Data structure for storing thousands of vectors - algorithm

I have upto 10,000 randomly positioned points in a space and i need to be able to tell which the cursor is closest to at any given time. To add some context, the points are in the form of a vector drawing, so they can be constantly and quickly added and removed by the user and also potentially be unbalanced across the canvas space..
I am therefore trying to find the most efficient data structure for storing and querying these points. I would like to keep this question language agnostic if possible.

After the Update to the Question
Use two Red-Black Tree or Skip_list maps. Both are compact self-balancing data structures giving you O(log n) time for search, insert and delete operations. One map will use X-coordinate for every point as a key and the point itself as a value and the other will use Y-coordinate as a key and the point itself as a value.
As a trade-off I suggest to initially restrict the search area around the cursor by a square. For perfect match the square side should equal to diameter of your "sensitivity circle” around the cursor. I.e. if you’re interested only in a nearest neighbour within 10 pixel radius from the cursor then the square side needs to be 20px. As an alternative, if you’re after nearest neighbour regardless of proximity you might try finding the boundary dynamically by evaluating floor and ceiling relative to cursor.
Then retrieve two subsets of points from the maps that are within the boundaries, merge to include only the points within both sub sets.
Loop through the result, calculate proximity to each point (dx^2+dy^2, avoid square root since you're not interested in the actual distance, just proximity), find the nearest neighbour.
Take root square from the proximity figure to measure the distance to the nearest neighbour, see if it’s greater than the radius of the “sensitivity circle”, if it is it means there is no points within the circle.
I suggest doing some benchmarks every approach; it’s two easy to go over the top with optimisations. On my modest hardware (Duo Core 2) naïve single-threaded search of a nearest neighbour within 10K points repeated a thousand times takes 350 milliseconds in Java. As long as the overall UI re-action time is under 100 milliseconds it will seem instant to a user, keeping that in mind even naïve search might give you sufficiently fast response.
Generic Solution
The most efficient data structure depends on the algorithm you’re planning to use, time-space trade off and the expected relative distribution of points:
If space is not an issue the most efficient way may be to pre-calculate the nearest neighbour for each point on the screen and then store nearest neighbour unique id in a two-dimensional array representing the screen.
If time is not an issue storing 10K points in a simple 2D array and doing naïve search every time, i.e. looping through each point and calculating the distance may be a good and simple easy to maintain option.
For a number of trade-offs between the two, here is a good presentation on various Nearest Neighbour Search options available:
A bunch of good detailed materials for various Nearest Neighbour Search algorithms:, just pick one that suits your needs best.
So it's really impossible to evaluate the data structure is isolation from algorithm which in turn is hard to evaluate without good idea of task constraints and priorities.
Sample Java Implementation
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
class Test
public static void main (String[] args)
Drawing naive = new NaiveDrawing();
Drawing skip = new SkipListDrawing();
long start;
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Naive insert: "+(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)+"ms");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Naive search: "+(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)+"ms");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Skip List insert: "+(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)+"ms");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Skip List search: "+(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)+"ms");
public static void testInsert(Drawing d)
Random r = new Random();
for (int i=0;i<100000;i++)
d.addPoint(new Point(r.nextInt(4096),r.nextInt(2048)));
public static void testSearch(Drawing d)
Point cursor;
Random r = new Random();
for (int i=0;i<1000;i++)
cursor = new Point(r.nextInt(4096),r.nextInt(2048));
// A simple point class
class Point
public Point (int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public final int x,y;
public String toString()
return "["+x+","+y+"]";
// Interface will make the benchmarking easier
interface Drawing
void addPoint (Point p);
Set<Point> getNearestFrom (Point source,int radius);
class SkipListDrawing implements Drawing
// Helper class to store an index of point by a single coordinate
// Unlike standard Map it's capable of storing several points against the same coordinate, i.e.
// [10,15] [10,40] [10,49] all can be stored against X-coordinate and retrieved later
// This is achieved by storing a list of points against the key, as opposed to storing just a point.
private class Index
final private NavigableMap<Integer,List<Point>> index = new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Integer,List<Point>> ();
void add (Point p,int indexKey)
List<Point> list = index.get(indexKey);
if (list==null)
list = new ArrayList<Point>();
HashSet<Point> get (int fromKey,int toKey)
final HashSet<Point> result = new HashSet<Point> ();
// Use NavigableMap.subMap to quickly retrieve all entries matching
// search boundaries, then flatten resulting lists of points into
// a single HashSet of points.
for (List<Point> s: index.subMap(fromKey,true,toKey,true).values())
for (Point p: s)
return result;
// Store each point index by it's X and Y coordinate in two separate indices
final private Index xIndex = new Index();
final private Index yIndex = new Index();
public void addPoint (Point p)
public Set<Point> getNearestFrom (Point origin,int radius)
final Set<Point> searchSpace;
// search space is going to contain only the points that are within
// "sensitivity square". First get all points where X coordinate
// is within the given range.
searchSpace = xIndex.get(origin.x-radius,origin.x+radius);
// Then get all points where Y is within the range, and store
// within searchSpace the intersection of two sets, i.e. only
// points where both X and Y are within the range.
// Loop through search space, calculate proximity to each point
// Don't take square root as it's expensive and really unneccessary
// at this stage.
// Keep track of nearest points list if there are several
// at the same distance.
int dist,dx,dy, minDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Set<Point> nearest = new HashSet<Point>();
for (Point p: searchSpace)
if (dist<minDist)
else if (dist==minDist)
// Ok, now we have the list of nearest points, it might be empty.
// But let's check if they are still beyond the sensitivity radius:
// we search area we have evaluated was square with an side to
// the diameter of the actual circle. If points we've found are
// in the corners of the square area they might be outside the circle.
// Let's see what the distance is and if it greater than the radius
// then we don't have a single point within proximity boundaries.
if (Math.sqrt(minDist) > radius) nearest.clear();
return nearest;
// Naive approach: just loop through every point and see if it's nearest.
class NaiveDrawing implements Drawing
final private List<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point> ();
public void addPoint (Point p)
public Set<Point> getNearestFrom (Point origin,int radius)
int prevDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int dist;
Set<Point> nearest = Collections.emptySet();
for (Point p: points)
int dx = p.x-origin.x;
int dy = p.y-origin.y;
dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (dist < prevDist)
prevDist = dist;
nearest = new HashSet<Point>();
else if (dist==prevDist) nearest.add(p);
if (Math.sqrt(prevDist) > radius) nearest = Collections.emptySet();
return nearest;

I would like to suggest creating a Voronoi Diagram and a Trapezoidal Map (Basically the same answer as I gave to this question). The Voronoi Diagram will partition the space in polygons. Every point will have a polygon describing all points that are closest to it.
Now when you get a query of a point, you need to find in which polygon it lies. This problem is called Point Location and can be solved by constructing a Trapezoidal Map.
The Voronoi Diagram can be created using Fortune's algorithm which takes O(n log n) computational steps and costs O(n) space.
This website shows you how to make a trapezoidal map and how to query it. You can also find some bounds there:
Expected creation time: O(n log n)
Expected space complexity: O(n) But
most importantly, expected query
time: O(log n).
(This is (theoretically) better than O(√n) of the kD-tree.)
Updating will be linear (O(n)) I think.
My source(other than the links above) is: Computational Geometry: algorithms and applications, chapters six and seven.
There you will find detailed information about the two data structures (including detailed proofs). The Google books version only has a part of what you need, but the other links should be sufficient for your purpose. Just buy the book if you are interested in that sort of thing (it's a good book).

The most efficient data structure would be a kd-tree link text

Are the points uniformly distributed?
You could build a quad-tree up to a certain depth, say, 8. At the top you have a tree node that divides the screen into four quadrants. Store at each node:
The top left and the bottom right coordinate
Pointers to four child nodes, which divide the node into four quadrants
Build the tree up to a depth of 8, say, and at the leaf nodes, store a list of points associated with that region. That list you can search linearly.
If you need more granularity, build the quad-tree to a greater depth.

It depends on the frequency of updates and query. For fast query, slow updates, a Quadtree (which is a form of jd-tree for 2-D) would probably be best. Quadtree are very good for non-uniform point too.
If you have a low resolution you could consider using a raw array of width x height of pre-computed values.
If you have very few points or fast update, a simple array is enough, or may be a simple partitioning (which goes toward the quadtree).
So the answer depends on parameters of you dynamics. Also I would add that nowadays the algo isn't everything; making it use multiple processors or CUDA can give a huge boost.

You haven't specified the dimensions of you points, but if it's a 2D line drawing then a bitmap bucket - a 2D array of lists of points in a region, where you scan the buckets corresponding to and near to a cursor can perform very well. Most systems will happily handle bitmap buckets of the 100x100 to 1000x1000 order, the small end of which would put a mean of one point per bucket. Although asymptotic performance is O(N), real-world performance is typically very good. Moving individual points between buckets can be fast; moving objects around can also be made fast if you put the objects into the buckets rather than the points ( so a polygon of 12 points would be referenced by 12 buckets; moving it becomes 12 times the insertion and removal cost of the bucket list; looking up the bucket is constant time in the 2D array ). The major cost is reorganising everything if the canvas size grows in many small jumps.

If it is in 2D, you can create a virtual grid covering the whole space (width and height are up to your actual points space) and find all the 2D points which belong to every cell. After that a cell will be a bucket in a hashtable.


Can I efficiently construct a Voronoi diagram / Delaunay mesh from a subset of points?

I have a problem where I have a large number (~10,000) points (in 2-D) from which I need to repeatedly pick a small number (~100) and construct a Voronoi diagram.
I can pre-compute the Voronoi diagram / Delaunay mesh for the 10000 points which always remain the same. Is there then a way to efficiently compute the Voronoi diagram for a small subset of these points? Or do I need to start from scratch every time?
Many thanks!
Generally speaking, you see the term "dynamic algorithms" used to describe the process of taking an algorithm where the input is typically always known up front and modify it to handle the case where the underlying data change. In your case, you're looking for "dynamic Voronoi diagrams," which are data structures that maintain Voronoi diagrams even as nodes are added and deleted.
I am not particularly familiar with dynamic computational geometry algorithms, but a bit of Googling turned up a couple of hits for "dynamic Voronoi diagrams," including this paper by Gowda, Kirkpatrick, et al describing one approach. It may not end up being faster in your case than just computing the full Voronoi diagram, but it could be useful as a starting point for a search.
For such a small input set (100 vertices) just building a Delauany mesh/Voronoi diagram from scratch should be reasonably fast. While I don't pretend to have an exhaustive knowledge of the algorithms that exist today, my experience with the Delaunay is that the logic for removing vertices from a mesh tends to be more expensive than adding to the mesh. So the approach of creating a mesh of 100 points from a mesh of 10000 by removing vertices probably would not succeed.
Here's a sample of Java code using the Tinfour library. Building 1000 Voronoi diagrams required only 277 milliseconds on a middle-of-the-road laptop computer. The focus of the Tinfour library is the Delaunay rather than the Voronoi, but it does include a so-so class for building a Voronoi from a Delaunay mesh. I think that any good computational geometry library you find should yield similar performance.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int seed = 0;
List<Vertex> masterList = TestVertices.makeRandomVertices(10000, seed);
int nTrials = 1000;
int nVerticesInSubset = 100;
int nPolygons = 0;
Random random = new Random(seed);
long time0 = System.nanoTime();
for (int iTrial = 0; iTrial < nTrials; iTrial++) {
// we wish to build a subset of N unique vertices.
// the bitSet allows us to avoid randomly selecting
// a vertex more than once.
BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(10000);
ArrayList<Vertex> subList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < nVerticesInSubset; i++) {
while (true) {
int index = random.nextInt(masterList.size());
// the random index is a value in the range 0 to 10000.
// see if the corresponding vertex has already been selected
// if not, add it to the subList. if so, keep looking
if (!bitSet.get(index)) {
IncrementalTin tin = new IncrementalTin(0.001);
tin.add(subList, null);
BoundedVoronoiDiagram voronoi = new BoundedVoronoiDiagram(tin);
nPolygons += voronoi.getPolygons().size();
long time1 = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("Elapsed time in milliseconds " + (time1 - time0) / 1.0e+6);
System.out.println("Avg. polygons in Voronoi " + ((double) nPolygons / nTrials));

Determine if a point is in the union of rectangles

I have a set of axis parallel 2d rectangles defined by their top left and bottom right hand corners(all in integer coordinates). Given a point query, how can you efficiently determine if it is in one of the rectangles? I just need a yes/no answer and don't need to worry about which rectangle it is in.
I can check if (x,y) is in ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) by seeing if x is between x1 and x2 and y is between y1 and y2. I can do this separately for each rectangle which runs in linear time in the number of rectangles. But as I have a lot of rectangles and I will do a lot of point queries I would like something faster.
The answer depends a little bit on how many rectangles you have. The brute force method checks your coordinates against each rectangular pair in turn:
found = false
for each r in rectangles:
if point.x > r.x1 && point.x < r.x2:
if point.y > r.y1 && point.y < r.y2
found = true
You can get more efficient by sorting the rectangles into regions, and looking at "bounding rectangles". You then do a binary search through a tree of ever-decreasing bounding rectangles. This takes a bit more work up front, but it makes the lookup O(ln(n)) rather than O(n) - for large collections of rectangles and many lookups, the performance improvement will be significant. You can see a version of this (which looks at intersection of a rectangle with a set of rectangles - but you easily adapt to "point within") in this earlier answer. More generally, look at the topic of quad trees which are exactly the kind of data structure you would need for a 2D problem like this.
A slightly less efficient (but faster) method would sort the rectangles by lower left corner (for example) - you then need to search only a subset of the rectangles.
If the coordinates are integer type, you could make a binary mask - then the lookup is a single operation (in your case this would require a 512MB lookup table). If your space is relatively sparsely populated (i.e. the probability of a "miss" is quite large) then you could consider using an undersampled bit map (e.g. using coordinates/8) - then map size drops to 8M, and if you have "no hit" you save yourself the expense of looking more closely. Of course you have to round down the left/bottom, and round up the top/right coordinates to make this work right.
Expanding a little bit with an example:
Imagine coordinates can be just 0 - 15 in x, and 0 - 7 in y. There are three rectangles (all [x1 y1 x2 y2]: [2 3 4 5], [3 4 6 7] and [7 1 10 5]. We can draw these in a matrix (I mark the bottom left hand corner with the number of the rectangle - note that 1 and 2 overlap):
You can turn this into an array of zeros and ones - so that "is there a rectangle at this point" is the same as "is this bit set". A single lookup will give you the answer. To save space you could downsample the array - if there is still no hit, you have your answer, but if there is a hit you would need to check "is this real" - so it saves less time, and savings depend on sparseness of your matrix (sparser = faster). Subsampled array would look like this (2x downsampling):
I use x to mark "if you hit this point, you are sure to be in a rectangle", and o to say "some of these are a rectangle". Many of the points are now "maybe", and less time is saved. If you did more severe downsampling you might consider having a two-bit mask: this would allow you to say "this entire block is filled with rectangles" (i.e. - no further processing needed: the x above) or "further processing needed" (like the o above). This soon starts to be more complicated than the Q-tree approach...
Bottom line: the more sorting / organizing of the rectangles you do up front, the faster you can do the lookup.
My favourite for a variety of 2D geometry queries is Sweep Line Algorithm. It's widely utilize in CAD software, which would be my wild guess for the purpose of your program.
Basically, you order all points and all polygon vertices (all 4 rectangle corners in your case) along X-axis, and advance along X-axis from one point to the next. In case of non-Manhattan geometries you would also introduce intermediate points, the segment intersections.
The data structure is a balanced tree of the points and polygon (rectangle) edge intersections with the vertical line at the current X-position, ordered in Y-direction. If the structure is properly maintained it's very easy to tell whether a point at the current X-position is contained in a rectangle or not: just examine Y-orientation of the vertically adjacent to the point edge intersections. If rectangles are allowed to overlap or have rectangle holes it's just a bit more complicated, but still very fast.
The overall complexity for N points and M rectangles is O((N+M)*log(N+M)). One can actually prove that this is asymptotically optimal.
Store the coordinate parts of your rectangles to a tree structure. For any left value make an entry that points to corresponding right values pointing to corresponding top values pointing to corresponding bottom values.
To search you have to check the x value of your point against the left values. If all left values do not match, meaning they are greater than your x value, you know the point is outside any rectangle. Otherwise you check the x value against the right values of the corresponding left value. Again if all right values do not match, you're outside. Otherwise the same with top and bottom values. Once you find a matching bottom value, you know you are inside of any rectangle and you are finished checking.
As I stated in my comment below, there are much room for optimizations, for example minimum left and top values and also maximum right and botom values, to quick check if you are outside.
The following approach is in C# and needs adaption to your preferred language:
public class RectangleUnion
private readonly Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>>> coordinates =
new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>>>();
public void Add(Rectangle rect)
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>> verticalMap;
if (coordinates.TryGetValue(rect.Left, out verticalMap))
AddVertical(rect, verticalMap);
coordinates.Add(rect.Left, CreateVerticalMap(rect));
public bool IsInUnion(Point point)
foreach (var left in coordinates)
if (point.X < left.Key) continue;
foreach (var right in left.Value)
if (right.Key < point.X) continue;
foreach (var top in right.Value)
if (point.Y < top.Key) continue;
foreach (var bottom in top.Value)
if (point.Y > bottom) continue;
return true;
return false;
private static void AddVertical(Rectangle rect,
IDictionary<int, Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>> verticalMap)
Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> bottomMap;
if (verticalMap.TryGetValue(rect.Right, out bottomMap))
AddBottom(rect, bottomMap);
verticalMap.Add(rect.Right, CreateBottomMap(rect));
private static void AddBottom(
Rectangle rect,
IDictionary<int, HashSet<int>> bottomMap)
HashSet<int> bottomList;
if (bottomMap.TryGetValue(rect.Top, out bottomList))
bottomMap.Add(rect.Top, new HashSet<int> { rect.Bottom });
private static Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>> CreateVerticalMap(
Rectangle rect)
var bottomMap = CreateBottomMap(rect);
return new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>>
{ rect.Right, bottomMap }
private static Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> CreateBottomMap(Rectangle rect)
var bottomList = new HashSet<int> { rect.Bottom };
return new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>
{ rect.Top, bottomList }
It's not beautiful, but should point you in the right direction.

Inverting a set of rectangles on a 2D plane

I have a rectangular plane of integer dimension. Inside of this plane I have a set of non-intersecting rectangles (of integer dimension and at integer coordinates).
My question is how can I efficiently find the inverse of this set; that is the portions of the plane which are not contained in a sub-rectangle. Naturally, this collection of points forms a set of rectangles --- and it is these that I am interested in.
My current, naive, solution uses a boolean matrix (the size of the plane) and works by setting a point i,j to 0 if it is contained within a sub-rectangle and 1 otherwise. Then I iterate through each element of the matrix and if it is 1 (free) attempt to 'grow' a rectangle outwards from the point. Uniqueness is not a concern (any suitable set of rectangles is fine).
Are there any algorithms which can solve such a problem more effectively? (I.e, without needing to resort to a boolean matrix.
Yes, it's fairly straightforward. I've answered an almost identical question on SO before, but haven't been able to find it yet.
Anyway, essentially you can do this:
start with an output list containing a single output rect equal to the area of interest (some arbitrary bounding box which defines the area of interest and contains all the input rects)
for each input rect
if the input rect intersects any of the rects in the output list
delete the old output rect and generate up to four new output
rects which represent the difference between the intersection
and the original output rect
Optional final step: iterate through the output list looking for pairs of rects which can be merged to a single rect (i.e. pairs of rects which share a common edge can be combined into a single rect).
Alright! First implementation! (java), based of #Paul's answer:
List<Rectangle> slice(Rectangle r, Rectangle mask)
List<Rectangle> rects = new ArrayList();
mask = mask.intersection(r);
rects.add(new Rectangle(r.x, r.y, r.width, mask.y - r.y));
rects.add(new Rectangle(r.x, mask.y + mask.height, r.width, (r.y + r.height) - (mask.y + mask.height)));
rects.add(new Rectangle(r.x, mask.y, mask.x - r.x, mask.height));
rects.add(new Rectangle(mask.x + mask.width, mask.y, (r.x + r.width) - (mask.x + mask.width), mask.height));
for (Iterator<Rectangle> iter = rects.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
else rects.add(r);
return rects;
List<Rectangle> inverse(Rectangle base, List<Rectangle> rects)
List<Rectangle> outputs = new ArrayList();
for(Rectangle r : rects)
List<Rectangle> newOutputs = new ArrayList();
for(Rectangle output : outputs)
newOutputs.addAll(slice(output, r));
outputs = newOutputs;
return outputs;
Possibly working example here
You should take a look for the space-filling algorithms. Those algorithms are tyring to fill up a given space with some geometric figures. It should not be to hard to modify such algorithm to your needs.
Such algorithm is starting from scratch (empty space), so first you fill his internal data with boxes which you already have on the 2D plane. Then you let algorithm to do the rest - fill up the remaining space with another boxes. Those boxes are making a list of the inverted space chunks of your plane.
You keep those boxes in some list and then checking if a point is on the inverted plane is quite easy. You just traverse through your list and perform a check if point lies inside the box.
Here is a site with buch of algorithms which could be helpful .
I suspect you can get somewhere by ordering the rectangles by y-coordinate, and taking a scan-line approach. I may or may not actually contruct an implementation.
This is relatively simple because your rectangles are non-intersecting. The goal is basically a set of non-intersecting rectangles that fully cover the plane, some marked as original, and some marked as "inverse".
Think in terms of a top-down (or left-right or whatever) scan. You have a current "tide-line" position. Determine what the position of the next horizontal line you will encounter is that is not on the tide-line. This will give you the height of your next tide-line.
Between these tide-lines, you have a strip in which each vertical line reaches from one tide-line to the other (and perhaps beyond in both directions). You can sort the horizontal positions of these vertical lines, and use that to divide your strip into rectangles and identify them as either being (part of) an original rectangle or (part of) an inverse rectangle.
Progress to the end, and you get (probably too many too small) rectangles, and can pick the ones you want. You also have the option (with each step) of combining small rectangles from the current strip with a set of potentially-extendible rectangles from earlier.
You can do the same even when your original rectangles may intersect, but it's a little more fiddly.
Details left as an exercise for the reader ;-)

3D Connected Points Labeling based on Euclidean distances

Currently, I am working on a project that is trying to group 3d points from a dataset by specifying connectivity as a minimum euclidean distance. My algorithm right now is simply a 3d adaptation of the naive flood fill.
size_t PointSegmenter::growRegion(size_t & seed, size_t segNumber) {
size_t numPointsLabeled = 0;
//alias for points to avoid retyping
vector<Point3d> & points = _img.points;
deque<size_t> ptQueue;
while (!ptQueue.empty()) {
size_t currentIdx = ptQueue.front();
vector<int> newPoints = _img.queryRadius(currentIdx, SEGMENT_MAX_DISTANCE, MATCH_ACCURACY);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)newPoints.size(); i++) {
int newIdx = newPoints[i];
Point3d &newPoint = points[newIdx];
if(!newPoint.labeled()) {
//NOTE to whoever wrote the other code, the compiler optimizes i++
//to ++i in cases like these, so please don't change them just for speed :)
for (size_t i = seed; i < points.size(); i++) {
if(!points[i].labeled()) {
//search for an unlabeled point to serve as the next seed.
seed = i;
return numPointsLabeled;
return numPointsLabeled;
Where this code snippet is ran again for the new seed, and _img.queryRadius() is a fixed radius search with the ANN library:
vector<int> Image::queryRadius(size_t index, double range, double epsilon) {
int k = kdTree->annkFRSearch(dataPts[index], range*range, 0);
ANNidxArray nnIdx = new ANNidx[k];
kdTree->annkFRSearch(dataPts[index], range*range, k, nnIdx);
vector<int> outPoints;
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
delete[] nnIdx;
return outPoints;
My problem with this code is that it runs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too slow for large datasets. If I'm not mistaken, this code will do a search for every single point, and the searches are O(NlogN), giving this a time complexity of (N^2*log(N)).
In addition to that, deletions are relatively expensive if I remember right from KD trees, but also not deleting points creates problems in that each point can be searched hundreds of times, by every neighbor close to it.
So my question is, is there a better way to do this? Especially in a way that will grow linearly with the dataset?
Thanks for any help you may be able to provide
I have tried using a simple sorted list like dash-tom-bang said, but the result was even slower than what I was using before. I'm not sure if it was the implementation, or it was just simply too slow to iterate through every point and check euclidean distance (even when just using squared distance.
Is there any other ideas people may have? I'm honestly stumped right now.
I propose the following algorithm:
Compute 3D Delaunay triangulation of your data points.
Remove all the edges that are longer than your threshold distance, O(N) when combined with step 3.
Find connected components in the resulting graph which is O(N) in size, this is done in O(N α(N)).
The bottleneck is step 1 which can be done in O(N2) or even O(N log N) according to this page However it's definitely not a 100 lines algorithm.
When I did something along these lines, I chose an "origin" outside of the dataset somewhere and sorted all of the points by their distance to that origin. Then I had a much smaller set of points to choose from at each step, and I only had to go through the "onion skin" region around the point being considered. You would check neighboring points until the distance to the closest point is less than the width of the range you're checking.
While that worked well for me, a similar version of that can be achieved by sorting all of your points along one axis (which would represent the "origin" being infinitely far away) and then just checking points again until your "search width" exceeds the distance to the closest point so far found.
Points should be better organized. To search more efficiently instead of a vector<Point3d> you need some sort of a hash map where hash collision implies that two points are close to each other (so you use hash collisions to your advantage). You can for instance divide the space into cubes of size equal to SEGMENT_MAX_DISTANCE, and use a hash function that returns a triplet of ints instead of just an int, where each part of a triplet is calculated as point.<corresponding_dimension> / SEGMENT_MAX_DISTANCE.
Now for each point in this new set you search only for points in the same cube, and in adjacent cubes of space. This greatly reduces the search space.

Count number of points inside a circle fast

Given a set of n points on plane, I want to preprocess these points somehow faster than O(n^2) (O(nlog(n)) preferably), and then be able to answer on queries of the following kind "How many of n points lie inside a circle with given center and radius?" faster than O(n) (O(log(n) preferably).
Can you suggest some data structure or algorithm I can use for this problem?
I know that such types of problems are often solved using Voronoi diagrams, but I don't know how to apply it here.
Build a spatial subdivision structure such as a quadtree or KD-tree of the points. At each node store the amount of points covered by that node. Then when you need to count the points covered by the lookup circle, traverse the tree and for each subdivision in a node check if it is fully outside the circle, then ignore it, if it is fully inside the circle then add its count to the total if it intersects with the circle, recurse, when you get to the leaf, check the point(s) inside the leaf for containment.
This is still O(n) worst case (for instance if all the points lie on the circle perimeter) but average case is O(log(n)).
Build a KD-tree of the points, this should give you much better complexity than O(n), on average O(log(n)) I think.
You can use a 2D tree since the points are constrained to a plane.
Assuming that we have transformed the problem into 2D, we'll have something like this for the points:
struct Node {
Pos2 point;
enum {
} splitaxis;
Node* greater;
Node* less;
greater and less contains points with greater and lesser coordinates respectively along the splitaxis.
findPoints(Node* node, std::vector<Pos2>& result, const Pos2& origin, float radius) {
if (squareDist(origin - node->point) < radius * radius) {
if (!node->greater) { //No children
if (node->splitaxis == X) {
if (node->point.x - origin.x > radius) {
findPoints(node->greater, result, origin radius);
if (node->point.x - origin.x < -radius) {
findPoints(node->less, result, origin radius);
findPoints(node->greater, result, origin radius);
findPoints(node->less, result, origin radius);
} else {
//Same for Y
Then you call this function with the root of the KD-tree
If my goal is speed, and the number of points weren't huge (millions,) I'd focus on memory footprint as much as algorithmic complexity.
An unbalanced k-d tree is best on paper, but it requires pointers, which can expand memory footprint by 3x+, so it is out.
A balanced k-d tree requires no storage, other than for an array with one scalar for each point. But it too has a flaw: the scalars can not be quantized - they must be the same 32 bit floats as in the original points. If they are quantized, it is no longer possible to guarantee that a point which appears earlier in the array is either on the splitting plane, or to its left AND that a point which appears later in the array is either on the splitting plane, or to its right.
There is a data structure I developed that addresses this problem. The Synergetics folks tell us that volume is experientially four-directional. Let's say that a plane is likewise experientially three-directional.
We're accustomed to traversing a plane by the four directions -x, +x, -y, and +y, but it's simpler to use the three directions a, b, and c, which point at the vertices of an equilateral triangle.
When building the balanced k-d tree, project each point onto the a, b, and c axes. Sort the points by increasing a. For the median point, round down, quantize and store a. Then, for the sub-arrays to the left and right of the median, sort by increasing b, and for the median points, round down, quantize, and store b. Recurse and repeat until each point has stored a value.
Then, when testing a circle (or whatever) against the structure, first calculate the maximum a, b, and c coordinates of the circle. This describes a triangle. In the data structure we made in the last paragraph, compare the median point's a coordinate to the circle's maximum a coordinate. If the point's a is larger than the circle's a, we can disqualify all points after the median. Then, for the sub-arrays to the left and right (if not disqualified) of the median, compare the circle's b to the median point's b coordinate. Recurse and repeat until there are no more points to visit.
This is similar in theme to the BIH data structure, but requires no intervals of -x and +x and -y and +y, because a, b, and c are just as good at traversing the plane, and require one fewer direction to do it.
Assuming you have a set of points S in a cartesian plane with coordinates (xi,yi), given an arbitrary circle with center (xc,yc) and radius r you want to find all the points contained within that circle.
I will also assume that the points and the circle may move so certain static structures that can speed this up won't necessarily be appropriate.
Three things spring to mind that can speed this up:
Firstly, you can check:
(xi-xc)^2 + (yi-yc)^2 <= r^2
instead of
sqrt((xi-xc)^2 + (yi-yc)^2) <= r
Secondly, you can cull the list of points somewhat by remembering that a point can only be within the circle if:
xi is in the range [xc-r,xc+r]; and
yi is in the range [yc-r,yc+r]; and
This is known as a bounding box. You can use it as either an approximation or to cut down your list of points to a smaller subset to check accurately with the first equation.
Lastly, sort your points in either x or y order and then you can do a bisection search to find the set of points that are possibly within your bounding box, further cutting down on unnecessary checks.
I used Andreas's code but it contains a bug. For example I had two points on the plane [13, 2], [13, -1] and my origin point was [0, 0] with a radius of 100. It finds only 1 point. This is my fix:
void findPoints(Node * root, vector<Node*> & result, Node * origin, double radius, int currAxis = 0) {
if (root) {
if (pow((root->coords[0] - origin->coords[0]), 2.0) + pow((root->coords[1] - origin->coords[1]), 2.0) < radius * radius) {
if (root->coords[currAxis] - origin->coords[currAxis] > radius) {
findPoints(root->right, result, origin, radius, (currAxis + 1) % 2);
if (origin->coords[currAxis] - root->coords[currAxis] > radius) {
findPoints(root->left, result, origin, radius, (currAxis + 1) % 2);
findPoints(root->right, result, origin, radius, (currAxis + 1) % 2);
findPoints(root->left, result, origin, radius, (currAxis + 1) % 2);
The differnce is Andreas checked for now children with just if (!root->greater) which is not complete. I on the other hand don't do that check, I simply check if the root is valid.
Let me know if you find a bug.
depending on how much precomputing time you have, you could build a tree like this:
first node branches are x-values, below them are y-value nodes, and below them are radius value nodes. at each leaf is a hashset of points.
when you want to compute the points at x,y,r: go through your tree and go down the branch that matches your x,y values the closest. when you get down to the root level, you need to do a little match (constant time stuff), but you can find a radius such that all the points in that circle (defined by the path in the tree) are inside the circle specified by x,y,r, and another circle (same x_tree,y_tree in the tree as before, but different r_tree) such that all of the points in the original circle (specified by x,y,r) are in that circle.
from there, go through all the points in the larger of the two tree circles: if a point is in the smaller circle add it to the results, if not, run the distance check on it.
only problem is that it takes a very long time to precompute the tree. although, you can specify the amount of time you want to spend by changing how many x,y, and r branches you want to have in your tree.
