NSButtonCell inside custom NSCell - cocoa

in my cocoa application, I need a custom NSCell for an NSTableView. This NSCell subclass contains a custom NSButtonCell for handling a click (and two or three NSTextFieldCells for textual contents). You'll find a simplified example of my code below.
#implementation TheCustomCell
- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView {
// various NSTextFieldCells
NSTextFieldCell *titleCell = [[NSTextFieldCell alloc] init];
// my custom NSButtonCell
MyButtonCell *warningCell = [[MyButtonCell alloc] init];
[warningCell setTarget:self];
[warningCell setAction:#selector(testButton:)];
[warningCell drawWithFrame:buttonRect inView:controlView];
The problem I'm stuck with is: what is the best/right way to get that Button (more precisely: the NSButtonCell) inside this NSCell to work properly? "work" means: trigger the assigned action message and show the alternate image when clicked. Out of the box, the button doesn't do anything when clicked.
Information / readings on this topic is hard to find. The only posts I found on the net pointed me to implementing
- (BOOL)trackMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent inRect:(NSRect)cellFrame ofView:(NSView *)controlView untilMouseUp:(BOOL)untilMouseUp;
Is this the correct way to do it??? Implement trackMouse: in my containing NSCell? And then forward the event to the NSButtonCell? I would have expected the NSButtonCell itself to know what to do when it's being clicked (and I saw the trackMouse: methods more in cunjunction with really tracking mouse movements - not as a training wheel for 'standard' click behaviour). But it seems like it doesn't do this when included in a cell itself...
It seems I haven't grasped the big picture on custom cells, yet ;-)
I'd be glad if someone could answer this (or point me to some tutorial or the like) out of his own experience - and tell me if I'm on the right track.
Thanks in advance,

The minimal requirements are:
After left mouse down on the button, it must appear pressed whenever the mouse is over it.
If the mouse then releases over the button, your cell must send the appropriate action message.
To make the button look pressed, you need to update the button cell's highlighted property as appropriate. Changing the state alone will not accomplish this, but what you want is for the button to be highlighted if, and only if, its states is NSOnState.
To send the action message, you need to be aware of when the mouse is released, and then use -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] to send the message.
In order to be in position to send these messages, you will need to hook into the event tracking methods provided by NSCell. Notice that all those tracking methods, except the final, -stopTracking:... method, return a Boolean to answer the question, "Do you want to keep receiving tracking messages?"
The final twist is that, in order to be sent any tracking messages at all, you need to implement -hitTestForEvent:inRect:ofView: and return an appropriate bitmask of NSCellHit... values. Specifically, if the value returned doesn't have the NSCellHitTrackableArea value in it, you won't get any tracking messages!
So, at a high level, your implementation will look something like:
- (NSUInteger)hitTestForEvent:(NSEvent *)event
ofView:(NSView *)controlView {
NSUInteger hitType = [super hitTestForEvent:event inRect:cellFrame ofView:controlView];
NSPoint location = [event locationInWindow];
location = [controlView convertPointFromBase:location];
// get the button cell's |buttonRect|, then
if (NSMouseInRect(location, buttonRect, [controlView isFlipped])) {
// We are only sent tracking messages for trackable areas.
hitType |= NSCellHitTrackableArea;
return hitType;
+ (BOOL)prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp {
// you want a single, long tracking "session" from mouse down till up
return YES;
- (BOOL)startTrackingAt:(NSPoint)startPoint inView:(NSView *)controlView {
// use NSMouseInRect and [controlView isFlipped] to test whether |startPoint| is on the button
// if so, highlight the button
return YES; // keep tracking
- (BOOL)continueTracking:(NSPoint)lastPoint at:(NSPoint)currentPoint inView:(NSView *)controlView {
// if |currentPoint| is in the button, highlight it
// otherwise, unhighlight it
return YES; // keep on tracking
- (void)stopTracking:(NSPoint)lastPoint at:(NSPoint)stopPoint inView:(NSView *)controlView mouseIsUp:(BOOL)flag {
// if |flag| and mouse in button's rect, then
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] sendAction:self.action to:self.target from:controlView];
// and, finally,
[buttonCell setHighlighted:NO];

The point of NSCell subclasses is to separate responsibility for rendering and handling common UI elements (the controls) from the visual- and event-hierarchy
responsibilities of the NSView classes. This pairing permits each one to provide greater specialization and variability without burdening the other. Look at the large number of NSButton instances one can create in Cocoa. Imagine the number of NSButton sub-classes that would exist if this split in functionality were absent!
Using design pattern language to describe the roles: an NSControl acts as a façade, hiding details of its composition from its clients and passing events and rendering messages to its NSCell instance which acts as a delegate.
Because your NSCell subclass includes other NSCell subclass instances within its composition, they no longer directly receive these event messages from the NSControl instance which is in the view hierarchy. Thus, in order for these cell instances to receive event messages from the event responder chain (of the view hierarchy), your cell instance needs to pass along those relevant events. You are recreating the work of the NSView hierarchy.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing. By replicating the behavior of NSControl (and its NSView superclass) but in an NSCell form, you can filter the events passed on to your sub-cells by location, event type, or other criteria. The drawback is replicating the work of NSView/NSControl in building the filtering & management mechanism.
So in designing your interface, you need to consider whether the NSButtonCell (and NSTextFieldCells) are better off in NSControls in the normal view hierarchy, or as sub-cells in your NSCell subclass. It's better to leverage the functionality which already exists for you in a codebase than to re-invent it (and continue maintaining it later) unnecessarily.


How to make NSTableRowView drawBackgroundInRect, based upon trackingAreas, update fast enough on scroll?

I'm using a view-based NSTableView with a custom NSTableRowView. I would like to use custom row background drawing via drawBackgroundInRect, based upon mouse location using trackingAreas. The goal is to draw a custom background for the unselected row the mouse is currently hovering over.
This is virtually identical to the HoverTableView example from the WWDC 2011 session View Based NSTableView Basic to Advanced. You can see that behavior in action in the Mail, Contacts & Calendars System Preferences Pane in the account types table view on the right.
Unlike the examples, I have thousands of rows in my table view. Everything works as in the examples unless I scroll the table view rapidly (e.g., with a two-finger flick via trackpad). In this case, it seems that updateTrackingAreas is not called fast enough. Rows that scroll under the mouse get highlighted but are never notified that the mouse left their tracking area and therefore remain highlighted. The result is mulitple rows showing the mouse-over highlight and, due to the reuse queue, these will scroll off one end of the table view and reappear on the other (with different data of course) still highlighted as if they are moused-over. Scrolling slowly eliminates the problem; but considering I expect to scroll thousands and thousands of rows, scrolling slowly is not an expected user behavior.
I've tried various combinations of NSTrackingAreaOptions to no avail and am now stumped. Any suggestions on to solve this issue would be appreciated.
I think the answer to the question is "you cannot," i.e., that updateTrackingAreas for NSTableRowView in a fast-scrolling NSTableView does not happen consistently fast enough on the run loop to rely upon it for determining if the pointer is inside a row view or not. Again, see the HoverTableView example code to see where updateTrackingAreas is being used.
I do think I have a suitable solution though. I noticed that Twitter for Mac (RIP) has mouse-over views that appear with mouse movement but disappear on scroll, very similar to the mouse-over highglight I was hoping to achieve.
To execute this, I basically made my custom NSTableRowView have a delegate (my custom NSTableViewController) whom it would ask if it should highlight on hover. I used a custom NSScrollView for my NSTableView and called
[self.contentView setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:YES];
in its awakeFromNib and also made it register self as the observer of that notification. On receiving that notification, which implies that my table view is scrolling, my custom NSScrollView forwards a message to my NSTableViewController.
When my NSTableViewController receives the message that the table view is scrolling, it disables highlighting on mouse-over and, if there is not already a valid timer running from a previous notification, fires a short timer to reenable highlight on mouse-over once scrolling has stopped. As an extra precaution, at state transitions between enable and disable highlight on mouse-over, my NSTableViewController uses enumerateAvailableRowViewsUsingBlock to clear mouseInside for every row view.
Not sure if this is necessarily the best way, but it achieves the effect I wanted.
The solution for this issue is described here: mouseExited isn't called when mouse leaves trackingArea while scrolling
My updateTrackingAreas method now looks like:
- (void)updateTrackingAreas {
if (trackingArea)
[self removeTrackingArea:trackingArea];
[trackingArea release];
trackingArea = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:NSZeroRect
options:NSTrackingInVisibleRect |
NSTrackingActiveAlways |
[self addTrackingArea:trackingArea];
NSPoint mouseLocation = [[self window] mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
mouseLocation = [self convertPoint: mouseLocation fromView: nil];
if (NSPointInRect(mouseLocation, [self bounds]))
[self mouseEntered:nil];
[self mouseExited:nil];
[super updateTrackingAreas];

Mouse Events Bleeding Through NSView

I have an NSView which covers its parent window's content view. This view has a click event handler which removes it from the content view. Inside this view, I have another view. When I drag the mouse in this inner view, the mouse events are applied not only to the view in the front, but also to the views behind. Additionally, the cursors from the views behind are showing up as well. This is the same problem occurring here: NSView overlay passes mouse events to underlying subviews? but the answer there won't work for my project because I can't open another window.
Without seeing your event-handling code it's difficult to know what's happening, but I suspect you might be calling super's implementation of the various event-handling methods in your implementations.
NSView is a subclass of NSResponder, so by default un-handled events are passed up the responder chain. The superview of a view is the next object in the responder chain, so if you call, for example, [super mouseDown:event] in your implementation of ‑mouseDown:, the event will be passed to the superview.
The fix is to ensure you don't call super's implementation in your event handlers.
This is incorrect:
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)anEvent
//do something
[super mouseDown:event];
This is correct:
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)anEvent
//do something
Rob's answer and Maz's comment on that answer solve this issue, but just to make it absolutely explicit. In order to prevent a NSView from bleeding it's mouse events to the parent, one must implement the empty methods.
// NSResponder =========================================
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*)event {}
- (void) mouseDragged:(NSEvent*)event {}
- (void) mouseUp:(NSEvent*)event {}

How to use NSTrackingArea

I'm new to Mac programming and I want to fire events when the cursor enters or exits the main window. I read something about NSTrackingArea but I don't understand exactly what to do.
Apple provides documentation and examples for NSTrackingAreas.
The easiest way to track when a mouse enters or exits a window is by setting a tracking area in the window's contentView. This will however not track the window's toolbar
Just as a quick example, in the custom content view's code:
- (void) viewWillMoveToWindow:(NSWindow *)newWindow {
// Setup a new tracking area when the view is added to the window.
NSTrackingArea* trackingArea = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:[self bounds] options: (NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited | NSTrackingActiveAlways) owner:self userInfo:nil];
[self addTrackingArea:trackingArea];
- (void) mouseEntered:(NSEvent*)theEvent {
// Mouse entered tracking area.
- (void) mouseExited:(NSEvent*)theEvent {
// Mouse exited tracking area.
You should also implement NSView's updateTrackingAreas method and test the event's tracking area to make sure it is the right one.
Answer by Matt Bierner really helped me out; needing to implement -viewWillMoveToWindow: method.
I would also add that you will also need to implement this if you want to handle tracking areas when the view is resized:
- (void)updateTrackingAreas
// remove out-of-date tracking areas and add recomputed ones..
in the custom sub-class, to handle the view's changing geometry; this'll be invoked for you automatically.

How to use NSWindowDidExposeNotification

I am trying to update another windows when the one becomes visible. So I found the NSWindowDidExposeNotification and tried to work with it, so I wrote in my awakeFromNib:
// MyClass.m
- (void)awakeFromNib {
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[nc addObserver:self
and implemented the method
// MyClass.h
- (void)mentionsWindowDidExpose:(id)sender;
// MyClass.m
- (void)mentionsWindowDidExpose:(id)sender {
But it never gets called which is odd. What do I do wrong here?
Generally speaking, you would set up your controller as the window's delegate in order to receive these notifications, like so:
// MyClass.m
- (void)awakeFromNib {
// note: this step can also be done in IB by dragging a connection
// from the window's "delegate" property to your `MyClass` object
[window setDelegate:self];
- (void)windowDidExpose:(NSNotification *)notification {
Although, after reading here and here, windowDidExpose may not be your best bet. I would recommend trying the windowDidBecomeKey delegate method instead. That one is posted whenever your window gains "focus" (starts responding to user input) which may be the right time to show your second window.
Update: (in response to comments)
Apple's documentation (quoted below) indicates that NSWindowDidExposeNotification is only valid for nonretained windows, which, according to the posts that I linked above, are quite uncommon.
Posted whenever a portion of a nonretained NSWindow object is exposed, whether by being ordered in front of other windows or by other windows being removed from in front of it.
The notification object is the NSWindow object that has been exposed. The userInfo dictionary contains ... the rectangle that has been exposed.
On a higher level, NSNotification objects are simply packages of data that get passed around between Cocoa classes and NSNotificationCenter objects. NSNotificationCenter objects are controllers that manage these packages of data and send them out to observers as required. There is usually no need to trap notifications directly. You can simply use KVC/KVO or pre-defined delegates in your classes and Cocoa handles all of the dirty details behind the scenes.
See Notification Programming Topics and Key Value Coding Programming Guide if you want to know more.

How to disable drag-n-drop for NSTextField?

I want to disallow dropping anything into my NSTextField. In my app, users can drag and drop iCal events into a different part of the GUI. Now I've had a test user who accidentally dropped the iCal event into the text field – but he didn't realize this because the text is inserted in the lines above the one that I see in my one-line text field.
(You can reveal the inserted text by clicking into the text field and using the keyboard to go one line up – but a normal user wouldn't do this because he/she wouldn't even have realized that something got inserted in the first place!)
I tried registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray array]] (doesn't seem to have any effect) as well as implementing the draggingEntered: delegate method returning NSDragOperationNone (the delegate method isn't even invoked).
Any ideas?
EDIT: Of course dropping something onto an NSTextField only works when it has focus, as described by ssp in his blog and in the comments to a blog entry by Daniel Jalkut.
I am glad you discovered the comments in my blog post. I think they are the tip of the iceberg to discovering how to achieve what you're looking for.
You need to keep in mind that the reason dragging to an NSTextField works when it has focus, is that the NSTextField has itself been temporarily obscured by a richer, more powerful view (an NSTextView), which is called the "Field Editor."
Check out this section of Apple's documentation on the field editor:
To achieve what you're striving for, I think you might need to intercept the standard provision of the field editor for your NSTextFields, by implementing the window delegate method:
This gives you the opportunity to either tweak the configuration on the NSTextView, or provide a completely new field editor object.
In the worst case scenario, you could provide your own NSTextView subclass as the field editor, which was designed to reject all drags.
This might work: If you subclass NSTextView and implement -acceptableDragTypes to return nil, then the text view will be disabled as a drag destination. I also had to implement the NSDraggingDestination methods -draggingEntered: and -draggingUpdated: to return NSDragOperationNone.
#implementation NoDragTextView
- (NSArray *)acceptableDragTypes
return nil;
- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id<NSDraggingInfo>)sender
return NSDragOperationNone;
- (NSDragOperation)draggingUpdated:(id<NSDraggingInfo>)sender
return NSDragOperationNone;
I was able to solve this problem by creating a custom NSTextView and implementing the enter and exit NSDraggingDestination protocol methods to set the NSTextView to hidden. Once the text field is hidden the superview will be able to catch the drag/drop events, or if the superview doesn't implement or want the drag/drop they are discarded
For example:
- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id<NSDraggingInfo>)sender {
//hide so that the drop event falls through into superview's drag/drop view
[self setHidden:YES];
return NSDragOperationNone;
- (void)draggingExited:(id<NSDraggingInfo>)sender {
//show our field editor again since dragging is all over with
[self setHidden:NO];
Have you tried - (void)unregisterDraggedTypes from NSView?
