Delphi C++Builder to VisualStudio - visual-studio-2005

Can we 'easily' (in some way) compile C++Builder project into VisualStudio 2005 C++. New in C++ i'm looking for references in that matter (CBuilder vs VS). Thanks.

Well, not really. It's true that the "pure" C++ parts should compile, you have two very big gotchas to deal with:
First, Borland made some proprietary extensions to C++ to make it compatible with their Delphi products. I don't remember what these are offhand, but they could be a problem depending on what you're doing.
But the main problem is the VCL, the main GUI library. If you're developing in C++Builder, then 99% of the time you're using the VCL, and using it rather heavily. AFAIK, the VCL will not compile under any Microsoft compiler for many reasons, including the one I already mentioned.
So basically, you're stuck porting to .NET ( or MFC or whatever if you're a masochist) if you want to get this running under VisualStudio. One bright spot here is that many 3rd party component developers have embraced .NET, so you may not have to do as much work to port the project as you think.

If you use the VCL classes you won't be able to compile your code in Visual C++. The VCL introduces some new language structures to the C++ language, to make it compatible with delphi, __property etc. And even if you can move the VCL code to some external dynamically linked library there will still be a lot of problems calling the VCL functions. This is because the Borland __fastcall calling convention differs from most other compiler implementations of it. The Borland version passes 3 arguments to registers, while most other compilers use 2.
All in all there can occur a lot of problems from different compiler implementation, in particular if you use the VCL or the __fastcall calling convention. The thing about C++ Builder is that it is build to be compatible with Delphi and the VCL, and while the VCL is an excellent framework for RAD and GUI programs, it adds the cost of less compatibility with other compilers.

Well, it's all C++ in the end, so you can include your C++Builder files into a VS2005 solution and link the libraries in. VS2005 would much rather see MFC or .NET than all of the Turbo classes from C++Builder, no doubt. Importing resources may be an issue too.
I'd be interested in other answers here as well. We may need to travel down this same path on our project.


How can I link a 2010 generated DLL in Visual Studio 2008?

I have a DLL generated from Visual Studio 2010, but I need to link it to a 2008 project that needs to remain 2008 for various other reasons. Anyone run into similar trouble or have advice?
VS2010 is .NET 4.0
VS2008 is .NET 3.5
So the answer for your question is NO because if the dll is making use of any of the specific .NET 4 features, it wont get executed in your 3.5 environment. Also it may happen that the assembly mapping is different in both the .NET version and that may become one of the reason for the 4.0 dll not getting executed in 3.5 env.
I am not sure, but you may look at COM Interop features. May be it can help you in achieving what you want. But it would be too messy !!
Dynamic-Link libraries (DLL) are an integrated part of the Windows platform from its very beginning. DLLs allow encapsulation of a piece of functionality in a standalone module with an explicit list of C functions that are available for external users. In 1980’s, when Windows DLLs were introduced to the world, the only viable option to speak to broad development audience was C language. So, naturally, Windows DLLs exposed their functionality as C functions and data. Internally, a DLL may be implemented in any language, but in order to be used from other languages and environments, a DLL interface should fall back to the lowest common denominator – the C language.
Standardized C style interface, should be ok, though that pertains only to non managed C++.

Visual C++ project type to be used for interop

I am trying to learn Interop from C# and C++/CLI. I am starting with creating a C++/CLI project. Most of the examples I found talks about interop with COM however when I am creating a C++/CLI project in Visual studio 2010, under the project templates for Visual C++ project, I don't see any type for COM. Any ideas? Also can I create just a Visual C++ Class Library project to use for this purpose?
You are mixing it up. There are three distinct ways to interop with native code from a managed program, you don't use them all at the same time:
pinvoke through the [DllImport] attribute. Good for C style native APIs
interop through COM. Very well supported by the CLR as long as it is the Automation subset and you have a type library. Just works out of the box, no work needed. Adding COM to existing native code that isn't COM enabled is not productive unless you already have good COM programming skills (know ATL)
wrapper classes created in the C++/CLI language. When the above options are not enough. Required for interop with native C++ classes.
Learning enough C++/CLI to get the job done requires about 3 weeks, truly learning the language is a multi-month effort. Things to focus on when you just use it for writing wrappers is #pragma managed, the proper use of the hat and the difference between the destructor and the finalizer.
It is possibly worth your time to learn more about it, the syntax heavily resembles the syntax of C++/CX, the language extensions added to the MSVC++ compiler that support writing Metro apps for Windows 8. Knowing C++/CLI is 95% of knowing C++/CX.
Sample quick-start wrapper class in C++/CLI in this answer.

Why do 3ds Max plug-ins need to be built with a specific version of Visual C++?

The requirements listed in the 3ds Max SDK state that plug-ins for 3ds Max 2011 must be built with Visual C++ 9.0 (Visual Studio 2008).
If I create a DLL with a different version of Visual C++, won't the binary be identical? Is this simply a matter of choosing the right compiler settings?
What problems will I run into if I try to build a plug-in using Visual C++ 2010 (Visual Studio 2010)?
I don't know specifically for 3ds Max, but the usual reason is the C Runtime library. If the host application uses the DLL version of the CRT, then plugins will also need to use the same version.
Otherwise, imagine the case where your plugin creates some memory using malloc(), and passes it to the host application, which uses it and then calls free(). If your plugin and the host application are using different CRTs, the host's call to free() will fail or crash because it wasn't the host's CRT that malloc()ed that block of memory.
The binary won't be identical but the binary interfaces should be, which is what you need.
The reason you can't use VS2010 is because it is not yet production quality. They think you should wait for VS2010 SP1 at a minimum.
You think they are just being obstinate and stubborn, eh? Ruining all your fun. They have reasons. Good ones.
Because of bugs like this:
I use both visual studio 2008 and 2010 for plugin development.
Only difference I've seen is that the user need the vs c++ runtime version for 2010\2008.
But there might be pitfalls - but I have not encountered any problems with it yet.
C++ doesn't have a standardised binary interface. The compiler "mangles" each symbol name (i.e. each function or static data) to include information about namespaces and signature, so that namespaces, argument overloading, &c. can work. Each compiler is free to decide how to do this. Different MSVS compiler versions do name mangling in different ways, so in general you can't link a C++ library compiled with 2005 and a library compiled with 2008 together: this includes loading a 2008 DLL from a 2005 executable (for example). You can do this if the interface between the libraries is C, as long as the relevant functions are marked with extern "C" to prevent name mangling. And in practice the differences are not always that great: for example, I never had trouble using VS2005 SP1 to compile a library for 3ds Max 9, which supposedly requires VS2005 with no service pack.
Microsoft is trying to fix this incompatibility, so in VS2010 they introduced an option, so VS2010 can produce binaries compatible with VS2005 programs or VS2008 programs (maybe some earlier versions too, I forget). If you have to create a plugin to work with multiple 3ds Max versions, and you don't get caught out by any VS2010 bugs, this is probably a good option. Also, the Intel C++ compiler has a mode where it produces binaries that are compatible with an MSVS version of your choice, which might be a better option for you if it's for hobby use or you can afford the slightly expensive price tag. (They achieve this by copying the way MSVS does name mangling.)

Managed code in Visual Studio

Is it possible to switch off managed code (and switch on unmanaged code) for c++ coding, so that programs (exes) made are run direct to native machine code in Visual Studio 2008?
Also, is it true that after the first time a .net (managed) exe runs (say written in C#) the exe gets converted to a native code one (like the old c++ ones pre .net)? Or is there a way to make it compile direct to native code if it was written in C#?
The answer to both of these questions is yes.
You can create unmanaged c++ code projects in VS which do not need .Net. You can also link unmanaged C++ code to managed C++ code and (sort of) get the best of both worlds - although the matching of calling parameters between the to systems is interesting.
You can also use the ngen .Net utility to pre-compile .Net projects to pure code. However in doing so you loose some flexibility. The JIT compiler will take account of local capabilities when compiling a .Net project. So if you distribute a .Net project as generated by VS then ngen on the local machine that runs the program will do the compiliing. However if you use ngen on your machine the precompiled code will be tied to the processsor capabilities of your system.
As per Joel's comment. regardless of using ngen or not, you still need .Net framework on the target machine.
In thinking about it, the use of ngen to pre-compile a .Net project probably is no worse than compiling an unmanaged c++ project to native code.
To do what you want for C#, you would use ngen.exe, which comes with the C# compiler. You run that command on the image, and it gets added to the GAC as native code.
As far as i know, you can switch temporarily to unmanaged code, i.e. using unmanaged variables etc. by marshaling. Take a look here:

Is it possible to use VS2008 built libraries from a VS2003 solution?

How can I use DLLs and libraries compiled with Visual Studio 2008 from within a Visual Studio 2003 project?
You can definitely use a DLL. I used the same third-party DLLs in VS2003 and VS2008. To make things a lot easier, you should only pass plain old data types to and from the DLL functions. Structs or classes is much more difficult, but should also be possible in most cases between VS2003 and VS2008.
Check out this questions for far more in-depth info than I can give you.
In general, it's unlikely that you'll be able to use compiled C++ libraries (dynamic or static) with another compiler unless one of the compilers is explicitly listed as binary compatible with the other.
Some answers have mentioned 'third party' or Windows DLLs. However, I'd be willing to bet that most, if not all, of those DLLs were using C APIs, and not C++. The C++ ABI (Application Binary Interface) is not standardized - things like name mangling are not guaranteed to be identical across different versions of the same compiler, and calling conventions can vary based on compiler options.
A quick Google search didn't turn up any links that looked usable, but as I said in the beginning, in general, you cannot use a compiled C++ library, static or dynamic, in code compiled with a different compiler. C is a different beast, and that answer is completely different!
You cannot do that. The only possible thing will be to recompile to target .NET 1.x.
