Orientation Questions - palm pre webos - webos

Just a couple of quick questions...not too hard to answer hopefully!
How do I set the allowed orientation from scene to scene?
I can set it for the entire stage with:
but I want to be able to set it for each scene, some of which I don't want any rotation...
Any ideas?
Also, is there any way to restrict the orientation to just up and down (portrait and reverse portrait) and not have a rotation on landscape?
Many thanks

1)use the following code in scenes which one you want to set orientation
if (this.controller.stageController.setWindowOrientation) {
2) for your second question set the orientation left and right only it will work


Misplaced UI made with UI in hololens emulator

I got a small problem and I can’t really find the source of it. I just created a Canvas and put a Panel in the top right corner. I got it to the right scale at 3: for the Hololens and loaded it up in the Holoemulator. The problem is that even though the panel is supposed to be in the corner, it is placed almost in the middle of the screen in the end.
Is there anything I can do to fix this or is there something I am missing?
If I need to provide more information then please tell me.
Could you double-check the [Render mode] of your Canvas? Is it set as World Space? In this render mode, the Canvas will behave as any other 3D object and will render in front of or behind other objects in the scene based on 3D placement in the scene. You need to adjust the position of the canvas from the perspective of the camera.
However, according to your post, it seems that you want to place UI elements on the screen rendered on top of the scene. If so, You should turn the [Render mode] to [Screen Space - Camera]. More information please see: Canvas

orthographic view on object with combined camera on three.js

i am trying to use the combined camera (found it under "Examples").
the problem is when i use it in Orthographic mode i still see the arrow and the box helper like in perspective view.
for example, when i am trying to zoom in with the mouse scroll, i can see the plane in the same size (as it supposed to be in orthographic view) but the arrows and the small box between the arrows is getting smaller or bigger.
when i tried to debug it at the renderer function i saw the camera is still in orthograpic mode when it render the arrows.
any idea how can i make all the object to be in orthograpic view but still use the combined camera?
i am not sure which part of the code i should post so i add a picture to describe my problem.
you can see that i am in an orthographic camera and i'm trying to zoom in and i can see the axis arrow getting bigger or smaller.
the difference between the plane when zooming
Found a possible answer which worked for me:
under TransformControls.js
change the update function to:
scale = (camera.inOrthographicMode == true)? 100 : worldPosition.distanceTo(camPosition ) / 6 * scope.size;

Threejs Rotating object with device orientation control

I am trying to achieve an effect similar to one of the cardboard app examples that Google has put out with their cardboard app called the 'exhibit'. I have a 3D object that I want to rotate using device orientation control. Right now with just the device orientation control, I can view the 3D object but when I turn around, the camera rotates (it seems) causing the object to fall out of view until I turn all the way back around to where it was in the beginning. In other words the camera seems to rotate in its axis as I look around. What I want is to be able to rotate the object as I turn around.
Kinda like this example http://threejs.org/examples/#misc_controls_orbit except I want to rotate using device orientation control.
Any idea how I can incorporate this feature?
Thank you for your assistance.
The answer to my own question for future seekers is to replace camera in
controls = new THREE.DeviceOrientationControls(camera, true);
with the 3D object you are trying to rotate.

TextGeometry to always face user?

I've added some text to my scene with THREE.TextGeometry, and the text seems to be stuck in whichever xy plane I place it. Any way to have it adjust to always be in plane with the screen- readable for the user?
mesh.lookAt( camera.position );
The local z-axis of the mesh should then point toward the camera.
To make the text always face the screen (rather than the camera):
Note that this differs from object.lookAt(camera); since this will result in different orientation depending on where on the screen the object is located.
Object3D.onBeforeRender can be used to update the orientation on each frame. It might be useful to disable frustum culling using Object3D.frustumCulled = false; to ensure that the callback always is triggered.

get CATransform3D from Projection and ModelView matrices

How to get CATransform3D from Projection and ModelView matrices
I have browse this question before,the url;but it wasn't absolutely precise; I want to know why it’s not precise;
I find that the rotate by x--axis and y--axis is opposite(I can't post image);the Trapezoidal(when rotate the calayer , it's like a Trapezoidal) is opposite,dose calayer rotate is not like opengl?but it's right when rotate by z--axis.
I want get the Angle and then rotate it twice opposite;how to get Angle by the opengl matrices?
I want play movie by QCAR; I can get opengl matrices,and I want to use UIView to playe movie and other(Familiar with the UIView),and make UIview like Texture.
I just post a example on QCAR forum, you can check the detail here
The idea is simple.
1.I don't use avassetreader to read the video pixel, instead I use AVPlayer and AVPlayerLayer which can play remote video file.
2.I need to convert opengl modelview matrix to CATransform3D so the AVPlayerLayer will attach on the trackable image.Thanks for Hammer on stackoverflow, he shared an example about how to make this.
3.I tried to render camera background use opengl and AVPlayerLayer at same time, but the performace is not good enough, so I use another calayer to render the camera background. There is a bug in 1.5.8 when getting camera frame, thank for andersfrank the problem was solved here.
I put my code on pastebin:
There are still some problem need to solve, but I think this is a right approach.
PS. For question 3 in my original post, you can fix it by set
cameraLayer.contentsGravity = kCAGravityResizeAspectFill;
This will fix the problem that the aspect ratio of the camera image is different with the iphone screen's.
All the problem are solved, please check my original post on vuforia and pastebin.
