IIS Windows Authentication before Anonymous - windows

I have a website that I would like to allow both Forms and Windows Auth for. My problem is that it seems that when you setup IIS to allow both anonymous (Required for forms auth) and Windows auth that the browser won't send the user's network credentials.
It just uses the anonymous login. Is there any way either in IE8 or IIS to have it try Windows Auth 1st and then fall back to Anonymous?
Thanks for any help.

You can't ask for HTTP authentication (whether that's Basic Authentication or Integrated Windows Authentication) without causing the authentication dialogue box to pop in the case where there are no credentials yet.
So in general for hybrid HTTP-auth+cookie-auth approaches you enable both anonymous and authenticated access for the bulk of the site, but allow only authenticated access to one particular script.
When the user accesses a page without either kind of auth, you spit out a page with a login form for the cookie-based auth, and also a link to the one URL that allows only authenticated access. The user can fill out the form for cookies&forms auth, or hit the link to log in with HTTP auth instead.
If the user follows that link, they will be given a 401 response and must provide HTTP authentication, either through the auth dialog, or potentially automatically using integrated Windows authentication. Once this has happened once, the browser will start submitting the same credentials to every future page, so IIS will decode the credentials to give you the expected REMOTE_USER when your main site scripts are run.
Browsers will only submit the credentials to pages in the same directory as the 401 script, or subdirectories of this. For this reason it is best to put the HTTP-auth-required script in the root, for example as /login.aspx.
However, there are a few browsers that won't automatically submit credentials for further pages, and require every HTTP request to respond 401 first, before sending the request again with credentials. This makes optional-auth and hybrid-auth schemes impossible (as well as making browsing of protected sites much slower!). The only modern browser that does this is Safari. You may not care, as Safari's support for Integrated Windows Authentication has traditionally been shaky anyway, and it can still use the forms+cookies auth type.


Web API (under IIS) Windows Authentication with Bearer Token

It's so strange that this simple solution is not yet implemented or is it that I can't Google it ;p) (I'm trying from last 5 days).
My requirements:
Call from Angular App (withCredentials = true) on a URL to see if it is windows user (challenge NTLM). (I may configure this based on what URL user accessing it). If it's a valid Windows user and I find them in DB, I return the Bearer Token.
If Above call returns Unauthorised (401), I show login form to user in my AngularJS (1.6) client. User provides non-windows username and password and when user click Login, from angular service go to another URL (for getting Bearer Token - standard OWIN stuff).
** In any case above, I store Bearer Token in my client for any further API interaction.
I'm not using ASP.NET identity but I have my own DAL to verify user from DB.
I'm going to have my own custom Authorise (inherited) attribute (which will check for Bearer Token only).
I don't want users to enter Windows login on my form and to authenticate them from Active Directory.
I Don't want windows users to click on any separate button to login. (They should just login seamless - with prompt from browser asking them windows login)
I've seen hundreds of posts but nowhere I could see exactly what need. Either the mixed authentication needs to be Cookie based or separate MVC implementation. (Lot's of confusion)
Already referred:
Don't know if this may help: (but again with cookie) https://github.com/pysco68/Pysco68.Owin.Authentication.Ntlm
Can someone please help?
I may have to give up on this by tomorrow evening :-(

Downloading file via HTTPS using QNetworkAccessManager: How to authenticate?

The general answer you can find everywhere is to use the Signal authenticationRequired(QNetworkReply*, QAuthenticator*), then fill the login credentials into the given QAuthenticator object.
However, this does not work in my case as that signal is never emitted. Reason: The server does not return an authorization failure but redirects me to a login page instead. So my program will just download that page.
I have found out how to catch this by checking the attribute QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute of the QNetworkReply.
So I can detect the redirection and ask the user for auth info.
But... where do I go from there? How do I set the authentication data? Can I manually set a QAuthenticator to my QNetworkRequest or my QNetworkAccessManager? I didn't find a way to do that anywhere, just via the above-mentioned signal/slot mechanism which does not work because it does not trigger.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
From documentation,
QAuthenticator supports the following authentication methods:
NTLM version 2
Since you are getting redirected to a login page, and you haven't indicated if any of the above authentication methods even works, I will assume that it does not because things like Basic authentication is sent on every request to the server. Login pages generally authenticate the client and use some sort of a cookie for future authentication. To do this,
Detect login page
Pass proper credentials to the server (based on what the form wants)
In the QNetworkReply to the login page, look for cookies (Set-Cookie headers).
Pass the relevant cookies back with your requests.
If it works, you are no longer redirected to login page.
For information on cookies, you can get overview via Wikipedia, but for implementation, you need to look at the RFC 6265,
If this is incorrect, and you can use basic authentication, then that information is passed in the URL itself. Set username and password in your QUrl and if it works, you will not be redirected. http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qurl.html#setPassword

Authorise users using MVC identity using PhoneGap

I am using the standard MVC 5 identity membership so users can be authenticated to use features on my site. Apart from login and register, ALL actions require someone to be logged in.
I want to use PhoneGap to take my mobile ready html and turn it into a mobile application. I intend to use ajax to do all calls to my actions.
How do I do this with the html pages not residing on the same server? How can I log someone in, and then allow them to make calls?
Authenticating users from mobile devices is fairly simple with the new MVC 5 identity membership. Essentially, every HTTP request that is made to your server from a device will include a bearer token to authorize that request.
When your Web API method receives the request, it will identify the user making it via the bearer token. This allows you to use the standard Authorize attribute in your Web API controllers that I'm sure you're used to using in MVC controllers. Here is a basic example of this process, but essentially it goes like this:
Request containing username and password is made to your server.
Server verifies the username/password and sends back a bearer token
Make another request(s) to your server to access data or other functionality, and include the bearer token in each request
Assuming you're doing this from a mobile device, some options for storing the token are HTML5 local storage, SQLLite, etc. There is no "logging in" doing it this way - there is only authorization of requests to the server. Of course, the user doesn't know that so it's very easy to simulate a typical logged on experience. Here's a brief example expanding on the one one above:
Create a standard login screen with fields for username and password and a login button
User fills it out, and when they click login you make an AJAX call to your server requesting a bearer token with the user's entered credentials (should be over HTTPS)
Server authenticates the credentials and you get a bearer token back. From the user's perspective, he is now "logged in".
One way to handle the bearer token from here is to store it in SQLlite or local storage so that is readily accessible for you to grab and include in any more requests to the server that you make. You just have to take into account that the token has an expiration (set by you, see that link I posted), and design your app accordingly. You might want to tighten down your security by only keeping the bearer token on the mobile device only so long as the user is using the app. When they're finished, you remove it from the storage on the device and the user must go through the authentication process (i.e "log in") again when they open the app.
Additionally, this video Securing .Net Web APIs is definitely worth watching.

WCF over HTTPS Basic Authentication with LDAP

I'm currently working on building a WCF web Service, I was asked to use Basic Authentication over HTTPS and also to validate whether the user is present in an LDAP group for Authorization.
I searched in Internet and it is said that Active Directory Authentication is not available in IIS and we should use our own Custom Basic Authentication Module or UserNamePasswordValidator.
Link I used for coding Custom Authentication Module
I have hosted the WCF in local IIS with SSL and now it is running under https.
The question is, If I implement this one, I need to add the Authorization header manually it seems. Is there any other way I can get the User Name or Password entered in the Basic Authentication dialog which is showed when we open the service in a browser ?.
could you please provide an advice on what are the things I need to do to implement the above said Security ?
I'm helpless and requesting your help on this !!!!. Thanks in Advance.
I also tried UserNamePasswordValidator, but it was doing at the Application level, I was able to view the wsdl file (Meta data of the web service without even providing credentials) so I did went with the Custom Basic Authentication Module.
With Custom Basic Authentication Module , it is asking for credentials before the svc is opened in browser. So I think this would best suite. Please provide your valuable suggestions.
Basic authentication works by the web server returning a 401.0 status code AND a WWW-Authenticate response header with the value 'Basic real="xxx"' where the realm is simply information shown to the user so that they understand what is asking for the authentication. When the browser receives this type of response, it displays a dialogue box to the user asking for a username/password. The browser then re-submits the originally requested URL, but also includes an 'Authorization' header whose value is a base64 encoded string which includes the username and password.
A custom authentication module for IIS basically has to handle this interaction. For each request that comes in, it needs to see if there is an 'Authorization' header, and if so, it extracts the username/password, authenticates them in whatever fashion it likes, and if successful sets up the Context.User. If there is no 'Authorization' header, or the username/password are not valid, then the module must set the response code to 401.0, and ensure that there is a WWW-Authenticate header (as described above).
In order to use the module, all other authentication modules in IIS must be disabled (although there seem to be some circumstances in which the anonymous authentication module should be enabled). Due to caching in IIS, don't be surprised if not all requests are passed to your authentication module.

Ajax authentication without letting browser pop up login dialog

I am desiging a RESTful Web Service (JBoss + RESTeasy). The UI programmer is writing an Ajax web app that will use it. The web app will be one HTML page with everything done in JavaScript. For security, all traffic goes through SSL.
Currently I'm using Basic authentication. The UI programmer can show a dialog to get a username and password and put "Authorization: Basic xxxxx" in the header. Unfortunately if the password is wrong, the ugly browser login dialog box comes up. Also there is no way for the user to log off. This is unacceptable.
There appears to be no way to intercept a 401 response to an XMLHttpRequest in any of the browsers we will use.
Form-based authentication won't work for us. We need an automatic logoff after some period of inactivity (the equivalent of a session timeout). We can't have the server suddenly return a login page when the client expects a JSON object.
JBoss offers four authentication strategies: BASIC, FORM, CLIENT-CERT and DIGEST. I think DIGEST has the same problem as BASIC. None of the four is what we want.
This web application will be the only client (for now) so there is no requirement to use BASIC. Is there any other authentication strategy I can install? For instance is there an implementation of WSSE UsernameToken I can use? (As described in Chapter 8 of the O'Reilly RESTful Web Services book.) The server would send "WSSE" instead of "Basic" in the WWW-Authenticate header and presumably the browser would ignore it and pass it right through.
I want to configure security where it belongs -- in the JBoss configuration files, not in my RESTful Web Service -- so I'm looking for an implementation I can just plug into JBoss.
The browser won't present the password dialog if it doesn't recognize the authentication scheme in the WWW-Authenticate header. Your best bet may be to continue using basic auth on the server while setting the header manually to something like "Basic/MyApp" for 401 responses.
