GCC Produced Dlls Not Compatible with Intel Visual Fortran? - gcc

I used gcc to compile a few fortran source files into *.lib and *.dll on Windows platform, using the latest version of mingw . The gcc used is version 3. The result of the output is arpack_win32.dll, blas_win32.dll and lapack_win32.dll.
I then want to compile sssimp.f against the arpack_win32.dll, blas_win32.dll and lapack_win32.dll using Intel visual fortran compiler for Windows, because sssimp.f uses those dlls. But I got the impression ( from Intel support forum) that this is not possible.
Is my impression correct? Or is it that as long as I can produce the underlying libs and dlls ( no matter in which compiler and how old it is), I can use them as my base libs and dlls, and I can link to them from any, modern or old, compiler?

g77 uses a different ABI than IVF, yes. So unless IVF has some g77/f2c compatibility option it's not going to work.
The easiest solution for you is probably to use IVF to compile the libraries too.

As already pointed out, mixing compilers with different calling conventions is likely to be very difficult.
That answer on the Intel Forum pointed out a version of arpack translated to Fortran 90 -- http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~burkardt/f_src/arpack/arpack.html -- can you use that? Also see http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~burkardt/f_src/lapack/lapack.html and http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~burkardt/f_src/blas1_s/blas1_s.html
Or Intel Visual Fortran should be able to compile Fortran 77 using suitable compiler options. What language constructs is it rejecting?


Clang or GCC compiler for c++ 11 compatibility programming on Windows?

I was wondering which compiler is better to use on Windows OS (8.1) in temrs of compatibility to c++11's (and later 14) functions, liberies and features (like lambdas) and is also comfortable to use (less bugs).
I am a university student hence I'm not looking at the subject product-wise (even though I do like to code a bit more than just projects for my studies).
I am currently using eclipse luna IDE if it matters.
Notice that compiler != IDE.
VC++ is one of the most populars on Windows and depending on its version it has a good support for C++11 features. Check the list on the msdn blog to find out if there's everything you need.
Gcc is also ported to Windows and you can install MinGW to use it ( at the moment of writing this). It is pretty complete on C++11.
Clang is also available for the Windows platform and it is also complete on C++11 support (plus it has good diagnostic messages), but notice that you will have to use another linker since clang doesn't ship with one (although there is an ongoing effort to write it: http://lld.llvm.org/)
All the compilers I cited above are pretty stable but, based on my experience, if you're looking for latest and greatest C++11/14/17 features, you might just want to go for gcc or clang (VC++ is slower in adding support for newest features and the compiler is undergoing a huge update to modernize). Just keep in mind that these are compilers and not just IDEs, an IDE is a front-end supporting program that uses a compiler undercover to compile files.
To set up a C++11 compiler, I suggest installing MSYS2, it has a package manager (pacman) that can install fresh versions of GCC, GDB, Clang and many libraries like SDL, Lua etc. Very easy to use too.
As far as GCC vs CLang goes - I really tried hard to make CLang work (which is presumably faster and more friendly than GCC - produces better warnings, etc.), but failed. Issues were that CLang (which comes with MSYS2) is hard-coded to use GCC linker which produces some strange linker errors when using libstdc++ (std implementation from GCC). libc++ (a new implementation designed to work with CLang) didn't worked for me on Windows either.
So you either try build CLang from sources and hope that some configuration will work with C++11 library, OR just stick with GCC which works just fine out of the box.
As IDE, I suggest to take a look at CLion. It is very comfortable (infinitely more user-friendly and intuitive than Visual Studio, IMO). Just install it and point it to the mingw64 (or mingw32) folder of MSYS2, it will auto-detect everything for you.
It only works with CMake projects though.

How should I disable C++0x and/or C++11 on the command line with Intel's Windows compiler?

The build system on my cross-platform project has a command line for Intel's Windows C++ that may or may not have /Qstd=c++0x as a result of detecting the compiler feature set. For most of the code base, this works well, however for a small number of CUDA files, I need to disable the more recent dialects of C++ to suit the constraints of the nvcc wrapper compiler.
How should I phrase something like /Qstd=c++98 or /Qnostd=c++0x at the end of the command line so that it overrides any earlier specifications of C++ dialect?
Edit: Having been educated that these flags are actually for the Intel compiler, I have found that appending /Qstd=c++98 is probably the right approach.
You can't for MSVC. Each MSVC version expects its own interpretation of something between two or three standards, and you're stuck with it.
The options you quote are for the Intel Compiler (see here). If possible, I'd suggest using the Intel Compiler then.
I do fail to see how disabling the recent dialects in the C++ compiler will please the nvcc wrapper compiler... Just don't write C++11 code, and you'll be fine right?

Portable method to package C++11 program sources

so, C++11 has been around for a while and, given there already are compilers supporting it on most platforms, it would be nice to use it in some real software -- e.g. one that can be packaged in as-portable-as-possible package, preferably providing ./configure and so.
Because both Clang and GCC currently need -std=c++11 flag to compile c++11 source, and both sometimes require specific flags to work correctly (see for example How to compile C++11 with clang 3.2 on OSX lion? or C++11 Thread not working ), I'm quite afraid that the package won't work on some platforms that already support c++11 because of wrong invocation of compiler.
Q: Is there some standard how to correctly and portably compile c++11? E.g. autotools/autoconf check or some list of compiler/platform directives that describe all possible needed options? Or does the situation come from the fact that c++11 standard implementations are currently marked as "experimental" and the standard will eventually stabilize and become the default choice, not needing any usage of extra compiler flags?
Well, if you`re trying to write portable code, i would recommend using cmake
a very powerful cross-platform, open-source build system.
Using cmake you should be able to identify the compilers available in your current machine and then generate your makefiles using the flags that you want in each case.
I have been using cmake for almost a year by now and it has significantly reduced the time consumed when trying to get a project compiling in different platforms.
I`m using CMake to generate Makefiles of C++11 projects. The only change in CMakeLists.txt I need to do is add the following:
However, as I use Qt, I re-compile QtSDK with a new gcc version 4.8 and get a complete mingw system that use gcc in version 4.8.
Makings these changes, the project compile and run in Windows XP, Windows 7 and linux both 32 and 64 bits. I didn`t test it in OSX yet.

What compilers support CUDA

I found some problem with Visual Studio. My project that use openMP multithreading was twice slow on Visual Studio 2010, than on Dev-C++ , Now I wrote my other project that uses CUDA technology , I think that my project works slow because of Visual Studio, so I need some other compiler that will support CUDA , my questions are:
is Dev-C++ support CUDA?
what compilers support CUDA except Visual Studio?
if there are a lot compilers supporting CUDA what will give best speed for application?
The CUDA Toolkit Release Notes list the supported platforms and compilers.
Well I think it's the other way around. The thing is, there is a driver called nvcc. it generates device code and host code and sends the host code to a compiler. It should be a C compiler and it should be in the executable path. (EDIT: and it should be gcc on Linux and cl on Windows and I think I should ignore mac as the release note did(?))
nvcc Compiler Info reads:
A general purpose C compiler is needed by nvcc in the following
During non-CUDA phases (except the run phase), because these phases will be forwarded by nvcc to this compiler
During CUDA phases, for several preprocessing stages (see also 0). On Linux platforms, the compiler is assumed to be ‘gcc’, or ‘g++’ for linking. On Windows platforms, the compiler is assumed to be ‘cl’. The
compiler executables are expected to be in the current executable
search path, unless option -compiler-bin-dir is specified, in which
case the value of this option must be the name of the directory in
which these compiler executables reside.
And please don't talk like that about compilers. Your code is in a way that works better with Dev-C++. What is generated is an assembly code. I don't say that they don't make any difference, but maybe 4 to 5%, not 100%.
And absolutely definitely don't blame the compiler for your slow program. It is definitely because of inefficient memory access and incorrect use of different types of memory.

Performance comparison between Windows gcc compiled & Visual Studio compiled

I'm currently compiling an open source optimization library (native C++) supplied with makefiles for use with gcc. As I am a Windows user, I'm curious on the two options I see of compiling this, using gcc with MinGW/Cygwin or manually building a Visual Studio project and compiling the source.
1) If I compile using MinGW/Cygwin + gcc, will the resulting .lib (static library) require any libraries from MinGW/Cygwin? I.e. can I distribute my compiled .lib to a Windows PC that doesn't have MinGW/Cygwin and will it still run?
2) Other than performance differences between the compilers themselves, is there an overhead associated when compiling using MinGW/Cygwin and gcc - as in does the emulation layer get compiled into the library, or does gcc build a native Windows library?
3) If speed is my primary objective of the library, which is the best method to use? I realise this is quite open ended, and I may be best running my own benchmarks, but if someone has experience here this would be great!
The whole point of Cygwin is the Linux emulation layer, and by default (ie if you don't cross-compile), binaries need cygwin1.dll to run.
This is not the case for MinGW, which creates binaries as 'native' as the ones from MSVC. However, MinGW comes with its own set of runtime libraries, in particular libstdc++-6.dll. This library can also be linked statically by using -static-libstdc++, in which case you also probably want to compile with -static-libgcc.
This does not mean that you can freely mix C++ libraries from different compilers (see this page on mingw.org). If you do not want to restrict yourself to an extern "C" interface to your library, you most likely will have to choose a single compiler and stick with it.
As to your performance concerns: Using Cygwin only causes a (minor?) penalty when actually interacting with the OS - where raw computations are concerned, only the quality of the optimizer matters.
