Yahoo Pipes: How to convert string from Fetch Page into date for RSS feed? - yahoo-pipes

I am trying to create a rss feed from a web page. I am able to get the data to create the title, but I am trying to get the date updated correctly. There is a string on the page, that tells what time of day the news was reported, such as "Time of Report: 1pm". So how can I get the "1pm" and convert that to a date string that contains the current date, with this time?

The Pipes "Date Builder" module is surprisingly powerful.
You can actually feed it a string like "1pm" and it will return:
The date is relative to when you run it - in this case it assumes "1pm Today". The result is "hour21" in UTC because it parsed in Yahoo's time-zone. So if you need something specific, use the "Sting Builder" to append the time-zone. For example "1pm GMT" gives:
Obviously you may run into issues if your pipe runs after a date change - an "11pm" entry could easily be read the following morning, leading to inaccurate results.


Convert date format, BMC Remedy/smart-it

In a field called $Detailed Decription$ sometimes dateformat 08/09/2021 is enterd and this need to be converted to swedish format 2022-02-11
I'am going to use BMC Developer studio and make a filter but i cant find a fitting solution for it. Replacing it wont work (i think) becaus it need to have a value to replace it with.
Maby there can be a function that reads regex (\d{2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{4}) but how can i convert it?
If it's sometimes - look at AR System User Preferencje form. Check certain user's locale and date time config.
Also is important where the data comes from. Could be a browser setting or java script mod.
1- Using Set fields action, copy the date value from Detailed Description to a Date/Time field (i.e. z1D_DateTime01).
2- Using Set fields action and Functions (MONTH, YEAR, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND) you can parse the date/time and convert it to format you like.
Something like this:
SwedishDate = YEAR($z1D_DateTime01$) + "-" + MONTH($z1D_DateTime01$) + "-" + DAY($z1D_DateTime01$)
This will capture the parts of date and combine them with "-" in the middle and in the order you want.

Formatting date to a particular type in zapier cli

In my inputFields of zapier, there's one field where the user can enter the date but I want the zapier to work only if I write the date in "2020-09-18T15:30" otherwise it should show a message that the data entered does not match the format specified. I tried this but it's not working.
const activityEditableFields = async (z, bundle) => {
if (bundle.inputData.dueDate) {
here duedate in the field and I am giving the format that if there is data in it then it should match the specified format but there's no difference in the zap. If you can help me as soon as possible. Do reply.
This shouldn't be necessary. Per the docs:
DateTime fields let users enter dates and times, using their human readable values, machine readable datetimes, or standard English words for time like tomorrow. Zapier interperpates the date input from users and outputs a standard ISO 8601 datetime to your API.
If you declare the field as a datetime, then bundle.inputData.dueDate will always be a proper ISO 8601 datetime.
The easiest way I could find to workaround this issue was to use with JS code only the first 10 characters of the ISO8601 Zapier date.
or to use moment to parse date (This library is supported by Zapier):
const moment = z.require('moment');
moment(bundle.inputData.dueDate).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC")
The only drawback is that you need to use the code editor

Format date in AWS's style

I'm looking to compare the dates of some AWS resources in an external script so I need to match AWS's date/time format.
AWS' own documentation states that the date must be the complete date plus hours, minutes, and seconds, however date formats end up looking like 2017-07-27T15:47:59.373Z, where my hardcoding of %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M.%SZ gets me only 2017-07-15T11:39.29Z.
Side by side, that's:
AWS: ??? - 2017-07-27T15:47:59.373Z
Me: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M.%SZ - 2017-07-15T11:39.29Z
There's something on the end that's adding a few extra digits. What am I missing to get the formatting identical?
The "extra digits" is the milliseconds.
I'm assuming you're using bash's date command. If that's the case, try with:
date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ"
The -u option gets the date in UTC (so it's compliant with the Z, which is the UTC designator).
If you don't use -u, it'll print the date and time in the system's timezone (which can't necessarily be UTC).

Parse hours from string with space delimiter

I have file strings that contain dates in their heading, stuff such as 2017-03-06 092328 - iPhone - Music Show - street performance, while walking the dog.m4a
I would like to parse the date our of this string, because I need to print it in a podcast friendly format.
I'm able to parse out the date, but for some reason the time component refuses to be parsed out :)
Date.strptime("2017-03-06 092328", "%Y-%m-%d %H%M%S").strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H%M%S)
Expected output:
"2017-03-06 092328"
Actual output
"2017-03-06 000000"
Your problem is that Date is (what a surprise!) a date, as in, "Not a time, just a date".
require 'time'
Time.strptime("2017-03-06 092328", "%Y-%m-%d %H%M%S").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
#=> "2017-03-06 09:23:28"
To be fair :
the documentation of Time#strptime mentions that it's based on Date#strptime
Date._parse("2017-03-06 09:23:28") will happily return {:hour=>9, :min=>23, :sec=>28, :year=>2017, :mon=>3, :mday=>6}
If you find it confusing that a Time object has a date and a time but that Date just has a date, you could use DateTime.

Why is my YouTube API Insight report query 404ing?

I have a Ruby script which downloads YouTube Insight reports for specific videos within specific date ranges. It authorizes with ClientLogin, retrieves <entry> XML data for a video, and extracts from that data a URL which points to a CSV report:
The above URL works. However, I want a report for a specific date range, not the default range provided.
An Insight report query's requested date range is set in the user_starttime and user_endtime params. (In the above default case, it's 2011-09-27 through 2011-10-04.) The YouTube API docs say that you can specify your own date range (covering a span of up to 28 days) by substituting timestamps (in milliseconds) that represent the dates you want.
So, why does the following query 404?
The date range looks OK:
ruby > 1307937600
=> 2011-06-13 00:00:00 -0400
ruby > 1308110400
=> 2011-06-15 00:00:00 -0400
The fact that the "default" URL works indicates that I must be doing something wrong with these date values, but I can't figure out what. What am I overlooking?
UPDATE 2 -- Nov. 4, 2011:
There has recently been a change to the YouTube Data API Protocol for Insight data, and the answer below is no longer accurate.
YouTube now permits date ranges of up to 31 days for a single Insight report query, and they now allow requests pertaining to dates going back to March 1, 2009. The docs now say:
You can adjust the date range for which a report contains data
to a period of up to 31 days beginning no earlier than March 1, 2009.
This is excellent news. (Leaving the below for posterity.)
I believe I've figured out why the above Insight report query with the custom date range is 404ing. I was able to retrieve a report with a custom date range like this:
What's the difference between this (good) URL and the previous (bad) URL in my question above? Well, my custom date range here, specified in the user_starttime and user_endtime parameters both fall within the range set by YouTube in the starttime and endtime params.
In other words, starttime and endtime seem to represent the outer bounds of any user-specified custom date range possible through these types of requests.
So, when the YouTube API docs say:
You can adjust the date range for which a report contains data to a period of up to 28 days
What they mean, I suppose, is:
Your date range may not span more than 28 days ... AND ALSO ...
Your date range may not fall outside of a date range going back 28 days from the most recent date on which reports are currently available, which we tell you through the starttime and endtime parameters.
In this thread, a YouTube API Team member says:
You should consider the starttime value the absolute earliest supported start date and endtime the absolute latest supported end date. If you try to set user_starttime to something earlier than starttime then you're going to ask for data that dates back more than 28 days, and that data isn't available.
This exact text should be in the documentation.
