SVN diff flagging all lines of code as new when PC programmer updates file recently committed by Mac Programmer - windows

Here's the scenario I'm currently running into:
Programmer A (Using a Mac Version of Dreamweaver) edits file client.php and commits that file to the production branch of Project Foo's repository
Programmer B (Using a Windows Version of Dreamweaver) edits file client.php to fix a bug in the that file. He then does a cp clientInfo.php ../prod-branch/clientInfo.php to take that bug-fix from his working copy to the production branch.
Programmer B then does an svn diff ../prod-branch/clientInfo.php to see what svn says his changes were only to discover that svn says he's changed every line in the file!
Now, this is what I believe is happening:
When the file gets edited by Mac, Dreamweaver on Mac replaces all the Windows newline characters with Mac newline characters so that it's readable in Dreamweaver. In short, Dreamweaver has altered every line in the file. Now, once the commit is done, svn sees that every line of the file has changed and marks this fact down. When the windows programmer makes a change and the newline characters get changed again, svn thinks that, again, every line has changed.
My question is this: How can we prevent this from happening? I know there's no way to undo the damage that's already been done, but I want to prevent this from happening in the future.

You need to use the "svn:eol-style" property on all text files. Usually setting it to "native" will suffice

Dreamweaver has an option to set which line break type it uses. Edit (on Mac: Dreamweaver ) -> Preferences, Code Format, Line break type.
Get your users to have the same setting, and things should play a little better together. It would be better, of course, if you can set your source control to ignore line break differences.

svn:eol-style is a property that can be set centrally in the repository and should sort out your problem.
Check out the chapter on New Line Sequences in the Subversion book.
The solution to this problem is the svn:eol-style property. When this property is set to a valid value, Subversion uses it to determine what special processing to perform on the file so that the file's line ending style isn't flip-flopping with every commit that comes from a different operating system. The valid values are:


I downloaded a repo with git on PyCharm and many of the indents on almost every single file are off

I'm currently running Python 3.9, PyCharm 2021.1.3 with the Git client bundled, and when I pulled a repo for work, and almost every file has indents that are off, needing both indents and dedents. Has anyone ran into this problem before? I've attached a small screenshot from one of the init functions in one of the classes to demonstrate what it is I received when I cloned and downloaded.
Yes, the author of the code has mixed spaces and tabs.
You can see def __init__ at the first line has one level of indentation, probably with a tab.
self._cp at line 2 must have two levels of indentation,
probably two spaces each.
If the code runs correctly, all you need to do is reformat the file.
The default keyboard shortcut is:

Git for Windows - prevent .pack file date/time modification

I am using Git for Windows (version 2.15, but the same issue occurs in 2.14 and I think older versions as well) and I noticed a rather annoying behavior: When I perform some basic git operations*), the modification date of the .git/objects/pack/pack-*.pack file changes. The file itself remains unchanged, but the last modification date field gets updated, which causes my backup software to think the file was changed and needs to be added to my differential backup. Because my .pack files are rather large, this increases the size of my daily backups significantly. Is there a way to prevent this behavior? That is, keep the pack file completely unchanged, including its metadata, until I perform a git gc or git repack?
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to pinpoint which operation causes this behavior. When it happened today, I only used git status, git log, git add, git mv and git commit and nothing else and the date/time got changed, but when I tried to replicate the behavior on my yesterday's backup, the date change didn't occur. I guess next time I will run Process Monitor and watch accesses to the file, but in the meanwhile, does anyone have an idea of what might be causing this problem? Thanks.
Instead of referencing your Git repo itself for your backup program to process (with the date issue), you could have:
a task which does a git bundle of your repo (that generates only one file)
your backup program would back up only that one file.
That way, you bypass entirely the modification date issue for those pack files.
You can either save and keep only one copy of a full bundle of the repo.
Or make incremental bundles.
In the end it turns out that Edward Thomson's answer explains why no "real" solution is possible. However, to facilitate my needs, I wrote a simple Windows command-line application which scans through a tree of directories, locates possible Git repositories, locates their packfiles and changes the date/time of each .pack file to that of the respective .idx file. So far it seems to run OK. I did not encounter any garbage collection issues yet, anyway. I did not release the tool yet, because I rather suspect no one else cares, but if someone is interested, I can upload it somewhere.
Apparently, someone is interested. So the program is released as of now. Not on GitHub, but still as open source, under the 3-clause BSD license. Download the binaries here:
and the source code here:
If you try to disable this then you would be prone to see subtle bugs where objects that are still in use will disappear from your repository.
You had trouble pinpointing the exact operation because every operation that adds files will do it.
This is very much intentional - Git refreshes the timestamps of objects in the database (updating the timestamp on either loose objects or packfiles) to know when an object was last written. Whenever you create a new commit, it will update the timestamp on all the files that contain objects hat were referenced.
This is important as it helps the tools that remove data (like prune) avoid race conditions: an object may be dereferenced and then re-referenced. Prune will also look at the timestamp, so by touching the file, it will not be eligible for garbage collection.

Git is seeing changes I didn't make in xcode

I'm programming in xcode (actually Phone Gap in conjunction with xcode) with git. I'm having a strange issue. When I create two identical branches and try to check out back and fourth between them with out making any changes git is telling me that I need to commit because a change has been made (this same thing is also resulting in merge conflicts). It says the changed file is:
Can anyone explain what's going on and how to deal with it.
Yes, .xcworkspaces are simply files that Xcode uses to describe the workspace or projects.
IMHO, There's no need to check these files in at all, unless you share settings with other folks in your projects (and in your case, I suppose other machines that have a user named "benpearce").
In fact, you can safely add them to your .gitignore file.
More info can be seen here

Subversion in multiuser environment with XCode 4.0

I have been using XCode with subversion for some time now, no problem was caused when I was using it as a single developer (I was using 2 commands only, commit and add).
But now I have to share the code with another developer (who has never used any kind of version control) and integrating/merging the code has become a nightmare. No problem occur when we are integrating/merging .h/.m files but as soon as it comes to ".nib", "xcodeproj" and ".xcdatamodeld" files, we really don't know what to do.
Whenever we try to merge "xcodeproj", project was getting corrupt and merging ".xcdatamodeld" was kind of impossible for us.
So I was wondering if someone can share his/her experience on how to effectively use subversion/git/mercurial with XCode 4.0 in multiuser environment? or share a link, which can explain how to use subversion effectively in multiuser environment.
Are you doing this using Subversion? For 90% to 99% of the files in your repository, the standard Subversion workflow of checkout, edit, commit works well. However, for some types of files such as JPEGS and GIFS simply don't merge well. In this case, you'll have to do it the way we use to in the old SCCS and RCS days: Before you can edit and commit a file, you must lock it.
Locking a file prevents others from editing the same file and committing changes while you're doing your work on the file. It's crude, but it works. In Subversion, you can always lock any file you're editing, but if the file has the property svn:needs-lock on it, it will be checked out as read-only. You have to lock the file before editing it to make it writable, and you're not allowed to commit the file unless it is locked.
So, for those files, set the svn:needs-lock property on it.
You can automatically set this property on all newly added files (depending upon suffix) via setting the auto-properties in your Subversion client configuration.
And, if you really, really want to make sure that all .nibs and xcodeproj and all of the other flies of these types have svn:needs-lock set on them, you can use my pre-commit hook which will prevent these files from being committed unless this property is set.
There is no failsafe way to merge these kinds of files that I am aware of. So you will have to
try to ensure that only one person is changing these files at a time. That won't work always, so just log what you changed in the file with the commit message. Then if there is a conflict, you can manually resolve it by taking the version that changed more of the file and redo manually what the other person did.
That's normally not a big deal, like adding a new source file to an .xcodeproject, or changing the alignment of an element in a .nib. It's becoming a problem if your project is huge or your nib is containing the whole interface. For it to work well (which in practice it does), you need to split up your projects into sub-projects if they grow too huge.
I had the same problem with 2 other developers Xcode with git. Unfortunately, Xcode project files are an XML file, tracks file included in the project as well as setting. I'm not certain, but I think .nib files are also XML files as well. Someone can correct me on that.
Git did a great job at merging the Xcode project file, and never really had any problems with our *.nib files either. The only time we did have a problem is when we both added/removed files with the same names, or someone did a lot of heavy removing and adding of a lot of files.
The only way we solved this was to have each other push ann pull as soon as we added/removed files. So that way the person had the latest files, and didn't add them in their own repository then pull the latest commit which had the same file in it. Or they work adding changes to a file that was removed or renamed.
That is the best solution we found, as soon as we added or removed a file have everyone else in the team pull. Not a great solution btw. However, you should be committing often anyways.

Can I make Subversion + TortoiseSVN case-insensitive for Windows?

I've been using Subversion for code control with TortoiseSVN to interface with the server for the past few months, and in general it's been going great! However, occasionally my FoxPro IDE will change the case of a file extension without warning where "program.prg" becomes "program.PRG") TortoiseSVN apparently takes this to mean the first file was removed, becoming flagged as "missing" and the second name comes up as "non-versioned", wreaking havoc on my ability to track changes to the file. I understand that Subversion has it origins in the case-sensitive world of *nix but, is there any way to control this behavior in either Subversion or TortoiseSVN to be file name case-insensitive when used with Windows?
Unfortunately, Subversion is case-sensitive. This is due to the fact that files from Subversion can be checked out on both case-sensitive file systems (e.g., *nix) and case-insensitive file systems (e.g., Windows, Mac).
This pre-commit hook script may help you avoid problems when you check in files. If it doesn't solve your problem, my best suggestion is to write a little script to make sure that all extensions are lowercase and run it every time before you check in/check out. It'll be a PITA, but maybe your best bet.
Windows does support case sensitivity, but you must send it the correct POSIX flags on CreateFile from the Windows API! A registry key may need changed (SFU/Tools for Unix and Ultimate Windows 7 has this registry entry already set so windows supports case sensitive file names).
Windows is designed off of Unix, but things such as Explorer.exe and other programs are designed to disallow case sensitivity for backwards compatibility and security (mostly when dealing with dos executing notepad.exe vs. NOTEPAD.EXE, where all caps is a virus or malware).
But Vista+ has security attributes which makes this obsolete.
TortiousSVN just doesn't support passing this posix flag while making and renaming files.
I use TortoiseSVN with VFP, and it mostly-seamlessly handles the case flipping. The only time it doesn't is if I have the file open in the IDE when I try to do the commit: the file lock VFP holds confuses it. Is this where your problem comes in, or are there other issues?
I did a presentation at FoxForward last year about using VFP with Subversion: most of the presentation dealt with the command line, but there are a couple of slides at the end that have links to tools that help you work with Subversion in VFP.
Kit, you comment above that VFP's binary-based source files are tough to work with in Subversion. The link I gave above mentions a couple of tools to make it easier, but the one I work with is Christof Wollenhaupt's TwoFox utility -- it converts a VFP project to text-only. You have to run it manually, but I don't have a problem with that.
I believe the random upper and lower case on the extensions isn't random at all.
I remember testing on this. If you modify a program from the project manager.
By clicking on the modify button let's say. And then save the changes the extension is lower case. If you do a modify command from the command window and save the changes the extension is upper case. Apparently the coders at Microsoft didn't worry about the extension case being the same.
TortoiseSVN has a Repairing File Renames feature. It requires manual intervention and it actually issues a file rename operation to be committed but nonetheless addresses current use case by keeping file history.
Nope you sure can't. SVN is case-sensitive unless you were to rewrite the code somehow ... it is open-source.
We had a similar problem and I found a better solution than the ones exposed here, so I'm sharing it now:
For commits done manualy, now TortoiseSVN fixes the case of the file names automatically: it renames the local files to match the case of the versioned files (just by opening the commit window in that path), so there should be no problem with that.
For automated commits you cannot use TortoiseSVN, as it requires you to manually confirm the commit (it opens the commit window with a specific message, but you still have to click ok). But if you directly use Subversion (svn) to make an automated commit, then you will have the case-sensitive issue on that commit, as Subversion is still case-sensitive...
How to solve this for automated commits? Well, I tried a mixed approach: creating a batch file called FixCaseSensitiveFileNames.bat that you may call passing the path you want to fix before the commit, for example: call FixCaseSensitiveFileNames.bat C:\MyRepo. The batch file opens TortoiseSVN for a manual commit, and that automatically fixes the file names, but then it closes the commit window after a predefined pause, so you can continue with the automated commit with the case-sensitive file names already fixed. The pause is emulated with a local ping, and you can change the duration by changing the -n argument, which is the number of tries. If you don't make a long enough pause, it exist the risk to close the TortoiseSVN window before it makes its magic fix. Here it is the code of the batch file:
#echo off
REM *** This BAT uses TortoiseSVN to fix the case-sensitive names of the files in Subversion
REM *** Call it before an automated commit. The Tortoise commit fixes this issue for manual commits,
REM *** so the trick is opening the commit window and close it automatically after a pause (with ping).
REM *** %1 = path to be fixed
start TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit /path:"%1"
ping localhost -n 10 >nul
taskkill /im TortoiseProc.exe
This totally solved the issue for our automated daily build process. The only problem I see is a window will open for a few seconds, which was not a problem for our daily build, but if that is a problem for you there could be workarounds too...
