ec2 workflow microsoft / apple - windows

I'm switching over to EC2 and obviously it's easiest to manage instances through a command line rather than some crappy web interface, but I work on a PC and have everything set up in Windows. What is the best way to work with dev server instances? Putty? Is there an alternative? What do you guys use?

It depends what you mean by "manage instances".
If you mean the ability to launch new instances from an AMI, configure security groups, manage EIP's and so on, the ElasticFox plugin to Firefox is great (in spite of having occasionally buggy releases). The command line tools supplied by Amazon for this purpose could be a good basis if you're writing automated scripts, but I find ElasticFox much better for my work.
To work directly on the instances, I use WinSCP for both Windows and Linux instances (I installed a third-party SFTP server for Windows), PuTTY for Linux and Remote Desktop for Windows.

I manage both Linux and Windows EC2 instances for a couple of different businesses.
For the Windows boxes I normally connect via Remote Desktop to do virtually everything. For Linux I use WinSCP and PuTTY consoles.
For EC2-specific operations I use the Amazon web console or the Amazon-supplied scripts from my PC.


Load an AWS instance upon local windows booting up

Our company in moving into Amazon WorkSpaces. We all currently have normal desktop computers winning Windows 7. There are a couple of us who will need local windows and will also be working in the WorkSpace. There are others who will only need to work in there Amazon WorkSpace environment. Is there a way to automatically boot the workspace instance upon windows loading and then when the instance is closed it will shut down windows. Essentially denying those users access to the local copy of windows.
Would also need a way for an administrator to access the local Windows..
Looks like what i am trying to do is available in a function that Windows provides. I will look into the functionality of the "Kiosk" function that is available in Windows 7.

Working with windows applications remotely

I am working with some applications which are located on remote windows server. In that case I need to login remotely to this machine (using remote desktop). Having two desktops (local and remote) on one monitor is uncomfortable (I need to all the time switch between them).
Is there any similar tool to xming? I will be better for me using remote applications like a local (integrated with my local desktop).
Good day Pawel.
Could you specify your situation?
1. If you need to call and retrive exit codes from windows objects(programms and etc) remotely try to use WMI
2. If you need to execute your code remotely try to use some kinds of frameworks for example Pyro(it's implemented in Python programming language)
3. in case of using file systems locally you neede to can create share on client machine and mount it in your host machine
Best Regards,

Is it possible to run programs locally from a terminal services remote app?

First, I guess I'd have to figure out if I'm running remotely and second I'd have to figure out whether my remote connection is a standalone remote app or an app running on a terminal server (that may be tricky).
But, once I've figured out all those awful things, is there a way to run a windows function like ShellExecute locally instead of remotely?
The reason I'd want to do this is because I launch a web browser to view rather high bandwidth things that require javascript and flash and certain sysadmins who administer our product aren't too keen on having to make unnecessary and insecure modifications to their terminal server farm.
Yes, if the clients are running Windows and you can install software on them.
See Remote Desktop Services Virtual Channels in MSDN.
There is a free tool that does exactly what you want. I got reference from TechNet forums, it's named Remote Executer from
Good luck

executing command on a Windows Machine from a UNIX/LINUX Machine

is it possible to execute a command (ex: launching a .bat file located on the remote machine) on a Windows Remote Machine, using a UNIX or Linux Machine ?
Is there something like a scp/ssh mechanism or at least a way to connect to a Windows Machine passing through the network ?
Thanks for your help.
By default, recent Windows versions only support the Remote Desktop protocol. As far as I know, client versions only allow a single user, while server versions with installed Terminal Services allow for multiple simultaneous users.
Windows Server versions also support the Telnet protocol, but the server is disabled by default - it may not even be installed. Therefore you will have to enable it manually. Do you really want to use Telnet of all things, though? Just the security concerns are enough to make it mostly useless.
There is also a version of OpenSSH for Windows, that uses the Cygwin DLL. I have not tried it, but using an SSH implementation from the Unix world does have its appeal (and probably a few disadvantages). See also this.
Recent Windows versions also support the Windows Remote Management system, which allows you to launch an interactive session throuh a bit of trickery.
You may want to try Vandyke VShell.

Creating a virtual machine image as a continuous integration artifact?

I'm currently working on a server-side product which is a bit complex to deploy on a new server, which makes it an ideal candidate for testing out in a VM. We are already using Hudson as our CI system, and I would really like to be able to deploy a virtual machine image with the latest and greatest software as a build artifact.
So, how does one go about doing this exactly? What VM software is recommended for this purpose? How much scripting needs to be done to accomplish this? Are there any issues in particular when using Windows 2003 Server as the OS here?
Sorry to deny anyone an accepted answer here, but based on further research (thanks to your answers!), I've found a better solution and wanted to summarize what I've found.
First, both VirtualBox and VMWare Server are great products, and since both are free, each is worth evaluating. We've decided to go with VMWare Server, since it is a more established product and we can get support for it should we need. This is especially important since we are also considering distributing our software to clients as a VM instead of a special server installation, assuming that the overhead from the VMWare Player is not too high. Also, there is a VMWare scripting interface called VIX which one can use to directly install files to the VM without needing to install SSH or SFTP, which is a big advantage.
So our solution is basically as follows... first we create a "vanilla" VM image with OS, nothing else, and check it into the repository. Then, we write a script which acts as our installer, putting the artifacts created by Hudson on the VM. This script should have interfaces to copy files directly, over SFTP, and through VIX. This will allow us to continue distributing software directly on the target machine, or through a VM of our choice. This resulting image is then compressed and distributed as an artifact of the CI server.
Regardless of the VM software (I can recommend VirtualBox, too) I think you are looking at the following scenario:
Build is done
CI launches virtual machine (or it is always running)
CI uses scp/sftp to upload build into VM over the network
CI uses the ssh (if available on target OS running in VM) or other remote command execution facility to trigger installation in the VM environment
VMWare Server is free and a very stable product. It also gives you the ability to create snapshots of the VM slice and rollback to previous version of your virtual machine when needed. It will run fine on Win 2003.
In terms of provisioning new VM slices for your builds, you can simply copy and past the folder that contains the VMWare files, change the SID and IP of the new VM and you have a new machine. Takes 15 minutes depending on the size of your VM slice. No scripting required.
If you use VirtualBox, you'll want to look into running it headless, since it'll be on your server. Normally, VirtualBox runs as a desktop app, but it's possible to start VMs from the commandline and access the virtual machine over RDP.
VBoxManage startvm "Windows 2003 Server" -type vrdp
We are using Jenkins + Vagrant + Chef for this scenario.
So you can do the following process:
Version control your VM environment using vagrant provisioning scripts (Chef or Puppet)
Build your system using Jenkins/Hudson
Run your Vagrant script to fetch the last stable release from CI output
Save the VM state to reuse in future.
I'd recommend VirtualBox. It is free and has a well-defined programming interface, although I haven't personally used it in automated build situations.
Choosing VMWare is currently NOT a bad choice.
Just like VMWare gives support for VMWare server, SUN gives support for VirtualBOX.
You can also accomplish this task using VMWare Studio, which is also free.
The basic workflow is this:
1. Create an XML file that describes your virtual machine
2. Use studio to create the shell.
3. Use VMWare server to provision the virtual machine.
