I want to duplicate Folding (use extra cpu-cycles) - folding

I want to use extra-cpu cycles to do some of my own processing, and I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction as to how to get started on this?

I would suggest writing a program that runs continuously (make sure it blocks occasionally), and then simply setting it to a low priority. The OS Scheduler (Windows/*nix) should handle the rest automatically.

You can use extra CPU cycles by writing a program that runs in the background.
You can check the CPU usage to find out when the computer is idle (but it's not necessarily a good idea), or you can listen for mouse/keyboard activity.
To check CPU usage in C#, use the following code:
float cpuUsage; //Between 0 and 100
using (var cpu = new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total")) {
cpu.NextValue(); //First call gives wrong values
cpuUsage = cpu.NextValue();
To check for keyboard or mouse activity, you'll need to use a keyboard / mouse hook; see here for instructions.

Write an application. Set its thread priorities to "background". Job done ;)


How do I increase windows interrupt latency to stress test a driver?

I have a driver & device that seem to misbehave when the user does any number of complex things (opening large word documents, opening lots of files at once, etc.) -- but does not reliably go wrong when any one thing is repeated. I believe it's because it does not handle high interrupt latency situations gracefully.
Is there a reliable way to increase interrupt latency on Windows XP to test this theory?
I'd prefer to write my test programn in python, but c++ & WinAPI is also fine...
My apologies for not having a concrete answer, but an idea to explore would be to use either c++ or cython to hook into the timer interrupt (the clock tick one) and waste time in there. This will effectively increase latency.
I don't know if there's an existing solution. But you may create your own one.
On Windows all the interrupts are prioritized. So that if there's a driver code running on a high IRQL, your driver won't be able to serve your interrupt if its level is lower. At least it won't be able to run on the same processor.
I'd do the following:
Configure your driver to run on a single processor (don't remember how to do this, but such an option definitely exists).
Add an I/O control code to your driver.
In your driver's Dispatch routine do a busy wait on a high IRQL (more about this later)
Call your driver (via DeviceIoControl) to simulate a stress.
The busy wait may look something like this:
KIRQL oldIrql;
__int64 t1, t2;
KeRaiseIrql(31, &oldIrql);
KeQuerySystemTime((LARGE_INTEGER*) &t1);
while (1)
KeQuerySystemTime((LARGE_INTEGER*) &t2);
if (t1 - t1 > /* put the needed time interval */)

How to locate idle time (and network IO time, etc.) in XPerf?

Let's say I have a contrived program:
#include <Windows.h>
void useless_function()
void useful_function()
// ... do some work
// ... do some more work
int main()
return 0;
Objective: I want the profiler to tell me useful_function() is needlessly calling useless_function() which waits for no obvious reasons. Under XPerf, this doesn't show up in any of the graphs I have because the call to WaitForMultipleObjects() seem to be accounted to Idle.exe instead of my own program.
And here's the xperf command line that I currently run:
xperf -on Latency -stackwalk Profile
Any ideas?
(This is not restricted to wait functions. The above might have been solved by placing breakpoints at NtWaitForMultipleObjects. Ideally there could be a way to see the stack sample that's taking up a lot of wall-clock time as opposed to only CPU time)
I think what you are looking for is the Wait analysis with Ready Thread functionality in Xperf. It captures every context switch and gives you the call stack of the thread once it wakes up from sleep (or an otherwise blocked operation). In your case, you would see the stack just after the call sleep(5000) as well as the time spend sleeping.
The functionality is a bit obscure to use. But it is fortunately well described here:
Use Xperf's Wait Analysis for Application-Performance Troubleshooting
Wait Analysis is the way to do this. You should:
Record the CSWITCH provider, in order to get all context switches
Record call stacks on context switches by adding +CSWITCH to your -stackwalk argument
Probably record call stacks on the ready thread to get more information on who readied you (i.e.; who released the Mutex or CS or semaphore and where) by adding +READYTHREAD to your -stackwalk
Then you use CPU Usage (Precise) in WPA (or xperfview, but that's ancient) to look at the context switches and find where your TimeSinceLast is high on a thread that shouldn't be going idle. You'll typically want the columns in CPU Usage (Precise) in this sort of order:
NewProcess (your process being switched in)
ReadyingProcess (who made your thread ready to run)
ReadyingThreadId (optional)
ReadyThreadStack (optional, requires +ReadyThread on -stackwalk)
Orange bar
TimeSinceLast (us) - sort by this column, usually
Whatever other columns you want
For details see these particular articles from my blog:
- https://randomascii.wordpress.com/2014/08/19/etw-training-videos-available-now/
- https://randomascii.wordpress.com/2012/06/19/wpaxperf-trace-analysis-reimagined/
This "profiler" will tell you - just randomly pause it a few times and look at the stack. If do some work takes 5 seconds, and do some more work takes 5 seconds, then 33% of the time the stack will look like this
main: calling useful_function
useful_function: calling useless_function
useless_function: calling Sleep
So roughly 33% of your stack samples will show exactly that. Any line of code that's costing some fraction of wall-clock time will appear on roughly that fraction of samples.
On the rest of the samples you will see it doing the other things.
There are automated profilers that do the same thing in a more pretty way, such as Zoom and LTProf, although they don't actually show you the samples.
I looked at the xperf doc, trying to figure out if you could get stack samples on wall-clock time and get percents at line-level resolution. It seems you gotta be on Windows 7 or Vista. They only bother with functions, not lines, which if you have realistically big functions, is important. I couldn't figure out how to get access to the individual samples, which I think is important for seeing why the program is spending its time.

How to wait for one second on an 8051 microcontroller?

I'm supposed to write a program that will send some values to registers, then wait one second, then change the values. The thing is, I'm unable to find the instruction that will halt operations for one second.
How about setting up a timer interrupt ?
Some useful hints and code snippets in this Keil 8051 application note.
There is no such 'instruction'. There is however no doubt at least one hardware timer peripheral (the exact peripheral set depends on the exact part you are using). Get out the datasheet/user manual for the part you are using and figure out how to program the timer; you can then poll it or use interrupts. Typically you'd configure the timer to generate a periodic interrupt that then increments a counter variable.
Two things you must know about timer interrupts: Firstly, if your counter variable is greater than 8-bit, access to it will not be atomic, so outside of the interrupt context you must either temporarily disable interrupts to read it, or read it twice in succession with the same value to validate it. Secondly, the timer counter variable must be declared volatile to prevent the compiler optimising out access to it; this is true of all variables shared between interrupts and threads.
Another alternative is to use a low power 'sleep' mode if supported; you set up a timer to wake the processor after the desired period, and issue the necessary sleep instruction (this may be provided as an 'intrinsic' by your compiler, or you may be controlled by a peripheral register. This is general advice, not 8051 specific; I don't know if your part even supports a sleep mode.
Either way you need to wade through the part specific documentation. If you could tell us the exact part, you may get help with that.
A third solution is to use an 8051 specific RTOS kernel which will provide exactly the periodic delay function you are looking for, as well as multi-threading and IPC.
I would setup a timer so that it interrupts every 10ms. In that interrupt, increment a variable.
You will also need to write a function to disable interrupts and read that variable.
In your main program, you will read the timer variable and then wait until it is 10100 more than it is when you started.
Don't forget to watch out for the timer variable rolling over.

Handle Events in wxWidgets

I'm creating a game engine using wxWidgets and OpenGL. I'm trying to set up a timer so the game can be updated regularly. I don't want to use wxTimer, because it's probably not accurate enough for what I need. I'm using a while (true) and a wxStopWatch:
while (true) {
<handle events> // I need a function for this
if (stopWatch.Time() < 1000 / 60)
wxMilliSleep(1000 / 60 - stopWatch.Time());
What I need is a function that will handle all the wxWidgets events, because right now my app just freezes.
UPDATE: It doesn't. It's slightly jerky on Windows, and when tested on a Mac, it was extremely jerky. Apparently EVT_IDLE doesn't get called consistently on Windows, and even less on a Mac.
UPDATE2: It actually mostly does. It's fine on a Mac; I misunderstood my Mac tester's reply.
Instead of using a while (true) loop, I'm using EVT_IDLE, and it works perfectly.
UPDATE: It doesn't. It's slightly jerky on Windows, and when tested on a Mac, it was extremely jerky. Apparently EVT_IDLE doesn't get called consistently on Windows, and even less on a Mac.
UPDATE2: It actually mostly does. It's fine on a Mac; I misunderstood my Mac tester's reply.
"ave you requested idle events to be generated at the maximum rate? You have to call RequestMore() on the event, if you don't you will get the next idle event only after some other event has been processed. Note that constant idle processing will cause 100% CPU load on one core."
This works, I have the following code in a graphical window:-
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyCanvas, wxScrolledWindow)
EVT_PAINT (MyCanvas::OnPaint)
EVT_MOTION (MyCanvas::OnMouseMove)
The canvas needs to be updated when my_canvas->Refresh(bClearBackground) is called and not otherwise. To do this I needed to make a modification as the program was eating up half of the cpu time (or 100% of 1 cpu on a duel core).
void MyCanvas::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent &event)
wxPaintEvent unused;
Setting the parameter of RequestMore() to false makes the app only ask for more when its needed, i.e. only when Refresh() has been called.
Have you requested idle events to be generated at the maximum rate? You have to call RequestMore() on the event, if you don't you will get the next idle event only after some other event has been processed. Note that constant idle processing will cause 100% CPU load on one core.
Even if you request more idle events you can't be sure how long it will take for the next one to arrive. Therefore to get smooth animation you will need to calculate the elapsed time since the last event, and update the display accordingly.

How to determine which task is dead?

I have an embedded system that has multiple (>20) tasks running at different priorities. I also have watchdog task that runs to check that all the other tasks are not stuck. My watchdog is working because every once in a blue moon, it will reboot the system because a task did not check in.
How do I determine which task died?
I can't just blame the oldest task to kick the watchdog because it might have been held off by a higher priority task that is not yielding.
Any suggestions?
A per-task watchdog requires that the higher priority tasks yield for an adequate time so that all may kick the watchdog. To determine which task is at fault, you'll have to find the one that's starving the others. You'll need to measure task execution times between watchdog checks to locate the actual culprit.
Is this pre-emptive? I gather so since otherwise a watchdog task would not run if one of the others had gotten stuck.
You make no mention of the OS but, if a watchdog task can check if a single task has not checked in, there must be separate channels of communication between each task and the watchdog.
You'll probably have to modify the watchdog to somehow dump the task number of the one that hasn't checked in and dump the task control blocks and memory so you can do a post-mortem.
Depending on the OS, this could be easy or hard.
Even I was working last few weeks on Watchdog reset problem. But fortunately for me in the ramdump files (in ARM development environment), which has one Interrupt handler trace buffer, containing PC and SLR at each of the interrupts. Thus from the trace buffer I could exactly find out which part of code was running before WD reset.
I think if you have same kind of mechanism of storing PC, SLR at each interrupt then you can precisely find out culprit task.
Depending on your system and OS, there may be different approaches. One very low level approach I have used is to blink an LED on when each of the tasks is running. You may need to put a scope on the LEDs to see very fast task switching.
For an interrupt-driven watchdog, you'd just make the task switcher update the currently running task number each time it is changed, allowing you to identify which one didn't yield.
However, you suggest you wrote the watchdog as a task yourself, so before rebooting, surely the watchdog can identify the starved task? You can store this in memory that persists beyond a warm reboot, or send it over a debug interface. The problem with this is that the starved task is probably not the problematic one: you'll probably want to know the last few task switches (and times) in order to identify the cause.
A simplistic, back of the napkin approach would be something like this:
int8_t wd_tickle[NUM_TASKS]
void taskA_main()
// main loop
while(1) {
... tasks B, C, D... follow similar pattern
void watchdog_task()
for(int i= 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) {
if(0 == wd_tickle[i]) {
// Egads! The task didn't kick us! Reset and record the task number
How is your system working exactly? I always use a combination of software and hardware watchdogs. Let me explain...
My example assumes you're working with a preemptive real time kernel and you have watchdog support in your cpu/microcontroller. This watchdog will perform a reset if it was not kicked withing a certain period of time. You want to check two things:
1) The periodic system timer ("RTOS clock") is running (if not, functions like "sleep" would no longer work and your system is unusable).
2) All threads can run withing a reasonable period of time.
My RTOS (www.lieron.be/micror2k) provides the possibility to run code in the RTOS clock interrupt handler. This is the only place where you refresh the hardware watchdog, so you're sure the clock is running all the time (if not the watchdog will reset your system).
In the idle thread (always running at lowest priority), a "software watchdog" is refreshed. This is simply setting a variable to a certain value (e.g. 1000). In the RTOS clock interrupt (where you kick the hardware watchdog), you decrement and check this value. If it reaches 0, it means that the idle thread has not run for 1000 clock ticks and you reboot the system (can be done by looping indefinitely inside the interrupt handler to let the hardware watchdog reboot).
Now for your original question. I assume the system clock keeps running, so it's the software watchdog that resets the system. In the RTOS clock interrupt handler, you can do some "statistics gathering" in case the software watchdog situation occurs. Instead of resetting the system, you can see what thread is running at each clock tick (after the problem occurs) and try to find out what's going on. It's not ideal, but it will help.
Another option is to add several software watchdogs at different priorities. Have the idle thread set VariableA to 1000 and have a (dedicated) medium priority thread set Variable B. In the RTOS clock interrupt handler, you check both variables. With this information you know if the looping thread has a priority higher then "medium" or lower then "medium". If you wish you can add a 3rd or 4th or how many software watchdogs you like. Worst case, add a software watchdog for each priority that's used (will cost you as many extra threads though).
