Is it safe to use TortoiseSVN's "Set file dates to the last commit time" feature with Visual Studio? - visual-studio

TortoiseSVN has a feature to set the file dates to the "last commit time." The default is false.
This would be nice to use for the purpose of robocopy install scripts. If one developer does a robocopy install of a website, when I update my repository my file change dates aren't the same as his, so if I try to do an install, the dates are all different and robocopy thinks it needs to update every single file.
However, TortoiseSVN's docs provide this warning: (emphasis mine)
This option tells TortoiseSVN to set
the file dates to the last commit time
when doing a checkout or an update.
Otherwise TortoiseSVN will use the
current date. If you are developing
software it is generally best to use
the current date because build systems
normally look at the date stamps to
decide which files need compiling. If
you use “last commit time” and revert
to an older file revision, your
project may not compile as you expect
it to.
Does this warning rightly apply to Visual Studio? Is it safe to overlook this warning or will I run into problems down the road?
Or alternatively, is there another stupidly simple installing scheme that would work in place of robocopy? Keep in mind that I don't want to introduce a lot of extra dependencies, so a 3rd party app, an install script I can't store in SVN, or a solution that requires lot of extra developer training would not be ideal.

One solution would be to copy only files that have actually changed, by checking the file contents. I'm not sure if Robocopy has an option for this, but rsync (for Windows, cwrsync) does.
Edit: oh, sorry, "not ideal". Well, I'll just leave it in case it helps.


VisualSVN - disable auto checkout

Recently switched jobs and with it switched source control from TFS to SVN, which is new to me.
In TFS there was an option to disable automatic checkout of files when you started typing in them. It's enabled by default and a lot of users like this behaviour, but I prefer to know for certain what's being changed before committing. A personal thing.
VisualSVN auto-checkouts by default. Is there an similar option to turn it off? I can't seem to find out in the settings.
"Automatic checkout" term in SVN and in TFS worlds has different meanings, as far as I see.
In Subversion, checkout relates to svn checkout operation which gets a working copy from a repository. In TFS it looks like the term somehow relates to automatic locking mechanism.
If you want a file to be locked automatically when you start modifying it in Visual Studio (with VisualSVN extension installed), see the KB article "Lock-Modify-Unlock Model with VisualSVN". I also suggest reading the SVNBook chapter "Locking".
Generally speaking, you can set svn:needs-lock property on files. The property instructs client which files must be locked before editing. After applying svn:need-lock to a file the file gets read-only attribute. Before editing the file must be explicitly locked by the user. After committing the lock is released by default.
Short answer: I don;t think you can do this without becoming very unpopular.
I think you should read up on the SVN redbook's description of how SVN works, especially the versioning models
In your environment, everyone wants to be able to modify any file locally and then send their changes to the server, merging changes with colleague's changes if necessary. This approach works well if 2 people are not changing the same files all the time, which is typical of most dev shops.
The old TFS/VSS model of checkout a file to work on it is pretty obsolete today - the more 'optimistic' approach where you assume you have exclusive access is much more productive. (as usual its easier to ask forgiveness if it goes wrong than ask permission every time)
Your main problem is that you cannot mix these models - if your colleagues are using the merge model, then you have to as well. You cannot lock a file and expect them to still be able to change any file anytime.
Now, there are tricks you can use to prevent yourself from modifying files you never meant to - I'm not sure of VisualSVN but TortoiseSVN (awesome tool) can run client hooks - ie you can write a program to run on every checkout, and that program can be as simple as setting every file's read-only flag. Whether this is god enough for you is another matter.
Personally, I would get used to the idea of change whatever you like whenever. If you accidentally edit a file, you can see the change indicator (AnkhSVN turns the file icon orange for changed files), and its easy to 'svn revert' changes you didn't want to make. Also SVN lets you see diffs really easily, especially on commit - double click the files in the commit dialog. The productivity gains from being able to work without the tools getting in your way (as I found with TFS continually pinging at me as I tried to edit a file) are huge. The SVN tools are really good to let you "ask forgiveness" so you don't need to run in the crappy old TFS way now you've upgraded to something better.
The other advantage is that this applies to files that are not in a Visual Studio project, if you've ever had a project file that was edited outside VS (eg a generated WCF client stub) then you will appreciate how SVN works - never again will you do a full commit and find that TFS has conveniently decided that your changed file wasn't changed and so didn't need to be committed!

Checkin Without Merge in Visual Sourcesafe

I've got a file managed by Visual Sourcesafe 2005 which I have edited. I'd like to check in the file exactly as-is on my box, but VSS always merges it with the file in the repository, breaking my code.
I don't know what I expected to happen...
Is there any way to check the file in without merge shy of deleting the existing file from the repo and adding my copy back in?
I've looked for command line options to no avail.
You could just do "Undo check out" for all files, keeping their local versions on your machine; then again check out this files without getting latest versions from Visual SourceSafe; then check in all of them. In this case history is preserved. You just overwrite latest versions of files without any merge. Seems for me it's what you wanted.
I had the same problem and sorted it out in that way.
I'm putting this answer here, but still really hoping that a better one comes up.
I figured that I can go into the VSS GUI and rename the file to ".old", then add my local file into the repo. It's extremely hacky, but allows me to keep the file history.
Such issue might happen when the file was checked out by multple people and there was a newer version checked in by others after your checkout. (See Four scenarios that merge may be performed #2 of the article for more details.)
I don't see a option in SourceSafe CheckIn command to control that either. If you don't want merge happen, you may exclusively check out the file before editing.

Automatic "SCM" for the single developer

I want to use a versioning system to back up and track my changes but I'm too lazy to check out/check in, merge, commit, etc. I don't want to branch, fork or anything else. I just want to be able to see what files have changes and what my Main() looked like last week.
So I'm looking for an application that will simply take my Visual Studio projects folder and back it up in such a way that all prior versions of the files are preserved so I can not only have a backup, but I can easily see how the file looked at some point in the past without me having to explicitly put it in a repository, update/commit/merge/etc.
Basically what I'm looking for is dropbox's functionality but on my local machine and without the 30 day limitation of prior versions.
Does such an application exist?
As AlexC stated, I highly doubt that the little bit of work you save by not using a version control system explicitly is worth the drawbacks, but anyway:
Simplest idea: Just write a wrapper script that checks out the HEAD of your repository, starts Visual Studio and commits everything to version control after you close it.
Alternatively, just trigger commits every hour. With most VCSes, non-modified files won't show up in the listing of modified files.

How do I integrate VSS 6 so that VB 6 automatically checks out when editing?

I'm using Visual Studio 6.0 and Visual Basic 6.0.
I have them integrated but when I check out a Project and then try to edit a module in that project it's locked and I have to manually right-click on it and do a Check Out to unlock it.
I thought there was a way to have VSS automatically check out the file for editing.
Any suggestions?
I agree with kris here. Now I know that a bunch of folks saying your "software stinks" doesn't really answer your question. But there is a world of difference between a check out style source control and a file locking system like Source safe. The general consensus is that Check out systems are far superior.
With check out, what you do is you check out the project from your repository. All the files are editable. You work on your project as normally. Then before you checkin you do another update. If anybody else in your team did a update the software will automatically merge in the changes into your code. You will have a chance to review the merges and resolve any conflicts. After the update you can then check in your changes which everyone else can retrieve.
The big scary part is the merging part. Back when CVS and subversion where just command line tools it was a little scary as it was a pain to retrieve what happened with the merging. But with today's tools like Tortoise is all visual. In the last couple of years I can't think of any instance where a automatic merge failed. Any conflicts (basically two people edit the same line of code) are display right here for you to resolve.
Tortoise SVN
There is an option in SourceSafe under the "Local Files" tab labeled "Use read-only flag for files that are not checked out". By default this option is selected, but if you unselect it, you will be able to edit any file in the project without checking it out.
Once you uncheck the option, you can get the latest version of a project to remove the read-only flag from all the files.
When you check out a file, you will be warned that there is a writable copy of the file in your working folder, at which time you can replace it with the version in the SourceSafe database.
I never figured out a way to do this. It was always a huge pain. Sorry for posting a negative answer, but I figured that you might want to know that you aren't alone in hating this, but that there wasn't an immediate and obvious answer. I'll be following this question along with you in case someone out there does know of a solution...
I don't think it is possible to do this (at least it wasn't when we used VSS eight years ago), but while you are experiencing the pain of a check out styled source control, run - don't walk, to some real, non-locking style source control solution. SVN, CVS, Git, Mecruial, anything that doesn't lock files, and doesn't leave your source in a proprietary file sytem. We switched to CVS eight years ago because we lost all of our source history (the code was checkout out so it was retrievable), due to a VSS glitch. Best thing we ever did, made collaboration ten times easier. Now CVS isn't the best solution (it was the most reasonable solution for windows back then), but anything is better than VSS.
Best solution I found was to check out all the files. Took a bit of poking around to figure out how to do that. Here's how:
How to check out all VB6 Project files from VSS?
when I check out a Project and then
try to edit a module in that project
it's locked and I have to manually
right-click on it and do a Check Out
to unlock it
Like it or not, it works that way by design i.e. you can check out all the files but you have to explicitly choose to do so, rather than being the default option. I guess that's because checking out all modules (class modules, forms, usercontrols, etc) locks out all other users from the entire project, which is normally undesirable in a team collaboration environment.

Can I make Subversion + TortoiseSVN case-insensitive for Windows?

I've been using Subversion for code control with TortoiseSVN to interface with the server for the past few months, and in general it's been going great! However, occasionally my FoxPro IDE will change the case of a file extension without warning where "program.prg" becomes "program.PRG") TortoiseSVN apparently takes this to mean the first file was removed, becoming flagged as "missing" and the second name comes up as "non-versioned", wreaking havoc on my ability to track changes to the file. I understand that Subversion has it origins in the case-sensitive world of *nix but, is there any way to control this behavior in either Subversion or TortoiseSVN to be file name case-insensitive when used with Windows?
Unfortunately, Subversion is case-sensitive. This is due to the fact that files from Subversion can be checked out on both case-sensitive file systems (e.g., *nix) and case-insensitive file systems (e.g., Windows, Mac).
This pre-commit hook script may help you avoid problems when you check in files. If it doesn't solve your problem, my best suggestion is to write a little script to make sure that all extensions are lowercase and run it every time before you check in/check out. It'll be a PITA, but maybe your best bet.
Windows does support case sensitivity, but you must send it the correct POSIX flags on CreateFile from the Windows API! A registry key may need changed (SFU/Tools for Unix and Ultimate Windows 7 has this registry entry already set so windows supports case sensitive file names).
Windows is designed off of Unix, but things such as Explorer.exe and other programs are designed to disallow case sensitivity for backwards compatibility and security (mostly when dealing with dos executing notepad.exe vs. NOTEPAD.EXE, where all caps is a virus or malware).
But Vista+ has security attributes which makes this obsolete.
TortiousSVN just doesn't support passing this posix flag while making and renaming files.
I use TortoiseSVN with VFP, and it mostly-seamlessly handles the case flipping. The only time it doesn't is if I have the file open in the IDE when I try to do the commit: the file lock VFP holds confuses it. Is this where your problem comes in, or are there other issues?
I did a presentation at FoxForward last year about using VFP with Subversion: most of the presentation dealt with the command line, but there are a couple of slides at the end that have links to tools that help you work with Subversion in VFP.
Kit, you comment above that VFP's binary-based source files are tough to work with in Subversion. The link I gave above mentions a couple of tools to make it easier, but the one I work with is Christof Wollenhaupt's TwoFox utility -- it converts a VFP project to text-only. You have to run it manually, but I don't have a problem with that.
I believe the random upper and lower case on the extensions isn't random at all.
I remember testing on this. If you modify a program from the project manager.
By clicking on the modify button let's say. And then save the changes the extension is lower case. If you do a modify command from the command window and save the changes the extension is upper case. Apparently the coders at Microsoft didn't worry about the extension case being the same.
TortoiseSVN has a Repairing File Renames feature. It requires manual intervention and it actually issues a file rename operation to be committed but nonetheless addresses current use case by keeping file history.
Nope you sure can't. SVN is case-sensitive unless you were to rewrite the code somehow ... it is open-source.
We had a similar problem and I found a better solution than the ones exposed here, so I'm sharing it now:
For commits done manualy, now TortoiseSVN fixes the case of the file names automatically: it renames the local files to match the case of the versioned files (just by opening the commit window in that path), so there should be no problem with that.
For automated commits you cannot use TortoiseSVN, as it requires you to manually confirm the commit (it opens the commit window with a specific message, but you still have to click ok). But if you directly use Subversion (svn) to make an automated commit, then you will have the case-sensitive issue on that commit, as Subversion is still case-sensitive...
How to solve this for automated commits? Well, I tried a mixed approach: creating a batch file called FixCaseSensitiveFileNames.bat that you may call passing the path you want to fix before the commit, for example: call FixCaseSensitiveFileNames.bat C:\MyRepo. The batch file opens TortoiseSVN for a manual commit, and that automatically fixes the file names, but then it closes the commit window after a predefined pause, so you can continue with the automated commit with the case-sensitive file names already fixed. The pause is emulated with a local ping, and you can change the duration by changing the -n argument, which is the number of tries. If you don't make a long enough pause, it exist the risk to close the TortoiseSVN window before it makes its magic fix. Here it is the code of the batch file:
#echo off
REM *** This BAT uses TortoiseSVN to fix the case-sensitive names of the files in Subversion
REM *** Call it before an automated commit. The Tortoise commit fixes this issue for manual commits,
REM *** so the trick is opening the commit window and close it automatically after a pause (with ping).
REM *** %1 = path to be fixed
start TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit /path:"%1"
ping localhost -n 10 >nul
taskkill /im TortoiseProc.exe
This totally solved the issue for our automated daily build process. The only problem I see is a window will open for a few seconds, which was not a problem for our daily build, but if that is a problem for you there could be workarounds too...
