Converting word docs to pdf using Hadoop - hadoop

Say if I want to convert 1000s of word files to pdf then would using Hadoop to approach this problem make sense? Would using Hadoop have any advantage over simply using multiple EC2 instances with job queues?
Also if there was 1 file and 10 free nodes then would hadoop split the file and send it to the 10 nodes or will the file be sent to just 1 node while 9 sit idle?

There isn't much advantage in using hadoop for this use case. Having competing consumers read from a queue and producing output is going to be a lot easier to setup and will probably be more efficient.
Hadoop would not automatically split a document and process sections on differnt nodes. Although if you had a really big (many thousands of pages long) then the Hadoop use case would make sense - but only when the time to produce a pdf on a single machine is significant.
The map tasks could print a few thousand pages each and the reduce task merge the PDF's into a single document - although reading the resulting file may be difficult to read if it is very large.

Say if I want to convert 1000s of word
files to pdf then would using Hadoop
to approach this problem make sense?
Would using Hadoop have any advantage
over simply using multiple EC2
instances with job queues?
I think either tool could accomplish this task, so it depends on what you plan to do with the documents after conversion. Derek Gottfrid at the New York Times famously found Hadoop to be a useful tool for large-scale document conversion, so it's certainly within the realm of tasks at which Hadoop performs well.
Also if there was 1 file and 10 free
nodes then would hadoop split the file
and send it to the 10 nodes or will
the file be sent to just 1 node while
9 sit idle?
It depends on the InputFormat you use. As you can see in the documentation, you can specify how to compute the "InputSplits", which might include splitting a large document into chunks.
Good luck with whatever tool you choose for this problem!

How many 1000's are you talking about? If this is a once off batch I would set it up on a single machine and simply let it run, you'll be surprised I think at how fast you can convert 1000s of Docs to PDF, even if you need to run the task for a couple of days, if its a once off convert then there is no need for complications such as Hadoop. If you are continually converting 1000s of docs then its probably worth the effort of setting up something else.


Processing HUGE number of small files independently

The task is to process HUGE (around 10,000,000) number of small files (each around 1MB) independently (i.e. the result of processing file F1, is independent of the result of processing F2).
Someone suggested Map-Reduce (on Amazon-EMR Hadoop) for my task. However, I have serious doubts about MR.
The reason is that processing files in my case, are independent. As far as I understand MR, it works best when the output is dependent on many individual files (for example counting the frequency of each word, given many documents, since a word might be included in any document in the input file). But in my case, I just need a lot of independent CPUs/Cores.
I was wondering if you have any advice on this.
Side Notes: There is another issue which is that MR works best for "huge files rather than huge number of small size". Although there seems to be solutions for that. So I am ignoring it for now.
It is possible to use map reduce for your needs. In MapReduce, there are two phases Map and Reduce, however, the reduce phase is not a must, just for your situation, you could write a map-only MapReduce job, and all the calculations on a single file should be put into a customised Map function.
However, I haven't process such huge num of files in a single job, no idea on its efficiency. Try it yourself, and share with us :)
This is quite easy to do. In such cases - the data for MR job is typically the list of files (and not the files themselves). So the size of the data submitted to Hadoop is the size of 10M file names - which is order of a couple of gigs max.
One uses MR to split up the list of files into smaller fragments (how many can be controlled by various options). Then each mapper gets a list of files. It can process one file at a time and generate the output.
(fwiw - I would suggest Qubole (where I am a founder) instead of EMR cause it would save you a ton of money with auto-scaling and spot integration).

Using Hadoop for Parallel Processing rather than Big Data

I manage a small team of developers and at any given time we have several on going (one-off) data projects that could be considered "Embarrassingly parallel" - These generally involve running a single script on a single computer for several days, a classic example would be processing several thousand PDF files to extract some key text and place into a CSV file for later insertion into a database.
We are now doing enough of these type of tasks that I started to investigate developing a simple job queue system using RabbitMQ with a few spare servers (with an eye to use Amazon SQS/S3/EC2 for projects that needed larger scaling)
In searching for examples of others doing this I keep coming across the classic Hadoop New York Times example:
The New York Times used 100 Amazon EC2 instances and a Hadoop application to process 4 TB of raw image TIFF data (stored in S3) into 11 million finished PDFs in the space of 24 hours at a computation cost of about $240 (not including bandwidth)
Which sounds perfect? So I researched Hadoop and Map/Reduce.
But what I can't work out is how they did it? Or why they did it?
Converting TIFF's in PDF's is not a Map/Reduce problem surely? Wouldn't a simple Job Queue have been better?
The other classic Hadoop example is the "wordcount" from the Yahoo Hadoop Tutorial seems a perfect fit for Map/Reduce, and I can see why it is such a powerful tool for Big Data.
I don't understand how these "Embarrassingly parallel" tasks are put into the Map/Reduce pattern?
This is very much a conceptual question, basically I want to know how would I fit a task of "processing several thousand PDF files to extract some key text and place into a CSV file" into a Map/Reduce pattern?
If you know of any examples that would be perfect, I'm not asking you to write it for me.
(Notes: We have code to process the PDF's, I'm not asking for that - it's just an example, it could be any task. I'm asking about putting that processes like that into the Hadoop Map/Reduce pattern - when there is no clear "Map" or "Reduce" elements to a task.)
Your thinking is right.
The above examples that you mentioned used only part of the solution that hadoop offers. They definitely used parallel computing ability of hadoop plus the distributed file system. It's not necessary that you always will need a reduce step. You may not have any data interdependency between the parallel processes that are run. in which case you will eliminate the reduce step.
I think your problem also will fit into hadoop solution domain.
You have huge data - huge number of PDF files
And a long running job
You can process these files parallely by placing your files on HDFS and running a MapReduce job. Your processing time theoretically improves by the number of nodes that you have on your cluster. If you do not see the need to aggregate the data sets that are produced by the individual threads you do not need to use a reduce step else you need to design a reduce step as well.
The thing here is if you do not need a reduce step, you are just leveraging the parallel computing ability of hadoop plus you are equipped to run your jobs on not so expensive hardware.
I need to add one more thing: error handling and retry. In a distributed environment nodes fail is pretty common. I regularly run EMR cluster consisting of several hundred nodes at time for 3 - 8 days and find out that 3 or 4 fail during that period is very likely.
Hadoop JobTracker will nicely re-submit failed tasks (up to a certain number of times) in a different node.

Parsing large XML to TSV

I need to parse few XML's to TSV, the Size of the XML Files is of the order of 50 GB, I am basically doubtful about the implemetation i should choose to parse this i have two oprions
using SAXParser
use Hadoop
i have a fair bit of idea about SAXParser implementaion but i think having access to Hadoop cluster, i should use Hadoop as this is what hadoop is for i.e. Big Data
it would be great someone could provide a hint/doc as how to do this in Hadoop or efficient SAXParser implementaion for such a big file or rather what should i go for Hadoop or SAXparser?
I process large XML files in Hadoop quite regularly. I found it to be the best way (not the only way... the other is to write SAX code) since you can still operate on the records in a dom-like fashion.
With these large files, one thing to keep in mind is that you'll most definitely want to enable compression on the mapper output: Hadoop, how to compress mapper output but not the reducer output... this will speed things up quite a bit.
I've written a quick outline of how I've handled all this, maybe it'll help: I use Python and Etrees which makes things really simple....
I don't know about SAXparser. But definitely Hadoop will do your job if you have a hadoop cluster with enough data nodes. 50Gb is nothing as I was performing operations on more than 300GB of data on my cluster. Write a map reduce job in java and the documentation for hadoop can be found at
It is rilatively trivial to process XML on hadoop by having one mapper per XML file. This approach will be fine for large number of relatively small XMLs
The problem is that in Your case files are big and thier number is small so without splitting hadoop benefit will be limited. Taking to account hadoop's overhead the benefit be negative...
In hadoop we need to be able to split input files into logical parts (called splits) to efficiently process large files.
In general XML is not looks like "spliitable" format since there is no well defined division into blocks, which can be processed independently. In the same time, if XML contains "records" of some kind splitting can be implemented.
Good discussion about splitting XMLs in haoop is here:
where Mahout's XML input format is suggested.
Regarding your case - I think as long as number of your files is not much bigger then number of cores you have on single system - hadoop will not be efficient solution.
In the same time - if you want to accumulate them over time - you can profit from hadoop as a scalable storage also.
I think that SAX has traditionally been mistakenly associated with processing big XML files... in reality, VTD-XML is often the best option, far better than SAX in terms of performance, flexibility, code readability and maintainability... on the issue of memory, VTD-XML's in-memory model is only 1.3x~1.5X the size of the corresponding XML document.
VTD-XML has another significant benefit over SAX: its unparalleled XPath support. Because of it, VTD-XML users routinely report performance gain of 10 to 60x over SAX parsing over hundreds of MB XML files.
Read this paper that comprehensively compares the existing XML parsing frameworks in Java.

Parallel processing of several files in a cluster

At the company I work for, everyday we have to process a few thousands of files, which takes some hours. The operations are basically CPU intensive, like converting PDF to high resolution images and later creating many different sizes os such images.
Each one of those tasks takes a lot of CPU, and therefore we can't simply start many instances on the same machine because there won't be any processing power available for everything. Thus, it takes some hours to finish everything.
The most obvious thing to do, as I see it, is to partition the set of files and have them processed by more machines concurrently (5, 10, 15 machines, I don't know yet how many would be necessary).
I don't want to reinvent the wheel and create a manager for task (nor do I want the hassle), but I am not sure which tool should I use.
Although we don't have big data, I have looked at Hadoop for a start (we are running at Amazon), and its capabilities of handling the nodes seem interesting. However, I don't know if it makes sense to use it. I am looking at Hazelcast as well, but I have no experience at all with it or the concepts yet.
What would be a good approach for this task?
Hadoop is being used for a wide variety of data processing problems, some of them are related to image processing also. The problem mentioned in the OP can also be easily solved using Hadoop. Note that in some cases where the data to processed is small, then there is an overhead using Hadoop.
If you are new to Hadoop, would suggest a couple of things
Buy the Hadoop : The Definitive Guide book.
Go through the MapReduce resources.
Start going through the tutorials (1 and 2) and setup Hadoop on a single node and a cluster. There is no need for Amazon, if 1-2 machines can be spared for learning.
Run the sample programs and understand how they work.
Start migrating the problem area to Hadoop.
The advantage of Hadoop over other s/w is the ecosystem around Hadoop. As of now the ecosystem around Hadoop is huge and growing, I am not sure of Hazelcast.
You can use Hazelcast distributed queue.
First you can put your files (file references) as tasks to a distributed queue.
Then each node takes a task from the queue processes it and puts the result into another distributed queue/list or write it to DB/storage.

Hadoop for processing very large binary files

I have a system I wish to distribute where I have a number of very large non-splittable binary files I wish to process in a distributed fashion. These are of the order of a couple of hundreds of Gb. For a variety of fixed, implementation specific reasons, these files cannot be processed in parallel but have to be processed sequentially by the same process through to the end.
The application is developed in C++ so I would be considering Hadoop pipes to stream the data in and out. Each instance will need to process of the order of 100Gb to 200Gb sequentially of its own data (currently stored in one file), and the application is currently (probably) IO limited so it's important that each job is run entirely locally.
I'm very keen on HDFS for hosting this data - the ability to automatically maintain redundant copies and to rebalance as new nodes are added will be very useful. I'm also keen on map reduce for its simplicity of computation and its requirement to host the computation as close as possible to the data. However, I'm wondering how suitable Hadoop is for this particular application.
I'm aware that for representing my data it's possible to generate non-splittable files, or alternatively to generate huge sequence files (in my case, these would be of the order of 10Tb for a single file - should I pack all my data into one). And that it's therefore possible to process my data using Hadoop. However it seems like my model doesn't fit Hadoop that well: does the community agree? Or have suggestions for laying this data out optimally? Or even for other cluster computing systems that might fit the model better?
This question is perhaps a duplicate of existing questions on hadoop, but with the exception that my system requires an order of magnitude or two more data per individual file (previously I've seen the question asked about individual files of a few Gb in size). So forgive me if this has been answered before - even for this size of data.
It seems like you are working with relatively few numbers of large files. Since your files are huge and not splittable, Hadoop will have trouble scheduling and distributing jobs effectively across the cluster. I think the more files that you process in one batch (like hundreds), the more worth while it will be to use Hadoop.
Since you're only working with a few files, have you tried a simpler distribution mechanism, like launching processes on multiple machines using ssh, or GNU Parallel? I've had a lot of success using this approach for simple tasks. Using a NFS mounted drive on all your nodes can share limits the amount of copying you would have to do as well.
You can write a custom InputSplit for your file, but as bajafresh4life said it won't really be ideal because unless your HDFS chunk size is the same as your file size your files are going to be spread all around and there will be network overhead. Or if you do make your HDFS size match your file size then you're not getting the benefit of all your cluster's disks. Bottom line is that Hadoop may not be the best tool for you.
