changing JQgrid column name dynamically - jqgrid

I just need to rename JQgrid column dynamically as per user selection from a list of options. How can I do that?

You can use this syntax:
jQuery("#grid1").jqGrid('setLabel', 0, 'NewLabel');
This will change first column name to NewLabel in your grid with id=grid1.

The latest version of jqGrid (4.1+ - possibly earlier) no longer appears to support the column index based setLabel approach described by Galichev, a columnName based approach is provided instead:
jQuery("#grid1").jqGrid('setLabel', 'columnName', 'NewLabel');
See the jqGrid Methods wiki for more information.
I've left the previous answer unedited as this approach may be valid in versions prior to 4.1.

According to the jqGrid Documentation, colNames cannot be changed after the grid is created.
However, you might be able to simulate a column name change by using several columns. Then you can hide all of them except a single one which will be shown to the user. When the user selects another, just swap in the selected column. For example, if valid columns are [A, B, C, D] you might start by only showing A. Then if the user chooses C, hide A and show C. The main disadvantage to this approach is that you will need to copy the same data to many columns, however.
Per Galichev's answer, you can use the setLabel method to rename a column header.

*setLabel : * colname the name of the column (this parameter can be a number (the index of the column) beginning from 0
However the index param does not work with version 4.1 and above.
Jqgrid uptop version 4.0
$(tableId).jqgrid("setLabel", 0, "BBBBB");
Jqgrid version 4.1 and above
Try using these
$(tableId).setLabel("ColumnName", "AAAAA");
$(tableId).jqgrid("setLabel", "ColumnName", "BBBBB");

JQGrid1.Columns.FromDataField(ColumnName).HeaderText = ColumnName;

I gave my column name a div
'<div id="DateDivId">Date</div>'
Then I just changed it the normal way, getElementById, change contents.


BIRT suppress multiple duplicate columns

I am working on a BIRT report. Its records are grouped on the basis of the status column. I was looking for an option in the Eclipse BIRT tool by which I can hide combinations of multiple columns in a row which are repeating. I have attached screenshots for both the current report and the expected report structure.
I tried the "suppress duplicate" option but that is limited to a single column. I am not able to apply this on multiple columns together. I couldn't figure out any other option. Please suggest any solution in the tool or do I need to change my query to return the result in the expected format?
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
There are three obvious ways to hide duplicate values.
All of these require you to configure this per column (BTW I don't understand why you consider this to be a problem).
As you already did: Use "suppress duplicates" at the column level.
Add more groups to your table after the existing group.
E.g. one group for the first column (whatever that is).
Then you can choose "Drop" "detail" in the properties of the corresponding group header cell. It's a bit difficult to get the layout right this way.
In your data set, if it's SQL, you can use a little construnct with CASE and the LAG analytic function to compare the column value to that of the previous row, and if they are equal, return NULL instead (pure SQL solution).

jqgrid - update multiples rows with "custom" form like advance search

I need to filter (or not) records in a jqgrid and be able to update all the filtered records by changing the value (s) in one or more columns.
The solution that I thought was to have a form dialog similar to that of the advanced search where the user can select which columns he wants to update and with what values.
In this way I could call a javascript method that sends to the server the filter selected by the user + the array of columns and values ​​selected by the user.
Any recommendation?
edit: version 5.3.1
I can recommend you to build your own form similar to the search one and set which field with what value to be updated. Clicking on a submit you will send the filter and the data fields with values which should be updated.

Why is free-jqgrid not resetting row ids after GridUnload?

The Problem
I have a very complex, rather outdated jqgrid implementation that I'm upgrading to the latest free-jqgrid and we're having an issue in that after clearing the grid with unload, when we re-initialize the grid, the row ids are higher than they should be to start.
They seem to still be incrementing and not starting again. Are there some global counters I need to clear out to have the grid completely clear itself before we re-render it?
Grid Clear
if ( this.timesheet_grid ) {
this.timesheet_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'GridUnload' );
this.timesheet_grid.grid = null;
this.timesheet_grid = null;
Rows after GridUnload has been run
Shows an id like jqg56
Stuff I've Tried Since Posting
As #Oleg has suggested i simply needed to set the id attribute manually when processing the grid data.
I see that your incorrectly understand the meaning of rowids and the requirements for input data. I'm wonder especially about the suggestion of Tony to reset $.jgrid.guid. I find the suggestion very bad because it looks like a solution, but it can produce more seriously problems as the problems, which are solved!
First of all, it's important to understand what is rowid. Rowid is the values of id attribute of the grid rows: the id values of <tr> elements of the grid's body (see here). The rowid are used as a parameter of almost all callbacks and events of jqGrid. Because of that jqGrid must assign id attribute to every row and the input data of the grid have to contain rowid information! The existence of rowids is critical for working jqGrid. Only because of that jqGrid generates unique rowids in case of wrong input data. Alternative for generation of ids would be preventing creating the grid at all.
jqGrid tolerates the error with specifying the rowids in input data only for some simple grids, where one need just display some simple data and one never need to use rowids. If you use ids then you should fix the problem only in one way: you have to fix your input data. You can for example include id property with unique value in every element of input data. You should take in consideration that no id duplicates exist not only in the grid but on the whole HTML page. It's strictly recommended to use idPrefix option with unique value for every grid always if your HTML page have more as one grids (inclusive grid with subgrids).
Resetting of $.jgrid.guid is very dangerous and it can break functionality of jqGrid because of creating elements with duplicate id values. The property $.jgrid.guid is global. It's common over all grids and subgrids on the page. Simple subgrids scenario will produces id duplicates after you manually reset $.jgrid.guid. It will be used inside of $.jgrid.randId() method used in many places of jqGrid code. For example, the method addRow used by inlineNav uses the method.
I repeat my suggestion more clear once more. If you uses rowids or if the values of rowids are important for you in some way then you have to include id property to every item of input data. If some other property has already an unique value then you can add key: true in the corresponding column of colModel (one can use key: true in only one column). Alternatively, you can add prmNames: { id: "myId" } if myId property of input data contains unique rowid instead of default id property.
jqGrid uses common counter in order to be a sure that there will be no duplicate values when a build in id generator is used.
To reset the value you will need to set the guid parameter to 1 - i.e
$.jgrid.guid =1;
after you unload the grid
If the solution is based on the knowing the behavior of the product, then this is a good solution.
If we try to solve the problem, without to knowing the behavior - it is a dangerous solution.
It is very easy to say - this is bad solution and it is very very dangerous to use this solution - so my question is:
What is happen with the counter if the user reload the page under some conditions?
The answer is: the counter is reset and we go to the same situations which are described in the above answer.

Jqgrid afterSearch data - how to get it

I need to get only the data that is a result of the search as opposed to the entire set.
This code gives me the entire set:
var data = $("#my-grid").getGridParam("data");
The answer on your question depends on which fork of jqGrid and which version you use. If you use free jqGrid (4.8/4.9) then use lastSelectedData parameter instead of data. You will get the subset of filtered and sorted data (all data, not just the current page!!!). See the readme and the first demo at the end of readme.
If you have to use old jqGrid versions then you can follow the answer which shows how one can subclass internal method $.jgrid.from to be able to save the results of the last select over the local data.

iReport + XPath - Sum String Column

I'm building a report where I have a subreport. This subreport brings some data through XPath, this means it's everything strings from a XML. One of the columns of this subreport has some values, where I need do sum them and show in the end of the table.
I don't know how to put this to work. I've tried to create a variable with sum parameter, but it does not work.
Did anybody need this before?
I load a lot of values from a XPath query, e.g:
This query returns some fields according to my needs. With them I build a table (in a subreport). The problem is: the last column (4), values are strings from XML.
iReport version: 3.0.0
Really thanks!
What I needed? According to the original post, a column with strings read from a XML through XPath and a footer with the sum.
Result from column SUM
What to do? Create a variable where you'll keep your sum. After created, edit it. e.g:enter image description here
Fill variable expression with the format you need. Here I used
new BigDecimal($F{theFieldToSum});
Click ok. Now the variable is created, you must create a new TextField where you'll show your sum. Create it and edit it. Here I used the following format:
new java.text.DecimalFormat("#,##0.00").format($V{theVariableYouCreatedBefore})
Click "Apply" and that's all. Compile your report and now you'll have the expected result. For sure, you can do some adapt, but in general this is the process.
