ruby mechanize: how read downloaded binary csv file - ruby

I'm not very familiar using ruby with binary data. I'm using mechanize to download a large number of csv files to my local disk. I then need to search these files for specific strings.
I use the save_as method in mechanize to save the file (which saves the file as binary). The content type of the file (according to mechanize) is:
From here, I'm not sure how to read the file. I've tried reading it in as a normal file in ruby, but I just get the binary data. I've also tried just using standard unix tools (strings/grep) to try and search without any luck.
When I run the 'file' command on one of the files, I get:
foo.csv: Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode Pascal program text, with very long lines, with CRLF, CR, LF line terminators
I can see the data just fine with cat or vi. With vi I also see some control characters.
I've also tried both the csv and fastercsv ruby libraries, but I get 'IllegalFormatError' exception for these. I've also tried this solution without any luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

You can use the command 'iconv' to conver to UTF-8,
# iconv -f 'UTF-16LE' -t 'UTF-8' bad_file.csv > good_file.csv
There is also a wrapper for iconv in the standard library, you could use that to convert the file after reading it into your program.


Converting from ANSI to UTF-8 using script

I have created a script (.sh file) to convert a CSV file from ANSI encoding to UTF-8.
The command I used is:
iconv -f "windows-1252" -t "UTF-8" $csvname -o $newcsvname
I got this from another Stack Overflow post.
but the iconv command doesn't seem to be working.
Snapshot of input file contents in Notepad++
Snapshot of firstcsv file below
Snapshot of second csv file below,
EDIT: I tried reducing the problematic input CSV file contents to a few lines (similar to the first file), and now it gets converted fine. Is there something wrong with the file contents itself then? How do I check that?
You can use python chardet Character Encoding Detector to ensure existing character encoding format.
iconv -f {character encoding} -t utf-8 {FileName} > {Output FileName}
This should work. Also check if any junk characters are exist in file or not, that may create error in conversion.

How do I manipulating CSVs containing unicode (Thai) characters using bash?

I've got an Adwords dump containing Thai keywords which I'll use for a join with data from another DB.
In theory, I grab the file, snip off the useless lines at the top and bottom, clean it up a little and upload it to PostgreSQL as a new table.
In practice, the characters get garbled on the way (actually, from the start) even though the file opens fine in Excel and OpenOffice. The below is true on both my local machine (running OSX) and the server (running Ubuntu).
First, I already set my locale to UTF-8:
$ echo "กระเป๋า สะพาย คอนเวิร์ส"
กระเป๋า สะพาย คอนเวิร์ส
However, looking at the CSV (let's assume it only contains the above string) on the CLI gives me this:
$ head file.csv
#0#2 *02" -#'4#L*
Any idea where the problem is?
The original file was in the wrong encoding.
$ file file.csv
file.csv: Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode English text
Quick fix:
$ iconv -f UTF-16 -t UTF-8 file.csv
$ head file.csv
กระเป๋า สะพาย คอนเวิร์ส

What Encoding does Ruby 1.9.3 use to parse the output of a shell command using backtics?

When executing
lines = `gpg --list-keys --with-colons horst`
What Encoding will the string lines have? How do I change how Ruby interprets it?
I have some Umlauts in some gpg keys, and I get this error when trying to split by newline:
invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
My current workaround is this:
However, I don't get why this should be ISO-8859-1, as my locale is en_US.UTF-8..
I'm not sure if you still need an answer on this or not but it looks like you'll have to use the --display-charset or –charset option in your gpg command in order to set the name of the native character set. This is used to convert some strings to proper UTF-8 encoding. You shouldn't have to enforce encoding downstream after you've done that.
Check the gpg man page on your server to see which option is available to you.

File encoding using ruby in windows

I have two files in a windows folder. Using the technique described here I found out that one file encoding is ANSI and another one is UTF-8.
However, If I open cmd or Powershell and try to get the encoding in IRB with the following code I get always "CP850": # => CP850
or # => CP850
Notepad++ also gives me that one file is ANSI and another is UTF-8.
How can I get the proper encoding using Ruby in Windows?
It is impossible to tell what encoding a file is, but it's possible to make an educated guess.
When you open a file, ruby simply assumes it's encoded with the default 8-bit encoding (in your case CP850).
See Detect encoding
and What is ANSI format? about ANSI

Windows Perl --> Unix not working after port, possible encoding issue

I've got a Perl program that I wrote on Windows. It starts with:
$unused_header = <STDIN>;
my #header_fields = split('\|\^\|', $unused_header, -1);
Which should split input that consists of a very large file of:
{The, Quick, Brown, Fox|!|}
Note: This line just does the headre alone, theres another one like it to do the repetitive data lines.
It worked great on windows, but on linux it fails. However, if I define a string with the same contents within Perl, and run the split on that, it works fine.
I think it's a UTF-16 encoding handling issue, but I'm not sure how to handle it. Does anyone know how I can get perl to understand the UTF-16 being piped into STDIN?
I found: but I'm not sure what to do with it.
If STDIN is UTF-16, use one of the following
binmode(STDIN, ':encoding(UTF-16le)'); # Byte order used by Windows.
binmode(STDIN, ':encoding(UTF-16be)'); # The other byte order.
binmode(STDIN, ':encoding(UTF-16)'); # Use BOM to determine byte order.
Tom has written a lengthy answer with regards to perl and unicode. It contains some bolierplate code to properly and fully support UTF-8, but you can replace with UTF-16 as needed.
I doubt it's a UTF-xx encoding issue, as neither Windows Perl nor Unix Perl will try to read data with those encodings unless you tell it to.
If the Unix script is reading the exact same file as the Windows script but behaves differently, maybe it's a line-ending issue. The dos2unix command on most Unix-y systems can change the line endings on a file, or you can strip off the line-endings yourself in the Perl script
$unused_header = <STDIN>;
$unused_header =~ s/\r?\n$//; # chop \r\n (Windows) or \n (Unix)
