Flowplayer: Clicking on the player forces is to reload - flowplayer

I've got this damn annoying bug (or wrong setting) that makes the player reload whenever it's clicked. It's set to play when you click, so when you click it, it reloads. The circle begins....
The reloading only happens in Firefox. In Safari (and I assume Chrome), the video opens in its own window. Not ideal, but it still plays.
Here's the code for the player: (I can't share the link unfortunately, NDAs etc etc.)
flashembed("player", "/flowplayer.commercial-3.0.7.swf", {
config: {
key: '##xxxxxx',
clip: {
autoPlay: false,
autoBuffering: true,
url: "http://myvid.com/url.mp4",
wmode: 'opaque'
This site is full of complete geniuses, I hope one of you can help me out!

The fact that this works as expected in Firefox 3.6 for Windows and Firefox 3.5.7 for Linux suggests its a Mac/Firefox issue.
Try comparing the generated output between different versions using Firebug and see if you can spot anything

I just had the exact same issue. I had Flowplayer in a content slider and the slider was cloning the player and the script. I fixed the problem by changing the video link to have a class of "player," instead of a unique ID, then changing the javascript call to Flowplayer to:
<script>flowplayer("a.player", "flowplayer-3.1.5.swf");</script>
and then moving the script out of the slider, so that the script itself wasn't cloned. I reinserted it just before the closing tag, but it could go anywhere.

I had the same issue using ajax to swap out the videos based on user action, e.g. clicking a link. I finally resolved it by removing the element and re-adding it prior to calling flowplayer:
$("#video #message-video").remove();
$("#video").html( $("<div>").attr("id","message-video") );
flowplayer("message-video", ...


CKEditor 4.7.3 not utilizing custom config file any more

I am hoping someone can help me. I have been using CKEditor for years on my production site, ever since FCKEditor, and it has been working very well until recently. I have customized my toolbar and added custom addons and customized the filebrowser and they have been working for a long time. My config file is sitting in a subdirectory but CKEditor just does not want to show the customizations for me, it just shows the FULL toolbar with standard colors etc. Has anyone else noticed this behavior? Is there some fix I cannot seem to find for this? My CKEditor call is below. The odd thing is my dev server and my dev box have no issues with this and ckeditor works just like it should. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
CKEDITOR.replace('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_fckTemplateEditor', {
customConfig: 'ckeditor/myconfig.js'
, filebrowserBrowseUrl: 'ckeditor/filemanager.aspx?window=' + window.name,
filebrowserImageBrowseUrl: 'ckeditor/filemanager.aspx?window=' + window.name,
filebrowserWindowWidth: '780',
filebrowserWindowHeight: '650'
}, {
removePlugins: 'elementspath',
extraPlugins: 'uicolor',
height: '800px',
CKEDITOR.config.height = 450;
Ok after trying everything I could find, I figured it out. It seemed it was attaching to the control prior to my replace call so it was giving me an already attached error in the console, which I was not watching for. so I needed to destroy that attachment with the following code and it started to work again. There must be some issue with new browsers and how they work that is causing it to act up and just thought I would share what I found after a day of searching.
if (CKEDITOR.instances["ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_fckTemplateEditor"]) { // Check null

CKeditor Firefox drag and drop encoding

Running into problems with CKeditor 4.5.6 involving dragging content into ckeditor's editor.
To be more precise, When dragging and dropping content from outside of the current browser window the content is either stripped of formatting (from Word for example) or converted to other language symbols (if from a browser for example). For instance dragging the 'Similar Questions' title from the page I'm typing this question in produces:
Example of Firefox/CKeditor problem
However, dropping the url in the url bar for instance works correctly.
This issue only appears in Firefox. Chrome and IE work fine and I can drop formatted text from anywhere including Word and only my accepted tags (using CKeditors content filter) will correctly make it into the editor.
My page is using UTF-8, the pages I'm dragging from also use UTTF-8.
I've exhausted the forums looking for a solution and would greatly appreciate any help.
After tinkering around in FF's console and exploring the drop event object I used the code:
CKEDITORSETTINGS.ckeditor.document.on('drop', function (evt) {
var data = evt.data.$.dataTransfer.getData('text/html');
console.log("paste data: " + data);
Which shows that the paste data is also incorrect. So this looks to be a Firefox issue unless I find any more leads.
Update #2:
Narrowed down further: this issue is ONLY when dropping data from OTHER browsers into FF
Update #3:
Updated FF to current version (45.0) and the issue is resolved.
What a wild goose-chase!

slow scrolling when using responsive bootstrap theme

I am using a bootstrap 3 template and have noticed on some that scrolling is not smooth and kind of bumpy. I am not even sure what to look for. This only happens in Chrome. It does NOT happen in Safari or Firefox.
Is this a javascript or css problem? I have never run across this before.
This seems to happen worse in Chrome for mac, but also happens in chrome for windows.
It seems to happen when I make the window smaller and then make it bigger again. If I leave the window the same size, it seems to scroll fine.
http://demo.phppointofsalestaging.com --> Click Sales then resize the window in Chrome and then scroll down and then up. You will notice it is very bumpy and not smooth
:root { scroll-behavior: auto; }
Add this simple code to your custom CSS file.
"scroll-behavior" declared as "smooth" in bootstrap css/bootstrap.reboot.css.
So we need to overwrite it using our custom css.
The problem is in the jquery.nicescroll plugin that is used with the theme, the function jQuery.fn.scrollTop make the problem, it takes more than 75% from the cpu when run. my solution is :
You are using the jquery.nicescroll plugin version 3.4.0 use the latest version currently version 3.5.0 available.
If not working as expected, downgrade to version 3.2.0 I'm using it with my site without any problem.
Also check that if the hwacceleration in the Configuration parameters of the plugin is set to (default: true).
Update 1:
nicescroll plugin is a solution to have a custom scrollbars compatible with desktop, tablet and phone devices and to override the default scrollbars of the browser " more information her ", "you didn't see the diffrence because the plugin used in your project works when your browser window under 767px" so another solution if you don't need it you can remove the plugin from your files by following this steps:
Delete the plugin file (jquery.nicescroll.js) from your script folder.
Delete the plugin link from all your files.
Delete the plugin function lines (21 to 36), (49 to 66), (149) from (unicorn.js) file.
Update 2:
I made some tweaks for the (unicorn.js), download it from her, then replace your original one.
Hope this will help you.

EF 4.0 - Save creates duplicates in TEST environment, but not in DEV

FINAL EDIT If you are looking at this question, please see the answer I posted below. The original problem was not with EF, it was with my JQuery implementation.
EDIT: I have confirmed that this is only happening in IE (specifically IE 7). I don't see the same behavior in Chrome. I haven't tested Firefox yet, but we don't support FF in our environment, so I'm not as worried about it.)
Before I post a bunch of code, I just wanted to put this out there to see if anyone else has ever experienced anything similar, and if so, what their culprit was.
I have code in an MVC project that creates a new entity. The code works as expected in my local environment. However, when I push the code out to our test server environment, the same code creates two records upon save.
I have verified that the database schemas are identical, so I have eliminated that as a possible cause.
Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this? If so, what did you do to fix the problem?
I finally tracked the issue down to a bug in some javascript. The problem had nothing to do with Entity Framework or MVC. I have some jQuery code that helps me add icons to submit buttons, and in IE it was causing the submit to happen twice.
In case anyone is interested, here is the offending code:
$('input[type="submit"]').each(function () {
icons: { primary: $(this).attr('icon') },
label: $(this).val()
}).click(function (event) {
return false;
This caused no problems in Chrome, but in IE the submit buttons were firing twice. To fix it, i added onclick="return false;" to my input tags, and the problem went away.

Extension Development: Frozen Firefox scrollbar and dis-functional hot-keys

I am writing a Firefox extension which creates a Java applet in the page.
function addApplet(aDocument,url,classfile,archive) {
if (navigator.javaEnabled()) {
var anApplet,body;
body = aDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
anApplet = aDocument.createElement('applet');
The JAR file loaded from the applet is 500KB in size. I noticed that sometimes the extension causes Firefox's vertical scrollbar to freeze and the hot-keys to stop working. The scroll-bar and hot-keys work fine if I prevent the extension to append the applet to the page.
Another weird behavior is -- on the frozen page if I click inside any text/search box or even address bar the scroller and the hotkeys begin to work again. The same thing happens if I switch tabs or minimize the browser window.
I am using Firefox 3.6.12 on WindowsXP.
Please help me if you have an idea regarding this or if I should provide more information.
(Hey guys this problem is still not solved....please help me out with this......)
See if something similar happens if you load the applet from an html page that includes the tag and its children as static content, rather than content added to the DOM.
I imagine it's a problem of Firefox and java, not your code.
Applets can be tricky. I would suggest creating a page of pure HTML that works, first.
As far as suggestions for change go, 1st thing to change is the width/height of the applet. An applet with 0 size can cause all sorts of problems. Instead, give it a WxH of 20 (then later hide it using CSS).
Ok this has worked:
This behavior is the default since JDK 1.3. However you might need to prevent the applet from getting focus on startup, for example, if your applet is invisible and does not require focus at all. In this case, you can set to false the special parameter initial_focus in the HTML tag, as follows:
<applet code="MyApplet" width=50 height=50>
*<param name=initial_focus value="false">*</applet>
