Create a windows service in vb6 - vb6

Is it possible to create a windows service in vb6? if yes, how?

I've never tried it, but Desaware offer a commercial package, the NT Service Toolkit that claims to allow you to host a VB6 DLL inside a Windows Service. Desaware was founded (and I think is still owned by) VB6 guru Dan Appleman, which is a good recommendation.

Microsoft created a control to allow you to create services in VB6.
Yes, it works, is it the best way to create a service, no, but if VB6 is a requirement (you have a bunch of code you have to re-use), then I can state from experience that it works. We have the original control from the January 1997 MSDN, however you can easily find it on the net if need be ( )

Like gouging your own eyes out with a spoon, it is technically possible but I wouldn't recommend it.

Yes, you can. Just follow the directions in this tutorial:

To answer your question, yes it is possible to create a Windows service with VB6. To offer you advice, there are much better tools to use. I did it once as a proof of concept project, but never liked it well enough to try to use it for anything that we used in the company. A co-worker did do this for a production app and it was error prone. After he left we found out just how hard he was working to keep his service running and ended up replacing his app without reviewing his code. So my advice is, if you want to do it as an exercise go ahead, but if you are looking at this for a workable solution you should consider other tools. Here is a link to one way to do it.


Sketchapp using for mockup designing

I know this is not related to PHP but related to many Front-end designers and developers.
In now days experienced mockup or UI/UX element designer use an app called sketchapp specially who use mac os. but when it comes to front-end developers who don't have mac os to code front-end. Here is the problem start many of developers try to search a solution but I don't think any one had it because the app developers not create any thing for windows to support these files.
My Question: what is the solution for this problem? should we try to find a friend/colleague who have mac os with the app or should we ask the client for other file format (but sometime clients don't have other file formats) or should we reject the project.
what should we do?
The immediate solution is to have your clients export their Sketch files to pdf. That is a built-in function in Sketch and only takes a second.
Longterm you may want to evaluate whether or not you maybe should get a cheap Mac to expand your portfolio.
Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but if you need to get design specs to work with you could use:
They offer tools for collaboration between designers and developers.
Hope this helps!

How to keep track of bug progress and feature request in web development projects?

I am trying to find the best way to maintain a bug tracker and feature/upgrade requests for clients on web development projects. Ideally it would be an open source system we can have installed on a sub domain of our site.
This will then allow each client to login and add bugs/features/upgrade which we can hopefully keep track of.
I have been trying to use and implement trac but it just feels too "techy" and a little too complex for setup.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Just to clarify, we do want a system to install on our servers, the trouble with trac is the install process in relation to what you get and how clients feel about it is a little poor. But if something is awesome but has a complex setup, that isn't a problem...
Mantis is another. Simple UI.
If you have Linux boxes, trac is much easier to install. Config takes a bit, but wasn't a problem in my experience.
I've heard good things about FogBugz. :)
If you don't want to install it yourself they have a hosted solution also.
Have you taken a look a Bugzilla? Not sure if it meets all your needs but it is free but you can get paid support. It's an open source project AFAIK.

How to program voice modem?

I'm looking into writing a small custom app for a small business that can utilize a voice modem on Windows to pick up a phone call and play a customized voice message based on time of call.
The API on Windows that controls modems is TAPI, but it seems complex and low level that I'm not sure I can complete the app in time.
Any higher level API or software component I can use to accomplish what I need?
I think you'll need to look at 3rd party libraries for this. A quick google search turned this one up (though I've never used it).
I'm not sure what programming language you need, but I found many projects that may have elements you are looking for on and I could make suggestions from the sites, but perhaps it would be better to leave it to you, as you know what project would best meet your needs. Doing a search on TAPI or telephony gave a lot of results, but I didn’t seen an already made project doing what you described above.
I hope these suggestions help you make your deadline, good luck.

Are there any good drag&drop web app IDEs out there that support AJAX?

Can anyone recommend a GUI builder tool for creating DHTML web apps using AJAX to communicate with a web service backend? I'd like to avoid having to mess around with designing HTML, marshalling/unmarshalling data, checking for browser compatibility, etc. The tool should have a library of widgets that can be put into an application and hooked up to functionality, and be extensible enough to be able to define custom widgets. Of course free and/or open source is preferrable but I would consider proprietary tools too.
Also to what extent does the choice of GUI tool affect what platform or language I would use for the backend? If the GUI is just calling a web service then I should be able to use anything on the server-side to provide that interface but maybe some gui-side tools use a proprietary data exchange format that requires some specific server-side code?
Edit: I don't need a widget that can be dragged, I want an IDE that allows one to build a gui easily (i.e. a RAD tool).
WaveMaker is open source, runs on J2EE.
If you're comfortable with Java, maybe you could try Google Web Toolkit?
I'm using Wavemaker and it does exactly what are u asking...
It is really easy to use and very perfomant....
I believe Dreamweaver does some of this, but in my opinion such editors are not a good idea. They produce horrible, unmaintainable server-side code and are quite inflexible.
Wavemaker beats everything else I have used hands down. Applications can be developed rapidly, has drag and drop, can connect to any web service, and has unmatched database management tools. The only problem with it is that it has kept changing hands/ownership so much and its future direction is not clear.
Delphi for PHP from Codegear has some of this capability, but I would agree with ceejayoz that such tools don't necessarily make for nice code.
On Dan's suggestion I took a look at GWT. I'd heard of it before but never looked at it that closely and it seems pretty interesting. Certainly it takes away the annoyance of pixel pushing and making things work in multiple browsers. I also tried searching for "gwt rad tools" and came up with a couple of results:
Instantiations GWT Designer (commercial, $59/year)
Wirelexsoft Vistafei (still in beta but will have a free and a commercial version)
I'll take a look at these but if anyone's used something else let me know.

Is there a good Fogbugz client for Mac OS X?

And/or: do I need one?
I've recently started using FogBugz for my hobby projects, and I'm very happy with things so far. Having read more about it, especially the evidence-based scheduling, I'd like to start using it for my PhD as well. (Heh; something tells me my supervisors won't be opening tickets for me, though.)
Last night I stumbled onto TimePost, which looks like a tidy app that doesn't do much but could be a real bonus to logging my time in FogBugz effectively. I tried looking around for similar apps but came up a little empty-handed. Are there any other FogBugz clients that you've used and recommend for Mac OS X? Or are you happy with the web interface?
The official answer is no, there is not a dedicated Mac client, other than Safari :)
There's a command line version that runs on Linux, Windows, and Mac.
There are also plans for an iPhone version although I'm not technically supposed to announce features before they are done or even spec'd so pretend I didn't say that.
I recently spotted this one which looks quite nice for additions:
I'm happy with using the web interface. I've used Fluid to create a custom browser for it, and even gotten some help making a pretty icon.
We recently released a new Fogbugz client software for Mac, maybe you are interested to give it a try,
I remember reading that there was a client in development, and I believe they're still looking for beta testers. See this URL
Shameless plug here, but you might wanna check out QuickBugz --- it is a lightweight program that integrates into your status menu.
I have been very happily using the Tickets program from Manic Wave for a few weeks now. it provides a very fluid experience. I am using it in a pressure cooker of doing a competition entry in my odd hours around my day job.
Tickets makes it incredibly easy to create lots of small cases and juggle them between different milestones. I particularly like its outline view which helps when doing task breakdowns into sub-tasks.
Being a long way from the Fogbugz servers, in Western Australia, the speed of a searchable local interface is very much appreciated.
The UI has a lot of nice little Macisms such as mouse over a milestone and see the hours summarized.
Support has also been very prompt and comprehensive.
I don't think there is any other such Mac tool. I've never found the web interface too bad personally.
I don't know of any native tool, but like Matt I am pretty happy with the web interface.
The beta of Safari 4 and SSB feature is a pretty good option...
I found using a Mac browser w/ the screen snapshot and search engine add-on to be very useful. I think what you are saying is that it can be hard to edit your timesheets, but that is part of the web design.
I've just released Bee, which is a Mac client for FogBugz. (It also pulls in your tasks from GitHub and JIRA.)
It offers several benefits over the web interface and is designed to be simple, fast and elegant. You can check it out at:
