What are some edge overlap minimization techniques when laying out a graph? (Preferably related to GraphViz) Also are there any existing software that can layout a graph in a planar fashion?
Current Layout - http://www.evecakes.com/doodles/master.gif
The pink section in the upper left hand corner looks fine while the light blue section has some avoidable edge overlaps.
For general graphs, the problem of a determining a planar layout of a graph with least edges crossing (the Crossing Number) is NP-hard. So some heuristic methods are used (like the Force based layout algorithms).
The page below briefly describes the graphviz algorithms and suggests some ways to use them for benefit. It also has links to the pdfs which should contain more information about the algorithms:
Hope that helps.
The following open source Java library has a couple of algorithms which may help in laying out planar graphs.
In particular, the following classes provide analytic solutions to the problem:
ChrobakPayneLayout (based on the Boost C++ implementation by Aaron Windsor)
FoldFreeLayout (based on Anchor-Free Distributed Localization in Sensor Networks
Nissanka B. Priyantha, Hari Balakrishnan, Erik Demaine, and Seth Teller)
What you might want to do is use something like this as the first "attempt" which ensures no overlaps, although may not look great. Then you can apply a force-directed algorithm to space out the nodes more fairly.
Unfortunately, the library has only just been released so is short on documentation. It might however be useful by providing some actual code rather than just theory.
Imagine that a graph has two relatively densely connected components that are only connected to each other by relatively few edges. How can I identify the components? I don't know the proper terminology, but the intuition is that a relatively densely connected subgraph is hanging onto another subgraph by a few threads. I want to identify these clumps that are only loosely connected to the rest of the graph.
If your graph represents a real-world system, this task is called community detection. You'll find many articles about that, starting with Fortunato's review (2010). He describes, amongst others, the min-cut based methods mentioned in the earlier answers.
There're also many posts on SO, such as :
Are there implementations of algorithms for community detection in graphs?
What are the differences between community detection algorithms in igraph?
Community detection in Networkx
People in Cross Validated also talk about community detection :
How to do community detection in a weighted social network/graph?
How to find communities?
Finally, there's a proposal in Area 51 for a new Network Science site, which would be more directly related to this problem.
You probably want sparsest cut instead of min cut -- unless you can identify several nodes in a component, min cuts have a tendency to be very unbalanced when the degrees are small. One of the common approaches to sparsest cut is to compute an eigenvector of the graph's Laplacian and threshold it.
The answer might be somewhat general, but you could could try to model your problem as a flow problem and generate a minimum cut; see here. The edges could be bidirectional with capacity 1, and a resulting cut would maybe yield the desired partition?
I play Dwarf Fortress game. And the main challenge for me is to design layout of the fortress efficiently. Meaning, that each industry flow should be as dense as possible, to minimize the travel distances.
An example could be food industry . Each grey ellipse represents a single building. Each white rectangle represents product from the building.
My goal is to find algorithm which would distribute the buildings on 2D grid in such manner that distance between those building is minimal in the sense how they are connected. Meaning that fishery and loom can be far apart, but loom and farmer's should be as close as possible.
At the moment I have considered using some ready software, to simulate the layout, but some tips for algorithm would be fine.
Currently I'm considering some force-directed algorithm, but I'm not sure about the discrete grid requirement.
Formalization of question: Is there a Force Draw Graph algorithm which works in discrete coordinates?
UPDATE: I have found implementation of the Force draw algorithm in AS3 (the web contains JS version too). I will try to convert it to discrete version. But I have some doubts it will work...
UPDATE2: Some further restrictions were requested in comments. Here they are:
Each building occupy single cell on virtual grid. Buildings can be on adjacent cells. Buildings cannot stack/overlap.
(PS: In game, each building has deifned size, usually 3x3, but I want to keep the problem more general, to allow for more approaches).
You are pretty much trying to solve an instance of a floor-planning problem where you are trying to minimize the total "connection" length. Most of these problems are instances of NP-hard problems, some of them have pseudo-polynomial run-time algorithms.
There is a special case you might be interested that is actually fully solvable in polynomial time: if the relative positions of the "boxes" or buildings you want to place are known ahead of time.
For full details on how to solve this particular case, please refer to this tutorial on geometric programming from Stanford, chapter 6, section 6.1 the first example entitled "Floor planning." Another website also includes matlab code that implements and solves the problem (under chapter 8 Geometric Programming.)
So I've managed to do some code which aproximates solution of this problem. It's not a top class product but it's working. I plan to do some updates over time, but I don't have any time frame set.
The source code is here: https://github.com/sutr90/DF-Layout
My code uses Simulated Annealing approach. Where cost function is based on total area, total length of edges and overlap. To measure distance, I use taxi-cab metric, but that is a subject to change.
I'm looking for a one-pass algorithm (or ideas of how to write it myself) that can calculate the two or three dimensional coordinates for a directed, unweighted graph.
The only metadata the vertices have are title and category.
I need to implement this algorithm in a way that vertices can be added/removed without recalculating the entire graph structure.
This algorithm has to be applied to a large (5gb) dataset which is constantly changing.
My Google skills have led me to n-pass algorithms which are not what what I am looking for.
I guess your question might still be an open issue. I know a research project called Tulip (http://tulip.labri.fr/TulipDrupal/) which is a (large-scale) graph viewer. A paper on the method is available at http://dept-info.labri.fr/~auber/documents/publi/auberChapterTulipGDSBook.pdf and surely you can find more algorithms browsing the personal web page of D. Auber and his colleagues.
There is a related question here:
The top answer has a number of papers that might be of interest. I think one of the keys to the problem is to try and recompute the location of a reduced amount of nodes in your graph.
Are there any algorithms to minimize edge crossings in a graph? For example if I have a transition matrix of the graph.
I found methods like trying to place the nodes around the other node, but I'd like to know some other ideas.
There's a range of well established algorithms/libraries that have been developed for graph drawing applications, you can get a bit of background here.
To draw undirected graphs a popular choice is the force-based layout algorithm, in which graph edges are treated as springs (attractive forces) while the vertices are treated like charged particles (applying repulsive forces). The algorithm works by updating the vertex positions based on these forces until a steady-state is reached. You can read more about force based methods here. Since these algorithms search for an equilibrium solution they often result in pseudo-optimal layouts, without much edge tangling.
You might be interested in making use of one of the many graph drawing libraries that are available. The Graphviz package is generally pretty good and supports a number of different algorithms for different graph drawing applications.
I want to align certain graph nodes into several 'lanes' like this
(source: jiscinfonet.ac.uk)
Any suitable algorithms (like force-based algorithms in general graph drawing)?
You can coerce GraphViz to draw what you want, and you should be able to call the libraries fairly easily. The homepage of their site has some useful references on the algorithms used.