Linq to SQL Associations with fixed fields - linq

Linq to SQL, in the dbml designer (or otherwise)
I have 3 tables:
Orders, Deliveries and EmailTemplates.
Orders have many Deliveries, and Orders and Deliveries have a status (int) field.
EmailTemplates have a status they apply to and a bool IsForDeliveries field.
I have Linq to sql associations for Order->EmailTemplate on order.status == emailTemplate.status, but I want to add a condition on the association such that emailTemplate.IsForDeliveries == false. Is this possible, or do I just have to remember to check this condition whenever I access order.EmailTemplates?
AssociateWith is problematic because I also need the counterpart Delivery<->EmailTemplate association which only shows templates with e.is_for_delivery == true.
Adding a property to the class is problematic because I'd like this to be translatable to SQL.

You can use DataLoadOptions.AssociateWith() for this or just create an additional property on the class. Since the Order class is a partial, you could just create a method in a partial beside it adding this:
public IEnumerable<EmailTemplate> DeliveryEmailTemplates {
get { return EmailTemplates.Where(e => e.IsForDeliveries == false); }
or alternatively, when creating the datacontext:
var dc = new DataContext();
var dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
dlo.AssociateWith<EmailTemplates>(o => o.EmailTemplates.Where(e => e.IsForDeliveries == false));
dc.LoadOptions = dlo;
var orders = from o in DB.Orders
where o.Id == 5
select o;
foreach(var o in orders) {
//o.EmailTemplates will contain only IsForDeliveries==false...
If you fetch your DataContext in a static way you can add this every time, for example I add a method in a partial class of the DataContext called .New:
public static DataContext New {
get {
var dc = new DataContext(MyConnectionString);
var dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
dlo.AssociateWith<EmailTemplates>(o => o.EmailTemplates.Where(e => e.IsForDeliveries == false));
dc.LoadOptions = dlo;
return dc;
Then use:
var DB = DataContext.New;
var orders = from o in DB.Orders
where o.Id == 5
select o;


EF Core LINQ use scalar function

I use Entity Framework Core 2.1.
I have a scalar function in the database which adds specified number of days.
I created an extension method to execute it:
public static class AdventureWorks2012ContextExt
public static DateTime? ExecFn_AddDayPeriod(this AdventureWorks2012Context db, DateTime dateTime, int days, string periodName)
var sql = $"set #result = dbo.[fn_AddDayPeriod]('{dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff")}', {days}, '{periodName}')";
var output = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = #"result", DbType = DbType.DateTime, Size = 16, Direction = ParameterDirection.Output };
var result = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, output);
return output.Value as DateTime?;
I try to use a scalar function in the query (to simplify things I use AdventureWorks2012) as follows:
var persons =
(from p in db.Person
join pa in db.Address on p.BusinessEntityId equals pa.AddressId
where p.ModifiedDate > db.ExecFn_AddDayPeriod(pa.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day")
select p).ToList();
But get an System.InvalidOperationException: 'A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.'
How can I achieve this?
I managed to do it with the help of Ivan's answer:
var persons =
(from p in db.Person
join bea in db.BusinessEntityAddress on p.BusinessEntityId equals bea.BusinessEntityId
join a in db.Address on bea.AddressId equals a.AddressId
where p.ModifiedDate > AdventureWorks2012ContextFunctions.AddDayPeriod(a.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day")
select p).ToList();
But now I need to update ModifiedDate for filtered persons. So I'm doing like this:
var persons =
(from p in db.Person
join bea in db.BusinessEntityAddress on p.BusinessEntityId equals bea.BusinessEntityId
join a in db.Address on bea.AddressId equals a.AddressId
let date = AdventureWorks2012ContextFunctions.AddDayPeriod(a.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day")
where p.ModifiedDate > date
select new { Person = p, NewDate = date }).ToList();
foreach (var p in persons)
p.Person.ModifiedDate = p.NewDate ?? DateTime.Now;
But got System.NotSupportedException: 'Specified method is not supported.'
How can I use scalar function in select statement?
I tried to split the query by two parts:
var filteredPersons = // ok
(from p in db.Person
join bea in db.BusinessEntityAddress on p.BusinessEntityId equals bea.BusinessEntityId
join a in db.Address on bea.AddressId equals a.AddressId
where p.ModifiedDate > AdventureWorks2012ContextFunctions.AddDayPeriod(a.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day")
select new { Person = p, a.ModifiedDate }).ToList();
var persons = // here an exception occurs
(from p in filteredPersons
select new { Person = p, NewDate = AdventureWorks2012ContextFunctions.AddDayPeriod(p.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day") }).ToList();
Instead of invoking the function client side (which is this particular case happens as part of the client evaluation of the query filter, while the query reading is still in progress), you can use EF Core Database scalar function mapping so it
can be used in LINQ queries and translated to SQL.
One way to do that is to create a public static method in the derived context class and mark it with DbFunction attribute:
public partial class AdventureWorks2012Context
public static DateTime? AddDayPeriod(DateTime dateTime, int days, string periodName) => throw new NotSupportedException();
and use
where p.ModifiedDate > AdventureWorks2012Context.AddDayPeriod(pa.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day")
Another way is to create a public static method in another class
public static class AdventureWorks2012DbFunctions
public static DateTime? AddDayPeriod(DateTime dateTime, int days, string periodName) => throw new NotSupportedException();
but then you'll need to register it with fluent API (which happens automatically for methods defined inside the context derived class):
.HasDbFunction(() => AdventureWorks2012DbFunctions.AddDayPeriod(default(DateTime), default(int), default(string)));
The usage is the same:
where p.ModifiedDate > AdventureWorksDbFunctions.AddDayPeriod(pa.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day")

How to create a list of child IDs

In my controller I have a method that receives a decimal value (id).
The objective of this method is to recover a list of old revisions from a database table containing work permits. Each record on this table has a WorkPermitID as a primary key and OldRevisionWorkPermitID referencing the ID of the previous version.
I have no problems when collecting the children IDs (old versions), but it raises an exception indicating that LINQ to Entities does not recognize .ToString() method.
What I'm doing wrong? I know that I need to do without converting to string (WorkPermitID is defined as numeric in the database), but I tried several ways with no success.
public ActionResult GetVersions(decimal id){
var model = new PermisosTrabajoModel();
List<string> ChildIDs = new List<string>();
var WP = OtWeb.WorkPermit.Single(q => q.WorkPermitID == id);
while (WP.OldRevisionWorkPermitID != null)
var child = WP.OldRevisionWorkPermitID;
WP = OtWeb.WorkPermit.Single(q => q.WorkPermitID == child);
model.WPs = OtWeb.WorkPermit
.Where(q => q.DeptID == 1
&& ChildIDs.Contains(q.WorkPermitID.ToString())).ToList();
return View (model);
If both of your fields are decimal... Don't use ToString(), and use a list of decimal
var model = new PermisosTrabajoModel();
var childIDs = new List<decimal>();
var WP = OtWeb.WorkPermit.Single(q => q.WorkPermitID == id);
while (WP.OldRevisionWorkPermitID != null)
WP = OtWeb.WorkPermit.Single(q => q.WorkPermitID == child);
model.WPs = OtWeb.WorkPermit
.Where(q => q.DeptID == 1
&& childIDs.Contains(q.WorkPermitID)).ToList();
In linq2entities, you can use SqlFunctions.StringConvert instead of ToString() for a numeric value.
instead of
for example

Linq to SQL construct a custom object externally - join from another object

Continued from this solution (thanks Daniel Hilgarth)
return db.Tags.Select(ConstructTagItem());
And the method:
private Expression<Func<Tag, TagItem>> ConstructTagItem()
return a => new TagItem {ID = a.Id Name = a.Name };
Additional question, how do i use it in this scenario then:
return (from c in db.News_Attributes
select new NewsTagItem
NewsID = c.News_Id,
TagID = c.Tag_Id,
Content = c.Content,
Attribute = new TagItem
ID = c.Tag.Id,
Name = c.Tag.Name
I want to reuse the method from the other answer:
private Expression<Func<Tag, TagItem>> ConstructTagItem
get { return a => new TagItem {ID = a.Id Name = a.Name }; }
To construct something like this:
return (from c in db.News_Attributes
select new NewsTagItem
NewsID = c.News_Id,
TagID = c.Tag_Id,
Content = c.Content,
Attribute = ConstructTagItem // TODO: need some way to tell the method that it should use c.Tag
I want to use the same construction of my TagItem multiple places. This will make it easier if the object changes, and save lines.
I guess that I somehow have to define that it is c.Tag into ConstructTagItem(), but I really don't know much about expressions yet. So i hope that someone is able to help?
I'm not sure if I have a full handle on what you're trying to do. What does "use it in this scenario" mean? Can you mimic your previous technique with something like this in order to encapsulate creating a NewsTagItem, or is it something else you're trying to achieve?
private Expression<Func<News_Attribute, NewsTagItem>> ConstructNewsTagItem()
return c => new NewsTagItem
NewsID = c.News_Id,
Name = a.Name
TagID = c.Tag_Id,
Content = c.Content,
Attribute = new TagItem
ID = c.Tag.Id,
Name = c.Tag.Name
OK, we can't directly re-use your ConstructTagItem() because it returns an expression containing a function. What you need is a MemberInitExpression. It's a little tricky to create by hand, but we can use a trick whereby we create the expression we desire wrapped with a thunk, so that it isn't evaluated, and then grab the body of the thunk to get the expression. See the snippet below:
private Expression GenerateNewTagItem(TagItem c)
Expression<Func<TagItem>> expr = () => new TagItem { ID = c.ID, Name = c.Name };
return expr.Body;
With this function, we can now do pretty much exactly what you want:
return (from c in db.News_Attributes
select new NewsTagItem
NewsID = c.News_Id,
TagID = c.Tag_Id,
Content = c.Content,
Attribute = GenerateNewTagItem(c)
Pretty neat right?

EF single entity problem

I need to return a single instance of my viewmodel class from my repository in order to feed this into a strongly-typed view
In my repository, this works fine for a collection of viewmodel instances:
IEnumerable<PAWeb.Domain.Entities.Section> ISectionsRepository.GetSectionsByArea(int AreaId)
var _sections = from s in DataContext.Sections where s.AreaId == AreaId orderby s.Ordinal ascending select s;
return _sections.Select(x => new PAWeb.Domain.Entities.Section()
SectionId = x.SectionId,
Title = x.Title,
UrlTitle = x.UrlTitle,
NavTitle = x.NavTitle,
AreaId = x.AreaId,
Ordinal = x.Ordinal
But when I attempt to obtain a single entity, like this:
public PAWeb.Domain.Entities.Section GetSection(int SectionId)
var _section = from s in DataContext.Sections where s.SectionId == SectionId select s;
return _section.Select(x => new PAWeb.Domain.Entities.Section()
SectionId = x.SectionId,
Title = x.Title,
UrlTitle = x.UrlTitle,
NavTitle = x.NavTitle,
AreaId = x.AreaId,
Ordinal = x.Ordinal
I get
Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type
'System.Linq.IQueryable<PAWeb.Domain.Entities.Section>' to
'PAWeb.Domain.Entities.Section'. An explicit conversion exists
(are you missing a cast?)"
This has got to be simple, but I'm new to c#, and I can't figure out the casting. I tried (PAWeb.Domain.Entities.Section) in various places, but no success. Can anyone help??
Your query is returning an IQueryable, which could have several items. For example, think of the difference between an Array or List of objects and a single object. It doesn't know how to convert the List to a single object, which one should it take? The first? The last?
You need to tell it specifically to only take one item.
public PAWeb.Domain.Entities.Section GetSection(int SectionId)
var _section = from s in DataContext.Sections where s.SectionId == SectionId select s;
return _section.Select(x => new PAWeb.Domain.Entities.Section()
SectionId = x.SectionId,
Title = x.Title,
UrlTitle = x.UrlTitle,
NavTitle = x.NavTitle,
AreaId = x.AreaId,
Ordinal = x.Ordinal
This will either return the first item, or null if there are no items that match your query. In your case that won't happen unless the table is empty since you don't have a where clause.

Iterating tables in a context and the properties of those tables

I'm iterating the tables of a context and then the properties of those tables to eager load all columns in a context. I received some help via another question, but I don't seem to be able to figure out how to iterate the column properties of the actual table.
Final working code:
public static void DisableLazyLoading(this DataContext context)
DataLoadOptions options = new DataLoadOptions();
var contextTables = context.GetType().GetProperties().Where(n => n.PropertyType.Name == "Table`1");
foreach (var contextTable in contextTables)
var tableType = contextTable.GetValue(context, null).GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0];
var tableProperties = tableType.GetProperties().Where(n => n.PropertyType.Name != "EntitySet`1");
foreach (var tableProperty in tableProperties)
ParameterExpression paramExp = Expression.Parameter(tableType, "s");
Expression expr = Expression.Property(paramExp, tableProperty.Name);
options.LoadWith(Expression.Lambda(expr, paramExp));
context.LoadOptions = options;
You're only getting the ProperInfos. You need to get the values from the PropertyInfos:
var tablePropertInfos = context.GetType().GetProperties().Where(
n => n.PropertyType.Name == "Table`1");
foreach (var tablePropertyInfo in tablePropertInfos)
// Get the actual table
var table = tablePropertyInfo.GetValue(context, null);
// Do the same for the actual table properties
Once you have the PropertyInfo class, you need to get the value using the GetValue method.
