disconnect to wifi programmatically - cocoa

Could I disconnect to wifi programmatically in Cocoa?

For the Mac, see the CoreWLAN Framework. Specifically the disassociate method of CWInterface. On the iPhone (since you tagged this cocoa-touch), I believe this operation is restricted (ie, no supported API exists for applications to configure network connectivity).


Psoc 4 ble communicate with windows

I want to make an application to get my notifications from an iphone through psoc 4 ble. I'm subscribing to ANCS service, i get the notifications, and after i want that data to send to windows to a java or c# application. What I don't know how to do or if it's possible: how do I make the connection between psoc and windows to send the data.
It calls Serial Communication (UART). You will have two pins Tx and Rx and using them you can easily communicate with windows using terminal applications such as PUTTY
Does your computer have bluetooth on it directly? If so you can use the microsoft API to call it here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa916530.aspx
else if your computer does not have bleutooth, you have to use the CySmart dongle and use the C# API cypress provides here: CySmart

Get GeoLocation in Xamarin.Forms when not conencted to Internet

I am using Xam.Plugin.GeoLocator from here to get the geo location of a user in Xamarin.Forms project. This is working great when the device is connected to Internet. I need to capture the Lat/Long coordinates of the user when the device is not connected to Internet.
How can this be achieved?
As per comments above, The GeoLocator plugin returns what the OS supplies, so yes, if you have no cellular/wifi but the device does have a GPS connection, then that is what is returned. i.e. If you request a high/fine accuracy than the GPS might be used instead of Google's location services using the cellular or wifi connections even if they are available. Same basically for iOS, but using Apple location services.

Windows does not answer BLE parameter update request

I have a custom embedded device with a Bluetooth low energy stack. The device is advertising itself until a connection is requested, I pair and connect to it via the Bluetooth menu in Windows 10, I can read/write to my custom GATT services using the following BLE GATT functions from the Win32 API.
For my application I need to receive high frequency data using notifications on a characteristic so I enable it using the same API as stated above and receive the correct data but too slow. The default connection parameters Windows is using is not enough and I want to update them so I can receive notification events at higher frequency, but Windows API does not provide such function. I had the same problem when connection to an Android phone, and I solved it by requesting connection parameters update from the device (the slave in the connection) and the Android phone accepted it and everything worked as expected.
The only problem is when I'm trying to ask for a connection parameter update from the device when connected to a Windows master, I don't receive any response (no accept nor reject), meanwhile I still receive notification events so I know the connection is still active. And the weird thing is that if I hold the device closer to the computer's Bluetooth antenna it does receive a response and update the connection parameters like intended.
Any idea what's going on? Is it a bug in Windows stack?
The fact that holding device closer to antenna helps should be verified. Try it multiple times in a different way.
You mentioned Android, does holding device further from Android also prevent connection parameters update?
If this proves true, I'd say the device is faulty. I would compare the behavior between different devices, better if they are from different manufacturers or at least models.

Text to speech without a Network Connection?

Android has a TTS library. It works without a network connection. Does an analog of this library exist for windows phone? I see only Bing's API for using TTS, but this requires a network connection...
Not at present. You need a internet connection as MS have not provided an API in the OS yet.

Send data from WP7 phone to PC via USB cable

I’d be interested in show data from wp7 sensors on a PC screen. Is it possible to send data back to the PC via the USB cable?
When the phone is plugged in via USB it appears as an Ethernet network connection to the device. This means it is easy enough to send data back to a service running on your machine using standard HTTP calls.
This is easily done by setting up a simple web service on your PC and generating a WCF proxy around it in Silverlight. You can then simply use it as you would any other web service.
If you are looking for lower level serial access to the USB itself, then unfortunately no the phone APIs don't expose that functionality.
