Shark crashes on processor bandwidth trace - performance

Shark started crashing on me when I use the "Processor Bandwidth (Core 2)" mode of analysis. It collects the samples, spends the time to analyze them, and crashes with a bus error about when the window should come up.
First I thought it might be because I've been running on low memory. I installed the latest system updates, rebooted, tried again. No difference. Installed latest XCode, no difference. Used CHUD Remover, reinstalled Shark, rebooted, no difference. Tried building with symbols and without.
All the other analyses work. I don't have any third-party KEXTs and never had problems with this before.
Has anyone else seen this? Is there another forum where I can ask this kind of thing? (Apple's dev forums require a $500/yr support package!) Is there a verbose mode for Shark, perhaps via command-line option?

You might try the apple perfoptimization-dev mailing list.
Even if this turns out to be an easily solved issue, please file a bug. You need to have a developer account, but a free account is fine.


MacOS Sur Download from Anywhere

In MacOS Catalina, you can still work around the notarization and signing requirements to download from anywhere by running
sudo spctl --master-enable
With the new security features in Big Sur, which I cannot try myself, I am concerned that the workaround might disappear. Can you still, at your own risk, run binaries that you compile yourself or download from elsewhere, by using this command?
The answer to this question might also be different on Apple Silicon ARM chips, which aren’t available to anyone without a limited-supply transition developer kit. In the off-chance that someone with one of these kits sees this post, what are the options for restoring the ability to download and build without gatekeeper blocking and requiring notarization? This is really important to know for internal development.
Also, ignoring all the risks, let’s say my computer is on a local secure network and I am only downloading, sharing, and compiling things I KNOW are safe by communicating with the developers. A lot of responses to questions like this that ask about disabling security seem to dodge the question and tell me not to do it, but I promise that I am cautious.
Just upgraded my 2015 MacBook Pro to Big Sur. Running sudo spctl --master-enable still works.

Debugging IE11 on Mac

This may already have a question somewhere, but I am at a loss as to how to debug IE11 on my Mac.
I currently run a full Win10 instance in a Virtual Box, but it is so bloated that it is nearly impossible to move nimbly between coding and debugging. IE dev-tools are also inaccessible using this method because it just cripples the VM, so I am flying blind with coding.
I have looked up tutorials as to how to run IE on a Mac direct using Wine/Remote Desktop, but these instructions are out of date or the supporting software does not work as intended. Also, Microsoft (being the evil empire that they are) discontinued support for debugging with Azure so that is another option off the table.
If there is anything that actually works without having to shell out $$$ please let me know as it is so painful currently to debug the worst browser that will never die.
From your description, I can see that you had already try to use the Windows 10 VM but it get hangs.
You can try to go to Windows Features on or off inside Control Panel-> Programs-> Programs and Features and try to turn off the features that you are not using may help to reduce the load.
It is possible that you are running your VM in a very less memory that downs the performance of the OS.
If possible for you than try to install a VM with some more memory.
Otherwise you can try to install Windows 7 in your VM and upgrade to IE 11 in that.
It can help you to solve your issue with the OS and you can debug the code on IE 11.
Below are some helpful references that may give you some additional information.
How to test your website with Internet Explorer on a Mac
How to Debug in IE on a Mac

Windows 8.1 installation fail 0xC1900101 - 0x40017

I want to make a Windows store application using the monogame libraries, but for this purpose, I need to install Windows 8.1. The installation fails and gives me the error
0xC1900101 - 0x40017
This error is quite large and alot of people have had or still have it. I made alot of research on it and it seems that this problem is caused by driver incompatibility. I tried the installation about 15 times now, every time updating some drivers, installing updates, etc.
On the installation, it stops at 84% on "Applying PC parameters" step.
So I believe that the problem is that one of my drivers in incompatible and I need to remove it so here are my specs/peripherals:
ASUS G75VW qs71 laptop (16GB RAM, i7 ivy bridge) (I don't think it is the problem, since my friend has the same and it worked for him)
- Logitech G930 Gaming Headset
- Razer Orochi Mouse (Not the 2013, but the 2012)
If some of these drivers are incompatible, please tell me how to remove them.
Thank you.
P.S. I'm not sure if this question is relevant for this site, but it is somewhat programming related and I need it to do programmation.

Should I worry about a "scoped bookmarks agent connection interrupted" log message?

I'm sandboxing my Mac app, and am using the Security-Scoped Bookmarks feature of OS X 10.7.3 to persist references to files outside of the app's sandbox. All my code appears to function correctly, but I end up with the following message repeated hundreds of times in the app's output (for a relatively brief operation).
scoped bookmarks agent connection interrupted
Is this a problem? It makes me think I'm doing something the wrong way, but I'm not sure what that might be.
No, you shouldn't worry. At least according to Apple employees.
If you have an Mac Dev Center membership, see this thread on the forums for details.
If you don't, probably nobody is allowed to tell you the details, because the thread is in the NDA section of the forum. (Even though it's a Lion feature, and this question is specifically about 10.7.3, the Application Sandboxing forum is part of the Mountain Lion section…)
EDIT: As Dov pointed out, Mountain Lion has been public for quite some time, so the thread is no longer in the NDA section of the forum. (The Application Sandboxing forum has been moved into the Deployment forum, which I believe anyone can access.) You should be able to just follow the link for more details.
But the relevant part, from Apple employee Aerie, is:
This is harmless. The agent aggressively idle exits, interrupting idle connections. Since you're holding your process frozen in the debugger, the connection to the agent is idle.
It's unexpected, but yes, still harmless. We'll take a look at what might be causing the output so frequently.
I don't know whether or not there have been any fixes. I personally haven't noticed it as often under 10.8.2 and 10.8.3 beta as I did under 10.7.3 and the 10.8 PRs… but then I'm not developing the same code, and probably not paying as much attention.

Does MonoTouch work on a virtualized Mac OS?

Is it possible to install it on VirtualBox or other virtualization solution? If yes, how fast it works?
I don't see any problem running MonoTouch frameworks/IDEs in a virtualized Mac.
I can expect a lot of problems transferring across the USB cable the compiled applications to a real iPhone/iPad to test it. iTunes and XCode tend to be very picky about the configurations.
Buying a cheapest Mac might be easier and less costly if you consider the time you might waste, but your mileage may vary.
The evaluation version of MonoTouch will run, but the SDK tools used on the production version wont.
We were able to develop and deploy apps to real devices under VMWare Player and WMWare workstation. The problem we have is MonoTouch activations. It would activate and randomly need reactivation. It would work for a while then it would fail to activate.
Each time it failed we would need to contact support and reset the key so we could continue working. They do not support virtualized hardware and do not plan to fix the activation issue.
In the end we purchased real hardware.
Via VMWare Workstation I have it running quite nicely. Installing apps to iOS devices is fine, but creating a network for softdebug to find the iphone (or vice versa) is the only problem I've seen.
I'm trying to figure that out right now - I'll try and update this thread with the solution.
