Applying nlminb to subsets of data (by index or label) and store what the program returns as a new data frame - data-structures

I was wondering if anyone could kindly help me with this seemingly easy task. I'm using nlminb to conduct optimization and compute some statistics by index. Here's an example from nlminb help.
> x <- rnbinom(100, mu = 10, size = 10)
> hdev <- function(par) {
+ -sum(dnbinom(x, mu = par[1], size = par[2], log = TRUE))
+ }
> nlminb(c(9, 12), hdev)
[1] 9.730000 5.954936
[1] 297.2074
[1] 0
[1] "relative convergence (4)"
[1] 10
function gradient
12 27
Suppose I generate random variables x, y, and z where z acts as an index (from 1 to 3).
> x <- rnbinom(100, mu = 10, size = 10)
> y <- rnbinom(100, mu = 10, size = 10)
> z <- rep(1:3, length=100)
> A <- cbind(x,y,z)
> hdev <- function(par) {
+ -sum(dnbinom(x+y, mu = par[1], size = par[2], log = TRUE))}
How can I apply nlminb(c(9, 12), hdev) to the data set by index z? In other words, I would like to compute nlminb(c(9, 12), hdev) for z=1, z=2, and z=3 separately. I tried by(A, z, function(A) nlminb(c(9,12), hdev)) and sparseby(A, z, function(A) nlminb(c(9,12), hdev)), but they return exactly the same values for each value of z.
I would like to turn each output into a new data frame so that it will become a 3X2 matrix.
Since nlminb returns the summary of statistics, I needed to use CASEZ1<-nlminb$par, CASEZ2<-nlminb$par, CASEZ3<-nlminb$par and then use cbind to combine them. However, I would like to automate this process as the real data I'm working on has a lot more categories than z presented here.
If I'm not making myself clear, please let me know. I'll see if I can replicate the actual data set and functions I'm working on (I just don't have them on this computer).
Thank you very much in advance.

Let me try an approach
x <- rnbinom(100, mu = 10, size = 10)
y <- rnbinom(100, mu = 10, size = 10)
z <- rep(1:3, length=100)
A <-,y,z))
At first load the plyr library
The following code returns the results for each z
dlply(A, .(z), function(x) {
hdev <- function(par, mydata) {-sum(dnbinom(mydata, mu = par[1], size = par[2], log = TRUE))}
nlminb(c(9, 12), hdev, mydata=t(as.vector(x[1] + as.vector(x[2]))))
Now, with this one you will get a 3x2 dataframe with the $par results
ddply(A, .(z), function(x) {
hdev <- function(par, mydata) {-sum(dnbinom(mydata, mu = par[1], size = par[2], log = TRUE))}
res <- nlminb(c(9, 12), hdev, mydata=t(as.vector(x[1] + as.vector(x[2]))))


PortfolioAnalytics R - I find optimal portfolio with DEOptim, but when plotting it looks like portfolio is not optimal, why?

I create optimal portfolio using optimize.portfolio and solver DEoptim (maxDrawdown risk objective with target -0.1 and maximum return objective). But when I plot the optimized portfolio object, it does not seem that this portfolio is optimal as there are portfolios with the same Drawdown and better returns. Could someone explain?
ret <- edhec[, 1:10]
init.portf <- portfolio.spec(assets=colnames(ret))
init.portf <- add.constraint(portfolio=init.portf, type="full_investment")
init.portf <- add.constraint(portfolio=init.portf, type="long_only")
group_list <- list(group1=c(3),
group2=c(1, 2),
group3=c(5, 7, 8))
init.portf <- add.constraint(portfolio= init.portf,
group_min=c(0.03, 0, 0),
group_max=c(0.032, 0.2, 0.3))
ret.obj.portf <- add.objective(portfolio=init.portf, type="return",
ret.obj.portf <- add.objective(portfolio = ret.obj.portf,
type = 'risk',
name = 'maxDrawdown',
arguments = list(inverse=TRUE),
target = -0.1)
ret.obj.portf$constraints[[1]]$min_sum <- 0.99
ret.obj.portf$constraints[[1]]$max_sum <- 1.01
opt.obj.no1.1 <- optimize.portfolio(R=ret, portfolio=ret.obj.portf,
optimize_method="DEoptim", search_size=2000, trace=TRUE)
main = 'Optimized Portfolio: max return and 10% maxDD, all investments allowed',
return.col = "mean", risk.col = 'maxDrawdown')

ifelse and return in the for loop

I need a help for my syntax.
priori <- function (I, N, M) {
a <- as.matrix(runif(I, min = 0.65, max = 1.70))
b <- as.matrix(runif(I, min = -2.80, max = 2.80))
c <- as.matrix(runif(I, min = 0.00, max = 0.35))
k <- c(rnorm(N*20/100, 0, 1), rnorm(N*80/100,0, 0.01))
M <- cbind(b,a,c)
data <-, M, IRT = FALSE, link = "logit", z.vals = k))
This is my syntax which is generate data.
priori.list <- vector("list", 3)
names(priori.list) <- paste0("L", seq_along(priori.list))
priori.sum.list <- vector("list", 3)
for (i in 1:3) {
for (j in 1:100) {
priori.list$L1[[j]] <- priori(10,100, M="2PL")
priori.list$L2[[j]] <- priori(20,500, M="2PL")
priori.list$L3[[j]] <- priori(40,1000,M="3PL")
priori.sum.list [[i]][[j]] <- rowSums(priori.list[[i]][[j]])
if(skewness(priori.sum.list[[i]][[j]])>=-1 | skewness(priori.sum.list[[i]][[j]]>=1)
& kurtosis(priori.sum.list[[i]][[j]])>=-1 | kurtosis(priori.sum.list[[i]][[j]]>=1))
Then I do a data list from syntax. I want to create a loop according to the skewness and kurtosis coefficient, but I couldn't. My purpose: If the skewness and kurtosis coefficient is outside 1 and -1, save to list if not regenerate. Can You help me for correct syntax? Thank You.

Monte Carlo pi method

I try to calculate Monte Carlo pi function in R. I have some problems in the code.
For now I write this code:
ploscinaKvadrata <- 0
ploscinaKroga <- 0
n = 1000
for (i in i:n) {
x <- runif(1000, min= -1, max= 1)
y <- runif(1000, min= -1, max= 1)
if ((x^2 + y^2) <= 1) {
ploscinaKroga <- ploscinaKroga + 1
} else {
ploscinaKvadrata <- ploscinaKvadrata + 1
izracunPi = 4* ploscinaKroga/ploscinaKvadrata
This is not working, but I don't know how to fix it.
I would also like to write a code to plot this (with circle inside square and with dots).
Here is a vectorized version (and there was also something wrong with your math)
N <- 1000000
R <- 1
x <- runif(N, min= -R, max= R)
y <- runif(N, min= -R, max= R)
is.inside <- (x^2 + y^2) <= R^2
pi.estimate <- 4 * sum(is.inside) / N
# [1] 3.141472
As far as plotting the points, you can do something like this:
plot.window(xlim = 1.1 * R * c(-1, 1), ylim = 1.1 * R * c(-1, 1))
points(x[ is.inside], y[ is.inside], pch = '.', col = "blue")
points(x[!is.inside], y[!is.inside], pch = '.', col = "red")
but I'd recommend you use a smaller N value, maybe 10000.
This is a fun game -- and there are a number of versions of it floating around the web. Here's one I hacked from the named source (tho' his code was somewhat naive).
est.pi <- function(n){
# drawing in [0,1] x [0,1] covers one quarter of square and circle
# draw random numbers for the coordinates of the "dart-hits"
a <- runif(n,0,1)
b <- runif(n,0,1)
# use the pythagorean theorem
c <- sqrt((a^2) + (b^2) )
inside <- sum(c<1)
#outside <- n-inside
pi.est <- inside/n*4
Typo 'nside' to 'inside'

Comparing Record Results and Double For Loop

I have a double loop that I not only don't like, but would take 14 days to run on my computer since it is going over 3200 records and 1090 variables at about .12 per iteration.
A smaller reproducible bit. It simply checks how many numbers are in the same column between two records, not including NA's. Then it attaches the results to the original data frame.
y <- data.frame(c(1,2,1,NA,NA),c(3,3,3,4,NA),c(5,4,5,7,7),c(7,8,7,9,10))
resultdf <- NULL
for(i in 1:nrow(y))
results <- NULL
for(j in 1:nrow(y))
results <- c(results,sum((y[i,]==y[j,]),na.rm=TRUE))
resultdf <- cbind(resultdf,results)
y <- cbind(y,resultdf)
I have repeat calculations that could possibly be avoided leaving about 7 days.
If I understand correctly, a few apply functions are in C that might be faster. I haven't been able to get any to work though. I'm also curious if there is a package that would run faster. Can anyone help speed up the calculation?
Thank you!
I have created data to your specifications, and using #BenBolker's suggestion about using a matrix:
> y <- matrix(sample(c(1:9, NA), 3200 * 1090, replace = TRUE),
+ nrow = 3200, ncol = 1090)
and compared the computation times for three different implementations:
f1 was suggested by #Andrei:
> f1 <- function(y)apply(y, 1, function(r1)
+ apply(y, 1, function(r2)sum(r1==r2, na.rm=TRUE)))
> system.time(r1 <- f1(y))
user system elapsed
523.51 0.77 528.73
f2 was suggested by #VincentZoonekynd:
> f2 <- function(y) {
+ f <- function(i,j) sum(y[i,] == y[j,], na.rm=TRUE)
+ d <- outer( 1:nrow(y), 1:nrow(y), Vectorize(f) )
+ return(d)
+ }
> system.time(r2 <- f2(y))
user system elapsed
658.94 1.96 710.67
f3 is a double loop over the upper triangle as suggested by #BenBolker. It is also a bit more efficient than your OP in that it pre-allocates the output matrix:
> f3 <- function(y) {
+ result <- matrix(NA, nrow(y), nrow(y))
+ for (i in 1:nrow(y)) {
+ row1 <- y[i, ]
+ for (j in i:nrow(y)) {
+ row2 <- y[j, ]
+ num.matches <- sum(row1 == row2, na.rm = TRUE)
+ result[i, j] <- num.matches
+ result[j, i] <- num.matches
+ }
+ }
+ return(result)
+ }
> system.time(r3 <- f3(y))
user system elapsed
167.66 0.08 168.72
So the double loop is the fastest of all three, although not as elegant and compact as the other two answers.
Here is another solution, using outer.
f <- function(i,j) sum(y[i,] == y[j,], na.rm=TRUE)
d <- outer( 1:nrow(y), 1:nrow(y), Vectorize(f) )
Indeed, you can use apply function. Given the earlier hint that a matrix works faster, I would try:
ym <- as.matrix(y)
resultdf <- apply(ym, 1, function(r1) apply(ym, 1, function(r2) sum(r1==r2, na.rm=TRUE)))
You can get rid of the inner loop (using the y and f3 from #flodel's answer):
ty <- t(y)
ix <- rep(1:nrow(y),each = ncol(y))
f4 <- function(y){
result <- matrix(0L, nrow(y), nrow(y))
for(r in 1:nrow(y))
result[r,] <- rowsum(as.numeric(ty == y[r,]), ix, na.rm = T)
> system.time(out <- f4(y))
user system elapsed
52.616 21.061 74.000
> system.time(out <- f3(y))
user system elapsed
244.751 0.136 244.954
It actually does an extra job of computing twice the same thing, but is still 5 times faster. You can make it yet another 4 times faster by using the inner workings of rowsum. See this question for an example.

Make this loop faster in R

How can I speed up the following (noob) code:
#"mymatrix" is the matrix of word counts (docs X terms)
#"tfidfmatrix" is the transformed matrix
tfidfmatrix = Matrix(mymatrix, nrow=num_of_docs, ncol=num_of_words, sparse=T)
#Apply a transformation on each row of the matrix
for(i in 1:dim(mymatrix)[[1]]){
r = mymatrix[i,]
s = sapply(r, function(x) ifelse(x==0, 0, (1+log(x))*log((1+ndocs)/(1+x)) ) )
tfmat[i,] = s/sqrt(sum(s^2))
return (tfidfmatrix)
Problem is that the matrices I am working on are fairly large (~40kX100k), and this code is very slow.
The reason I am not using "apply" (instead of using a for loop and sapply) is that apply is going to give me the transpose of the matrix I want - I want num_of_docs X num_of_words, but apply will give me the transpose. I will then have to spend more time computing the transpose and re-allocating it.
Any thoughts on making this faster?
Thanks much.
Edit : I have found that the suggestions below greatly speed up my code (besides making me feel stupid). Any suggestions on where I can learn to write "optimized" R code from?
Edit 2: OK, so something is not right. Once I do s.vec[!is.finite(s.vec)] <- 0 every element of s.vec is being set to 0. Just to re-iterate my original matrix is a sparse matrix containing integers. This is due to some quirk of the Matrix package I am using. When I do s.vec[which(s.vec==-Inf)] <- 0 things work as expected. Thoughts?
As per my comment,
#Slightly larger example data
mymatrix <- matrix(runif(10000),nrow=10)
mymatrix[sample(10000,100)] <- 0
tfmat <- matrix(nrow=10, ncol=1000)
ndocs <- 1
justin <- function(){
s.vec <- ifelse(mymatrix==0, 0, (1 + log(mymatrix)) * log((1 + ndocs)/(1 + mymatrix)))
tfmat.vec <- s.vec/sqrt(rowSums(s.vec^2))
joran <- function(){
s.vec <- (1 + log(mymatrix)) * log((1 + ndocs)/(1 + mymatrix))
s.vec[!is.finite(s.vec)] <- 0
tfmat.vec <- s.vec/sqrt(rowSums(s.vec^2))
benchmark(justin(),joran(),replications = 1000)
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
2 joran() 1000 0.940 1.00000 0.842 0.105 0 0
1 justin() 1000 2.786 2.96383 2.617 0.187 0 0
So it's around 3x faster or so.
not sure what ndocs is, but ifelse is already vectorized, so you should be able to use the ifelse statement without walking through the matrix row by row and sapply along the row. The same can be said for the final calc.
However, you haven't given a complete example to replicate...
mymatrix <- matrix(runif(100),nrow=10)
tfmat <- matrix(nrow=10, ncol=10)
ndocs <- 1
s.vec <- ifelse(mymatrix==0, 0, 1 + log(mymatrix)) * log((1 + ndocs)/(1 + mymatrix))
for(i in 1:dim(mymatrix)[[1]]){
r = mymatrix[i,]
s = sapply(r, function(x) ifelse(x==0, 0, (1+log(x))*log((1+ndocs)/(1+x)) ) )
tfmat[i,] <- s
all.equal(s.vec, tfmat)
so the only piece missing is the rowSums in your final calc.
tfmat.vec <- s.vec/sqrt(rowSums(s.vec^2))
for(i in 1:dim(mymatrix)[[1]]){
r = mymatrix[i,]
s = sapply(r, function(x) ifelse(x==0, 0, (1+log(x))*log((1+ndocs)/(1+x)) ) )
tfmat[i,] = s/sqrt(sum(s^2))
all.equal(tfmat, tfmat.vec)
