Legacy exchange MAPI help? - winapi

I'm working with some legacy exchange code and I am having trouble finding information about some methods/constants. A google search reveals others using similar code, but with no explanations. Does anyone have any ideas where I can find proper docs? One constant I am looking for is: SYNC_ASSOCIATED.

Exchange is a Microsoft protocol, so the best place to look is usually MSDN.
The MSDN library, however, seems curiously lacking on Exchange documentation, but an MSDN search looks in a few other places too.
In this case, it's led me to this blog post which gives you a number of constants as they would be defined in a C header file. SYNC_ASSOCIATED is defined as 0x10.

This is part of ICS, Exchange's mechanism for monitoring and tracking changes in a mailbox. See the ICS section of the bulk data transfer protocol spec.


What do protofiles represent for googles API Linter?

since google did not create extensive documentation for their API Linter and I cannot find anything from other sources, i wanted to ask here.
From what exactly am i supposed to create protofiles and what do they represent?
As I understood, these protofiles get checked for compliance to their AIPs.
I'm interested in creating a automatic prototype (Java) to check for customized API Rules and am thinking about using Protobufer for this goal. Would this be a pragmatic solution?
Thank you!
As I now understand, Googles API Linter isn't supposed to check a API or a different API specification for compliance.
It checks proto files because they are themself the API specification and can be converted to Code. But before converting them they can be checked against rules they have to comply with.
These rules are not in the protofiles (as I initially thought) but in the many GO-files under rules/ .
Please correct me if you read this and find mistakes! Thanks!

Why is there no access to all document resources?

I would like to understand why I can not continue my work with Carrot2. A message appears saying "Our apologies, the following processing error has occurred:
org.carrot2.source.etools.IpBannedException: org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Forbidden"
There is a problem with eTools, Wiki, PUT document sources (31/07/19) into Online version. I try to work with the downloaded version of the programme, but no document source does not work. Could you solve this problem and how long it will take?
Thank you!
Please see here:
We provide the search interface as a demo of the technology and we use a partnership with a company called Comcepta (eTools) for providing a limited number of free search requests. Unfortunately, some people have been abusing this free service and we had to introduce per-IP limitations.
If you wish to extend your query limits please install Carrot2 locally and contact Comcepta for custom query limit arrangements.
Apologies for the inconvenience.

What is the "annotate" method in Google Vision API?

I am reading the Google Vision API documentation:
It says something like the follwing:
Currently, the Vision API consists of one collection (images) which supports one HTTP Request method (annotate):
POST https://vision.googleapis.com/v1/images:annotate
My question is what does it mean by the method "annotate"? Also, how do I read this syntax with the colon ":"? Is this just a notation that Google uses or some kind of industry standard where you use the colon and calling the stuff after a "method"?
I am a financial Java developer but noob to Web/HTTP technology (I have read some basic of GET/POST but that did not seem to help me with this question). If it seems to you that I am totally lacking in some fundamentals, is there any pointer for me to read up some related books/website/tutorial/documentation that can help me understand this better? Any help is appreciated!

How can I index sub-community discussions and events?

I have written a custom crawler to index all the data from the connections seedlists
When we started utilizing subcommunities, I double checked to make sure subcommunities behave practically the same as communities. They seem to, they have all the same properties in the Connections DB, just subs have a parent uuid. Got it.
I expected my crawler to find the sub communities discussions (basically just iterating through the atom feed with a Java XML parser) and pulling out the relevant information. Are subcommunities not published to this seedlist? If not, there does not seem to be a subcommunity specific seedlist.
We are currently on Connections 4.5
Thank you.
I have found the answer here.
There seems to be an additional element that links to the sub-community feed from within the community. A crawler will need to send a GET request to that link.

How to access fsevents to get the file system events?

Though i had read the fsevents article provided by apple developer site, i m having issues in receiving the events. I need some samples to fetch events.
Need some samples.
Thanks in advance.
I'm in the middle of solving this and MacFSEvents looks promising (that is, if you're OK with using Python).
