How to compile for a freestanding environment with GCC? - gcc

The code I'm working on is supposed to be possible to build for both hosted and freestanding environments, providing private implementations for some stdlib functions for the latter case.
Can I reliably test this with just GCC on a normal workstation/build server? Compile for freestanding environment with GCC
The "-ffreestanding" option looked promising, but it seems that it "only" disables built-ins and sets the STDC_HOSTED macro properly, it still provides all system headers.
The option "-nostdinc" is too restrictive; I still want to use the headers required for a freestanding implementation (in particular stddef.h and limits.h).
What am I missing here?
Oh, and I'm using GCC 4.4.3 for the moment, will upgrade to 4.5.0 "soon".

Well, since no answer is given yet I'd might as well describe how I made this work. It's pretty simple although depending on the target system it can be tedious.
Using "-nostdinc" means that the standard system include paths will be skipped; other include-paths given with "-I" will of course still be searched for headers.
So, for the freestanding build target I create a folder 'include-freestanding-c89' and link the relevant system headers -- float.h, iso646.h, limits.h, stdarg.h and stddef.h -- there. Other headers might be included in these, depending on your platform, so you might have to do some research and set up more links (hence the tediousness if you need to do this for several target platforms).
The C89 directory can then be used as base for 'include-freestanding-c99', the extra headers to link are stdbool.h and stdint.h
The command-line to use is then
gcc -std=c89 -nostdinc -nostdlib -ffreestanding -I include-freestanding-c89
gcc -std=c99 -nostdinc -nostdlib -ffreestanding -I include-freestanding-c99

This Xen Makefile uses gcc -print-search-dirs to get the directory with stddef.h and similar, adds it with -isystem, then uses -nostdinc to build:


Mingw gcc, "-shared -static" passing together

When studying Scintilla's makefile for MinGW under windows, I noticed that it is passing -shared and -static together as LDFLAGS to gcc.
LDFLAGS=-shared -static -mwindows $(LDMINGW)
I googled, and only find some information from clang:
[MinGW, CrossWindows] Allow passing -static together with -shared
In these combinations, link a DLL as usual, but pass -Bstatic instead of -Bdynamic to indicate prefering static libraries.
My question is: Would GCC do the same?
I haven't find any proof yet.
You can pass both -static and -shared in a GCC linkage. Their
combined effect is the same as you found described in your llvm link,
and this has always been the case for GCC.
-shared directs a GCC linkage to produce a shared library rather than a program,
which it achieves by passing on the option -shared to its invocation of
the linker.
-static directs a GCC linkage to ignore shared libraries when resolving
input library options -lname. By default -lname would be resolved by
searching the specified or default linker search directories for either
the shared library (on Windows, [lib]name.dll)
or the static library libname.a (on Windows also [lib]name.lib) and to prefer
the shared library if both of them are found in the same directory. -static
simply excludes all shared libraries from the search. GCC achieves this by passing the option -Bstatic
through to its invocation of the linker at a position in the generated linker
commandline that precedes all of the -lname options.
The GNU linker documentation of -Bstatic is explicit
that this option is consistent with -shared and that the effect is to produce a shared library
all of whose dependent libraries have been statically resolved.
Do not link against shared libraries. This is only meaningful on platforms for which shared libraries are supported.
The different variants of this option are for compatibility with various systems. You may use this option multiple times on the command line:
it affects library searching for -l options which follow it. This option also implies --unresolved-symbols=report-all.
This option can be used with -shared. Doing so means that a shared library is being created but that all of the library’s external references must be resolved by pulling in entries from static libraries.
(emphasis mine).
Although static linkage of shared library is in principle just a linkage restricted
in the same way as static linkage of a program, in practice it frequently encounters
a snag on Unix and Linux because all the object code linked into an ELF shared library must be Position Independent Code,
as produced by the GCC compilation option -fPIC, whereas object files that are destined to be
archived in static libraries are customarily not compiled with -fPIC. Linkages using
-shared ... -static are thus apt to fail because necessary static libraries contain
non-PIC object files.
You do not have this worry with GCC on Windows, however, because there
is no such distinction as PIC v. non-PIC in Windows PE
object code.

Enable AddressSanitizer by default in gcc

To be able to debug and fuzz a whole Linux distribution, I would like to set ASAN (AddressSanitizer, as default option to gcc. So normally to achieve what I want, generally, I set the following variables before to compile a linux package:
CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Werror=array-bounds -g"
CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Werror=array-bounds -g"
and try to compile and run my code. I would like to have it default to gcc.
One option to do it is using spec files: However I didn't find a way to set a "catch all rules" to compile and link all my c/c++ code with AddressSanitizer.
My questions are:
Any example how to do it using spec files?
Is that the best approach to do it?
Any other alternative approach?
First of all, be sure to take a look at existing whole-distro Asan enablings in Tizen (also here) and Gentoo.
In general there are two main approaches:
customize your build system to enable Asan by default, usually using CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS; this won't always work because many packages ignore them (I think that's what Hanno Boeck did in Gentoo)
replace /usr/bin/gcc, /usr/bin/g++ and /usr/bin/cc (and may x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc, x86_64-linux-gnu-g++) with wrappers which would add Asan flags and redirect calls to original executables (this is the approach we eventually took in Tizen and found it very successful)
As a side note, I'd suggest to add the following options
CFLAGS += -fsanitize-recover=address,undefined
otherwise boot will fail at too early stages. Also look at suggested settings ASAN_OPTIONS in above links, it took people long time to figure them out.

Why is the CMake solution for "R_X86_64_32 can not be used when making a shared object" specific to x86_64?

I just got this error when compiling some plugins for my new toy (on gcc/g++ on Linux):
relocation R_X86_64_32 can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
I basically understand why PIC is needed but, within the CMake system, the solution seems to be this:
I don't understand why this solution is conditional.
The follow-up seems to suggest that -fPIC should be used basically everywhere except 32-bit Linux, which suggests that the above is not portable.
Should I always use -fPIC? Will there be any adverse effects?
${PLUGIN_BASE_LIB} needs to be statically linked to both the main executable, and statically the various shared libraries which are the plugins.
Ideally you want to build two versions of code: one for the main executable and one for the library. The first will need to be compiled with -fPIE (which is default in modern distros) and the second with -fPIC. As you point out this does not depend on target architecture.
You can compile only one version with -fPIC but then main executable will be suboptimal because -fPIC forces compiler to obey symbol interposition rules which significantly limits it's ability to optimize code e.g. inline and clone functions.

What flags or environment variables can I pass to Clang to get maximum debugging on both BSD and Linux?

I'm interested in answers, approaches, and ideas out of the box. At a high level, the main page is pretty sparse and they mainly list -g, with one level, suggesting that -O0 is also either very helpful or essential.
But I'm wondering what other clang flags can be given to give maximum debugging. Is there an equivalent to gcc's -ggdb3 which includes some of the source or annotations directly in the object output? Or could there be? Is it possible and helpful to recompile the OS and its original libraries to have debugging (and if so, if I'm using Debian, can I have it write the debugging into the main .deb package instead of putting a separate debugged .deb package which stores debugging data in /usr/lib/debug?)? Will a static build of a binary affect the ability to see a good stacktrace? And is there anything that needs to be done to ensure that addr2line works well? Is it needed to compile all libraries (even glibc) with clang to get the maximum debugging benefit? I note that there is a project to recompile Debian with clang, and otherwise am open to a distribution that does so or otherwise places emphasis on debugging.
On Linux there are also options like an LD_PRELOAD set to /lib/, or a set of LD_LIBRARY_PATH reassignments to /usr/lib/debug instead of the usual /usr/lib location (including redirecting libc itself to the debugged version). Is there a central place or external sources for answers to this question of how to enhance debuggability of a binary? The bigger mystery is clang, since I see in the long gcc man page that there are various options which can increase debugging (or reduce optimisations), but on the other hand the documentation for clang only shows a smaller set. It's possible that clang will accept more options than given, including gcc flags (which may either translate to a no-op or to more debugging - hard to tell without a canonical source of information).
Also from a package build perspective, since an external package may not respect CFLAGS, I've redirected /usr/bin/strip to be a no-op command that always succeeds, but other ideas on ensuring compliance are suggested (I believe that pkgsrc does a good job of wrapping gcc and the linker in shell scripts - useful to insert mandatory flags). Also there may be various ld options that can be passed to increase debugging of the outputted target. Also, it's quite possible that BSD (including FreeBSD 10, based upon clang) may have a different linking architecture which could make it easier to request and find debugged symbols in the generated libraries and executables.
To take debugging more broadly defined, I've set LD_WARN=yes, LD_DEBUG=unused, SEGFAULT_SIGNALS="all", LD_PRELOAD=.../ (as mentioned above), and LD_BIND_NOW=yes. Also I believe I can prefer that gcc search for libraries in /usr/lib/debug - above the standard search paths using strategic -Bs. Also, using --whole-archive for a static build might ensure that more objects are included in the linked output. There's also ulimit -c unlimited, and on Linux a nice way to differentiate core files like:
sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern="core.%t.SIG-%s.PID-%p.ID-%g-%u.%h.%E"
For gcc I've used and seen flags like: -O0 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fverbose-asm -ggdb3 -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -mtune=generic -fvar-tracking -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG=1 -frecord-gcc-switches -femit-class-debug-always -fmath-errno -fno-eliminate-unused-debug-symbols -fno-eliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-merge-debug-strings -mieee-fp -mtune=generic -static-libgcc -fexceptions -fvar-tracking -fbounds-check -rdynamic -UNDEBUG -DDEBUG=1 (-ffreestanding -static-libgcc -pass-exit-codes) -fno-stack-check (since I believe I've read that the latter can interfere with debugging)
Other flags are there for other reasons but the emphasis is to be on maximum debugging. With all or most of the above, it's unclear to what extent clang would support or use there, or whether there are other options.
Clang does not support the -ggdb3 flag, only -g, as you have noticed. If you try to use it, you'll get the message:
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-ggdb3'
so you can run your entire command line through Clang and it will tell you which of those GCC flags it supports and which it does not, some will print warnings, others may error out, but Clang will not silently ignore them. Here are the ones that Clang rejected when I tried your long command: -static-libgcc and -pass-exit-codes.
As pointed out in another SO answer, clang -cc1 --help can be used to list supported compilation flags, where we see the following which may be of interest to you:
-disable-llvm-optzns: Don't run LLVM optimization passes
-fno-elide-constructors: Disable C++ copy constructor elision
-mdisable-fp-elim: Disable frame pointer elimination optimization

How to use gcc and -msoft-float on an i386/x86-64? [duplicate]

Is it (easily) possible to use software floating point on i386 linux without incurring the expense of trapping into the kernel on each call? I've tried -msoft-float, but it seems the normal (ubuntu) C libraries don't have a FP library included:
$ gcc -m32 -msoft-float -lm -o test test.c
/tmp/cc8RXn8F.o: In function `main':
test.c:(.text+0x39): undefined reference to `__muldf3'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
It is surprising that gcc doesn't support this natively as the code is clearly available in the source within a directory called soft-fp. It's possible to compile that library manually:
$ svn co svn:// libgcc
$ cd libgcc/soft-fp/
$ gcc -c -O2 -msoft-float -m32 -I../config/arm/ -I.. *.c
$ ar -crv libsoft-fp.a *.o
There are a few c files which don't compile due to errors but the majority does compile. After copying libsoft-fp.a into the directory with our source files they now compile fine with -msoft-float:
$ gcc -g -m32 -msoft-float test.c -lsoft-fp -L.
A quick inspection using
$ objdump -D --disassembler-options=intel a.out | less
shows that as expected no x87 floating point instructions are called and the code runs considerably slower as well, by a factor of 8 in my example which uses lots of division.
Note: I would've preferred to compile the soft-float library with
$ gcc -c -O2 -msoft-float -m32 -I../config/i386/ -I.. *.c
but that results in loads of error messages like
adddf3.c: In function '__adddf3':
adddf3.c:46: error: unknown register name 'st(1)' in 'asm'
Seems like the i386 version is not well maintained as st(1) points to one of the x87 registers which are obviously not available when using -msoft-float.
Strangely or luckily the arm version compiles fine on an i386 and seems to work just fine.
Unless you want to bootstrap your entire toolchain by hand, you could start with uclibc toolchain (the i386 version, I imagine) -- soft float is (AFAIK) not directly supported for "native" compilation on debian and derivatives, but it can be used via the "embedded" approach of the uclibc toolchain.
GCC does not support this without some extra libraries. From the 386 documentation:
-msoft-float Generate output containing library calls for floating
point. Warning: the requisite
libraries are not part of GCC.
Normally the facilities of the
machine's usual C compiler are used,
but this can't be done directly in
cross-compilation. You must make your
own arrangements to provide suitable
library functions for
On machines where a function returns
floating point results in the 80387
register stack, some floating point
opcodes may be emitted even if
-msoft-float is used
Also, you cannot set -mfpmath=unit to "none", it has to be sse, 387 or both.
However, according to this gnu wiki page, there is fp-soft and ieee. There is also SoftFloat.
(For ARM there is -mfloat-abi=softfp, but it does not seem like something similar is available for 386 SX).
It does not seem like tcc supports software floating point numbers either.
Good luck finding a library that works for you.
Unless you're targetting a platform that doesn't have inbuilt FP support, I can't think of a reason why you'd want to emulate FP support.
Doesn't your x386 platform have external FPU support? Pity it's not a x486 with the FPU built in!
In my experience, any soft emulation is bound to be much slower than its hardware equivalent.
That's why I finished up writing a package in Ada to taget the onboard 68k FPU instead of using the soft emulation provided by the compiler manufacturer at the time. They finished up bundling it in their compiler as a matter of fact.
Edit: Just seen your comment below. Hmmm, if you don't need a full suite of FP support is it possible to roll your own for the few math functions you do need? That how the Ada package I mentioned got started.
