Cocoa editable text with no input box - macos

I am trying to make an editable text object in cocoa that contains no input box (just the text). I have tried doing this using NSTextField but setDrawsBackground: NO and setBordered: no have not helped. Is there another method for NSTextField that will do this or do I need to use another class? I looked at NSText but this class seems to just be the same as NSTextField with less functionality.

You're headed in the right direction. Are you missing - setBezeled:NO?
It's fairly simple to get what you're looking for through Interface Builder. The only changes required (from its default instance) are to set the border to the dashed (invisible) option and uncheck the Draws Background.


Class name of the NSView containing text attribute controls that IB adds to NSWindow

When I add a NSTextView via IB, IB adds a string of text attribute controls below the window title. It's a great feature, but it is aligned left not centered. I'm trying to find documentation so I can center it. But, I can't find any reference to it.
What is its class name? Where is it documented?
It's called "Inspector Bar". NSTextView has a property usesInspectorBar to enable/disable it.
The question is probably a duplicate if this and it seems the bar cannot be tweaked.

How to make textfield with scrolling functionality, Xcode, swift

I have working program with Wrapping Text Fields, and I would like to add vertical scrolling. I have found that there is Text View object in xcode library and it has NSTextView in NSScrollView. The problems came when I simply tried to substitute Text Fields with Text View. First, when I made outlet, this outlet belongs to NSScrollView (no NSTextView), and NSScrollView doesn't have String type, which I need for working code. Second, when I deleted NSScrollView (I don't know if it was right to do this) and typed instead NSTextView in outlet, I could use type string, but code didn't work. What I did wrong, what should I do ?
Add an UITextView
Drag an outlet from it to your class
Make this class implement UITextViewDelegate
In code, set this text views delegate to this class
It is really simple, I'm confused by steps you took to try to get it working.

NSWindow and text smoothing in NSTableView cell view

I'm writing an OS X app and have a problem with font smoothing in separate window.
I have a text field where you put text and suggestion window which pops up with a list of suggestions according to what you wrote. I'm using View-cell based NSTableView to display those suggestions and SFBPopoverWindowController to display it as a "popup" window (tried other classes with the same effect). When rows are first drawn they look fine but after I select them (keyboard or mouse) the font changes it's weight. It's only visual - like you would change smoothing method on the font, not it's bold setting.
"Music note" is the selected cell here
What's even more strange is that after I hide and show the window 3 times everything works fine from that point on.
Again - "Music note" is the selected cell.
The selection is done by overwriting NSTableRowView class and its drawSelectionInRect: method but I tried with drawing everything inside custom NSTableCellView class and it didn't help. The text is standard NSTextField - nothing's changed there.
The SFBPopoverWindow (and it's controller) are created once and reused with styleMask NSBorderlessWindowMask, backing NSBackingStoreBuffered, defer set to YES. The only change in SFBPopoverWindowController I made was to turn off window becoming key window but it doesn't change anything.
It might be related to the way a table view draws it's selected cells (setSelectionHightLightStyle:). Try to set the style to None/ NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleNone in your code or IB / Storyboard-file and draw the selection yourself (in a NSTableRowView subclass).
Background: When you use NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleRegular or NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleSourceList the table view assumes that you use the standard selection behaviour and appearance and does some magic to support that.
My previous answer is still valid but since it only describes the problem and hints at a workaround, I wanted to add a real solution. If you want to use NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleRegular for your table view (with custom font and colors), you need a way to 'disable' the system magic that comes into place once your row is highlighted. One proposed solution is to decline the first responder status. It has a lot of drawbacks and isn't a good solution at all.
So, let's have a closer look at the system 'magic' that kicks in as soon as the row will be highlighted: NSTableRowView has a property interiorBackgroundStyle that is – according to the documentation – 'an indication of how the subviews should draw'. Furthermore 'This value is dynamically computed based on the set of properties set for the NSTableRowView. Subclassers can override this value when they draw differently based on the currently displayed properties. This method can also be called to determine what color a subview should use, or alternatively, NSControls can have the -backgroundStyle set on their cell to this value.'
I assume that this style will be handed down the subview hierarchy and causes your text fields to look odd. The system assumes that a highlighted cell has a dark background and changes the interiorBackgroundStyle to dark. Other controls try to adapt accordingly.
I think there are two solutions to this problem:
1) Override interiorBackgroundStyle in your NSTableRowView subclass and return the style that fits your interface (in my case it's .light because my highlight color is a very bright blue). This worked for me.
2) If changing the whole style is a bit too much because you only want certain elements to not change their style, you may only need to adjust these subclasses. I haven't tried this yet.

Text Field rendering

I am trying to build a really simple NSTextField with Interface Builder (XCode 4), but the rendering is really weird with default values:
The only setting I changed is the border style:
My question:
How to display a neat Text Field “squared but with rounded corners”, like in Safari:
How to remove that “overflow:hidden” (sorry for the CSS description) which cuts the focus? < Interface Builder bug, fixed.
Should I design my own, image-based component?
Thank you!
I think I've found exactly what you're looking for. Here's what it looks like:
It's called SSTextField. Download the subclass here:
What you've got at the top is a NSSearchField, which is designed for filtering/searching.
Likely the reason why the focus ring is cut off is because you've got it inside a box or overlapping another object. Don't do that.
There are no standard rounded-corner (as opposed to rounded-end) text fields; if you want one, you'll need to subclass NSTextField yourself, or just wait for Lion where the standard text field will have rounded corners.
Rounded rectangle text fields are pretty straightforward and don't require subclassing the control. Instead you can simply override the way the background CALayer of the control is drawn.
Choose the square-cornered field shape, add the QuartzCore framework to your project, and then #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>. In your controller's viewDidLoad method you'll modify the text field's layer's cornerRadius property, a la:
myTextField.layer.cornerRadius = 6.0;
Poof, rounded-rectangle text field!

Cocoa: how to implement a custom NSView with an editable text area?

What's the minimum implementation needed to make a custom NSView with an editable text area? I assume NSTextFieldCell can be used for this. I've succeeded in drawing the cell in the view (which is straightforward), but making it editable seems to require a more complicated coordination between the view and the cell. Is there sample code available somewhere?
Update. I should have made clear that my longer-term goal is to have many more editable text areas on the same view. AFAIU it is better to use cells in that case as they are more light-weight than full-blown views. My updated question is: What's the minimum implementation needed to make a custom NSView with an editable text area using an appropriate NSCell?
What's the minimum implementation needed to make a custom NSView with an editable text area?
Make an NSView.
Put an NSTextField in it.
Remember, NSViews (custom or otherwise) can contain other NSViews, and an NSTextField is a kind of NSView.
If you don't want code outside the custom view class to know about the text field, and it probably shouldn't, the custom view can create the text field and add it to itself as a private implementation detail. To do this, simply don't expose the text field in the custom view class's #interface (aside from the instance variable declaration, which is unavoidable).
The custom view should, of course, not draw wherever it put its text field. It could draw there, but the text field would cover it.
I assume NSTextFieldCell can be used for this.
Yes, if you don't mind reimplementing NSTextField. Adding an NSTextField as a subview of your view is much easier.
If you want to make a grid of text fields (with a dynamic number of them, perhaps), use an NSMatrix of NSTextFieldCells. You can, of course, add the NSMatrix as a subview of your custom view.
If you want to edit a text cell just call editWithFrame:inView:editor:delegate:event: on the cell object. This method requires the NSEvent that started the editing, so you can only call this from an event handler. There also is selectWithFrame:inView:editor:delegate:start:length: which sets up the field editor with an selection. You can use this if you need to start the editing from outside of an event handler.
After the user is done editing you need to call endEditing: on your cell.
