How do I replace an executable with a mock executable in a test? - ruby

Can I replace an executable (accessed via a system call from ruby) with an executable that expects certain input and supplies the expected output in a consistent amount of time? I'm mainly operating on Mac OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard), but I also have access to Linux and Windows. I'm using MRI ruby 1.8.7.
Background: I'm looking at doing several DNA sequence alignments, one in each thread. When I try using BioRuby for this, either BioRuby or ruby's standard library's tempfile sometimes raise exceptions (which is better than failing silently!).
I set up a test that reproduces the problem, but only some of the time. I assume the main sources of variability between tests are the threading, the tempfile system, and the executable used for alignment (ClustalW). Since ClustalW probably isn't malfunctioning, but can be a source of variability, I'm thinking that eliminating it may aid reproducibility.
For those thinking select isn't broken - that's what I'm wondering too. However, according to the changelog, there was concern about tempfile's thread safety in August 2009. Also, I've checked on the BioRuby mailing list whether I'm calling the BioRuby code correctly, and that seems to be the case.

I really don't understand what the problem is or what exactly are you after, can't you just write something like
#Test for input (syntax might be wrong, but you get the idea)
if [ $* ne "expected input" ]; then
echo "expected output for failure"
exit -1
#have it work in a consistent amount of time
echo "expected output"

You can. In cases where I'm writing a functional test for program A, I may need to "mock" a program, B, that A runs via system. What I do then is to make program B's pathname configurable, with a default:
class ProgramA
def initialize(argv)
#args = ParseArgs(argv)
#config = || default_config_path)
def run
command = [
].join(' ')
def program_a_path
#config.fetch('program_b_path', default_program_b_path)
Program A takes a switch, "--config PATH", which can override the default config file path. The test sets up a configuration file in /tmp:
program_b_path: /home/wayne/project/tests/mock_program_b.rb
And passes to program A that configuration file:
program_a.rb --config /tmp/config.yaml
Now program A will run not the real program B, but the mock one.

Have you tried the Mocha gem? It's used a lot for testing, and you describe it perfectly. It "fakes" the method call of an object (which includes just about anything in ruby), and returns the result you want without actually running the method. Take this example file:
# test.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'mocha'
puts system('ls')
Running this script outputs "monkey" because I stubbed out the system call. You can use this to bypass parts of an application you don't want test, to factor out irrelevant parts.


How to write Rspec test for running file from command line?

I have a Ruby project with a UNIX executable file called parse located in a bin subfolder in my project root directory.
At the moment it's just this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
puts 'hello world'
The file can be executed on the command line when this command is run from the project root directory: bin/parse
It works fine, but I also want to write a passing Rspec test for it.
I have this spec file:
RSpec.describe "end-to-end application behaviour" do
subject { system('bin/parse') }
it 'prints the expected messsage to stdout' do
expect { subject }.to output(
'hello world'
When I run it I get the test failure:
expected block to output "hello world" to stdout, but output nothing
This is the location of my spec file relative to my project root: spec/integration/parse_spec.rb
I tried placing require and require_relative statements in that spec file with the paths to the parse executable, in case that would help, but I just kept getting:
LoadError: cannot load such file
Does anyone know how I can write a test in that file that will pass and prove the parse executable behaviour works?
Don't Use the RSpec Output Matcher
RSpec has a built-in output matcher than can test both where output goes, as well as its contents. However, it's testing where your Ruby output goes, not whether some external application is using standard input or standard error. You're going to have to make some different assumptions about your code.
You can avoid driving yourself nuts by comparing strings rather than testing the underlying shell or your output streams. For example, consider:
RSpec.describe "parse utility output" do
it "prints the right string on standard output" do
expect(`echo hello world`).to start_with("hello world")
it "shows nothing on standard output when it prints to stderr" do
expect(`echo foo >&2 > /dev/null`).to be_empty
Just replace the echo statements with the correct invocation of parse for your system, perhaps by setting PATH directly in your shell, using a utility like direnv, or by modifying ENV["PATH"] in your spec or spec_helper.
As a rule of thumb, RSpec isn't really meant for testing command-line applications. If you want to do that, consider using the Aruba framework to exercise your command-line applications. It's best to use RSpec to test the results of methods or the output of commands, rather than trying to test basic functionality. Of course, your mileage may vary.
Use ‍to_stdout_from_any_process instead of to_stdout:
expect { subject }.to output('hello world').to_stdout_from_any_process

Ruby Project - Prevent a ruby file from directly being called from OS command line

I am doing a demo command line project in Ruby. The structure is like this:
(other scripts and files)
I want users to only go into the application using init.rb, but as it stands, anyone can go into the sub-folder and call other ruby scripts directly.
What ways can above scenario be prevented?
If I was to use directory permissions, would it get reset when running the code from a Windows machine to on Linux machine?
Is there anything that can be included in Ruby files itself to prevent it from being directly called from OS command line?
You can't do this with file permissions, since the user needs to read the files; removing the read permission means you can't include it either. Removing the execute permission is useful to signal that these file aren't intended to be executed, but won't prevent people from typing ruby incl.rb.
The easiest way is probably to set a global variable in the init.rb script:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
FROM_INIT = true
require './incl.rb'
puts 'This is init!'
And then check if this variable is defined in the included incl.rb file:
unless defined? FROM_INIT
puts 'Must be called from init.rb'
exit 0
puts 'This is incl!'
A second method might be checking the value of $PROGRAM_NAME in incl.rb; this stores the current program name (like argv[0] in many other languages):
unless $PROGRAM_NAME.end_with? 'init.rb'
puts 'Must be called from init.rb'
exit 0
I don't recommend this though, as it's not very future-proof; what if you want to rename init.rb or make a second script?

Does the Ruby interpreter compile to byte-code in a lazy way? How?

For MRI 1.9+ and Rubinius implementation, Ruby source code is compiled into byte-code, and then that byte-code is interpreted by the VM. I want to know the details of this mechanism when running a Ruby script from command-line using the interpreter.
Does the interpreter compile all related source files required in the script first and then it run everything? Or does it execute some code and then compile other files while needed in a lazy way?
If it's the latter (which I suspect), is this process done by file or by a block of code?
At which point it stops the execution of byte-code and runs the compilation process again?
Does this process differ from MRI to Rubinius?
For example, if I run "ruby my_main_script.rb", which requires 3 other rb source files (and this files itself do not have any requirement), the possibility I imagine would be:
A: The interpreter parses my_main_script.rb and the 3 files. After parsing then, it compiles all AST trees to byte-code. It then proceeds to run the byte-code using the VM.
B: Ruby parses my_main_script.rb and compiles it into byte-code. It then runs the byte-code. When encountering a call to a method in another files, it first parse and compiles that files and the continues with the execution. If this is the case, I would like to understand this in detail.
C: Ruby parses and compiles some piece of code from my_main_script.rb according to some (unkwnon to me) criteria, it runs that byte-code and then parses-and-compiles another piece when needed. This process and that "when needed" condition detection method is what would be interesting for me to understand.
Update 30/03/16
I wrote this little experiment script to try to check if B is the right answer:
class RubyVM
class InstructionSequence
class << self
alias :old_compile_file :compile_file
def compile_file(code, opt)
puts "Injecting code..."
old_compile_file(code, opt)
alias :old_compile :compile
def compile(code)
puts "Injecting code..."
require_relative 'say_hi'
'say_hi.rb' only contains the line "puts 'hello'".
If B is the right answer, shouldn't the output be the following?
Injecting code...
It just outputs "hello"...
For me B is the right answer.
Ruby allows us to load dynamically our code via autoload and to execute strings as code (eval) so it must be able to parse and execute code at any time.
Therefore first it will transform all the files required by your main program to YARV instructions, but if you use autoload or eval those files/code will be transformed later.
A very good book about that process is Ruby under a microscope

Stub require statement in rspec?

I have to maintain a Ruby script, which requires some libs I don't have locally and which won't work in my environment. Nevertheless I want to spec some methods in this script so that I can change them easily.
Is there an option to stub some of the require statements in the script I want to test so that it can be loaded by rspec and the spec can be executed within my environment?
Example (old_script.rb):
require "incompatible_lib"
class Script
def some_other_stuff
def add(a,b)
How can I write a test to check the add function without splitting the "old_Script.rb" file and without providing the incompatible_lib I don't have?
Instead of stubbing require which is "inherited" from Kernel, you could do this:
Create a dummy incompatible_lib.rb file somewhere that is not in your $LOAD_PATH. I.e., if this is a Ruby application (not Rails), don't put it in lib/ nor spec/.
You can do this a number of ways, but I'll tell you one method: in your spec file which tests Script, modify $LOAD_PATH to include the parent directory of your dummy incompatible_lib.rb.
Ordering is very important -- next you will include script.rb (the file which defines Script).
This will get you around the issue and allow you test test the add method.
Once you've successfully tested Script, I would highly recommend refactoring it so that you don't have to do this technique, which is a hack, IMHO.
Thanks, I also thought about the option of adding the files, but finally hacked the require itself within the test case:
module Kernel
alias :old_require :require
def require(path)
old_require(path) unless LIBS_TO_SKIP.include?(path)
I know that this is an ugly hack but as this is legacy code executed on a modified ruby compiler I can't easily get these libs running and it's sufficient to let me test my modifications...

Testing pure Ruby bin/my_app.rb application with RSpec?

I have a command line (NON-RAILS) application written in pure Ruby that I'm driving out through Cucumber and RSpec. It follows the typical application hierarchy of lib, bin, spec, and feature directories.
Up until now, I've followed the traditional process of writing a failing Cucumber feature/scenario, dropping down to RSpec to drive out the supporting lib files, then getting the scenario to pass.
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be as straight forward when driving out the main application entry point in "bin/my_application.rb". The main issue for me is that I'm not describing a class in RSpec, it's a sequential Ruby script for managing the application's classes and initialization via command line parameters and options.
"bin/my_application.rb" is just a small shell-executed wrapper for parsing command line options and passing them onto my main application class as initializer options. I'd still like to test the behavior of the bin script (e.g. MyApp.should_receive(option_a).with(parameter)).
Any suggestions/thoughts/advice? Is this a normal test strategy for driving out command line Ruby script behavior?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure I fully comprehend what you're asking, but I'd say that if you want to use RSpec to test your parameter passing it should be easy enough to do. Say you have your wrapper script:
# my_application.rb
command = = true if ARGV[0] = true if ARGV[1]
command.baz = false if ARGV[2]
Just mix it up and make it a class suitable for testing.
# command_runner.rb
class CommandRunner
def run(args, command = = true if args[0] = true if args[1]
command.baz = false if args[2]
# my_application.rb
Now the only thing you don't have tested is your default parameter on the run command and the one line in the file my_application.rb
Hope that helps.
