SQL Server CE performance on device - performance

My SQL Compact database is very simple, with just three tables and a single index on one of the tables (the table with 200k rows; the other two have less than a hundred each).
The first time the .sdf file is used by my Compact Framework application on the target Windows Mobile device, the system hangs for well over a minute while "something" is done to the database: when deployed, the DB is 17 megabytes, and after this first usage, it balloons to 24 megs.
All subsequent usage is pretty fast, so I'm assuming there's some sort of initialization / index building going on during this first usage. I'd rather not subject the user to this delay, so I'm wondering what this initialization process is and whether it can be performed before deployment.
For now, I've copied the "initialized" database back to my desktop for use in the setup project, but I'd really like to have a better answer / solution. I've tried "full compact / repair" in the VS Database Properties dialog, but this made no difference. Any ideas?
For the record, I should add that the database is only read from by the device application -- no modifications are made by that code.

Yes, it recreates your indexes because the database was created or opened on a desktop computer. Copy your indexed database from the device and into your setup.
more info here:

Since the db is read only, and if the "initialized" db no longer inflates, I would go with simply putting it into the setup. Just confirming that your approach makes sense.


Timeout Issues with SQL Server 2014 Express and Entity Framework

I've recently had my laptop replaced and I've had to install Visual Studio 2015 and SQL Server 2014 Express with Management Studio.
My previous environment was Visual Studio 2015 with SQL Server 2008 R2 Express with Management Studio.
I restored the 2008 R2 databases into SQL Server 2014 Express, same database names, logins etc.
Now when I run any of my ASP.NET MVC 5 applications (using Entity Framework 6) on my laptop using Visual Studio, I'm getting sporadic timeout errors. Please see below.
Occasionally the application database calls will perform as expected, but mostly they are either very slow or timeout.
I'm finding it difficult to understand why this is as on my previous laptop using SQL Server 2008 R2 Express I never had any of these issues.
Also, these applications are on a live web server and being used by 1000s of users each day without any of these problems. This makes me think there is something possibly wrong with the installation of SQL Server 2014 Express on my laptop.
I have seen others comment on extending the Command Timeout on my DbContext
public class MyDatabase : DbContext
public MyDatabase ()
: base(ContextHelper.CreateConnection("Connection string"), true)
((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = 180;
But I don't see this as a solution, as I didn't need this with my previous laptop/ environment and the current live applications also don't need it.
I'm stumped here and would really appreciate any help or guidance.
Thanks to the suggestions from Steve Py I decided to check the memory performance from my new laptop when running Visual Studio 2015 and SQL Server Express 2104 concurrently. I've included a screen shot below which shows that 90% of the available memory is used (3.5G out of 3.9G). I'm far from an expert in tuning up a device for software development, however, this seems it may be a reason as to why when I run my applications locally that they are timing out.
Is there anyone on Stackoverflow who ca inform me if this looks like the possible problem?
Firstly I'd look at hooking up a profiler to capture the queries coming from EF. For SQL Server you can use ExpressProfiler. This will give you the actual SQL EF is trying to run, the # of row reads, writes, and execution time. Copy the SQL queries and paste them into a new query window on the DB and execute them, plus have a look at the execution plan. Does the execution time correlate with EF? (change parameters and re-run in SQL to ensure you aren't getting cached results)
Other factors are the hardware on the two laptops. You'd hope that the new laptop would have more grunt than the old one, more cores, better cores, more RAM, but how do they compare? How much memory is free when nothing is running? What kind of HDD was in the two machines? For instance dropping from an i7 with an SSD down to an i3 with 5400rpm HDD, and half the RAM will be extremely noticeable, even if the clock speed is higher.
When it comes to databases there are a number of factors that can impact performance, even when backing up and restoring. For instance the Isolation Level and recovery model settings for the database can play a part, especially for larger databases. I'd also look at server settings such as how much RAM the database server is allocated to be able to use. Feel free to paste some results from the profiler for slow queries.
Edit: Based on the screenshot of the resource use, my guess is your new laptop is potentially underpowered. 4GB of RAM is bare-bones with Windows 10 especially to be running Visual Studio and SQL Server, even for just a development use database. The history graph for CPU and disk also show heavy activity. If that's all you've got to work with then the next step would be to look at what is using the memory. SQL Server by default will attempt to use whatever is available, and it can be quite greedy, but it's generally a good idea to set boundaries on the server. From SQL Management you can bring up the properties of the server and select "Memory" to set a minimum and maximum memory size. For 4GB I'd set the minimum to 500MB and the max to 2000MB. For processors you can use "Boost SQL Server Priority"
Next, on the database side of things look into the file and recovery options. What is the size of the database MDF file, and transaction log? (LDF file) From the database properties window under "General" you should see the "Size" which is the MDF size. For the LDF you will probably need to check on the file system. A large LDF can be bad for performance and indicate your database should be backed up and the log compressed/truncated. Lof files default to grow by percent so they can grow fast and churn the disk. In the "Options" tab you cna check the "Recovery Model" and set that to "Simple" for a dev database to significantly cut on log file churn/growth. Production databases will use "Full".
For development purposes it helps to have a bit more grunt from a laptop. While things like "ultra books" look like good options and are nice and lightweight, they rarely have the grunt and resources needed for a dev environment. (plus generally poor keyboards and displays to boot! :) ) There is also a significant gap in price between ultra books and workstation replacement laptops. What I've found fit in that gap and serve as exceptional development PC replacements are gaming laptops. They are tuned for performance and usually come with 8GB minimum with expansion available. They also happen to come with exceptional keyboards and displays. They're typically a fair bit cheaper than workstation replacements that seem to price in a premium. I use an MSI GE65 series which came with 16GB, SSD+HDD, a great keyboard, and was over $1000 cheaper than the closest "workstation" laptop. It does draw a couple stares coming into a client site with a gaming laptop with it's LED keyboard and lid badge, not a single game on it though! :)

DB synchronization on Visual Studio 2015 is hanged

I tried to sync database on Visual Studio 2015 after creating a project, EDT, Enum and a Table in order to create a new screen on Dynamics 365.
When I tried to synchronize it, it was stopped in the middle during schema checking process. Though it seems that the DB synchronization doesn't have problem for the first few minutes, it always stops during this process as I describe below.
Log Details:
"Schema has not changed between new table 'DPT_TableDT' and old table
'DPT_TableDT' with table id '3997'. Returning from
ManagedSyncTableWorker.ExecuteModifyTable() Syncing Table Finished:
DPT_TableDT. Time elapsed: 0:00:00:00.0010010"
Could you tell me how to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Full database synchronization log
DB Sync Log
From what you've described and also shown in your screenshot, this does not look like an error but is simply describing X++ and Dynamics AX/365FO behaviour.
When you say that it "doesn't have a problem for the first few minutes" I'm guessing you're just not being patient enough. Full database syncs should generally take between 10-30 minutes, but can take shorter or longer depending on a variety of factors such as how much horsepower your development environment has, how many changes are being sync'd etc. I would wait at least one hour before considering the possibility that the sync engine has errors (or even run it overnight and see what information it has for you in the morning).
The message you've posted from the log ("Schema has not changed") isn't an error message; it is just an informational log from the sync engine. It is simply letting you know that the table did not have any changes to propagate to SQL Server.
Solution: Run the sync overnight and post a screenshot of the results or the error list window in Visual Studio.
I've recently been stymied by a long running application where Access v2003 replicas refused to synchronize. The message returned was "not enough memory". This was on machines running Windows 10. The only way I was able to force synchronizing was to move the replicas onto an old machine still running Windows 98 with Office XP, which allowed synchronizing and conflict resolution. When I moved the synchronized files back to the Windows 10 machine they still would not synchronize.
I finally had to create a blank database and link to a replica, then use make-table queries to select only data fields to create new tables. I was then able to create new replicas that would synchronize.
From this I've come to suspect the following:
Something in Windows 10 has changed and caused the problem with synchronizing/conflict resolution.
Something in the hidden/protected fields added to the replica sets is seen as a problem under Windows 10 that is not a problem under Windows 98.
One thing I noticed is that over the years the number of replicas in the synchronizing list had grown to over 900 sets, but the only way to clear the table was to create a new clean database.

Need documentation of Progress application upgrade 11.3?

We are upgrading our Progress application on 9.1D to 11.3. Is there any sample document which we should look for our migration.
Currently we have built a new server where we are installing OpenEdge Enterprise RDBMS 11.3.
Can we backup the current database and dump it to new version.
Any suggestions/documents ?
Generally Progress is very "kind" when upgrading but you have to take in mind that moving from 9.1d to 11.3 (11.4 is soon out by the way) is moving from 2002 to 2013. A lot has changed since then.
If you have program logic that relies on disc layout, os utilities (for example using UNIX, DOS or OS-COMMAND) they might be changed as well. So an upgrade might break even if the files compile without errors. You need to test everything!
You cannot directly backup and restore from 9.1D to 11.3, you need to dump & load.
What you need to do:
Back everything up! Don't miss this and make sure you save a copy of the backup. Back up database, scripts, program files (.p, .i, .r, .cls, etc). Everything! This is vital! Make sure you always have an untouched version left of the backup so you can restart if things go bad. Progress has built in utilities for backing up the database. OS utilities can also be used. Be aware that OS utilities can not be used to create online backups. The backed up database will most likely be corrupt. Shut down the database before backing up when using OS utilities.
Dump you current database. Data as well as schema. Don't forget to check for sequences etc.
Rebuild a new database on your new server with schema from old db.
If possible - move to Type 2 Storage Areas when doing an upgrade like this. It will increase perfomance. Check documentation and knowledgebase around required settings for this.
Load dumped data
Copy program files from old server to new
Create startup scripts etc for starting databases as well as clients. Old parameters might not fit your new server, you most likely have more memory, faster CPU, larger discs etc.
All steps have several substeps. I suggest you dive into the documentation found at community.progress.com. You can also search the KnowledgeBase (knowledgebase.progress.com)
Also if you run into problems you can ask more specific questions here (but tag accordingly for example with openedge).
11.3 Documentation
9.1D Documentation

IIS Web App performance issues....MVC3

I have an MVC3 C#.Net web app. It is running on IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008 R2. We are noticing significant performance issues when initially loading a page. We are using nHibernate and have found that performance to be slow in some instances. But all pages, even simple ones, behavinging similarly. I'm not really an IIS stud so.....
Am I missing something in IIS....a setting or action that I can tweak to improve performnce?
I had a similar issue running a site on a shared host that only allocated 100MB RAM to an application pool. When you exceeded that IIS was set to recycle it. The app generally ran at about 120MB so was constantly recycling. Each page was loading painfully slow as the whole thing started up again. Increasing the RAM available to the app pool fixed it.
Another thing that I'd try would be to set up SQL profiler and watch the queries being sent to the db. You can configure it to report the duration column in a smaller increment than the default (microseconds perhaps?) which makes the painful ones stand out. You can then pick up ones that are suspect, run them through query analyser with "display execution plan" switched on and examine the subtree costs. Perhaps NHibernate is generating nasty queries or perhaps too many?

Entity Framework takes 30 minutes to generate a model

No matter what I do, which DB I connect with, EF seems to take around 15-30 minutes to generate a model. While it's doing this, I get a "Visual Studio is busy" message in the system tray.
The first DB I connected to was complex and had a lot of data, lots of views so I thought, may be that's why. Now I have a local DB file with 1 table that has 2 columns and 3 rows. It still takes the same amount of time.
Eventually VS crashes and restarts. Has anyone had this problem before? Any idea?
I've looked at resource monitor, devenv.exe does not seem to be consuming any resources that would indicate it's doing a lot of work.
What credentials do you use to access your DB? Let's try ruling out domain latency issues first. If this is at work, can you verify the same flow on 2 separate machines using the same domain credentials? This wouldn't apply if you were using local creds.
Turns out I had a Visual Studio DVD in my DVD drive. Each time I did something with EF, VS started to read from the disc. I have no idea what or why, but the little LED would blink. Once I ejected the disk, everything ran fine. Go figure!
