to -270 deg)
How about the following algorithm:
RES = 0 // maximum number of intersections
CORNERS[] // all rectangles corners listed as (x, y) points
for A in CORNERS
for B in CORNERS // optimization: starting from corner next to A
RES = max(RES, CountIntersectionsWithLine(A.x, A.y, B.x, B.y))
return RES
In other words, start drawing lines from each rectangle corner to each other rectangle corner and find the maximum number of intersections. As suggested by #weston, we can avoid calculating same line twice by starting inner loop from the corner next to A.
If you consider a rotating line at angle Θ and if you project all rectangles onto this line, you obtain N line segments. The maximum number of rectangles crossed by a perpendicular to this line is easily obtained by sorting the endpoints by increasing abscissa and keeping a count of the intervals met from left to right (keep a trace of whether an endpoint is a start or an end). This is shown in green.
Now two rectangles are intersected by all the lines at an angle comprised between the two internal tangents [example in red], so that all "event" angles to be considered (i.e. all angles for which a change of count can be observed) are these N(N-1) angles.
Then the brute force resolution scheme is
for all limit angles (O(N²) of them),
project the rectangles on the rotating line (O(N) operations),
count the overlaps and keep the largest (O(N Log N) to sort, then O(N) to count).
This takes in total O(N³Log N) operations.
Assuming that the sorts needn't be re-done in full for every angle if we can do them incrementally, we can hope for a complexity lowered to O(N³). This needs to be checked.
The solutions that restrict the lines to pass through the corner of one rectangle are wrong. If you draw wedges from the four corners of a rectangle to the whole extent of another, there will remain empty space in which can lie a whole rectangle that won't be touched, even though there exists a line through the three of them.
We can have an O(n^2 (log n + m)) dynamic-programming method by adapting Andriy Berestovskyy's idea of iterating over the corners slightly to insert the relationship of the current corner vis a vis all the other rectangles into an interval tree for each of our 4n iteration cycles.
A new tree will be created for the corner we are trying. For each rectangle's four corners we'll iterate over each of the other rectangles. What we'll insert will be the angles marking the arc the paired-rectangle's farthest corners create in relation to the current fixed corner.
In the example directly below, for the fixed lower rectangle's corner R when inserting the record for the middle rectangle, we would insert the angles marking the arc from p2 to p1 in relation to R (about (37 deg, 58 deg)). Then when we check the high rectangle in relation to R, we'll insert the interval of angles marking the arc from p4 to p3 in relation to R (about (50 deg, 62 deg)).
When we insert the next arc record, we'll check it against all intersecting intervals and keep a record of the most intersections.
(Note that because any arc on a 360 degree circle for our purpose has a counterpart rotated 180 degrees, we may need to make an arbitrary cutoff (any alternative insights would be welcome). For example, this means that an arc from 45 degrees to 315 degrees would split into two: [0, 45] and [135, 180]. Any non-split arc could only intersect with one or the other but either way, we may need an extra hash to make sure rectangles are not double-counted.)

Determine whether the direction of a line segment is clockwise or anti clockwise

I have a list of 2D points (x1,y1),(x2,y2)......(Xn,Yn) representing a curved segment, is there any formula to determine whether the direction of drawing that segment is clockwise or anti clockwise ?
any help is appreciated
Alternately, you can use a bit of linear algebra. If you have three points a, b, and c, in that order, then do the following:
1) create the vectors u = (b-a) = (b.x-a.x,b.y-a.y) and v = (c-b) ...
2) calculate the cross product uxv = u.x*v.y-u.y*v.x
3) if uxv is -ve then a-b-c is curving in clockwise direction (and vice-versa).
by following a longer curve along in the same manner, you can even detect when as 's'-shaped curve changes from clockwise to anticlockwise, if that is useful.
One possible approach. It should work reasonably well if the sampling of the line represented by your list of points is uniform and smooth enough, and if the line is sufficiently simple.
Subtract the mean to "center" the line.
Convert to polar coordinates to get the angle.
Unwrap the angle, to make sure its increments are meaningful.
Check if total increment is possitive or negative.
I'm assuming you have the data in x and y vectors.
theta = cart2pol(x-mean(x), y-mean(y)); %// steps 1 and 2
theta = unwrap(theta); %// step 3
clockwise = theta(end)<theta(1); %// step 4. Gives 1 if CW, 0 if ACW
This only considers the integrated effect of all points. It doesn't tell you if there are "kinks" or sections with different directions of turn along the way.
A possible improvement would be to replace the average of x and y by some kind of integral. The reason is: if sampling is denser in a region the average will be biased towards that, whereas the integral wouldn't.
Now this is my approach, as mentioned in a comment to the question -
Another approach: draw a line from starting point to ending point. This line is indeed a vector. A CW curve has most of its part on RHS of this line. For CCW, left.
I wrote a sample code to elaborate this idea. Most of the explanation can be found in comments in the code.
clear;clc;close all
%% draw a spiral curve
N = 30;
theta = linspace(0,pi/2,N); % a CCW curve
rho = linspace(1,.5,N);
[x,y] = pol2cart(theta,rho);
clearvars theta rho N
hold on
%% find "the vector"
vec(:,:,1) = [x(1), y(1); x(end), y(end)]; % "the vector"
scatter(x(1),y(1), 200,'s','r','fill') % square is the starting point
scatter(x(end),y(end), 200,'^','r','fill') % triangle is the ending point
line(vec(:,1,1), vec(:,2,1), 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'r')
%% find center of mass
com = [mean(x), mean(y)]; % center of mass
vec(:,:,2) = [x(1), y(1); com]; % secondary vector (start -> com)
scatter(com(1), com(2), 200,'d','k','fill') % diamond is the com
line(vec(:,1,2), vec(:,2,2), 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'k')
%% find rotation angle
dif = diff(vec,1,1);
[ang, ~] = cart2pol(reshape(dif(1,1,:),1,[]), reshape(dif(1,2,:),1,[]));
clearvars dif
% now you can tell the answer by the rotation angle
if ( diff(ang)>0 )
One can always tell on which side of the directed line (the vector) a point is, by comparing two vectors, namely, rotating vector [starting point -> center of mass] to the vector [starting point -> ending point], and then comparing the rotation angle to 0. A few seconds of mind-animating can help understand.

2D coordinate normalization

I need to implement a function which normalizes coordinates. I define normalize as (please suggest a better term if Im wrong):
Mapping entries of a data set from their natural range to values between 0 and 1.
Now this was easy in one dimension:
static List<float> Normalize(float[] nums)
float max = Max(nums);
float min = Min(nums);
float delta = max - min;
List<float> li = new List<float>();
foreach (float i in nums)
li.Add((i - min) / delta);
return li;
I need a 2D version as well and that one has to keep the aspect ratio intact. But Im having some troubles figuring out the math.
Although the code posted is in C# the answers need not to be.
Thanks in advance. :)
I am posting my response as an answer because I do not have enough points to make a comment.
My interpretation of the question: How do we normalize the coordinates of a set of points in 2 dimensional space?
A normalization operation involves a "shift and scale" operation. In case of 1 dimensional space this is fairly easy and intuitive (as pointed out by #Mizipzor).
In this case we are first shifing the value by a distance of minX and then scaling it by the range which is given by (maxX-minX). The shift operation ensures that the minimum moves to 0 and the scale operation squashes the distribution such that the distribution has an upper limit of 1
In case of 2d , simply dividing by the largest dimension is not enought. Why?
Consider the simplified case with just 2 points as shown below.
The maximum value of any dimension is the Y value of point B and this 10000.
Coordinates of normalized A=>5000/10000,8000/10000 ,i.e 0.5,0.8
Coordinates of normalized A=>7000/10000,10000/10000 ,i.e 0.7,1.0
The X and Y values are all with 0 and 1. However, the distribution of the normalized values is far from uniform. The minimum value is just 0.5. Ideally this should be closer to 0.
Preferred approach for normalizing 2d coordinates
To get a more even distribution we should do a "shift" operation around the minimum of all X values and minimum of all Y values. This could be done around the mean of X and mean of Y as well. Considering the above example,
the minimum of all X is 5000
the minimum of all Y is 8000
Step 1 - Shift operation
A=>(5000-5000,8000-8000), i.e (0,0)
B=>(7000-5000,10000-8000), i.e. (2000,2000)
Step 2 - Scale operation
To scale down the values we need some maximum. We could use the diagonal AB whose length is 2000
A=>(0/2000,0/2000), i.e. (0,0)
B=>(2000/2000,2000/2000)i.e. (1,1)
What happens when there are more than 2 points?
The approach remains similar. We find the coordinates of the smallest bounding box which fits all the points.
We find the minimum value of X (MinX) and minimum value of Y (MinY) from all the points and do a shift operation. This changes the origin to the lower left corner of the bounding box.
We find the maximum value of X (MaxX) and maximum value of Y (MaxY) from all the points.
We calculate the length of the diagonal connecting (MinX,MinY) and (MaxX,MaxY) and use this value to do a scale operation.
length of diagonal=sqrt((maxX-minX)*(maxX-minX) + (maxY-minY)*(maxY-minY))
normalized X = (originalX - minX)/(length of diagonal)
normalized Y = (originalY - minY)/(length of diagonal)
How does this logic change if we have more than 2 dimensions?
The concept remains the same.
- We find the minimum value in each of the dimensions (X,Y,Z)
- We find the maximum value in each of the dimensions (X,Y,Z)
- Compute the length of the diagonal as a scaling factor
- Use the minimum values to shift the origin.
length of diagonal=sqrt((maxX-minX)*(maxX-minX)+(maxY-minY)*(maxY-minY)+(maxZ-minZ)*(maxZ-minZ))
normalized X = (originalX - minX)/(length of diagonal)
normalized Y = (originalY - minY)/(length of diagonal)
normalized Z = (originalZ - minZ)/(length of diagonal)
It seems you want each vector (1D, 2D or ND) to have length <= 1.
If that's the only requirement, you can just divide each vector by the length of the longest one.
double max = maximum (|vector| for each vector in 'data');
foreach (Vector v : data) {
li.add(v / max);
That will make the longest vector in result list to have length 1.
But this won't be equivalent of your current code for 1-dimensional case, as you can't find minimum or maximum in a set of points on the plane. Thus, no delta.
Simple idea: Find out which dimension is bigger and normalize in this dimension. The second dimension can be computed by using the ratio. This way the ratio is kept and your values are between 0 and 1.

Averaging angles... Again

I want to calculate the average of a set of angles, which represents source bearing (0 to 360 deg) - (similar to wind-direction)
I know it has been discussed before (several times). The accepted answer was Compute unit vectors from the angles and take the angle of their average.
However this answer defines the average in a non intuitive way. The average of 0, 0 and 90 will be atan( (sin(0)+sin(0)+sin(90)) / (cos(0)+cos(0)+cos(90)) ) = atan(1/2)= 26.56 deg
I would expect the average of 0, 0 and 90 to be 30 degrees.
So I think it is fair to ask the question again: How would you calculate the average, so such examples will give the intuitive expected answer.
Edit 2014:
After asking this question, I've posted an article on CodeProject which offers a thorough analysis. The article examines the following reference problems:
Given time-of-day [00:00-24:00) for each birth occurred in US in the year 2000 - Calculate the mean birth time-of-day
Given a multiset of direction measurements from a stationary transmitter to a stationary receiver, using a measurement technique with a wrapped normal distributed error – Estimate the direction.
Given a multiset of azimuth estimates between two points, made by “ordinary” humans (assuming to subject to a wrapped truncated normal distributed error) – Estimate the direction.
[Note the OP's question (but not title) appears to have changed to a rather specialised question ("...the average of a SEQUENCE of angles where each successive addition does not differ from the running mean by more than a specified amount." ) - see #MaR comment and mine. My following answer addresses the OP's title and the bulk of the discussion and answers related to it.]
This is not a question of logic or intuition, but of definition. This has been discussed on SO before without any real consensus. Angles should be defined within a range (which might be -PI to +PI, or 0 to 2*PI or might be -Inf to +Inf. The answers will be different in each case.
The word "angle" causes confusion as it means different things. The angle of view is an unsigned quantity (and is normally PI > theta > 0. In that cases "normal" averages might be useful. Angle of rotation (e.g. total rotation if an ice skater) might or might not be signed and might include theta > 2PI and theta < -2PI.
What is defined here is angle = direction whihch requires vectors. If you use the word "direction" instead of "angle" you will have captured the OP's (apparent original) intention and it will help to move away from scalar quantities.
Wikipedia shows the correct approach when angles are defined circularly such that
theta = theta+2*PI*N = theta-2*PI*N
The answer for the mean is NOT a scalar but a vector. The OP may not feel this is intuitive but it is the only useful correct approach. We cannot redefine the square root of -4 to be -2 because it's more initutive - it has to be +-2*i. Similarly the average of bearings -90 degrees and +90 degrees is a vector of zero length, not 0.0 degrees.
Wikipedia ( has a special section and states (The equations are LaTeX and can be seen rendered in Wikipedia):
Most of the usual means fail on
circular quantities, like angles,
daytimes, fractional parts of real
numbers. For those quantities you need
a mean of circular quantities.
Since the arithmetic mean is not
effective for angles, the following
method can be used to obtain both a
mean value and measure for the
variance of the angles:
Convert all angles to corresponding
points on the unit circle, e.g., α to
(cosα,sinα). That is convert polar
coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.
Then compute the arithmetic mean of
these points. The resulting point will
lie on the unit disk. Convert that
point back to polar coordinates. The
angle is a reasonable mean of the
input angles. The resulting radius
will be 1 if all angles are equal. If
the angles are uniformly distributed
on the circle, then the resulting
radius will be 0, and there is no
circular mean. In other words, the
radius measures the concentration of
the angles.
Given the angles
\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n the mean is
computed by
M \alpha = \operatorname{atan2}\left(\frac{1}{n}\cdot\sum_{j=1}^n
using the atan2 variant of the
arctangent function, or
M \alpha = \arg\left(\frac{1}{n}\cdot\sum_{j=1}^n
using complex numbers.
Note that in the OP's question an angle of 0 is purely arbitrary - there is nothing special about wind coming from 0 as opposed to 180 (except in this hemisphere it's colder on the bicycle). Try changing 0,0,90 to 289, 289, 379 and see how the simple arithmetic no longer works.
(There are some distributions where angles of 0 and PI have special significance but they are not in scope here).
Here are some intense previous discussions which mirror the current spread of views :-)
How do you calculate the average of a set of circular data?
Thank you all for helping me see my problem more clearly.
I found what I was looking for.
It is called Mitsuta method.
The inputs and output are in the range [0..360).
This method is good for averaging data that was sampled using constant sampling intervals.
The method assumes that the difference between successive samples is less than 180 degrees (which means that if we won't sample fast enough, a 330 degrees change in the sampled signal would be incorrectly detected as a 30 degrees change in the other direction and will insert an error into the calculation). Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem anybody ?
Here is a c++ code:
double AngAvrg(const vector<double>& Ang)
vector<double>::const_iterator iter= Ang.begin();
double fD = *iter;
double fSigD= *iter;
while (++iter != Ang.end())
double fDelta= *iter - fD;
if (fDelta < -180.) fD+= fDelta + 360.;
else if (fDelta > 180.) fD+= fDelta - 360.;
else fD+= fDelta ;
fSigD+= fD;
double fAvrg= fSigD / Ang.size();
if (fAvrg >= 360.) return fAvrg -360.;
if (fAvrg < 0. ) return fAvrg +360.;
return fAvrg ;
It is explained on page 51 of Meteorological Monitoring Guidance for Regulatory Modeling Applications (PDF)(171 pp, 02-01-2000, 454-R-99-005)
Thank you MaR for sending the link as a comment.
If the sampled data is constant, but our sampling device has an inaccuracy with a Von Mises distribution, a unit-vectors calculation will be appropriate.
This is incorrect on every level.
Vectors add according to the rules of vector addition. The "intuitive, expected" answer might not be that intuitive.
Take the following example. If I have one unit vector (1, 0), with origin at (0,0) that points in the +x-direction and another (-1, 0) that also has its origin at (0,0) that points in the -x-direction, what should the "average" angle be?
If I simply add the angles and divide by two, I can argue that the "average" is either +90 or -90. Which one do you think it should be?
If I add the vectors according to the rules of vector addition (component by component), I get the following:
(1, 0) + (-1, 0) = (0, 0)
In polar coordinates, that's a vector with zero magnitude and angle zero.
So what should the "average" angle be? I've got three different answers here for a simple case.
I think the answer is that vectors don't obey the same intuition that numbers do, because they have both magnitude and direction. Maybe you should describe what problem you're solving a bit better.
Whatever solution you decide on, I'd advise you to base it on vectors. It'll always be correct that way.
What does it even mean to average source bearings? Start by answering that question, and you'll get closer to being to define what you mean by the average of angles.
In my mind, an angle with tangent equal to 1/2 is the right answer. If I have a unit force pushing me in the direction of the vector (1, 0), another force pushing me in the direction of the vector (1, 0) and third force pushing me in the direction of the vector (0, 1), then the resulting force (the sum of these forces) is the force pushing me in the direction of (1, 2). These the the vectors representing the bearings 0 degrees, 0 degrees and 90 degrees. The angle represented by the vector (1, 2) has tangent equal to 1/2.
Responding to your second edit:
Let's say that we are measuring wind direction. Our 3 measurements were 0, 0, and 90 degrees. Since all measurements are equivalently reliable, why shouldn't our best estimate of the wind direction be 30 degrees? setting it to 25.56 degrees is a bias toward 0...
Okay, here's an issue. The unit vector with angle 0 doesn't have the same mathematical properties that the real number 0 has. Using the notation 0v to represent the vector with angle 0, note that
0v + 0v = 0v
is false but
0 + 0 = 0
is true for real numbers. So if 0v represents wind with unit speed and angle 0, then 0v + 0v is wind with double unit speed and angle 0. And then if we have a third wind vector (which I'll representing using the notation 90v) which has angle 90 and unit speed, then the wind that results from the sum of these vectors does have a bias because it's traveling at twice unit speed in the horizontal direction but only unit speed in the vertical direction.
In my opinion, this is about angles, not vectors. For that reason the average of 360 and 0 is truly 180.
The average of one turn and no turns should be half a turn.
Edit: Equivalent, but more robust algorithm (and simpler):
divide angles into 2 groups, [0-180) and [180-360)
numerically average both groups
average the 2 group averages with proper weighting
if wraparound occurred, correct by 180˚
This works because number averaging works "logically" if all the angles are in the same hemicircle. We then delay getting wraparound error until the very last step, where it is easily detected and corrected. I also threw in some code for handling opposite angle cases. If the averages are opposite we favor the hemisphere that had more angles in it, and in the case of equal angles in both hemispheres we return None because no average would make sense.
The new code:
def averageAngles2(angles):
newAngles = [a % 360 for a in angles];
smallAngles = []
largeAngles = []
# split the angles into 2 groups: [0-180) and [180-360)
for angle in newAngles:
if angle < 180:
smallCount = len(smallAngles)
largeCount = len(largeAngles)
#averaging each of the groups will work with standard averages
smallAverage = sum(smallAngles) / float(smallCount) if smallCount else 0
largeAverage = sum(largeAngles) / float(largeCount) if largeCount else 0
if smallCount == 0:
return largeAverage
if largeCount == 0:
return smallAverage
average = (smallAverage * smallCount + largeAverage * largeCount) / \
float(smallCount + largeCount)
if largeAverage < smallAverage + 180:
# average will not hit wraparound
return average
elif largeAverage > smallAverage + 180:
# average will hit wraparound, so will be off by 180 degrees
return (average + 180) % 360
# opposite angles: return whichever has more weight
if smallCount > largeCount:
return smallAverage
elif smallCount < largeCount:
return largeAverage
return None
>>> averageAngles2([0, 0, 90])
>>> averageAngles2([30, 350])
>>> averageAngles2([0, 200])
Here's a slightly naive algorithm:
remove all oposite angles from the list
take a pair of angles
rotate them to the first and second quadrant and average them
rotate average angle back by same amount
for each remaining angle, average in same way, but with successively increasing weight to the composite angle
some python code (step 1 not implemented)
def averageAngles(angles):
newAngles = [a % 360 for a in angles];
average = 0
weight = 0
for ang in newAngles:
theta = 0
if 0 < ang - average <= 180:
theta = 180 - ang
theta = 180 - average
r_ang = (ang + theta) % 360
r_avg = (average + theta) % 360
average = ((r_avg * weight + r_ang) / float(weight + 1) - theta) % 360
weight += 1
return average
Here's the answer I gave to this same question:
How do you calculate the average of a set of circular data?
It gives answers inline with what the OP says he wants, but attention should be paid to this:
"I would also like to stress that even though this is a true average of angles, unlike the vector solutions, that does not necessarily mean it is the solution you should be using, the average of the corresponding unit vectors may well be the value you actually should to be using."
You are correct that the accepted answer of using traditional average is wrong.
An average of a set of points x_1 ... x_n in a metric space X is an element x in X that minimizes the sum of distances squares to each point (See Frechet mean). If you try to find this minimum using simple calculus with regular real numbers, you will recover the standard "add up and divide by n" formula.
For an angle, our elements are actually points on the unit circle S1. Our metric isn't euclidean distance, but arc length, which is proportional to angle.
So, the average angle is the one that minimizes the square of the angle difference between each other angle. In other words,
if you have a function angleBetween(a, b) you want to find the angle a
such that sum over i of angleBetween(a_i, a) is minimized.
This is an optimization problem which can be solved using a numerical optimizer. Several of the answers here claim to provide simpler closed forms, or at least better approximations.
As you point out in your article, you need to assume errors follow a Gaussian distribution to justify using least squares as the maximum likelyhood estimator. So in this application, where is the error? Is the random error in the position of two things, and the angle is just the normal of the line between them? If so, that normal will not follow a Gaussian distribution, even if the error in point position does. Taking means of angles only really makes sense if the random error is observed in the angle itself.
You could do this: Say you have a set of angles in an array angle, then to compute the array first do: angle[i] = angle[i] mod 360, now perform a simple average over the array. So when you have 360, 10, 20, you are averaging 0, 10 and 20 - the results are intuitive.
What is wrong with taking the set of angles as real values and just computing the arithmetic average of those numbers? Then you would get the intuitive (0+0+90)/3 = 30 deg.
Edit: Thanks for useful comments and pointing out that angles may exceed 360. I believe the answer could be the normal arithmetic average reduced "modulo" 360: we sum all the values, divide by the number of angles and then subtract/add a multiple of 360 so that the result lies in the interval [0..360).
I think the problem stems from how you treat angles greater than 180 (and those greater than 360 as well). If you reduce the angles to a range of +180 to -180 before adding them to the total, you get something more reasonable:
int AverageOfAngles(int angles[], int count)
int total = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
int angle = angles[index] % 360;
if (angle > 180) { angle -= 360; }
total += angle;
return (int)((float)total/count);
Maybe you could represent angles as quaternions and take average of these quaternions and convert it back to angle.
I don't know If it gives you what you want because quaternions are rather rotations than angles. I also don't know if it will give you anything different from vector solution.
Quaternions in 2D simplify to complex numbers so I guess It's just vectors but maybe some interesting quaternion averaging algorithm like when simplified to 2D will behave better than just vector average.
Here you go! The reference is
def avgWind(directions):
sinSum = 0
cosSum = 0
d2r = math.pi/180 #degree to radian
r2d = 180/math.pi
for i in range(len(directions)):
sinSum += math.sin(directions[i]*d2r)
cosSum += math.cos(directions[i]*d2r)
return ((r2d*(math.atan2(sinSum, cosSum)) + 360) % 360)
a= np.random.randint(low=0, high=360, size=6)

Confused in DDA algorithm , need some help

I need help regarding DDA algorithm , i'm confused by the tutorial which i found online on DDA Algo , here is the link to that tutorial
1) for(k=0;k<8;k++)
2) for(k=1;k<8;k++)
Now i want to ask that , how this line came xincrement=0.75+0.75=1.50 , when it is written in theory that
"If the slope is greater than 1 ,the roles of x any y at the unit y intervals Dy=1 and compute each successive y values.
m= Dy / Dx
m= 1/ ( x2-x1 )
m = 1 / ( xk+1 – xk )
xk+1 = xk + ( 1 / m )
it should be xincrement=x1 (which is 2) + 0.75 = 2.75
or i am understanding it wrong , can any one please teach me the how it's done ?
Thanks a lot)
There seems to be a bit of confusion here.
To start with, let's assume 0 <= slope <= 1. In this case, you advance one pixel at a time in the X direction. At each X step, you have a current Y value. You then figure out whether the "ideal" Y value is closer to your current Y value, or to the next larger Y value. If it's closer to the larger Y value, you increment your current Y value. Phrased slightly differently, you figure out whether the error in using the current Y value is greater than half a pixel, and if it is you increment your Y value.
If slope > 1, then (as mentioned in your question) you swap the roles of X and Y. That is, you advance one pixel at a time in the Y direction, and at each step determine whether you should increment your current X value.
Negative slopes work pretty much the same, except you decrement instead of incrementing.
Pixels locations are integer values. Ideal line equations are in real numbers. So line drawing algorithms convert the real numbers of a line equation into integer values. The hard and slow way to draw a line would be to evaluate the line equation at each x value on your array of pixels. Digital Differential Analyzers optimize that process in a number of ways.
First, DDAs take advantage of the fact that at least one pixel is known, the start of the line. From that pixel, the DDAs calculate the next pixel in the line, until they reach the end point of the line.
Second, DDAs take advantage of the fact that along either the x or y axis, the next pixel in the line is always the next integer value towards the end of the line. DDA's figure out which axis by evaluating the slope. Positive slopes between 0 and 1 will increment the x value by 1. Positive slopes greater than one will increment the y value by 1. Negative slopes between -1 and 0 will increment the x value by -1, and negative slopes less than -1 will increment the y value by -1.
Thrid, DDAs take advantage of the fact that if the change in one direction is 1, the change in the other direction is a function of the slope. Now it becomes much more difficult to explain in generalities. Therefore I'll just consider positive slopes between 0 and 1. In this case, to find the next pixel to plot, x is incremented by 1, and the change in y is calculated. One way to calculate the change in y is just add the slope to the previous y, and round to the integer value. This doesn't work unless you maintain the y value as a real number. Slopes greater than one can just increment y by 1, and calculate the change in x.
Fourth, some DDAs further optimize the algorithm by avoiding floating point calculations. For example, Bresenham's line algorithm is a DDA optimized to use integer arithmetic.
In this example, a line from (2, 2) to (8, 10), the slope is 8/6, which is greater than 1. The first pixel is at (2, 2). The next pixel is calculated by incrementing the y value by 1, and adding the change in x (the inverse slope, of dx/dy = 6/8 = .75) to x. The value of x would be 2.75 which is rounded to 3, and (3, 3) is plotted. The third pixel would increment y again, and then add the change in x to x (2.75 + .75 = 3.5). Rounding would plot the third pixel at (4, 4). The fourth pixel would then plot (5, 4), since y would be incremented by 1, but x would be incremented by .75, and equal 4.25.
From this example, can you see the problem with your code?
