Compiling Wanderlust for Windows and use it for Gmail - windows

I'm trying to get Wanderlust working in Windows to connect to Gmail. Compiling the code is much more painful than expected. Here are the barriers so far:
Can't download dependent packages: SEMI, APEL, and FLIM. I eventually found newer versions, but I'm not sure they will work. Anyone have the older versions?
Needs make and install. I used MSYS and it seems to have compiled okay.
SSL support. I was getting a "Cannot open load file: ssl" error. I found an ssl.el that comes with w3. So installed w3.
Bash command in ssl.el: ssl-get-command is running something from /bin/sh (not a directory I have in Windows). I really don't want to refactor this code. Is there a better way?
Others speak very highly of Wanderlust, so I want to give it a try. I feel like I'm almost there, but am pretty much worn out with all the crazy configuration I have to do. Does anyone have this working on Windows? I'm pretty sure it will work with Gmail, because of this post. But will it work in Windows too? If you have a few pointers, please help.

ssl.el is part of wanderlust. Just look in the wanderlust/utils directory.
For STARTTLS you may either use the starttls or gnutls-cli programs.
Unfortunately, both of these programs use signals (SIGALRM to be precise) which are not supported on Windows.
You need to use the Cygwin ports of these programs -- not MSYS!
Additionally, if you're using a Windows port of Emacs (ie. not Cygwin's emacs) you need to modify starttls.el (which is part of GNU Emacs) because the signal-process function doesn't do anything regarding SIGALRM. Replace all instances of
(signal-process (process-id process) 'SIGALRM)
(call-process kill-program nil nil nil
"-ALRM" (format "%d" (process-id process)))
and initialize kill-program somewhere apropriately to point to cygwin's kill.exe:
(setq kill-program "c:/cygwin/bin/kill.exe")
If you want to use SSL you have to set ssl-certificate-verification-policy to a value greater than 0. Otherwise connecting to Gmail would fail.

Using the wl configuration here:
After adding ssl.el from here:
I am able to get wanderlust talking just fine to gmail on a linux configuration of wanderlust, and since the ssl.el file there isn't really system-dependent (although it does require the openssl command-line tools), I don't see that there should be any problem with it working on msys.
The 'cannot open load file: ssl' error is exactly what I ran into until I installed that ssl.el file too :)
Edit; Just in case you have trouble finding it, the MSYS port of openssl you'll want is here:
[posted as a new answer since I think you'll get a notification that way :)]

I recently installed wl on a linux host, and had the same issue with not being able to locate the dependencies as specified. However, I, like you, found the 'more recent versions' and used them. They did indeed work fine, so unless those new versions have added any incompatibility with windows, they shouldn't present any problem.
The error you're receiving is because it's not finding the 'install' utility, which is part of GNU coreutils. Autotools (and it's family) depend on install being able to work, so if you want to continue with the cygwin method, then installing autotools should bring in the install program.
(I have no idea if wl will compile/work using cygwin otherwise, though.)


Installing glibc-2.29 from source in kali linux

I need a debug version of glibc.I have some doubts regarding the installation of glibc-2.29 from source in kali linux.Based on the post,
To install glibc you need a system with nothing running on it, since many processes (for example sendmail) always try to use the library and therefore block the files from being replaced. Therefore we need a "naked" system, running nothing except the things we absolutely need. You can achieve this by passing the boot option
init=/bin/bash to your kernel.
it says that we need to install the glibc in a single usermode environment.In another post
single usermode is not required for installation but backing up the old libraries.I dont know which one to follow.Can anyone help?
I found that we can use glibc without installing but building from source by adding '-g' flag in ./configure and setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH varible as follows after building
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/the/build_directory gdb -q application
Note: this solution only works when the system GLIBC and the built-from-source GLIBC exactly match, as explained here.
I need a debug version of glibc.
Most distributions supply ready-made libc6-dbg packages that match your installed GLIBC. This is the best approach unless you are a GLIBC developer (or plan to become one).
I have some doubts regarding the installation of glibc-2.29 from source in kali linux.
Installing / replacing system libc is almost guaranteed to render your system unbootable if there are any mistakes. Recent example.
Before you begin, make sure you either know how to recover from such a mistake (have a rescue disk ready and know how to use it), or you have nothing of value on the system and can re-image it from installation media in the likely case that you do make a mistake.
The document you referenced talks about upgrading from libc5 to libc6. It was last updated on 22 June 1998, and is more than 20 years old. I suggest you find some more recent sources. Current documentation does suggest doing make install while in single-user mode.

How can I remove the need of wpcap.dll in my go program?

I use gopacket in my program. on linux, it runs perfectly.
But on windows the whole program crashes if i did not install WinPcap before.
My plan was to check if WinPcap is installed, and if not to inform the user that he needs this to use 100% of all features.
But i dont come to this point. i cant use gopacket if WinPcap is not available. I mean... not a single line of code of it (=> crash)
Has anyone an idea how i can solve this? im do not need gopacket actually. My plan was, if it is installed, fine, super! If not, dont care... do other things.
But now i have 2 choices... remove gopacket totally or find a way to start my program without the need of wpcap.dll. at least to tell the user that he needs it.
Please help me :(
You're wrong in that you are «not [using] a single line of code of it»: it's not hard to see that
its Windows-specific code calls into winpcap.dll.
What is more fun, is that
its Unix-specific code calls into, and this means you have it working on your local system simply due to the fact you have libpcap package installed (or whatever it's named in your code).
All this means that currently your program is not really portable
anyway (I mean, in the sense you supposedly think it is portable).
You can run something like
$ ldd ./yourbinary
and see it printing a reference to of some version.
There are several ways to solve this.
The easiest is to just try shipping winpcap.dll with your binary. Windows by default looks for DLLs in the current directory of the application trying to load them. Since gopacket uses cgo, it means the winpcap.dll is attempted to be linked it at the application startup, so the application has no chance of changing its working directory before that library is attempted to be found and linked in.
A more complicated approach is to make (or obtain) a static version of the winpcap library (remember that DLL is a library, just a special form of it) and then jump around building gopacket so that it picks that static library.
Install Npcap in "Wpcap API compatibility mode".

Cross platform make replacement

I am hoping there are some Windows command-line wizards here. If there are, I am forever in your debt.
I have used R (and related tools) on Linux for years. I do everything in emacs if I can. My fingers are just happier that way.
To ensure my analysis is reproducible, I write a makefile for each report / analysis in a project. I use a combination of R and pandoc to produce reports these days. Once my makefile is written, I simply open a shell and enter:
make -f my_target
And my computer runs my analysis. Easy. On Linux.
I have recently started a job with the government and my computer is running Windows and I no longer have make, except through mingw and neither emacs nor gitbash recognize make. I would like to be able to run make (or something equivalent) from both (or either) emacs / gitbash to run my code in a coherent / sane manner.
Thus my question is this. How can I use make, which is currently ONLY accessible through a msys shell and not connected to either gitbash or emacs or what other tool should I move to so I can continue to "build" my reports in a sane / reproducible manner?
If I am better off learning a new tool, that is fine. If there is some way to run mingw's make from emacs / gitbash that is good too. I am open to suggestions. Most of the tutorials on-line are for Windows programmers moving to Linux. There aren't as many resources for us moving from Linux to Windows (which is understandable).
After much swearing and gnashing of teeth, I finally figured out what I did wrong.
I followed the installation instructions for MinGW, but I made a typo when I altered my user's path. Thus, MinGW was NOT in my path.
Following these instructions work, but it isn't smart enough to fix your typographical errors.
Getting Started

Compiling Win64 versions of GLFW under mingw64

first off, I really need to make a 64bit version of glfwdll.a and glfw.dll (so I can hopefully finally succeed in getting the Go glfw bindings to work under Windows ... was a breeeeze under Linux!)
Seems like I now succeeded in compiling 64bit versions of glfwdll.a and glfw.dll using mingw64, MSYS and their make scripts, even though I did get a couple of error messages along the lines of "maincrt entry point not found, using default 0xsomehexnumber instead" or some such. Entry points of course refer to executables, in this case those in the examples directory.
And indeed, most of them don't work! All got built however. The following executables work:
listmodes.exe mtbench.exe mthello.exe and particles.exe -- the latter being the only graphical (3d gfx) example working for me (the former ones just outputting some test infos onto the console window).
Now what's the issue with the other ones? They don't crash, they don't report anything to the console... I run them, they return immediately, silently.
Is my GLFW build broken? How to fix? What's the big difference between the 4 examples that work and the others that don't?
This is a fairly new, vanilla Win7 64bit installation. No crapware, everything up to date, UAC and Themes are off, not a lot of software installed at all, Nvidia GPU driver updated (GPU Caps Viewer and the likes run fine, so OpenGL is there).
I'm not yet allowed to add comments, so I'll post this as an answer.
The issue you're having is due to three separate bug in GLFW. I fixed them today and the fixes will be included in GLFW 2.7.6. Until then, you can use trunk from the GLFW Subversion repository.
To be sure that you really have no DLL-hell issues with the opengl32.dll, glu32.dll, glut32.dll etc., check out the Event Viewer tool and see if there are some warnings or errors for you app.
This is my thought because you are only able to run the mtbench and mthello which have nothing in common with the "real" OpenGL API.
No clue about particles.exe though - maybe GLFW checks for errors internally and call the exit() routine ? Check the %errorlevel% also.
Also take a look here:
There is a GameMenu() function which may exit silently if "!glfwGetWindowParam( GLFW_OPENED )", which obviously means that OpenGL was not initialized.
The same function serves as an exit flag here
Once again, double-check the DLLs !
I believe that you are experienced not to make "advanced" mistakes in the build process, so there just might be some funny thing happening at the "user level".
And another suggestion:
Some parameters might not work exactly for you.
To "fix" the samples try commenting out the glfwGetWindowParam call.

Does anyone know of a good alternative to Pipe Viewer for Windows Platform?

If you do not know what Pipe Viewer is (I did not know about it until 5 minutes ago), then this blog does a good job giving a brief introduction to it with some examples. I write a lot of Perl Scripts as an ETL developer and a lot of times, the files that I work with take really long time to operate with (unzipping, moving, etc). Therefore, this tool would be awesome except I work in a Windows Environment. If anyone knows of a tool that gives you Progress of an operation running in the pipeline, please let me know as that would make my scripts that much more useful.
I finally made it work on Cygwin environment though that is not answer for the original post.
--disable-nls does the trick.
./configure --disable-nls
make test
cp pv /usr/bin
== by Kenji (k2) ==
Cygwin has pv (Pipe Viewer) as an available package since I don't know when... but it is not installed by default.
Download the Cygwin setup executablefrom the install page.
While installing cygwin, you need to expressly search and mark for installation pv found in the Utils section.
If you have already installed cygwin, you can always add it later on by re-running the setup executable.
I doubt such a tool exists for win32, but it should run on cygwin. But then again You probably don't use it :)
I suspect you want to use pipe viewer to catch the output performance (bytes/s) of a console application.
If you want to measure the performance IO read/write of a process, I recommend using Process Explorer. You can find performance for each process.
