VSS 2005 and VS 2005 - visual-studio-2005

I use VS 2005 and VSS 2005. Every time I close VS I get error: ss.ini not found. But except this VSS works fine, no problems when I open VS and do check in and check out. ss.ini is present and VSS repository specified as network path. I just worry that I can have problems later.

Ss.ini keeps track of your preferences, project locations, dialog settings, and such. The ss.ini needs to be in the user's folder for the data base. In my case, it is C:\DEV_\VSS\SourceSafe\users\amissico\ss.ini.
If the file exists, check permissions of folder and file. If the file doesn't exist, check permissions of folder.

Copy paste SS.ini file from user folder from another user folder into user folder with whom you are getting an issue like :
Source: Project\users\ajit\SS.ini
Destination: Project\users\Sujit\SS.ini

VSS provides Deploy command which allows you publish files to your web server. You can check the following link for more info:


how to stop ".jfm file cannot be accessed" from locking up tfs

I'm working on a project with a large solution in TFS, which includes a sqlProject. There's a few things we use in that project but there's also a .jfm file generated for the project. The .jfm has been excluded from the project but TFS keeps trying to access it. It also shows up under "Excluded Changes" even though I have not made any changes to it.
I've added a .tfignore file with the line
and restarted visual studio and rebooted my computer. This popup persists:
and then I can't open anything in Source Control Explorer, it just keeps giving me the popup. I've googled, spoken to my coworkers, tried moving the .tfignore file around, none of it has worked and it's driving me bonkers.
To ignore the .jfm files you have to ensure that the .tfignore file was checked in to the remote server.
Please try following below steps to fix this issue.:
Delete the .jfm files from TFS via web portal (backup them if needed),
Restart VS, Right click the project node under the collection and
select Get Latest Version to remove the .jfm files from local
Set the .tfignore file and check in to the remote server
Then try it again, if that not work, just try to add a new workspace and map the sources in VS,then check in the .tfignore file to the remote server.

How to prevent TFS local files from being deleted / overwritten / renamed?

I'm using MS Team Foundation Server 2012 with a server workspace, and the local files are on a Linux server (accessed via Samba). Accessing TFS from Visual Studio 2017.
When I check in foo.txt, TFS successfully sets foo.txt to read only as expected (r-xr--r--). But TFS does NOT set the permissions for the directory in which foo.txt is stored. Thus although I can't modify foo.txt, I still have write permissions to the directory it's in, so I can delete foo.txt or rename it or over-write it.
Is there a way I can tell TFS to manage the permissions of the directory a file is stored in (in addition to the file itself)? So that I would NOT be able to delete/rename/overwrite a file (outside of Visual Studio) without first checking it out of TFS? I'd be happy if when I checked out a file, the directory it is stored in became writeable(u+w), and when all files in the directory are checked in, the directory becomes readonly again (ugo-w).
As a side note I thought this might be a complexity of my having the files stored on a Linux box. But I tried it with a local file stored on my Win 7 PC, and got the same result. TFS will set the read-only file attribute. But even with read-only attribute set, I can still delete / overwrite / rename a file. I suppose because I'm an administrator of my PC (the security tab of the file properties shows I have full control).
So I think it's a generic TFS question. Since TFS uses the read-only attribute to prevent files from being modified outside of TFS without being checked out, is there a good way for TFS to prevent them from being deleted / overwritten / renamed outside of TFS?
Without that, I think I'm at risk of my local files accidentally becoming out of synch with the repository, and that doesn't seem like a good thing.
Just as you said local workspace is more appropriate for your situation.
And this is also available with TFS 2012.
A local workspace caches the unmodified version of each of your files to enable you to edit, compare, and do other things without being connected to the server. Just like work offline. Besides when you add or delete files outside of Visual Studio, the program automatically detects these changes.
Even though you have permission of the directory in which foo.txt is stored, such as delete foo.txt, you still can't be able to check in TFS source contol without sufficient permissions. And if you accidentally delete the file, also easy to restore locally, just get your files again.
Moreover, if you are an administrator, you can specify which type of workspace Visual Studio creates for your team members by default: Local or Server.
Take a look this excellent blog: Server workspaces vs. local workspaces which helps you clearly understand differences between the two.

Visual Studio 2008 Solution has wrong "Opened URL" path for Web Application

I have a project solution I am migrating from another computer, and the project opens the wrong "Opened URL".
When viewing the Properties for the Web Site, the following path is correct and working on the old computer.
file:///C:/Collection/Server Workspace/store.domain/Main/store.domain
When the same solution is transferred via TFS to my computer, the Opened URL path adds an additional "store.domain" at the end of the path:
Editing the path inside Visual Studio isn't an option, its greyed out and not editable. Editing the text of the solution file shows no duplicate "store.domain"s either.
I'm sure I'm missing something simple, perhaps with IIS?
You need to check in the web site from the old computer to have the correct URL stored in TFS Version Control. Then get latest version for that web site on your dev machine.
Solution: The solution file on the old computer only worked when inside the folder with all of the files. The same solution file on the new computer, needed to be in the parent directory.
So the fix was to move the solution up one directory, for whatever reason. This allowed the phantom /store.domain folder to line up correctly.

IISExpress 8 Cannot read configuration file redirection.config

I'm running Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) with IISExpress8 and when navigating to
c:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express>iisexpress.exe
it says:
Filename: redirection.config
Error: Cannot read configuration file
Any ideas where to start?
I can't find anything...
I had a similar issue to #Myles J but renaming %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config didn't work. What I had to do was the following:
Close Visual Studio.
Rename the %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config directory.
Start Visual Studio again. The %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config directory will be recreated with the default config files.
Copy the original applicationhost.config file over the autogenerated one.
Before anyone asks: the permissions on the folders were identical, the read-only flag was not set on the folder or its files, and I didn't modify applicationhost.config in any way.
After installing IIS Express, copy all files from
C:\Program Files\IIS Express\config\templates\PersonalWebServer
Right click on your project file and Edit the project file and remove the URL from IISUrl and reload your project then it will work
I have just resolved this. It is a strange solution but it worked for me. Here are the steps I took:
Navigate to the folder containing the local IISExpress config files (normally My Documents>IISExpress>config on Windows7).
Find the applicationhost.config file. Rename it to something different e.g. applicationhost2.config.
Navigate to your web project in Visual Studio (I was using VS 2012). Right click on the web project and select Use IISExpress. Run the project. It should fail due to the renaming of the config file.
Change the name of the configuration file back to application.config. Ensure "Use Local IIS Web Server" is selected in the web project settings. Run the solution.
This worked for me.
If you do:
You find these file
Delete above 3 file and then open the project.then the problem is solved. I tried, its working fine.
I have the exact same issue with Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 8.1
I map My Documents folder to SkyDrive, so the IISExpress folder was marked as "Online-only". Once I marked it as "Available offline" everything worked.
Visual Studio will only report the filename it looks for, not the full path. The problem for many users is that the IISExpress with the redirection.config can exist in multiple paths, including a OneDrive path which may not be synced.
To figure out exactly what file Visual Studio attempts to open, use the Microsoft (SysInternals) tool ProcMon. It lists all files and resources Windows tries to access. Add a filter for "Path contains redirection.config" and reproduce the problem in Visual Studio. Now you will see the actual path it tries to use.
In my case, I have multiple IISExpress folders. One that was synced to OneDrive and another one that was local. Visual Studio tried to access the OneDrive folder which was not synced to the local disk, and thus it failed.
In some situations simply renaming/deleting the applicationhost.config file isn't enough since VS won't always recreate it for you. I believe the following will fix it under all circumstances:
Close Visual Studio.
Make sure there are no IIS Express processes running, then delete C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config (where XXXX is your Windows username).
On command line, execute c:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe. This will recreate the necessary configs. Press 'Q' straight away to end the process.
Open Visual Studio again and Start/Debug your web project. Everything should now be working.
Backup files at local IISExpress folder. It can be found at: C:\Users\”username*****”\Documents\IISExpress\config
Go to the location:
C:\Program Files\IIS Express\config\templates\PersonalWebServer
Copy the required files from this directory to the local IISExpress folder.
It worked for me after I copied over the files:
In my case the 'My documents' folder for my work laptop was mapped to a network share. So when the work network was not available I was not able to open my solution.
These will have the value of my docs in network share. Change this to local
I. Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Personal
II. Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\Personal
For eg:
Old value: \networkdrive\c$\Users\profile\Documents
New value: C:\Users\profile\Documents
The issue is that the files in C:\Users\"Your Username"\Documents\IISExpress\config are encrypted.
Open this folder, Select all the files, Right click and select properties,
Click advanced, deselect "Encrypt contents to secure data, Click okay, click apply.
That will fix it.
Using Visual Studio 2013
I had to stop visual studio rename the whole config directory, Documents > IISExpress> Config then start a new web project, which fails but it recreates the config directory, then I rebooted and launched visual studio and everything worked!
I noticed this problem after copying a project between 2 computers, perhaps it was caused by a duplicate IISExpress port or something trivial.
Using VS2013 / Windows 7
Close solution. Open Windows Explorer and right-click on "My Documents\IISExpress\config" directory and select "Decrypt". Be sure "Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files" is selected. Reopen VS solution.
In my case it happened when IISExpress was still active from a previous VS session and new instance of VS was run.
The solution was to stop (or kill) IIS Express instance.
Fix was really simple for me >> Restart Visual Studio
My setup:
Visual Studio 2015
Web projects use local IIS 8.5
I occasionally experience what I believe to be a VS bug where it converts some projects to use IISExpress (this is fixed by deleting the folder created in /This PC/Documents). This might be related.
You don't need to close Visual Studio or rename anything.
Open properties for %userprofile%\Documents
Select Security > Advanced, change owner to yourself (again if you are already owner).
Select "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" and "Replace all child object permission entires with inherited permission entires from this object".
For me, It's a simple lack of permission either give everyone permission
to "%userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config" this folder or Open VS in Admin mode
for me was removing the file Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config
Closing visual studio > Open > Debug
Thanks for the previous answer help go straight to the issue
After trying to solve an issue with a quick fix of changing IIS express inside visual studio from integrated to classic pipeline , I ended up not being able to use IIS express at all. I tried all techniques above...
I could not rename , copy the file. Uninstall of IIS express and re-install did not work.
I FINALLY downloaded the latest version of WebMatrix and installed IIS express 8, that did not work, but at least then i was able to finally delete the old directory and then I recreated itself.....
I resolved this (with vs2013 and windows 7) by going to Documents > IISExpress> Config and renaming the application.config. After that, I restarted visual studio and opened my project and it worked.
I ran into this issue while trying to open another developer's solution after installing VS2013 (Update 3 RC). After following the advice here and deleting/renaming/etc. the config folder, VS re-created the files in the wrong location. It created nested config folders:
I moved everything from ...\config\config into ...\config, and it worked as expected.
I found that deleting one of the sites from the applicationhost.config file resolve this problem for me.
I used the following command from the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\IISExpress directory:
appcmd list site
appcmd delete site rogueSiteName
Especially there was a site name with a bracketed number suffix (e.g. "MySite(1)") that I deleted. I'm not sure yet if VS2013 just had an issue with the brackets or that two sites pointed to the same directory. Either way deleting it made VS happy again.
I had been struggling with this issue for a couple of days and nothing seemed to help - not even the instructions given in the top answers here.
I had also tried moving the config folder as mentioned in http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/introduction-to-iis-express/iis-80-express-readme. But although VS2013 recreated the directory structure and files in the new location the errors continued and running appcmd showed that it was still pointing at the old location by default.
Credit for where I found the commands to use goes to http://gyorgybalassy.wordpress.com/2013/12/02/cleaning-up-iis-express-configuration/
For ASP.Net Core just access your Properties section, then make a modification and save it.
Example: I modified the SSL port
You will get a notification that your launchsettings.json was modified. Accept that and you're good to go.
If it is ASP.NET Core project
Just try to change iis port in file launchSettings.json by path iisSettings:iisExpress:applicationUrl
It's 2020, I am reporting the same problem in Visual Studio 2019.
Cause: Multiple VS instances open with different web app (Blazor in my instance).
Solution: Close all VS instances and re-open the solution that you want to run.
On IIS 10 Express. Make sure that Visual Studio (VS) is turned off.
I first found out that %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config\ was not working.
I first thought IIS Express had clashed with IIS from the windows OS.
I uninstalled it, yet no changes, then I uninstalled IIS 10 Express that was installed with VS 2019 through the control panel.
Then I went ahead to discover that this file is saved at the C:\Users\username\OneDrive\Documents\IISExpress, associated with one drive storage, so I advise you copy %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config\ and paste in your windows explorer navigation to find directory.
go to one directory higher, and/or rename the config folder. Restart your VS and run the project again.
Mine was caused by OneDrive. Apparently my documents folder is being synced to it.
What I did is changed the location of the documents folder through regedit and navigated to this path:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > User Shell Folders
and then changed the value of Personal
from: C:\Users\my username\OneDrive\Documents
to C:\Users\my username\Documents
After that I restart my computer and I was able to create a VS project.
I have the same issue,
First time, i think Visual Studio not permission access to %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config so i run Visual Studio with Administrator, but it not working.
I try all answer above but still the error!
Finally, i look internet, i see my onedrive is stopping, i enable and sync data. Restart computer and worked.

VS 2003 Reports "unable to get the project file from the web server" when opening a solution from VSS

When attempting to open a project from source control on a newly formatted pc, I receive an "unable to get the project file from the web server" after getting the sln file from VSS. If I attempt to open the sln file from explorer, I also receive the same error.
Any pointers or ideas?
This question is very old so you have probably solved the issue, but just in case: Does the project file use IIS? If so then it is probably trying to read the project file from IIS and the virtual directory does not exist on the newly formatted computer. Also, there should be more detail about the message in the Output window when you open the solution which should help you find the cause. With VS2003, you also need to add your user account to the "Debugger Users" and "VS Developers" and possibly the account that is running the AppPool (possibly Network Server, ASPNET, or IUSER_xxx). This may depend on the type of authentication you are using as well. Occasionally I had to add those group permissions the the virtual directory location as well. It's been a while since I have used VS2003 with web projects though.
Try deleting the .csproj files (back them up first though).
Is there anything odd in your sln file? Have you opened it with a text editor to see if it is linking to a remote resource?
