Group detection in data sets - algorithm

Assume a group of data points, such as one plotted here (this graph isn't specific to my problem, but just used as a suitable example):
Inspecting the scatter graph visually, it's fairly obvious the data points form two 'groups', with some random points that do not obviously belong to either.
I'm looking for an algorithm, that would allow me to:
start with a data set of two or more dimensions.
detect such groups from the dataset without prior knowledge on how many (or if any) might be there
once the groups have been detected, 'ask' the model of groups, if a new sample point seems to fit to any of the groups

There are many choices, but if you are interested in the probability that a new data point belongs to a particular mixture, I would use a probabilistic approach such as Gaussian mixture modeling either estimated by maximum likelihood or Bayes.
Maximum likelihood estimation of mixtures models is implemented in Matlab.
Your requirement that the number of components is unknown makes your model more complex. The dominant probabilistic approach is to place a Dirichlet Process prior on the mixture distribution and estimate by some Bayesian method. For instance, see this paper on infinite Gaussian mixture models. The DP mixture model will give you inference over the number of components and the components each elements belong to, which is exactly what you want. Alternatively you could perform model selection on the number of components, but this is generally less elegant.
There are many implementation of DP mixture models models, but they may not be as convenient. For instance, here's a Matlab implementation.
Your graph suggests you are an R user. In that case, if you are looking for prepacked solutions, the answer to your question lies on this Task View for cluster analysis.

I think you are looking for something along the lines of a k-means clustering algorithm.
You should be able to find adequate implementations in most general purpose languages.

You need one of clustering algorithms. All of them can be devided in 2 groups:
you specify number of groups (clusters) - 2 clusters in your example
algorithm try to guess correct number of clusters by itself
If you want algorithm of 1st type then K-Means is what you really need.
If you want algorithm of 2nd type then you probably need one of hierarchical clustering algorithms. I haven't ever implement any of them. But I see an easy way to improve K-means in such way thay it will be unnecessary to specify number of clusters.


Select relevant features with PCA and K-MEANS

I am trying to understand PCA and K-Means algorithms in order to extract some relevant features from a set of features.
I don't know what branch of computer science study these topics, seems on internet there aren't good resources, just some paper that I don't understand well. An example of paper
I have csv files of pepole walks composed as follow:
TIME, X, Y, Z, these values are registred by the accelerometer
What I did
I transformed the dataset as a table in Python
I used tsfresh, a Python library, to extract from each walk a vector of features, these features are a lot, 2k+ features from each walk.
I have to use PFA, Principal Feature Analysis, to select the relevant features from the set of
vectors features
In order to do the last point, I have to reduce the dimension of the set of features walks with PCA (PCA will make the data different from the original one cause it modifies the data with the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the original data). Here I have the first question:
How the input of PCA should look? The rows are the number of walks and the columns are the features or viceversa, so the rows are the number of the features and the columns are the number of walks of pepole?
After I reduced this data, I should use the K-Means algorithm on the reduced 'features' data. How the input should look in the K-Means? And what's the propouse on using this algorithm? All I know this algorithm it's used to 'cluster' some data, so in each cluster there are some 'points' based on some rule. What I did and think is:
If I use in PCA an input that looks like: the rows are the number of walks and the columns are the number of features, then for K-Means I should change the columns with rows cause in this way each point it's a feature (but this is not the original data with the features, it's just the reduced one, so I don't know). So then for each cluster I see with euclidean distance who has the lower distance from the centroid and select that feature. So how many clusters I should declare? If I declare that the clusters are the same as the number of features, I will extract always the same number of features. How can I say that a point in the reduced data correspond to this feature in the original set of features?
I know it's not correct what I am saying maybe, but I am trying to understand it, can some of you help me? If am I in the right way? Thanks!
For the PCA, make sure you separate the understanding of the method the algorithm uses (eigenvectors and such) and the result. The result, is a linear mapping, mapping the original space A, to A', where possibly, the dimension (number of features in your case) is less than the original space A.
So the first feature/element in space A', is a linear combination of features of A.
The row/column depends on implementation, but if you use scikit PCA the columns are the features.
You can feed the PCA output, the A' space, to K-means, and it will cluster them, based on a space of usually reduced dimension.
Each point will be part of a cluster, and the idea is that if you would calculate K-Means on A, you would probably end up with the same/similar clusters like with A'. Computationally A' is a lot cheaper. You now have a clustering, on A' and A. As we agree that points similar in A' are also similar in A.
The number of clusters is difficult to answer, if you don't know anything search the elbow method. But say you want to get a sense of different type of things you have, I argue go for 3~8 and not too much, compare 2-3 points closest to
each center, and you have something consumable. The number of features can be larger than the number of clusters. e.g. If we want to know the most dense area in some area (2D) you can easily have 50 clusters, to get a sense where 50 cities could be. Here we have number of cluster way higher than space dimension, and it makes sense.

k-Nearest Neighbors where each point is its own class

I'm trying to do recommendation based on feature similarity where my points in feature space represent unique classes. Essentially I have hundreds of unique items represented as low-dimensional feature vectors and I want to find the k-nearest neighbors in rank order for a new observation.
Conventionally you find the k neighbors and choose the class with the majority of representation therein. That won't work in my case considering each item has its own class.
Is kNN the wrong approach here? Is there a different family of algorithms more appropriate for this kind of problem?
Whether kNN is the right approach boils down to whether your classes are well characterized by a distance metric in your feature space. There is nothing inherently wrong with what you are proposing. You can simply associate a unique class with each training observation and then apply kNN with k = 1.
It sounds like you want to build a recommender system, where you recommend new products based on a product already purchased. This is not a classification problem, and so you shouldn't be treating it like one.
What method to use really depends on more details about your data, the amount, the feature representation, and other issues. Recommender systems are often a harder problem them simple classification with more nuanced issues. This coursera course may be more helpful to you.

Similarities Between Trees

I am working on a problem of Clustering of Results of Keyword Search on Graph. The results are in the form of Tree and I need to cluster those threes in group based on their similarities. Every node of the tree has two keys, one is the table name in the SQL database(semantic form) and second is the actual values of a record of that table(label).
I have used Zhang and Shasha, Klein, Demaine and RTED algorithms to find the Tree Edit Distance between the trees based on these two keys. All algorithms use no of deletion/insertion/relabel operation need to modify the trees to make them look same.
**I want some more matrices of to check the similarities between two trees e.g. Number of Nodes, average fan outs and more so that I can take a weighted average of these matrices to reach on a very good similarity matrix which takes into account both the semantic form of the tree (structure) and information contained in the tree(Labels at the node).
Can you please suggest me some way out or some literature which can be of some help?**
Can anyone suggest me some good paper
Even if you had the (pseudo-)distances between each pair of possible trees, this is actually not what you're after. You actually want to do unsupervised learning (clustering) in which you combine structure learning with parameter learning. The types of data structures you want to perform inference on are trees. To postulate "some metric space" for your clustering method, you introduce something that is not really necessary. To find the proper distance measure is a very difficult problem. I'll point in different directions in the following paragraphs and hope they can help you on your way.
The following is not the only way to represent this problem... You can see your problem as Bayesian inference over all possible trees with all possible values at the tree nodes. You probably would have some prior knowledge on what kind of trees are more likely than others and/or what kind of values are more likely than others. The Bayesian approach would allow you to define priors for both.
One article you might like to read is "Learning with Mixtures of Trees" by Meila and Jordan, 2000 (pdf). It explains that it is possible to use a decomposable prior: the tree structure has a different prior from the values/parameters (this of course means that there is some assumption of independence at play here).
I know you were hinting at heuristics such as the average fan-out etc., but you might find it worthwhile to check out these new applications of Bayesian inference. Note, for example that within nonparametric Bayesian method it is also feasible to reason about infinite trees, as done e.g. by Hutter, 2004 (pdf)!

Ways to determine a group of units in RTS

Looking for an algorithm that can be used to determine groups of units that move together as a squad in a real time strategy game like StarCraft. The direction that I am currently look at is a clustering algorithm but having a hard time finding which one would work best since units are moving as a group not just standing still. Any help would be great.
K-means is not the best choice, as it requires you to specify the number of clusters you expect to find. Some might contain single objects then.
I recommend adapting DBSCAN. In particular, the generalized version GDBSCAN.
For this, you need to define what constitutes the neighborhood of a unit - say, any other unit within a range of 2 that is belonging to the same player and moving approximately in the same direction (up to a certain delta threshold in x and y velocity).
Next, you need to specify when you consider units to start forming an initial cluster, called "core point". Say that is a minimum of 3 units.
Then using DBSCAN is quite basic, and should give you good results. You need to fine-tune the parameters a bit. Things like this minimum size are clearly an input parameter, and depend on your use case. So is the neighborhood definition: you are looking for groups that move into the same direction, this information needs to be put into the algorithm somehow. With GDBSCAN this is trivial, by adjusting the neighborhood definition.
You may want to look at a number of classification algorithms, like k-Nearest Neighbor or Support Vector Machines
Kmeans algorithm is quite simple and standard approach. You can check if it works:

Determining the best k for a k nearest neighbour

I have need to do some cluster analysis on a set of 2 dimensional data (I may add extra dimensions along the way).
The analysis itself will form part of the data being fed into a visualisation, rather than the inputs into another process (e.g. Radial Basis Function Networks).
To this end, I'd like to find a set of clusters which primarily "looks right", rather than elucidating some hidden patterns.
My intuition is that k-means would be a good starting place for this, but that finding the right number of clusters to run the algorithm with would be problematic.
The problem I'm coming to is this:
How to determine the 'best' value for k such that the clusters formed are stable and visually verifiable?
Assuming that this isn't NP-complete, what is the time complexity for finding a good k. (probably reported in number of times to run the k-means algorithm).
is k-means a good starting point for this type of problem? If so, what other approaches would you recommend. A specific example, backed by an anecdote/experience would be maxi-bon.
what short cuts/approximations would you recommend to increase the performance.
For problems with an unknown number of clusters, agglomerative hierarchical clustering is often a better route than k-means.
Agglomerative clustering produces a tree structure, where the closer you are to the trunk, the fewer the number of clusters, so it's easy to scan through all numbers of clusters. The algorithm starts by assigning each point to its own cluster, and then repeatedly groups the two closest centroids. Keeping track of the grouping sequence allows an instant snapshot for any number of possible clusters. Therefore, it's often preferable to use this technique over k-means when you don't know how many groups you'll want.
There are other hierarchical clustering methods (see the paper suggested in Imran's comments). The primary advantage of an agglomerative approach is that there are many implementations out there, ready-made for your use.
In order to use k-means, you should know how many cluster there is. You can't try a naive meta-optimisation, since the more cluster you'll add (up to 1 cluster for each data point), the more it will brought you to over-fitting. You may look for some cluster validation methods and optimize the k hyperparameter with it but from my experience, it rarely work well. It's very costly too.
If I were you, I would do a PCA, eventually on polynomial space (take care of your available time) depending on what you know of your input, and cluster along the most representatives components.
More infos on your data set would be very helpful for a more precise answer.
Here's my approximate solution:
Start with k=2.
For a number of tries:
Run the k-means algorithm to find k clusters.
Find the mean square distance from the origin to the cluster centroids.
Repeat the 2-3, to find a standard deviation of the distances. This is a proxy for the stability of the clusters.
If stability of clusters for k < stability of clusters for k - 1 then return k - 1
Increment k by 1.
The thesis behind this algorithm is that the number of sets of k clusters is small for "good" values of k.
If we can find a local optimum for this stability, or an optimal delta for the stability, then we can find a good set of clusters which cannot be improved by adding more clusters.
In a previous answer, I explained how Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) can be used in visual clustering.
Otherwise, there exist a variation of the K-Means algorithm called X-Means which is able to find the number of clusters by optimizing the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), in addition to solving the problem of scalability by using KD-trees.
Weka includes an implementation of X-Means along with many other clustering algorithm, all in an easy to use GUI tool.
Finally you might to refer to this page which discusses the Elbow Method among other techniques for determining the number of clusters in a dataset.
You might look at papers on cluster validation. Here's one that is cited in papers that involve microarray analysis, which involves clustering genes with related expression levels.
One such technique is the Silhouette measure that evaluates how closely a labeled point is to its centroid. The general idea is that, if a point is assigned to one centroid but is still close to others, perhaps it was assigned to the wrong centroid. By counting these events across training sets and looking across various k-means clusterings, one looks for the k such that the labeled points overall fall into the "best" or minimally ambiguous arrangement.
It should be said that clustering is more of a data visualization and exploration technique. It can be difficult to elucidate with certainty that one clustering explains the data correctly, above all others. It's best to merge your clusterings with other relevant information. Is there something functional or otherwise informative about your data, such that you know some clusterings are impossible? This can reduce your solution space considerably.
From your wikipedia link:
Regarding computational complexity,
the k-means clustering problem is:
NP-hard in general Euclidean
space d even for 2 clusters
NP-hard for a general number of
clusters k even in the plane
If k and d are fixed, the problem can be
exactly solved in time O(ndk+1 log n),
where n is the number of entities to
be clustered
Thus, a variety of heuristic
algorithms are generally used.
That said, finding a good value of k is usually a heuristic process (i.e. you try a few and select the best).
I think k-means is a good starting point, it is simple and easy to implement (or copy). Only look further if you have serious performance problems.
If the set of points you want to cluster is exceptionally large a first order optimisation would be to randomly select a small subset, use that set to find your k-means.
Choosing the best K can be seen as a Model Selection problem. One possible approach is Minimum Description Length, which in this context means: You could store a table with all the points (in which case K=N). At the other extreme, you have K=1, and all the points are stored as their distances from a single centroid. This Section from Introduction to Information Retrieval by Manning and Schutze suggest minimising the Akaike Information Criterion as a heuristic for an optimal K.
This problematic belongs to the "internal evaluation" class of "clustering optimisation problems" which curent state of the art solution seems to use the **Silhouette* coeficient* as stated here
and here: :
"silhouette plots and averages may be used to determine the natural number of clusters within a dataset"
scikit-learn provides a sample usage implementation of the methodology here
