Configure Eclipse to use VS.Net shortcuts? - visual-studio

I've started doing some Python Programming using Eclipse. However, I'm a .Net programmer and I'm use to the keyboard shortcuts in VS.Net 2008. Is there any quick way to reconfigure VS.Net to use the visual studio shortcuts. I've found this other question, but the suggested methods don't work. I've installed CDT and selected the Visual Studio Keys, but it doesn't seem to change any of the key mappings.

That's strange because after installing the C/C++ Development Tools (CDT):
alt text
And picking up the Microsoft Visual Studio scheme (from Windows > Preferences > General > Keys):
alt text
My binding are definitely altered as shown below (ok it's just a small example but it illustrates the change and all bindings mentioned by #VonC are there):
alt text

If the CDT Visual Studio mapping does not work, you need to import custom shortcut files for the usual Visual Studio shortcuts.
This SO question mentions this article, with this minimal set:
New PHP File: Ctrl+N
Next Editor: Ctrl+Tab
Previous Editor: Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Find and Replace: Ctrl+F
Find Next: F3
Find Previous: Shift+F3
Open Search Dialog: Ctrl+H
New File: Ctrl+N
Go to line: Ctrl+G
File.Close: Ctrl+W


Make Visual Studio use VS code shortcut keys / key bindings

I've been using VSCode a lot lately and have gotten used to the keys-shortcuts/key-bindings (Ctrl+D, Ctrl+P, Alt+leftArrow, etc). However I've recently had some work where I needed to use regular Visual Studio (Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019) and it's painful remembering two different shortcut keys.
Is there a way to import VSCode key-shortcuts to into regular Visual Studio?
I've looked at this question and there wasn't much help besides manually changing them one at a time.
UPDATE: now the above post answers the question now that I posed Francois du Plessis's answer there.
If you go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard. There should be an option to select Visual Studio Code as a Keyboard mapping scheme
You can create your own settings file based on an existing Visual Studio file.
Simply add your settings to it from VSCode keybinding setting file.
VSCode's keybinding settings is stored in keybindings.json json-formated file.
open file in menu
File->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts
or on Windows file path like that
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Code\..\keybindings.json
Visual Studio's keybinding settings is stored in CurrentSettings.vssettings xml-formated file.
on VS menu:
Tools->Import and Export Settings
then select 'Import select environment setting' radiobutton and click 'Next'
you'll see browser for import your file.
on Windows file path like that
C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Settings\
You can read more about it at this:
Make Visual Studio use VS code shortcut keys/key bindings

How can I export Visual Studio shortkeys (Keymap) to IntelliJ IDEA

It's a long time that I use VS and I have fully customized its environment. Now I have to use IntelliJ. It's completely unfamiliar for me. I want to export VS short keys to IntelliJ. Is there any way to do that? I'd appreciate if someone can help me.
I use Visual Studio 2015 Ultimate and IntelliJ IDEA 15 Ultimate.
I use Resharper in Visual Studio. Does it help?
You can go to File | Settings, select the Keymap item in the left part of the dialog, and select "Visual Studio" in the Keymap combo box. This should give you keyboard shortcuts in IntelliJ IDEA that are similar to the default settings in Visual Studio.
To the right of the Keymap combo box, there is a small gears button that allows you to duplicate a keymap. After duplication, you can change keyboard shortcuts for almost every action and even add more shortcuts than what you get by default. This way, you can even add (most of) your personal customizations from Visual Studio to IntelliJ.
File > Settings > Keymap select Visual Studio from dropdown
For now, just install vscode keymap from plugin store:
And there is a VSCode keymap, many thanks to the uploder!

VS2012 is missing "format document" feature

I have VS2012 Pro installed, and there is no "Format Document" feature under Edit -> Advanced. I used this all the time in VS2010, and would like to continue using it. Is it just not available in the Pro version of 2012?
It is missing from the menu but you can still access is via shortcut
If you're talking about other types of files other than .cs, I think VS will generally go by the file extension.
I was trying to edit a .txt file with xml in it and couldn't get the menu option or the shortcut keys to work. Then renamed the file to .xml and all was good.
In VS2012 the command is there as well. It depends on the current settings. I still have it under Edit -> Advanced where it shows the Ctrl + E + D shortcut that is assigned to it.
Please check the following:
Go to Tools -> Options -> Keyboard and check which additional keyboard mapping scheme is applied in the drop down on top. For me it states "Visual C# 2005"
Then, as Jarek already suggested search in the 'Show command containing' for 'Edit.FormatDocument' and see if there is a shortcut assigned now.
Which kind of environment have you choosen when installing VS 2012? Was it for C#? If you want to change that you can do it unter Tools -> Import and Export Settings as described here
Last but not least I'm not sure any more if this function actually is part of Visual Studio 2012 itself (I'm 98% sure it is, but 98 is not 100) so please check if installing the PowerCommands extension solves this issue (Even though the name suggests that they are only for VS 2010 they also support VS 2012). Note that the PowerCommands are also integrated now in the ProductivityPowerTools directly.
It's called "Reformat Selection" in XML Editor toolbar.

Visual studio shortcut keys equivalent to eclipse shortcut keys

I use both eclipse and visual studio (2008 right now) a lot. But there are some shortcut keys from eclipse that I really miss in Visual Studio that I haven't been able to locate. Does anyone know if these exists in Visual Studio?
Being able to search in your open window tabs - this is Ctrl+E in eclipse I think? I know you can navigate, but not search.
open type
open type heirarchy
open resource
move selected lines up or down (Alt+Up/Down)
move to last edited line (NOT Ctrl+- / Ctrl+Shift+- in VS and not Ctrl+Z, which only works if you're in the same file?)
If they don't exist, anyone got a good resource on how you can program shortcuts yourself for VS?
Just published new extension for Visual Studio:
Meet IntelliCommand (Visual Studio 2010/2012 extension)
This may help you for the moving of selected lines: Visual Studio: hotkeys to move line up/down and move through recent changes
Still searching on the others.
There is an "AsEclipse" plugin that should provide most functionality:
I am a first time user of VS. Open Resource and Open Type look to be pretty well covered by Search in Solution Explorer, which is accessed using Ctrl+;
Go to Settings keymaps and search for eclipse.
If you install Eclipse Keymap from Alphabot Security plugin in VS Code.
It has most of the shortcut from eclipse.
install telerik justcode... it has all shortcuts you just need to change them to be like in eclipse ... works like a charm after 15mins
I'm not sure if following are VS or ReSharper shortcuts:
open type heirarchy: Ctrl+E, Ctrl+H
move selected lines up or down: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT
To get eclipse like shortcuts in vscode:
Please go to:
Ctrl+Shift+p and type java: Overview
open overview using enter
there is option under Key Bindings
Use Eclipse Key Bindings
just click it.
and you will get all eclipse shortcuts in vscode

Visual Studio 2005 Shortcuts

I'm trying to bind the following shortcut: Ctrl + W to close tabs
How can you customize VS to add/change shortcuts? Also, what are the most useful shortcuts you guys have found?
Tools > Options > (Show all settings), then Environment > Keyboard.
Here, rebind the key “File.Close” to Ctrl+W.
VS 2005/2008 Keybinding posters:
Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Reference
Visual C# 2005 Keyboard
Shortcut Reference Poster
Visual Basic 2008 Keybinding
Reference Poster
Visual Basic
2005 Keyboard Shortcut Reference
These don't cover customizations but they're good reference materials and definitely helpful for finding new shortcuts.
I keep a link to Jeff's shortcuts page, and refer to it to learn the shortcuts for all tasks I find myself regularly doing. I also use VisualAssist, and use a lot of:
toggling between .h and .cpp files (yes, I code in C++ :) ) (Alt-o);
going to the definition of something (Alt-g).
Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard
I find most of them useful TBH!
Commenting, Bookmarking, Incremental Search, etc etc.
The one you want to override by the way is Window.CloseDocumentWindow which defaults to CTRL+F4
Ctrl-Shift-Space shows the syntax/overloads for the current function you are typing parameters for.
