Best approach for building a multiplattform graphical interface for a command-line application - user-interface

I developed a command line application, whose binary runs in Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. It reads some text input files, but I realize that some special users can not handle this. I would then like to build some kind of graphical interface, where the user only finds buttons and scroll bars for selecting the input parameters, a big "run" button, and then it reads the output of the program and makes some figures.
I also need that everything gets finally packed in a single file, which uses only static libraries, so the user just needs to copy the file to his/her machine and run it.
I would like to know what is the best open source and multi-platform approach to do this. 10 years ago I played a bit with something similar on DEC machines, so I guess that nowadays the situation has probably improved a bit.
P.S. For designing the graphical interface, I am looking for a graphical approach, where you add buttons, scroll bars with the mouse
P.S. 2: the interface is really simple, just need less than 10 buttons, 5 text fields and 2 scrolla bars

For advanced UIs, I would generally recommend writing a different UI for each platform (since each platform has its human inteface guidelines). However, is this going to be a simple UI, then one of the cross-platform UIs.
You also didn't mention what language you want to use.
Lastly your "1 exe file" is a bit of a myth - it applies only to Windows. On MacOSX, we use the magic app folders, so it doesn't matter how many files comprise your app, you still get drag-n-drop installs.
Look into GTK+ which originated on Linux, or wxWidgets.

Tcl/Tk is a perfect choice. No other language provides as good of a deployment solution. You can create a virtual filesystem that has your application along with icons, sound files, etc into a single file for each platform (called a 'starpack'). You can even include binary executables and libraries, though those have to be copied to the actual filesystem at runtime to be used.
You also have the option of a two-file deployment -- a platform-specific runtime called 'tclkit', and a platform-independent application file called a 'starkit'. The one starkit will work on all platforms without recompiling, rebundling, etc. It can even have platform-specific parts built-inside and chosen at runtime.
A professional Tcl/Tk developer could do a front end to a command line program in a day without a graphical GUI design tool, easily. If you're new to tcl it will obviously take longer, but that is true of any language. The point being, Tk is remarkably easy to use and doesn't require a graphical GUI designer.

For a cross platform UI, you can use GTK (if using C) or QT (if using C++).

If you can live with a rather huge application package to deliver be sure to look at You can keep your functionality in your commandline apps and build a modern look and feel UI using HTML5 CSS JS and before thinking "this is ridiculous" consider that Microsoft's Visual Studio code is built on this and compared to GTK / wxWidgets you can do wonders with this. It isn't even hard to do but you either love it or hate it. I'm still undecided...


Doing native GUI with Ruby

I'd like to develop a desktop app with Ruby. However, I'd like to have a native GUI on every platform (as opposed to a cross-platform GUI Toolkit that looks consistently awful across all platforms).
I expect to have to do different GUIs for each platform (as it's not just looks but also behaviors and idioms that are different), but I wonder what my options are? Especially wondering if there is a clean way to separate front and backend and bind the data properly?
Target Platforms are Windows (Vista & 7, XP is a Bonus), Mac OS X (Cocoa) and Linux (GTK? Qt? No idea).
The Ruby language has excellent Qt library bindings and your scripts will be cross-platform.
Two Kinds of Cross-Platform
It turns out there are two kinds of cross-platform UI toolkits.
One kind draws its own controls, and, like you said, looks equally bad on all platforms. Even worse: it looks out-of-place on all except one.
But there is another kind that just provides a harmonized interface to the native widgets. The best of example of this kind of toolkit is SWT1.. It looks, it is, approximately fully native on each platform, yet it has but a single API.
So you shouldn't simply rule-out all cross-platform toolkits, just rule out the ones that fake the native UI.
Develop the Wrapper Interface
There is a second way. If your program's interface with the user can be directed through a relatively narrow interface, you can simply develop to that interface and then implement the bottom part of it for each platform you want to support. Yes, you have to rewrite one module, but all the other modules stay exactly the same and you get native widgets. You also get the smallest possible executable without lots of bloat.
Perhaps most importantly, you don't have a complex and opaque software layer between your code and the native windowing system. You will probably save as much time debugging as you spend writing the extra module for your first port.
1. I know my Java examples won't help you much unless you are using jRuby, but SWT vs Swing is a really pure example of the right-vs-wrong (IMHO) UI toolkit divide.
The WxWidgets interface claims to use the native interface on Windows, OS X, Linux and UNIX through one API.
Coworkers who have used it in the past enjoyed it well enough, but I've not used it myself.

What are good options for Windows GUI toolkits for a Perl program?

I am considering doing some automation of tasks on my Windows desktop (e.g. sorting through large collections of music/text/photo files, etc...).
Seeing how my main area of developer expertise is Perl on Unix, I'd prefer to stick to Perl for coding the business logic of whatever I need done, just for the sake of development efficiency.
The question is, if I want to slap some GUI on top of the work (ala Perl::Tk on Unix), what are my GUI toolkit options and which one would you recommend using?
Please note that I'd like this question to be a good learning opportunity to other SO users, so I would welcome ANY answers even if they don't necessarily satisfy my own limitations/needs listed below, although notes elaborating on how your solution relates to these considerations would be very welcome.
My considerations are mostly driven by the fact that I want a quickly developed tool for personal use to save myself time on tasks I now do manually.
Main consideration is Perlishness of development - "Easy things should be easy and hard things should be possible" as a Perl slogan goes. Especially the first part :)
Prefer (but not insist) to be as native as possible as far as components used. E.g. rather re-use Windows' file open dialog vs. having some custom Java dialog.
I would prefer to use something that would have a small learning curve (e.g. no need to learn intricacies of OLE/COM), since the goal here is speedy development of tools I need to simplify my life as opposed to developer education which I concentrate on areas more relevant to my day job :).
But I definitely would love to get exposure to something new/cool while doing this, e.g. if some nice Monad based GUI components are suggested I'm definitely curious.
Performance matters (e.g. I may need to display a directory listing with >10000 files), but is not of paramount concern - I am a pretty good GUI designer and developer and can always architect my app and design a GUI to scale well if needed).
I would strongly prefer (though not insist on) a framework that does not force me to compile stuff. e.g. Perl libraries are more preferable to custom Java stuff I need to compile. But if the framework is perfect in all other respects, I'm open to a compiled solution (as long as it doesn't required me to purchase Visual Studio or somesuch - I want to build a Windows GUI front-end for personal use, not invest in becoming a Windows developer).
I'm pretty open and flexible outside of above constraints. Some ActivePerl/Strawberry Perl libraries, MS PowerShell based components - heck, if nothing better shows up I'll just install Apache on my PC and build a web front-end :)
With respect to "perlishness" of the interface, I'd suggest plain old Tk. Unfortunately, it looks quite antiquated and non-win32-ish.
If you want native widgets, I think your best shots are using the native Windows GUI via Win32::GUI or Wx. I have no experience with Win32::GUI, but Wx is quite nice. It does, however, have a rather steep learning curve and the interface isn't very "perlish". The C++ roots show a little bit (for better or worse).
There are a few Tk-replacements that are actually thin wrappers around Tcl/Tk (I think Tcl::Tk and Tkx). They look more modern than Perl/Tk, but I have no hands-on experience with these either. If you're developing for Windows only, have a look at ActivePerl which comes with (I think) Tkx. Their ppm4 package manager is written using it and looks pretty nice!
There are a number of options listed in perlfaq3 and some additional ones that aren't. I'm only familiar with the Tk-based ones.
Perl/Tk has the most "perlish" interface but it hasn't been updated to take advantage of tile (native/themed widget) support in the current version of Tk (and probably never will be). Tkx uses a different bridge to Tk. It allows access to everything in Tk (and it's faster, too) but the syntax is less perlish. Tkx is designed to be a thin wrapper over Tk; you have to consult the Tk documentation for most things and translate for using it from Perl. The Tcl/Tk module uses the same bridge as Tkx but supports a syntax that's mostly the same as Perl/Tk.
Whether or not you need to compile anything depends on which version of Perl you use. If you use Strawberry Perl you'll probably have to compile something no matter what toolkit you choose. ActivePerl distributions have included Tkx since sometime in the 5.8.x cycle and stopped bundling Tk as of 5.10, although it's still available via PPM. Tcl/Tk is available from CPAN but I haven't been able to get it to work with the Tk library that comes bundled with ActivePerl; you may need to install Tcl separately to use it.
Personally, I used to use Perl/Tk but now use Tkx.
While Tk and Qt are also available (more general frameworks originally intended for other languages, on which you can also use Perl), and Tk probably most popular as it's been around longest, Win32::GUI would seem to meet your requirements best. If you like WISIWYG GUI designers, you could use Loft on top of Win32::GUI, but you don't have to if you'd rather do everything programmatically.
Shameless plug - I am in the process of writing a pure Perl GUI toolkit, XUL::Gui that renders its GUI using Firefox. It allows you do anything Firefox can (XUL, HTML, JavaScript, Flash, other web tech). Firefox uses the native look and feel of the OS (or any other theme you want), and is available for most platforms.
use XUL::Gui;
display Window title=>'My Application',
Button( label=>'click me', oncommand=>sub{ shift->label = 'ouch'} );
It's currently under development, but probably stable enough to start working with. The idea is to be as simple and perlish as possible. Nearly all boilerplate is optional, with sensible defaults. For example, the Window tag is only needed because I wanted to title the window.
The module is up on CPAN. I'd encourage anyone to take a look, and send me feature requests or bug reports.
I'd just stick with Tk myself. It runs on Windows and you already know it.
I would choose GTK because because it has a study guide (at the moment I'm using Wx and there's plenty of available source code in Perl using Wx but no actual official documentation .. apart from some articles, so no book ... no official stuff) , if not Qt is an option also , and it has some proper documentation(but I haven't tried it).
Tk has very big problems and I won't use it.
As for your performance problems ... I'm pretty sure no decent application would be concerned if it's displaying 100000 or 10^100 files , since very few fit on your
screen, so you can do some clipping.
If it is just to get a simple GUI on top of your scripts then the easiest path is VB.NET (or C#). That is what I do.
With Visual Studio's designer it is just a matter of designing the form, double click on the button that will that start processing, add code to read off parameters from the GUI elements (e.g. file paths in TextBox'es) and pass the information to the script through environment variables or command line parameters.
Example from one of my applications (used by real users):
Dim inputFolder As String = txtInputDataMGFfolder.Text
Dim outputFile As String = txtOutputMGFfile.Text
Dim ws As WshShellClass = New WshShellClass
Dim objEnviron2 As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshEnvironment = _
objEnviron2.Item("INDIR") = inputFolder
objEnviron2.Item("OUTFILE") = outputFile
'It may or may not help for this: the user dialogs for selecting
'files may change the current directory and running the Perl
'script or one of the .pm files would fail.
ws.CurrentDirectory = appPath()
ws.Run("%COMSPEC% /K perl -w", 1, False)
Note that use of Windows Script Host for this may not be strictly neccessary, but if it
is then this is needed:
'Requires adding reference to project:
' menu Project/Add Reference/COM/Windows Script Host Object Model
' Note: "Windows", not "Microsoft".
'Note: the DLL may not be registered;
' D:
' cd \WINNT\system32
' regsvr32 wshom.ocx
Imports IWshRuntimeLibrary 'For WshShellClass.
appPath() is defined as follows (and required "Imports System.Reflection" in the beginning of the VB.NET file):
Public Shared Function appPath() As String
'"[Assembly]" requires System.Reflection
Dim strAppDir As String = _
Path.GetDirectoryName( _
Return strAppDir
End Function 'appPath
User selection of files or folders is easy to add, but is helped by HOW-TO instructions and a little bit of boilerplate code.
The Express edition of Visual Studio for VB.NET is free.

How to decide GUI Framework for desktop application project

I am working on a new small utility desktop application but I am not really able to choose the GUI framework to use. I have worked on both JAVA,C# and C++, so language is not really a constraint. My criteria are:-
A very well designed architecture, something like QT. It's better if it follows typical C++ design methodologies.
Layout management should be easy, intuitive and not really cumbersome. I hate adjusting pixels on screen.
Its license should be open.
It should look good :)
Mentioned QT seems to comply to all your requirements. QT has "deploy everywhere" attribute, whilst Java needs no deploying at all (it depends on what is use of your utility).
Ad. 2 QT has really convenient GUI designer.
Ad. 3 LGPL. Usually it is enough.
Ad. 4 It is always matter of taste. IMO QT4 looks awesome under linux, but it's windows look'n'feel is correct at best. It's strong point is, that without additional tweaks it almost everywhere looks native.
I've been using Swing, and it works fine. NetBeans (a decent IDE by itself) even supports graphical GUI building.
It's well designed (basically
everything is done with listeners,
functions that are registered for a
certain event). It has bindings, so
you don't have to write code to set
up a value in a text field or read
it out
Layout is not perfect, but
acceptable within NetBeans. It's
WYSIWYG (almost). Look-and-feel can
be changed on the fly.
License is free. Source-code is not
available, I think.
Looks fine on Windows and Linux,
less so on OSX.
You could always try SWT. The advantages of Java with the standard L&F of supported operating systems.
Well designed. Lots of
documentation, and very easy to
develop with. (If you know Swing,
you can pick up SWT in no time.)
I believe layout managers do exist
that support SWT. I'm not positive
about this though, as I typically
don't use layout managers too much.
Uses the Eclipse Public
License. Should meet most of
your requirements.
From Wikipedia on SWT:
SWT is written in Java. To display GUI elements, the SWT implementation accesses the native GUI libraries of the operating system using JNI (Java Native Interface) in a manner that is similar to those programs written using operating system-specific APIs. Programs that call SWT are portable, but the implementation of the toolkit, despite the fact that it is written in Java, is unique for each platform.
Hope that helps you.
I'd suggest wxWidgets if you want to program in C++ or wxPython (the python language binding of wxWidgets if you know or don't mind learning Python.
Architecture is similar to QT I think.
Layout using sizers. Quite easy once you get the hang of it.
Liberal open source license.
Widgets are native on all platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux).

Programming language for GUI compilable to native binary

I need to write an app that reads a config file with info on the menu bars it needs to create.
Normally, I'd just use java, but I need the application to have the least run-time dependencies possible, this includes not forcing the user to download anything, even JRE, let alone something like NET Framework.
So I need something that can compile to an EXE (windows only for now), and that will allow me to CODE the GUI, so I can dynamically create it from my config.
BTW: something like C++ is a bit too low level, all I need is to create menus, and display HTMLs in a panel.
How about wxPython together with py2exe?
There is a nice tutorial on how to do it here.
If Java's too high-level and C++ too low-level, there ins't much in-between. Maybe Delphi?
I wouldn't totally write off using Java and/or Python for a few reasons.
1) py2exe can compile your Python code to an exe.
2) GCJ can compile your Java code to an exe.
Delphi is best chose for you. Because Delphi compile source code into native x86.
Unless you have serious reasons to avoid interpreted languages, I would suggest you better look into ways of packaging or compiling interpreted scripts because doing this will likely reduce your learning and development time.
I would write a simple GUI in Tcl/Tk, and then package it as a Starpack.
ActiveState provides a distribution (ActiveTCL) and a decent editor (Komodo Edit), and it is fairly easy to get simple GUIs going with Tk. Check out TkDocs for some hand holding.
Once you're done, you can package your code, a Tcl runtime, a database, and a virtual filesystem, all into a single executable that you can easily distribute.
Earwicker is right. You can use HTA:
But if you know C++, then creating this type of an application is actually very easy with Visual C++. Use MFC, and statically link everything. You can draw the menu in the resource editor, and attach events to the menu items. I wouldn't use HTML if I were you. Just use regular Windows controls. But if you're really set on using HTML, you can embed a Browser control in the formview.
Have you considered D ? It has a syntax that is like a mixture of Java, C++ and Python with the ability to make native windows apps. The tutorials on are great to get up and going with the language. For quick GUIs you'd be interested in The D Forms Library and the Entice Designer.
Here are some short video tutorials to get up and running with Entice.
Alternatively, have you tried Qt & Qt Creator? It takes a lot of the hair pulling out of C++ Programming and it's also cross-platform.
You say:
all I need is to create menus, and
display HTMLs in a panel.
A lot like a Web browser, then. If it's going to run on Windows, then the user has IE. Why not use IE to do all the work for you?
You can make something a lot like an .exe with IE, called an .hta:

What is the quickest path to writing a lightweight GUI program on Windows?

I want a small (< 30MB) standalone Windows executable (a single file) that creates a window which asks the user for the location of a directory and then launches a different program in that directory.
This executable has to run on XP, Vista, Server 2003, and Server 2008 versions of Windows in 32-bits and 64 bits on x86-64 architecture as well as Itanium chips.
It would be spectacular if we only had to build it once in order to run it on all these platforms, but that is not a requirement. This is for a proprietary system, so GPL code is off-limits.
What is the fastest way to put this together?
These are some things I'm looking into, so if you have info about their viability, I'm all about it:
Perl/Tk using perl2exe to get the binary.
Ruby with wxruby
Learn MFC programming and do it the right way like everybody else.
What about a WSH script? It won't be an exe, right, but to ask for a folder I don't see the need for an exe file, much less a 30Mb one...
A 1Kb script, save it as whatever name you like with vbs extension and run it. This, in case it's not clear, asks you for a folder name and then runs calc.exe from the system32 subdirectory. You can of course do a lot better than this in 2 or 4 Kb.
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
win = InputBox("Please type your Windows folder location.")
If Right(win,1) <> "\" Then
win = win & "\"
End If
WshShell.Run win & "system32\calc.exe"
To add a Folder Browser dialog instead of an InputBox, check this out.
Clear benefits are:
Simplicity (well, VB is ugly, but you can use JScript if you prefer), no need to compile it!
Compatibility, works on every windows machine I have available (from 98 onwards)
I'd use .NET and WinForms. The idea of scripted solution is appealing, but in practice I often find you end up jumping through hoops to do anything beyond the basic case and still don't have the flexibility to do everything you want.
Quickest way on Windows for a lightweight and fast GUI? One word.. Delphi! It lacks the 64 bit support for now but then FreePascal would come to the rescue.
Having a small stand-alone application and developing it quickly are, I'm sorry to say, usually conflicting requirements.
To be honest, given how incredibly simple the application is, I would write it in C with direct Win32 calls: one call to SHBrowseForFolder() to get the directory, and one to ShellExecuteEx() to run the program. Even MFC is far too heavy-weight for such a modest application. Set the C runtime to be statically linked and you should be able to keep the size of the stand-alone executable to less than 100k. A decent Windows C coder should be able to knock that up in less than an hour, assuming you have one to hand.
Python with either wxWidgets or Tkinter should be able to do this with almost no effort at all. Runs on everything, and py2exe will get you a standalone executable.
Tcl/tk is one solution. You can have a single file executable (including custom images, dlls, etc) using something called a "starpack" -- a virtual filesystem that is both tcl interpreter and application code. I think it would weigh in at maybe a couple megabytes.
From your specifications it would take me personally maybe 15 minutes to get a first working version.
Tcl/Tk has a BSD license.
For all of its flaws, Visual Basic has historically been great for super-simple apps like this.
I agree with the Tcl/Tk answer above. For more information about the starpack that he refers to, see: it's a Tcl/Tk interpreter available for various OS's all in about 1MB. In the past there apparently has been concerned about the look and feel of Tcl/Tk UI's, but this has been addressed by a new framework named "Tile" that supports the native look and feel of the user's OS.
For a quick and dirty GUI program like you said, you can use an AutoIt script. You can even compile to an exe.
For an GUI example of AutoIt, you can check my stdout redirect script in a previous answer here
wxWidgets; it's cross platform, free, open source and easy to learn
You could do this in MFC and have an executable in under 100k. In general, if you want to keep the size of your executables down, you can use UPX to perform exe compression. If you want an example, take a look at uTorrent. It's a full featured BitTorrent app in less than 300k of executable.
I use HTA (HTML Application) for quick-and-dirty form & script applications. See Microsoft's HTA Developers Center for details and examples. This basically uses HTML for the form, and any HTML-accessible scripting language for the script. Normal browser security is bypassed so that you can get at almost all OS internals. The above site also contains links to several tools that nearly automate the scripting part for you.
PyQt works really well for this. Binaries for Windows here:
A good book here:
And you can freeze these using various methods if you need exe(s).
Similar to what Vinko Vrsalovic said, you can use a HTA application. It is as easy as building a webpage with windows scripting host functionality. I have built a few utilities with jscript and it is really easy and quick
These responses are unbelievable.
Visual Studio Forms editor lets you draw out WinForms and autogenerates the boilerplate GUI code (which is a pain in the ass at best for most other languages and toolkits). Then you can use C# or any other .NET language. .NET has stock widgets for file pickers. I could write that script in 20 minutes and it will run on every one of your target platforms for free. Draw out the GUI, drag-n-drop a file picker, fill out maybe two hooks to do the "launch a different file than they wanted" thing, done.
I suggest Autohotkey (AHK) or Autoit. Both support win95+ (with caveats for certain functions). They can be compiled into small .exe without external dependency (besides native DLL's).
small size
easy to write code
useful for simple - complex operations
can create GUI easily
learning curve (as syntax is unusual)
30MB is pretty huge!
Qt (C++) may be the best choice. It is portable, quick to develop and relatively fast to run. With UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) your program will be 10M+.
Qt (Python) is OK too, but will be slower.
If you want it less than 1M and/or you want it quick, you can write it in C with win32 api, or use Delphi.
