Most simple way to do holiday calculation? - cocoa

I want to make a little free calendar program to help me and others calculate how much time we have got left in a project. I mean real working time, not just time. Time in a raw form is not saying much.
Typically when my boss tells me that I have time until 05-05-2011 it doesn't tell me really how much time I have to do my job.
You many things stop me from work:
A) beeing at home, not at work (so called "free time" or "spare time"). That is in my case I work exactly 8 hours a day and then the cleaning ladies throw me out of the office with their incredible loud industrial vacuum cleaners every evening (my boss accepts that as an excuse to go home in time, regularly).
B) weekends, or more precisely saturdays and sundays
C) official holiday rescuing me from having to go to work.
what I want to do is make a little utility which tells me how many working hours I really have in a given time period.
The first two things A and B are pretty easy to implement. But the last thing C scares my pants off. Holidays. OOOHHH man. You know what that means. Chaos. Pure chaos.
The huge question is: HOW TO CALCULATE HOLIDAYS?!
Since I want my program to be useful for anyone anywhere in the world, I can't just hardcode all holidays for my little town.
So which options do I have?
I) I could hand-craft downloadable lists of holidays. Users search them within the application and download them from an webserver. Or I ship all of them in the package. But I would get very, very old if I tried that by myself for every country, state and town.
II) I make an initial data sheet with holidays for my town, and don't care about the rest. However, I make that sheet with an how-to public, so that everyone who feels like beeing very nice can provide holiday data for his country / region / whatever. Those are made public on a webserver and everyone can get the data packages he/she needs for the app.
III) ?
I care a lot about usability. I don't want to make an ugly linux hack style hard to use app that only computer freaks can use.
So you need to tell me more about holiday science. I was never really clever at this. I assume every single country in the world has it's own set of holidays. In every country there may be several states. For example the US has some, and Germany has also some states. Holidays vary from state to state. But I know from an good programmer he told me never assume anything. So the questions about holiday science are:
Which categories do I need to make holiday-data-packs searchable? A guy from India should find quickly his holiday data pack, and a guy from Sillicon Valley should find his pack as equally fast. It makes most sense to me to filter for COUNTRY > STATE > WHATEVER. Like a drill-down-search. Did I miss something?
What would be the best data format to hold holiday information? A holiday has a start and end date and a name. That should be enough. Would I put all this stuff in thousands of XML files?
How would you go about this? Any hint / help is highly welcome! Thanks to everyone!

We use a table.
It should not be that hard. If you look at your corporate holiday schedule you should be able to calculate the list of around 10 days. The only problem is that many of these are arbitrary. i.e Christmas falls on a Saturday so give the Friday before off.
Have you looked at this site to calculate the list of known Holidays ?
Many organizations post their holiday schedule on the web, it might be possible to read that and get the schedule ?

In this case, I would suggest that you are encountering less of an engineering problem and more of a data collection problem.
Rather than define a "definitive set of holidays" for each possible user, allow the user to easily setup his holidays. By offering a (usable, quick, easy) way for users to select holidays, you do not make any assumptions.
You could even make it "social" by allowing users to upload their selections - imagine your HR department takes 10 minutes to setup and upload a set of holidays for all your company employees. Now you just need to provide a way for everyone to find that set.
On another topic, I would suggest using a common format, like iCal to store your calendar data. Here's a page with some example iCal files.


Algorithm to prove that an event occurred before a point of time

Suppose we have an event and we want to prove that the event occurred after a particular date, we have a few easy ways of doing so. For example, one may just show a snapshot of a newspaper with a particular date and headline, indicating that the event is at least after that day. Or we could put in the ending stock price in a particular exchange of a particular date to say that it was after the end of trading hours of that day. This could be as fine grained to the second after the time when the exchange closed.
How to do the converse ? How can one say that an event occurred before a particular point of time ? One could depict large events (skyline of NYC to show various before or after WTC) and geological changes, but that is a very large-scale measure. Is there a much more fine-grained way to depict the fact, of the granularity of a few hours or days ?
Hash up the information you need to preserve (e.g. with a and publish the resulting hash value openly. This doesn't disclose any usable information, but if you later need to prove precedence, you can disclose the values you hashed up to show you had the information at that time.
I heard a story of AT&T paying for newspaper advertisements, long before computer security was mainstream, which disclosed a hash value. After a while the paper became worried that they were publishing mysterious advertisements every day that looked like secret codes and AT&T had to explain to the newspaper what the function of these were.
(A web search finds including
Bellcore began running its advertisements in the New York Times in October
1991. They were interrupted for several months when newspaper employees
became suspicious of their cryptic contents. ‘Somebody said, ‘These look
like codes. You might be telling a terrorist to kill somebody,’ says Haber.
Fortunately for Bellcore, the Times’ computer correspondent persuaded the
newspaper to allow the advertisements back in.
Beware - article is buried in CSS and cookie notifications and inline ads)

Time attendance algorithm

I've recently started to work on Time attendance software. People are using cards to check in and check out, but sometimes they check out before they check in and then some of them realize they made mistake and check in again. sometimes they check in instead of check out. I wrote an application that creates report and everything works fine when mistakes are simple, but sometimes people are just people and they check in for example 15 times.
I know my question is kinda complex and I doubt there is and answer but I was wondering if there is any algorithm which can determine such mistakes and can create decent report.
thanks in advance.
I think really if you are trying to have your software guess what the users intent was then you would need to base it on what the users schedule should be and what their expected check in/out cycle looks like
If its a workplace and the users are punching in their time and they work 8 hour shifts, you could try to be smart and flag checkins 7.5-8.5 hours apart as probably a check in that should have been a check out. Then you could flag back to back checkins 23+ hours apart as probably a missed check out on the previous shift. 16 hour differences would still probably be impossible to guess because they could be clocking out for a double, or changing their schedule and working an earlier shift the next day.
If this was for a college building you could probably at least say that back to back checkins that occur on separate calendar days were a missed checkout.

How would you start automating my job?

At my new job, we sell imported stuff. In order to be able to sell said stuff, currently the following things need to happen for every incoming shipment:
Invoice arrives, in the form of an email attachment, Excel spreadsheet
Monkey opens invoice, copy-pastes the relevant part of three columns into the relevant parts of a spreadsheet template, where extremely complex calculations happen, like =B2*550
Monkey sends this new spreadsheet to boss (email if lucky, printer otherwise), who sets the retail price
Monkey opens the reply, then proceeds to input the data into the production database using a client program that is unusable on so many levels it's not even worth detailing
Monkey fires up HyperTerminal, types in "AT", disconnect
Monkey sends text messages and emails to customers using another part of the horrible client program, one at a time
I want to change Monkey from myself to software wherever possible. I've never written anything that interfaces with email, Excel, databases or SMS before, but I'd be more than happy to learn if it saves me from this.
Here's my uneducated wishlist:
Monkey asks Thunderbird (mail server perhaps?) for the attachment
Monkey tells Excel to dump the spreadsheet into a more Jurily-friendly format, like CSV or something
Monkey parses the output, does the complex calculations
Monkey sends a link to the boss with a web form, where he can set the prices
Monkey connects to the database, inserts data
Monkey spams costumers
Is all this feasible? If yes, where do I start reading? How would you improve it? What language/framework do you think would be ideal for this? What would you do about the boss?
There are lots of tools that you could apply here, including Python, Excel macros, VB Script, etc.
In this case, PowerShell seems like an excellent choice, as it naturally combines COM access to Office, .NET, and scripting, and is all-around-awesome. If you already know a suitable technology, you'll get the job done fastest with what you know. Othewise, PowerShell.
(C# 4.0 is also reasonable, although earlier versions suck when interacting with Office's COM interfaces.)
Don't get carried away trying to solve the whole problem at once. Start by picking a small, easy part that gets you a lot of value right away. You are more likely to succeed this way. (To get your boss to agree, you need success fast. If you aren't telling your boss, you need success even faster!). Once you have that done, you can use your new-found free time (maybe only a few minutes per day) to extend your tools and skills to the next bite-sized piece. Success will accelerate success.
In time you will replace monkey with code, and either get a promotion or quit in disgust and get a better job.
The big parts are Excel and email. Excel can be handled with either COM or some sort of interaction with Email, well, there's dozens of ways to do it. My hammer of choice is Python, along with pywin32 or PyUNO, and poplib and smtplib.
Boss... will always be boss. Not always very much you can do about the icky wetware stuff.
I'd start by asking myself the following questions
Does the invoice have to come via email or can there be a web form where the users can enter the data? There is a easy way to put a form on google docs so you can download the response in excel format in a common format set by you. I'm sure there are better ways too.
Does the boss need to create a new spreadsheet of can you provide him with a database app where he can view your form, enter the price, check "approved" and have that fire off the process that puts it in the production db?
Can the interface to the client program be worked around? Can you have some other app call the client
Can the text to the end user be sent by you and not the client app? If so, ca you automate that part
Just some thoughts.
One solution to #1 is to send email to a Unix server (instead of Exchange) and use procmail to dump out attachments (see for an example of how)
As for boss, have a nice web page which you can email him a link to. And send him a short email (3 lines or less) telling him that using that page will save him 30 mins of work over the course of a month and you 2 hours of work in a month. Just be prepared to back up the #s.
However, very high level, un less you're prepared to do the whole automation thing on your own time, you better be able to sell your boss that overall time savings x6 months are less than time to develop this. 'cause may be monkey salary in his eyes is low enough that the cost of software is just not worth it - and sadly he just may be right depending on how complicated a bulletproof robust solution is.
As I noted above, your last question is probably the most salient. It is probably best approached as a personal skunkwork project where you show the boss a completed product one day, collect your innovation bonus and then get fired because a stupider monkey can now do your job instead of you.

Ways to enhance a trial user's first time experience

I am looking for some ideas on enhancing a trial-user's user experience when he uses a product for the first time. The product is aimed at a particular domain and has various features/workflows. Experienced users of the product naturally find interesting ways to combine features to get the results they want (somewhat like using an IDE from a programmer's perspective).Trial users get to use all features of the product in a limited fashion (For ex: If there is a search functionality, the trial-user might see only the top 20 results, or he may be allowed to search only a 100 times). My question is: What are the best ways to help a trial-user explore/understand the possibilities of the product in the trial period, especially in the first 20 - 60 mins before the user gives up on the product?
Edit 1: The product is a desktop app (served via JNLP, so no install required) and as pointed out in the comments, the expectations can be different in this case. That said, many webapps do take a virtual desktop form and so, all suggestions are welcome.
Check out how handles this. It's an invoicing app, but to prevent it from looking too empty for a new account, they show static images in places where you'd actually have content if you used the app. Makes it look less barren at first until you get your own data in.
if you can, avoid feature limiting a trial. it stops the user from experiencing what the product is ACTUALLY like. It also prevents a user from finding out if a feature actually works like they want/expect/need it to.
if you have a trial version, and you can, optimise it for first time use. focus on / highlight the features that allow the user to quickly and easily get benefits for useful output from the system.
allow users to export any data they enter into a trial system - and indicate that this is possible/easy. you don't want them to be put off from trying something because of a potential for wasted effort.
avoid users being required to do lots of configuration before using a trial. prepopulate settings based on typical/common/popular settings. you may also want to consider having default settings for different types of usage. e.g. "If you want to see what the system is like for scenario X, use configuration J. If you want to see what the system is like for use case Y, use configuration K." where J & K are collections of settings best suited to a particular type of usage.
I'll speak from personal experience while evaluating trial applications.
The most annoying trial applications are those which keep popping up nag screens or constantly reminding me that I'm using a trial. Trials which act exactly like the real product from the beginning till the end of the trial period are just awesome. Limited features are annoying, the only exception I can think of when you could use it is where you have rarely used feature which would allow people to exploit the trial (by using this "once-in-lifetime" needed feature and uninstalling). If you have for example video editing software trial which puts "trial" watermark on output, I'd uninstall it as soon as I'd notice it. In my opinion trial should seamlessly integrate into user work-flow so that once the trial ends they would think "Hey, I have been using this awesome program almost each day since I got the trial, I absolutely have to buy it." Sure some people will exploit it, but at the end you should target the group which will use your product in daily work-flow instead of one time users. Even if user "trials" it 2 times per year, he will keep coming back to your product and might even buy it after 2nd or 3rd "one-time use".
(Sorry for the wall of the text and rant)
As for how to improve the first session. I usually find my way around programs easily, but one time only pop-up/screen (or with check-box to never show it again) with videos showing off best features and intended work-flow are quite helpful. Also links to sample documents might be helpful. If your application can self-present itself (for example slide-show about the your slide-show program) you could include such document. People don't like to read long and boring help files, but if you have designer in your team, you could ask him to make a short colourful intro pdf. Also don't throw all the features at the user at the same time. Split information into simple categories and if user is interested into one specific category keep feeding him more specific information. That's why videos are so good, with 3-6 x ~3-5 minute videos you can tell a lot. Also depending how complex your program is you could include picture with information where specific things are located on the screen.
Just my personal opinion, I have never made a trial myself. Hope it helps.
An interactive walk through/lab exercise that really highlights the major and exciting offerings of your application.
Example: Yahoo mail does the same when the users opt to use new mail interface
There are so many ways you can go with this. I still can't claim to have found the best approach.
However, my plan from the beginning with my online (Silverlight) software was to give away something thousands of people will find useful and can use for free. The free version is pretty well representative of the professional product, with only a few features missing that enhance productivity (I'm working on those professional features now). And then I do have a nag popup that comes up every 5 minutes suggesting that you should buy it. That popup can be dismissed as many times as you want. I know that popup will annoy some people but I suppose that's the trade off. There is no perfect plan. But I don't think the occasional nag popup scares that many people away, especially when it can be dismissed with a single click.
I was inspired by Balsamiq Mockups, which has been hugely successful over the past couple years. My trial/nag popup way of doing things was copied almost exactly from Balsamiq. I honestly don't know if this is the ideal plan, but it has obviously worked for them. By the way, I think another reason for Balsamiq's success is that the demo doesn't have to be downloaded & installed. Since the demo is in Flash, there's a very high conversion rate of users actually trying it and becoming addicted to it.

Why shouldn't I ask my users to enter times using military format

I have a form that asks users to enter a start and end time for an event. For many years, we have allowed them to enter the times by selecting the hour (1-12), minute (1-60), and AM/PM from three drop down boxes. This has worked fine without complaints from customers. However, today I was hit with a request to change the input to one text box for the user to enter time in military time (aka 0000 - 2359). In my gut I believe this is a bad idea but am having trouble coming up with any hard facts.
What are the best reasons I can give that this would be a bad idea?
If there is a better solution for entering time, what would it be?
Also, FYI the users filling out the form run the gamut from very little skill with computers to advanced users. They are in no way military related.
Update: All my users are local and no other forms (web or print) use military time as the standard.
Three dropdowns are a nightmare usability-wise. You can cut these down to two by eliminating AM/PM and moving to 24-hour format, but still: a dropdown with 60 items is overkill.
I'd much prefer to enter time "manually", provided that these input boxes will be intelligent enough (say, they should be able to convert 18 to 1800, 0 to 0000, allow : as a separator, etc.). Plus do not allow users to enter incorrect data in the first place.
To answer your question: I see no reason to disallow your users to do what they want. After all, they are users.
Well, from a user interface standpoint, this could be a mistake simply according to some of Jakob Nielsen's user interface heuristics:
"Match between system and real world." If your users are not used to entering dates in military time, asking them to do so for your app can be distracting at best, and frustrating at worst.
"Error prevention" You are not eliminating error-prone conditions, but possibly introducing them.
There is also the question of why this change is being made. Are customers complaining? Is data coming in incorrectly? As mentioned by others, are your users used to military time? Any interface change should happen for a reason, IMO, because you're going to change the user experience and there will be ramifications for that; it's just a matter of how large those ramifications will be. My assumption is that data entry errors are supposedly going to be avoided -- but are they? Asking a user to enter a time as "XX:XX" and parsing out the semicolon (or, as Aaron Digulla stated, ANY non-number characters) and then converting it as needed seems less likely to result in errors than asking a user to enter a time in a format they are not used to using daily.
My concern would be that a user wants to enter 3:30 PM, and, while not paying much attention, simply enters 330. This is now 3:30 AM, and the user will never know the difference, because the app takes the information and happily assumes that this is what is meant. However, allowing the user to enter the time in "XX:XX" format and having an "AM/PM" selection makes much more sense.
As far as hard facts, well, I don't have them either. But if your boss/client won't be swayed by Nielsen's heuristics, I'm not sure what can change their mind.
Oh my.
My advice is to quit and find a different project.
We did a scheduling app for a "military customer" - and even they could not agree on what constituted "military time". Half of them wanted something called "Zulu Time" - the other half wanted "GMT plus offset" - then some wanted local time in 24h format. Contrary to what our contract specified, a Colonel insisted we use "Zulu" - we made the change for political reasons (in violation of our contract) - and then HE missed showing up for a scheduled event, because he thought it was in local time. Then contract management came down on us like a ton of bricks.
(never mind that the published schedule also used an obsolete "offset" that was a cold-war holdover meant to "fool the Russians").
In that this is just me sharing a war-story. . .
The real answer is to Elicit Requirements from your customer. Get those requirements SPECIFICALLY written into your contract. Make sure that the stakeholder who is actually writing your check, agrees. Develop to that specification exactly. When someone complains tell them to pay for a contract mod. You'll probably be changing this back and forth among many different settings for the next 10 years. You'll have steady work, and you'll understand why military contracts frequently go way over budget and are never on schedule.
"They are in no way military related."
That's a good enough reason for me. It's an uncommon format that, while not exactly "user-hostile," is nonetheless not the way most of us are used to seeing dates, and requiring your users to do the conversion in their head will lead to arithmetic errors eventually.
That said, drop-down boxes aren't great either. Best to go with 2 input boxes and an AM/PM dropdown, in my opinion.
It may not be a bad idea. Imagine the case where users must enter that bit of information lots of times, for example because they are in call support. Or they may find the dropdown boxes not usable enough, even after having tried them. They may prefer that other format.
It is usually a good idea to talk to the stakeholder and ask him: "Why do you want it this way?" you can then contrast their ideas with yours, but if yours are only that you have the "gut" feeling that this is not right, guess who will win the argument. The gut feeling is not a valid business argument - especially when the business is not yours.
So in short, do what your customer wants - just make sure that they understand their options well, and point out to them any inconvenience that they may have foreseen - once you find one, that is.
Honnestly, I think using AM/PM format is a bad practice, but that may be because I'm used to the 24 hours scale.
One reason against is that if all your users are used to the 12H scale, then most of them might still enter 1:00 instead of 13:00 for 1:00. Since the PM is not here, it will result in mistakes.
However, one good reason to do the switch is simply because it's the international standard.
Depending of what you want to put the emphasis (speed or functionality) you can use a time picker that would rely on regional setting to diplay the time in the user format or use a clock-like control. If speed is important, you might prefer a simple mask-textbox.
Hmmm, describing the 24 hour clock as "military time" and then noting that the users are not military makes me a more than a little twitchy.
It will depend on your users but I think that it is more than reasonable to expect people in contemporary society to understand the 24 hour time format and to be able to enter times using that format (given that I would - possibly naively - expect that format to be in use for bus, train, plane and other timemtables almost universally for the simple reason that its unambiguous). Perhaps this is not true worldwide - but it is certainly true across Europe.
That said, changes need to be made for a reason - "if it ain't broke..." is a very sound maxim for a working site and whilst I wouldn't ever willingly use am/pm for time entry I don't have a problem with use of dropdowns for time entry - especially as one can type "into" them. In this case I think that going from drop downs to text boxes is most likely an opportunity to introduce errors (although again it rather depends on the users).
I can see why you think this is a bad idea, silly users input wrong format etc.
However have you considered a jQuery Masked input box?
In my own frames, I accept times and dates in a wide variety of formats. When the field loses focus, I'll try to parse the input and format it into the "correct" or "official" format. This gives the user a nice way to enter the data and a visual cue when something is wrong.
For example, in a date field, I'll accept "1" as "01.12.2009" (current month+year). In a time box, I'll accept "1030", "10 30", "10.30" (i.e. I just filter out anything which isn't a number). "010409 1125" becomes 1. April 2009, 11:25am.
Few outside the united states knows the words "military time". They also prefer 24-hour format.
If you want globalization, you can do one of the two:
use accepted and de-facto standards, such as ISO8601 date format, 24h time and speak English
dive into the nightmare of the vast regional-based localization complexity (some unfortunate programmers have to do it anyway. Then they support AM/PM, unicode and never-showing-yellow-color for certain cultures)
I cannot believe how much consideration this idea has gotten.
Forcing your user to do things your way, because it's "more efficient" is a terrible idea.
Your forms should be both streamlined (power users can enter data quickly from the keypad) and comprehendible (first time users can navigate successfully). The conversion to 24 hour time will throw people immediately. I lived in Quebec for almost six years and still had troubles switching back and forth from 24hour time. DON'T DO THIS.
Just in addition to all the rest of comments you should thing about one more thing.
Programmers and designers usually think the client pays us just for creating what he tells us to... That's only half true. They pay us, even if they don't realize it, for telling them what they need, what's best for them.
Of course, the final decision is always theirs, as the pay, but if you feel it is wrong and you think you know the business model better than them, then do not blindly accept whatever they told you to do.
You might want to consider using the jQuery timepicker (or Telerik DateTimePicker in Time-only mode for WinForms) and also build in support, on the backend, for multiple formats in the event that javascript is disabled.
date/time input through select boxes is a horrible UI design.
but, if some of your users come from the few countries that stick to AM/PM for time format, then forcing the "military" format on them without assistance from the program is also bad.
use something like the jQuery masked input plugin.
if i was doing this, i would use a masked text input and a "PM" checkbox: if the value is more than 1259, the checkbox is disabled. otherwise, it's clear by default.
Why not use a TimePicker control of some sort?
You shouldn't force non-military users to user a strange to them time format.
In any case, assuming that all input is by logged-in users, you can provide multiple mechanisms (and certainly multiple ways if displaying time) and make the choice a user preference. But I'd strongly recommend that whatever you do, for any given user times should be entered and displayed in a consistent manner.
