I've the following output currently I want to place a label below the edge between p and z in the figure.Is it possible to do in graphviz I've tried using xlabels but it doesn't work.
Current Code:
digraph GPG{
node [shape=box];
subgraph cluster0{
subgraph cluster1{
p->z [label="2 | 1",minlen=1];
rank = same;
subgraph cluster2{
I want a label below edge p->z as well above the edge.Is it possible in graphviz?
Kind of ugly, but:
digraph overunder{
{ rank=same
a -> b [label=" over " ]
a -> b [label="under" penwidth=0.0 dir=none]
You may have to add the non-breaking space characters (see above) because Graphviz seems to position labels based on the length of the text - longer labels are placed above shorter labels.
For my decision tree I need to place edge label nodes next to the nodes in GraphViz for readability, and i have tried to use taillabel but it writes over the edge arrow.
For example the following code:
digraph workflow
checkit -> doit [taillabel ="y";];
checkit -> dontdoit [taillabel="n";];
renders like this (I use GVedit : Graphviz 2.38.0, Graphvizversion 1.02) :
How can I ensure that edge labels such as 'y' do not write over the edge arrow ?
You can use labelangle and labeldistance attribute to control the precise position of taillabel or headlabel:
digraph workflow {
checkit -> doit [
taillabel ="y"
checkit -> dontdoit [
Is is possible to make a graph like this:
Where the label is in the path of an edge between two nodes.
The closest you get, as far as I know, is rather than trying to fiddle around with edge lables, using text only nodes:
digraph so
// standard nodes
node[ shape = box ];
A[ label = "Animal" ];
B[ label = "Elephant" ];
// fake label nodes
node[ shape = none ];
a[ label = " large" ];
// get them connected
edge[ arrowhead = none ];
A -> a -> B;
This gives you
This is not optimal as it gives you layout problems - the distance between your "real" nodes is probably larger than you want, and you would have to introduce empty nodes for edges without labels. But at least it comes close to the picture you have posted.
Is it possible to get two boxes to be as wide as the widest one.
digraph G {
"A long description of a node" -> "short description";
Will produce:
But I want the two boxes' size to be aligned.
You can control the (minimum) size of the box with the width and height parameters:
digraph G {
node[shape=box, width = 2.5, height = .75 ];
"A long description of a node" -> "short description";
I'm trying to use dot (version 2.28.0) in order to make a flow chart of my source code. For that, I would like the graph to consist of subgraphs where each of these subgraphs represents a source file in the code base. At the top of each subgraph, there should be the file name as a node in a visually easily distinguishable fashion (i.e. bold, white text on dark blue background). Below the file name node should be the nodes representing the flow of routines in that file in the order they are being called.
My problem now is that I would like the distance between "filename nodes" and "routine nodes" to be smaller than the distance between individual "routine nodes", plus, there should be no arrow between.
I tried to use the minlen attribute for the edge connecting the "filename node" to the first "routine node", but when I set that to a value below 1.0, the two nodes come out next to each other rather than stacked.
Is there any way to make the first two nodes be closer to each other than the other two, yet top/bottom oriented?
digraph "prog.c"
edge [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize="12",labelfontname="FreeSans",labelfontsize="10"];
node [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize="14",shape=record,height=0.2];
subgraph cluster_main {
Node1_0 [label="main.c", shape=folder, fontcolor="white", style=filled, fillcolor="#00008b"];
Node1_1 [label="routine1()"];
Node1_2 [label="routine2()"];
edge [color="transparent", minlen="0.5"]; // stacking not ok
// edge [color="transparent", minlen="1.0"]; // stacking ok
Node1_0 -> Node1_1 ;
edge [color="black", minlen="1.0"];
Node1_1 -> Node1_2 ;
Edit: I should have commented out the line which lead to the undesired result rather than the one leading to the desired result (I had planned to attach two pngs for clarification, but I'm not allowed to do so as a newbie); so here is the code I would actually want to modify in a way that the first two nodes have a different (smaller) distance to each than the last two.
digraph "prog.c"
edge [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize="12",labelfontname="FreeSans",labelfontsize="10"];
node [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize="14",shape=record,height=0.2];
subgraph cluster_main {
Node1_0 [label="main.c", shape=folder, fontcolor="white", style=filled, fillcolor="#00008b"];
Node1_1 [label="routine1()"];
Node1_2 [label="routine2()"];
//edge [color="transparent", minlen="0.5"]; // stacking not ok
edge [color="transparent", minlen="1.0"]; // stacking ok
Node1_0 -> Node1_1 ;
edge [color="black", minlen="1.0"];
Node1_1 -> Node1_2 ;
There are a couple of "graph" properties that can control what you need.
pad, ranksep, nodesep
Also, I increased your node size, but only for my own ease of use...
digraph "prog.c"
graph [pad=".75", ranksep="0.25", nodesep="0.25"];
node [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize="14",shape=record,width=2, height=.5];
edge [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize="12",labelfontname="FreeSans",labelfontsize="10"];
subgraph cluster_main {
Node1_0 [label="main.c", shape=folder, fontcolor="white", style=filled, fillcolor="#00008b"];
Node1_1 [label="routine1()"];
Node1_2 [label="routine2()"];
edge [color="transparent", minlen="0.5"]; // stacking not ok
// edge [color="transparent", minlen="1.0"]; // stacking ok
Node1_0 -> Node1_1 ;
edge [color="black", minlen="1.0"];
Node1_1 -> Node1_2 ;