Accessing Web Services via AJAX? - ajax

Is it possible to directly access third party web services using Ajax? Mostly I've seen that the website I'm visiting handles it on its server and then transfers the processed/unprocessed data to client browser. Is this always the case?

(yes, almost always)
Typically, when you're trying to accomplish accessing third party web services a proxy server is used to access those services. You can't reach external third party web services because they exist on separate domains and you run into the "Same Origin Policy"
Now.... there are methods for doing cross-domain ajax, but the service you are accessing must support it (there are restrictions on what kinds of data can be returned and how the requests are formatted due to the way cross domain ajax works)

A simple way to do this is indeed by using some sort of server-side proxy for your request. It works like this. You do the Ajax request to your own domain, lets say proxy.php. proxy.php handles your request, forwards it to the 3rd party service and returns te results. This way you don't get the cross-domain errors. You can find multiple examples of these simple proxy's by using the magic Google.


Hosting two websites on same domain

I have two apps named opentripplanner-webapp and opentripplanner-api-webapp. I had successfully deployed them on local tomcat server. Apps has url as http://localhost:8080/opentripplanner-webapp and http://localhost:8080/opentripplanner-api-webapp. When i deployed apps on appfog , they give me different domains for both apps. The problems is that my apps use ajax request and responses which does not work on cross domains. I am searching for two days to find any solution but didn't find any suitable solution. Kindly guide me.
Here's a couple of options for you:
Use JSONP (JSON with Padding). You would have to write your api so it supports this protocol, but it shouldn't prove too difficult.
Create both opentripplanner-webapp and opentripplanner-api-webapp so they support Cross Origin Resource Sharing. This means that your webapp sends an Origin header in the request, and the server responds with an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, and if they match, the browser accepts the request. This is however not supported by all browsers, although most modern browsers do.
Use a proxy servlet in your opentripplanner-webapp that proxy requests to your API. You can "mount" this servlet at e.g. /api in the webapp, and it will forward all requests to opentripplanner-api-webapp internally. So you would send your AJAX requests to http://webappserver/api instead of http://apiserver. For the browser, this will look like an ordinary same origin request. This will work in all browsers, but might require some more setup.

Cross-Site Scripting requirement makes my API useless

Maybe I'm just not understanding this right, but this doesn't seem to make sense to me.
I have an MVC4 project exposing an ASP.NET WebApi. It works great making calls to the API within that project, but obviously making calls to it from another running project (on another port) requires cross-site scripting.
But here's my question: Doesn't this defeat the purpose of an API? If I want to make calls to the reddit API from my site, the fact that this is considered cross-site scripting makes it not only a bad security practice, but in some cases impossible.
If XSS is required to do this, doesn't that make AJAX pretty useless as a whole?
Simple answer: Of course not!! Pretty much the whole of the modern web is built on AJAX, if it was so pointless it would never have gone from a MS proprietary API to being the backbone of web 2.0 and all that has come since.
Complex answer: Firstly, XSS is a form of attack/vulnerability, not a form of request. What you're referring to is the same-origin policy, which limits AJAX requests to the same domain, for security reasons.
JSONP is typically used to make async requests to third party APIs. Your own API will typically sit on the same domain as your website so you will not have problems. If your API must be on another domain, you can either look at CORS or setup of a transparent reverse proxy to forward your requests to another server.
Hopefully this all makes sense, it'll at least give you a good foundation of knowledge to build from.
Traditionally, most apps have had both a server and a client component. The server component would do all the heavy lifting, including making requests to other APIs. Since the API request is done server-side, the request could go to any remote API server. There was never any thought given to accessing APIs from the client, since people expected the server to do it.
In recent years, we've seen more and more functionality pushed from the server onto the client, specifically through JavaScript. But making remote requests is one of the things that couldn't move to the client, due to browser's same-origin policy. So its not that the purpose of the API is defeated, its that we are now using APIs in ways we didn't conceive of before.
It would be irresponsible for browsers to suddenly ignore the same-origin policy. This would break the thousands of sites out there who depend on same-origin policies for security. So instead, the W3C has proposed the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) spec. The CORS spec allows requests to be made across domains, but does so securely by letting the the server have the final say in who can access the API. This makes cross-domain requests possible, without breaking existing APIs.

Proxy the right way to go for external REST Api?

We have a need to consume an external REST Api and dynamically update content on our website and have ran into the age old problem of cross site scripting and Ajax.
I've read up on JSONP however I don't want to go down that route in a million years as it seems like really a rather dirty hack.
As a solution to this issue is it "right" and "proper" to have a local service that acts as a proxy for any requests to an external Api? So on the client there would be an Ajax call to ../RestProxy/MakeRequest passing it the details of the request it needs to make to the external api, it performs the request and returns anything passed back.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
There are three ways to do this:
This is accepted by many popular APIs and frameworks. JQuery makes it easy. I would recommend this.
2. Proxy
Works pretty much as you described. Adds an extra step and server code and server load for you. However, it does allow you to filter or otherwise manipulate the results before sending them to the client.
3. Rely Access-Control-Allow-Origin
This is a header that the server can set to allow you to read json directly from their server even though you aren't on the same domain. This eliminates the need for the jsonp hack, but it requires the the server be setup to support it and it requires a web browser that supports it.
Access-Control-Allow-Origin is supported in:
Firefox 3.6+
Safari 4.0+
Chrome 6+
iOS Safari 3.2+
Android browser 2.1+
If you need to support IE7, then this option isn't for you.

Cannot make ajax call between servers that differ only in port in HTML5/jQuery/Chrome stack

The parts
I am developing against two Pylons servers and testing locally. One server is on port 5000 and is the called server. The other is on port 7000. The latter creates a cookie that specifies the same domain as used by the former server. Essentially, the first server uses credentials provided by the second server to impersonate the user.
The first server expects to find an auth token (a cookie, really) in its response.environ at run time. When I authenticate on the server on port 7000 and browser to a service on port 5000, the latter server uses the cookie created by the former and the app works.
The fly in the ointment is that the first server creates an HTML5 app that uses an ajax call to the second server, and I cannot get the cookie to be included in the ajax call. I believe that Chrome (the browser we are using/requiring for HTML5 support reasons) refuses to send the cookie for cross domain reasons: going from to is considered cross domain.
Oh, and the ajax call is through jQuery.
The question
Is there any way to make an ajax call from an HTML5 app created on a port in the same domain to a server in the same domain but a different port?
What I've tried or discard out of hand
I do not believe I can use dynamic script tag insertion because I am making the call from javascript and the HTML is generated on the client at runtime from other javascript. At least, I don't think that is a desirable solution.
I don't believe Access-Control-Allow-* is applicable because I am going from client to server, not the other way.
I've seen this on jQuery and ports in ajax calls. I've seen this, too.
I know about the same-origin policy.
And this does not work.
Agree with Michael that the simplest solution is JSONP. But even in JSONP you need to configure your server such that it supports JSONP. Many Servers deny this to keep their data secure and sound. JSONP expect your server to send data in the format that can be evaluated as the valid JSON. But its not the case in every JSONP Request and response. So, just watch out for that.
The absolutely simplest solution to this is to use JSON/P. I wish there were an easier, softer way to accomplish this, but I certainly haven't found one.

Ajax vs webservices

what is different between ajax and webservices. Anybody provide with some examples?
It's nonsensical to compare these things.
"Ajax" is a process that occurs in the browser. It is the act of calling some local server-side page, without refreshing the "main" viewing area, and then doing various things with that result (grabbing the data, making changes, changing the existing DOM (adding elements), whatever).
Webservices are a Serverside-thing that allows you to call methods, in your code, but have that call actually go to a remote machine. The call to the Webservice is generally also made server-side.
The term "Ajax" is generally used :
When the request is sent by a browser (client-side) to a server
When the transfered data is XML or JSON or HTML.
The word "webservice" is generally used :
When the request is sent by a server to another server, without a browser being involved
When the transfered data is SOAP -- at least when it's a SOAP webservice ^^ (Opposed to REST, for instance, which generally doesn't imply SOAP)
But I'd say that Ajax is basically some specific kind of webservice.
i think ajax and web services are kind of similar, here is why i think so.
as i understood it, in your app sometimes you will have to implement an "API" which has several useful functions. and it is those functions which are called "web services". these 'functions' acts in response to the http requests and "does" something with the data provided.
in ajax siimilar kind of work happens as well,just through javascript thats it.
so, to sum it all up, an API has 'web services' within it, and ajax behaves like 'web services'. in this manner, yes i think it is correct to call ajax and web services similar.
