What's a good way to add a large number of small floats together? - algorithm

Say you have 100000000 32-bit floating point values in an array, and each of these floats has a value between 0.0 and 1.0. If you tried to sum them all up like this
result = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
result += array[i];
you'd run into problems as result gets much larger than 1.0.
So what are some of the ways to more accurately perform the summation?

Sounds like you want to use Kahan Summation.
According to Wikipedia,
The Kahan summation algorithm (also known as compensated summation) significantly reduces the numerical error in the total obtained by adding a sequence of finite precision floating point numbers, compared to the obvious approach. This is done by keeping a separate running compensation (a variable to accumulate small errors).
In pseudocode, the algorithm is:
function kahanSum(input)
var sum = input[1]
var c = 0.0 //A running compensation for lost low-order bits.
for i = 2 to input.length
y = input[i] - c //So far, so good: c is zero.
t = sum + y //Alas, sum is big, y small, so low-order digits of y are lost.
c = (t - sum) - y //(t - sum) recovers the high-order part of y; subtracting y recovers -(low part of y)
sum = t //Algebraically, c should always be zero. Beware eagerly optimising compilers!
next i //Next time around, the lost low part will be added to y in a fresh attempt.
return sum

Make result a double, assuming C or C++.

If you can tolerate a little extra space (in Java):
float temp = new float[1000000];
float temp2 = new float[1000];
float sum = 0.0f;
for (i=0 ; i<1000000000 ; i++) temp[i/1000] += array[i];
for (i=0 ; i<1000000 ; i++) temp2[i/1000] += temp[i];
for (i=0 ; i<1000 ; i++) sum += temp2[i];
Standard divide-and-conquer algorithm, basically. This only works if the numbers are randomly scattered; it won't work if the first half billion numbers are 1e-12 and the second half billion are much larger.
But before doing any of that, one might just accumulate the result in a double. That'll help a lot.

If in .NET using the LINQ .Sum() extension method that exists on an IEnumerable. Then it would just be:
var result = array.Sum();

The absolutely optimal way is to use a priority queue, in the following way:
PriorityQueue<Float> q = new PriorityQueue<Float>();
for(float x : list) q.add(x);
while(q.size() > 1) q.add(q.pop() + q.pop());
return q.pop();
(this code assumes the numbers are positive; generally the queue should be ordered by absolute value)
Explanation: given a list of numbers, to add them up as precisely as possible you should strive to make the numbers close, t.i. eliminate the difference between small and big ones. That's why you want to add up the two smallest numbers, thus increasing the minimal value of the list, decreasing the difference between the minimum and maximum in the list and reducing the problem size by 1.
Unfortunately I have no idea about how this can be vectorized, considering that you're using OpenCL. But I am almost sure that it can be. You might take a look at the book on vector algorithms, it is surprising how powerful they actually are: Vector Models for Data-Parallel Computing


Finding the exp

Hi I have a question on the result of the following function
The input is the row vector of x and we are outputing the calculated exp value using the ∑_(n=0)^(n=50)▒(x^n)/n! (i.e. Summation from n=0 to n=50 using x^n)/n!)
The loop will terminate either when n reaches 50 or (x^n)/n! < 0.01
function [summ] = ExpFunction(x)
// there is a loop to iterate.
There are two versions
1) We write an if to see if the value (x^n)/n! is >= 0.01. if it is then add it the the summ.
2) Add it to the summ first and then check if (x^n)/n! is >= 0.01. if not then terminates the program.
My question is that why do the two versions produce different results and the second version appears to produce better results(i.e. closer the exp(x) )
Thank you
version 1:
function [result] = Exp(x)
result = 0;
a = 0;
n = 0;
while(n <= 50)
a = (x.^n)/factorial(n) %% The factorial function is self written have have been checked.
if(abs(a) >= 0.01)
result = result + a;
n = n + 1;
Second version is to do result = result + a; before checking abs(a) >=0.01
The question seems simple. The series is increasing (i.e. each addition results in a larger sum) and the limit value is being approached from below. This means that every new term added to the sum is getting closer to the final value = the limit. This results in each addition being a better approximation to the result.
It is also clear that the first method, not adding the term, will result in a slightly less accurate result than the second method, which does add the term.
It is clear that the accuracy of the result is improved by adding more terms. The only cost is the extra computing time. Is your termination criterion (x^n/factorial(n) < 0.01) giving good enough values for all values of x? I would have expected you to use a formula more like (x^n/factorial(n) < g(x)) where g(x) is a formula involving x. I suggest that you go back to the text on series and determine whether a better g(x) is required for your accuracy requirements.

Combinations of integers in OpenCL

I have a bunch of vectors (~500). I need to find triple products of all the combinations of the vectors in OpenCL. There are plenty of combination algorithms (r out of n things) in C++ but I am yet to find any implemented for GPU. I have seen quite a few parallel permutation algorithms in Cuda but I just want to know if there are any viable combination algorithms present?
I'll need to guess a bit here and there to answer your question.
I suppose you have an array V of n (~500) vectors. These vectors are all of same dimensionality m (probably m=3).
What you want is the component wise product of each 3 vectors vi, vj, vk where i,j,k in {0,..,n-1}.
Simple 3-dimensional example:
result[idx].x = V[i].x * V[j].x * V[k].x;
result[idx].y = V[i].y * V[j].y * V[k].y;
result[idx].z = V[i].z * V[j].z * V[k].z;
Now maybe your vectors are not 3-dimensional and maybe you don't want the component wise product but the sum of it (like in dot product), but I'm sure you're able to djust the code accordingly.
The real question here is how to compute all possible i,j,k and idx. Correct?
Now with CUDA you are in a very fortunate position. You can just launch n*n*n threads in a grid and therefore get i,j,k for free without having to think about ways to compute combinations or permutations at all. Just do the following:
dim3 grid, block;
block.x = n;
block.y = 1;
block z = 1;
grid.x = n;
grid.y = n;
grid.z = 1;
compute_product_kernel<<<grid, block>>>( V, result );
This way you'll launch n*n blocks of n threads. Computing i,j,k becomes trivial, computing idx is easy:
__device__ void compute_product_kernel( myVector* V, myVector* result)
int i = blockIdx.x;
int j = blockIdx.y;
int k = threadIdx.x;
int idx = i * gridDim.y * blockDim.x + j * blockDim.x + k;
Of course all of this only works because your n is within the limits of CUDA's block and grid range.
Two more things though:
Maybe you want permutations instead of combinations. You could do that by skipping every combination where any two of i,j,k are the same. But I'd recommend keeping them anyway because computing when to skip is probably more expensive that doing the actual work. Also I'd advise against using the permutation to save memory for result because it would save you less that 1% and make the calculation much more complex.
Are you sure you've got enough memory to actually do this? Storing the result requires n*n*n*m*sizeof(float) bytes. With n=500 and m=3 that would already be 1.5 GB. Is that really what you are looking for? Maybe the next step of your processing can be combined into the calculation so that storing the intermediate result is not neccessary.

How to calculate iteratively the running weighted average so that last values to weight most?

I want to implement an iterative algorithm, which calculates weighted average. The specific weight law does not matter, but it should be close to 1 for the newest values and close to 0 to the oldest.
The algorithm should be iterative. i.e. it should not remember all previous values. It should know only one newest value and any aggregative information about past, like previous values of the average, sums, counts etc.
Is it possible?
For example, the following algorithm can be:
void iterate(double value) {
sum *= 0.99;
sum += value;
avg = sum / count;
It will give exponential decreasing weight, which may be not good. Is it possible to have step decreasing weight or something?
The the requirements for weighing law is follows:
1) The weight decreases into past
2) I has some mean or characteristic duration so that values older this duration matters much lesser than newer ones
3) I should be able to set this duration
I need the following. Suppose v_i are values, where v_1 is the first. Also suppose w_i are weights. But w_0 is THE LAST.
So, after first value came I have first average
a_1 = v_1 * w_0
After the second value v_2 came, I should have average
a_2 = v_1 * w_1 + v_2 * w_0
With next value I should have
a_3 = v_1 * w_2 + v_2 * w_1 + v_3 * w_0
Note, that weight profile is moving with me, while I am moving along value sequence.
I.e. each value does not have it's own weight all the time. My goal is to have this weight lower while going to past.
First a bit of background. If we were keeping a normal average, it would go like this:
average(a) = 11
average(a,b) = (average(a)+b)/2
average(a,b,c) = (average(a,b)*2 + c)/3
average(a,b,c,d) = (average(a,b,c)*3 + d)/4
As you can see here, this is an "online" algorithm and we only need to keep track of pieces of data: 1) the total numbers in the average, and 2) the average itself. Then we can undivide the average by the total, add in the new number, and divide it by the new total.
Weighted averages are a bit different. It depends on what kind of weighted average. For example if you defined:
weightedAverage(a,wa, b,wb, c,wc, ..., z,wz) = a*wa + b*wb + c*wc + ... + w*wz
weightedAverage(elements, weights) = elements·weights
...then you don't need to do anything besides add the new element*weight! If however you defined the weighted average akin to an expected-value from probability:
weightedAverage(elements,weights) = elements·weights / sum(weights)
...then you'd need to keep track of the total weights. Instead of undividing by the total number of elements, you undivide by the total weight, add in the new element&ast;weight, then divide by the new total weight.
Alternatively you don't need to undivide, as demonstrated below: you can merely keep track of the temporary dot product and weight total in a closure or an object, and divide it as you yield (this can help a lot with avoiding numerical inaccuracy from compounded rounding errors).
In python this would be:
def makeAverager():
dotProduct = 0
totalWeight = 0
def averager(newValue, weight):
nonlocal dotProduct,totalWeight
dotProduct += newValue*weight
totalWeight += weight
return dotProduct/totalWeight
return averager
>>> averager = makeAverager()
>>> [averager(value,w) for value,w in [(100,0.2), (50,0.5), (100,0.1)]]
[100.0, 64.28571428571429, 68.75]
>>> averager(10,1.1)
>>> averager(10,1.1)
>>> averager(30,2.0)
> But my task is to have average recalculated each time new value arrives having old values reweighted. –OP
Your task is almost always impossible, even with exceptionally simple weighting schemes.
You are asking to, with O(1) memory, yield averages with a changing weighting scheme. For example, {values·weights1, (values+[newValue2])·weights2, (values+[newValue2,newValue3])·weights3, ...} as new values are being passed in, for some nearly arbitrarily changing weights sequence. This is impossible due to injectivity. Once you merge the numbers in together, you lose a massive amount of information. For example, even if you had the weight vector, you could not recover the original value vector, or vice versa. There are only two cases I can think of where you could get away with this:
Constant weights such as [2,2,2,...2]: this is equivalent to an on-line averaging algorithm, which you don't want because the old values are not being "reweighted".
The relative weights of previous answers do not change. For example you could do weights of [8,4,2,1], and add in a new element with arbitrary weight like ...+[1], but you must increase all the previous by the same multiplicative factor, like [16,8,4,2]+[1]. Thus at each step, you are adding a new arbitrary weight, and a new arbitrary rescaling of the past, so you have 2 degrees of freedom (only 1 if you need to keep your dot-product normalized). The weight-vectors you'd get would look like:
[w0*(s1), w1]
[w0*(s1*s2), w1*(s2), w2]
[w0*(s1*s2*s3), w1*(s2*s3), w2*(s3), w3]
Thus any weighting scheme you can make look like that will work (unless you need to keep the thing normalized by the sum of weights, in which case you must then divide the new average by the new sum, which you can calculate by keeping only O(1) memory). Merely multiply the previous average by the new s (which will implicitly distribute over the dot-product into the weights), and tack on the new +w*newValue.
I think you are looking for something like this:
void iterate(double value) {
weight = max(0, 1 - (count / 1000));
avg = ( avg * total_weight * (count - 1) + weight * value) / (total_weight * (count - 1) + weight)
total_weight += weight;
Here I'm assuming you want the weights to sum to 1. As long as you can generate a relative weight without it changing in the future, you can end up with a solution which mimics this behavior.
That is, suppose you defined your weights as a sequence {s_0, s_1, s_2, ..., s_n, ...} and defined the input as sequence {i_0, i_1, i_2, ..., i_n}.
Consider the form: sum(s_0*i_0 + s_1*i_1 + s_2*i_2 + ... + s_n*i_n) / sum(s_0 + s_1 + s_2 + ... + s_n). Note that it is trivially possible to compute this incrementally with a couple of aggregation counters:
int counter = 0;
double numerator = 0;
double denominator = 0;
void addValue(double val)
double weight = calculateWeightFromCounter(counter);
numerator += weight * val;
denominator += weight;
double getAverage()
if (denominator == 0.0) return 0.0;
return numerator / denominator;
Of course, calculateWeightFromCounter() in this case shouldn't generate weights that sum to one -- the trick here is that we average by dividing by the sum of the weights so that in the end, the weights virtually seem to sum to one.
The real trick is how you do calculateWeightFromCounter(). You could simply return the counter itself, for example, however note that the last weighted number would not be near the sum of the counters necessarily, so you may not end up with the exact properties you want. (It's hard to say since, as mentioned, you've left a fairly open problem.)
This is too long to post in a comment, but it may be useful to know.
Suppose you have:
w_0*v_n + ... w_n*v_0 (we'll call this w[0..n]*v[n..0] for short)
Then the next step is:
w_0*v_n1 + ... w_n1*v_0 (and this is w[0..n1]*v[n1..0] for short)
This means we need a way to calculate w[1..n1]*v[n..0] from w[0..n]*v[n..0].
It's certainly possible that v[n..0] is 0, ..., 0, z, 0, ..., 0 where z is at some location x.
If we don't have any 'extra' storage, then f(z*w(x))=z*w(x + 1) where w(x) is the weight for location x.
Rearranging the equation, w(x + 1) = f(z*w(x))/z. Well, w(x + 1) better be constant for a constant x, so f(z*w(x))/z better be constant. Hence, f must let z propagate -- that is, f(z*w(x)) = z*f(w(x)).
But here again we have an issue. Note that if z (which could be any number) can propagate through f, then w(x) certainly can. So f(z*w(x)) = w(x)*f(z). Thus f(w(x)) = w(x)/f(z).
But for a constant x, w(x) is constant, and thus f(w(x)) better be constant, too. w(x) is constant, so f(z) better be constant so that w(x)/f(z) is constant. Thus f(w(x)) = w(x)/c where c is a constant.
So, f(x)=c*x where c is a constant when x is a weight value.
So w(x+1) = c*w(x).
That is, each weight is a multiple of the previous. Thus, the weights take the form w(x)=m*b^x.
Note that this assumes the only information f has is the last aggregated value. Note that at some point you will be reduced to this case unless you're willing to store a non-constant amount of data representing your input. You cannot represent an infinite length vector of real numbers with a real number, but you can approximate them somehow in a constant, finite amount of storage. But this would merely be an approximation.
Although I haven't rigorously proven it, it is my conclusion that what you want is impossible to do with a high degree of precision, but you may be able to use log(n) space (which may as well be O(1) for many practical applications) to generate a quality approximation. You may be able to use even less.
I tried to practically code something (in Java). As has been said, your goal is not achievable. You can only count average from some number of last remembered values. If you don't need to be exact, you can approximate the older values. I tried to do it by remembering last 5 values exactly and older values only SUMmed by 5 values, remembering the last 5 SUMs. Then, the complexity is O(2n) for remembering last n+n*n values. This is a very rough approximation.
You can modify the "lastValues" and "lasAggregatedSums" array sizes as you want. See this ascii-art picture trying to display a graph of last values, showing that the first columns (older data) are remembered as aggregated value (not individually), and only the earliest 5 values are remembered individually.
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Challenge 1: My example doesn't count weights, but I think it shouldn't be problem for you to add weights for the "lastAggregatedSums" appropriately - the only problem is, that if you want lower weights for older values, it would be harder, because the array is rotating, so it is not straightforward to know which weight for which array member. Maybe you can modify the algorithm to always "shift" values in the array instead of rotating? Then adding weights shouldn't be a problem.
Challenge 2: The arrays are initialized with 0 values, and those values are counting to the average from the beginning, even when we haven't receive enough values. If you are running the algorithm for long time, you probably don't bother that it is learning for some time at the beginning. If you do, you can post a modification ;-)
public class AverageCounter {
private float[] lastValues = new float[5];
private float[] lastAggregatedSums = new float[5];
private int valIdx = 0;
private int aggValIdx = 0;
private float avg;
public void add(float value) {
lastValues[valIdx++] = value;
if(valIdx == lastValues.length) {
// count average of last values and save into the aggregated array.
float sum = 0;
for(float v: lastValues) {sum += v;}
lastAggregatedSums[aggValIdx++] = sum;
if(aggValIdx >= lastAggregatedSums.length) {
// rotate aggregated values index
aggValIdx = 0;
valIdx = 0;
float sum = 0;
for(float v: lastValues) {sum += v;}
for(float v: lastAggregatedSums) {sum += v;}
avg = sum / (lastValues.length + lastAggregatedSums.length * lastValues.length);
public float getAvg() {
return avg;
you can combine (weighted sum) exponential means with different effective window sizes (N) in order to get the desired weights.
Use more exponential means to define your weight profile more detailed.
(more exponential means also means to store and calculate more values, so here is the trade off)
A memoryless solution is to calculate the new average from a weighted combination of the previous average and the new value:
average = (1 - P) * average + P * value
where P is an empirical constant, 0 <= P <= 1
expanding gives:
average = sum i (weight[i] * value[i])
where value[0] is the newest value, and
weight[i] = P * (1 - P) ^ i
When P is low, historical values are given higher weighting.
The closer P gets to 1, the more quickly it converges to newer values.
When P = 1, it's a regular assignment and ignores previous values.
If you want to maximise the contribution of value[N], maximize
weight[N] = P * (1 - P) ^ N
where 0 <= P <= 1
I discovered weight[N] is maximized when
P = 1 / (N + 1)

Seeding the Newton iteration for cube root efficiently

How can I find the cube root of a number in an efficient way?
I think Newton-Raphson method can be used, but I don't know how to guess the initial solution programmatically to minimize the number of iterations.
This is a deceptively complex question. Here is a nice survey of some possible approaches.
In view of the "link rot" that overtook the Accepted Answer, I'll give a more self-contained answer focusing on the topic of quickly obtaining an initial guess suitable for superlinear iteration.
The "survey" by metamerist (Wayback link) provided some timing comparisons for various starting value/iteration combinations (both Newton and Halley methods are included). Its references are to works by W. Kahan, "Computing a Real Cube Root", and by K. Turkowski, "Computing the Cube Root".
metamarist updates the DEC-VAX era bit-fiddling technique of W. Kahan with this snippet, which "assumes 32-bit integers" and relies on IEEE 754 format for doubles "to generate initial estimates with 5 bits of precision":
inline double cbrt_5d(double d)
const unsigned int B1 = 715094163;
double t = 0.0;
unsigned int* pt = (unsigned int*) &t;
unsigned int* px = (unsigned int*) &d;
return t;
The code by K. Turkowski provides slightly more precision ("approximately 6 bits") by a conventional powers-of-two scaling on float fr, followed by a quadratic approximation to its cube root over interval [0.125,1.0):
/* Compute seed with a quadratic qpproximation */
fr = (-0.46946116F * fr + 1.072302F) * fr + 0.3812513F;/* 0.5<=fr<1 */
and a subsequent restoration of the exponent of two (adjusted to one-third). The exponent/mantissa extraction and restoration make use of math library calls to frexp and ldexp.
Comparison with other cube root "seed" approximations
To appreciate those cube root approximations we need to compare them with other possible forms. First the criteria for judging: we consider the approximation on the interval [1/8,1], and we use best (minimizing the maximum) relative error.
That is, if f(x) is a proposed approximation to x^{1/3}, we find its relative error:
error_rel = max | f(x)/x^(1/3) - 1 | on [1/8,1]
The simplest approximation would of course be to use a single constant on the interval, and the best relative error in that case is achieved by picking f_0(x) = sqrt(2)/2, the geometric mean of the values at the endpoints. This gives 1.27 bits of relative accuracy, a quick but dirty starting point for a Newton iteration.
A better approximation would be the best first-degree polynomial:
f_1(x) = 0.6042181313*x + 0.4531635984
This gives 4.12 bits of relative accuracy, a big improvement but short of the 5-6 bits of relative accuracy promised by the respective methods of Kahan and Turkowski. But it's in the ballpark and uses only one multiplication (and one addition).
Finally, what if we allow ourselves a division instead of a multiplication? It turns out that with one division and two "additions" we can have the best linear-fractional function:
f_M(x) = 1.4774329094 - 0.8414323527/(x+0.7387320679)
which gives 7.265 bits of relative accuracy.
At a glance this seems like an attractive approach, but an old rule of thumb was to treat the cost of a FP division like three FP multiplications (and to mostly ignore the additions and subtractions). However with current FPU designs this is not realistic. While the relative cost of multiplications to adds/subtracts has come down, in most cases to a factor of two or even equality, the cost of division has not fallen but often gone up to 7-10 times the cost of multiplication. Therefore we must be miserly with our division operations.
static double cubeRoot(double num) {
double x = num;
if(num >= 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) {
x = ((2 * x * x * x) + num ) / (3 * x * x);
return x;
It seems like the optimization question has already been addressed, but I'd like to add an improvement to the cubeRoot() function posted here, for other people stumbling on this page looking for a quick cube root algorithm.
The existing algorithm works well, but outside the range of 0-100 it gives incorrect results.
Here's a revised version that works with numbers between -/+1 quadrillion (1E15). If you need to work with larger numbers, just use more iterations.
static double cubeRoot( double num ){
boolean neg = ( num < 0 );
double x = Math.abs( num );
for( int i = 0, iterations = 60; i < iterations; i++ ){
x = ( ( 2 * x * x * x ) + num ) / ( 3 * x * x );
if( neg ){ return 0 - x; }
return x;
Regarding optimization, I'm guessing the original poster was asking how to predict the minimum number of iterations for an accurate result, given an arbitrary input size. But it seems like for most general cases the gain from optimization isn't worth the added complexity. Even with the function above, 100 iterations takes less than 0.2 ms on average consumer hardware. If speed was of utmost importance, I'd consider using pre-computed lookup tables. But this is coming from a desktop developer, not an embedded systems engineer.

Calculate the cosine of a sequence

I have to calculate the following:
float2 y = CONSTANT;
for (int i = 0; i < totalN; i++)
h[i] = cos(y*i);
totalN is a large number, so I would like to make this in a more efficient way. Is there any way to improve this? I suspect there is, because, after all, we know what's the result of cos(n), for n=1..N, so maybe there's some theorem that allows me to compute this in a faster way. I would really appreciate any hint.
Thanks in advance,
Using one of the most beautiful formulas of mathematics, Euler's formula
exp(i*x) = cos(x) + i*sin(x),
substituting x := n * phi:
cos(n*phi) = Re( exp(i*n*phi) )
sin(n*phi) = Im( exp(i*n*phi) )
exp(i*n*phi) = exp(i*phi) ^ n
Power ^n is n repeated multiplications.
Therefore you can calculate cos(n*phi) and simultaneously sin(n*phi) by repeated complex multiplication by exp(i*phi) starting with (1+i*0).
Code examples:
from math import *
DEG2RAD = pi/180.0 # conversion factor degrees --> radians
phi = 10*DEG2RAD # constant e.g. 10 degrees
c = cos(phi)+1j*sin(phi) # = exp(1j*phi)
for i in range(1,10):
h = h*c
print "%d %8.3f"%(i,h.real)
or C:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
// numer of values to calculate:
#define N 10
// conversion factor degrees --> radians:
#define DEG2RAD (3.14159265/180.0)
// e.g. constant is 10 degrees:
#define PHI (10*DEG2RAD)
typedef struct
double re,im;
} complex_t;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
complex_t c;
complex_t h[N];
int index;
for(index=1; index<N; index++)
// complex multiplication h[index] = h[index-1] * c;
h[index].re=h[index-1].re*c.re - h[index-1].im*c.im;
h[index].im=h[index-1].re*c.im + h[index-1].im*c.re;
printf("%d: %8.3f\n",index,h[index].re);
I'm not sure what kind of accuracy vs. performance compromises you're willing to make, but there are extensive discussions of various sinusoid approximation techniques at these links:
Fun with Sinusoids - http://www.audiomulch.com/~rossb/code/sinusoids/
Fast and accurate sine/cosine - http://www.devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5784
Edit (I think this is the "Don Cross" link that's broken on the "Fun with Sinusoids" page):
Optimizing Trig Calculations - http://groovit.disjunkt.com/analog/time-domain/fasttrig.html
Maybe the simplest formula is
cos(n+y) = 2cos(n)cos(y) - cos(n-y).
If you precompute the constant 2*cos(y) then each value cos(n+y) can be computed from the previous 2 values with one single multiplication and one subtraction.
I.e., in pseudocode
h[0] = 1.0
h[1] = cos(y)
m = 2*h[1]
for (int i = 2; i < totalN; ++i)
h[i] = m*h[i-1] - h[i-2]
Here's a method, but it uses a little bit of memory for the sin. It uses the trig identities:
cos(a + b) = cos(a)cos(b)-sin(a)sin(b)
sin(a + b) = sin(a)cos(b)+cos(a)sin(b)
Then here's the code:
h[0] = 1.0;
double g1 = sin(y);
double glast = g1;
h[1] = cos(y);
for (int i = 2; i < totalN; i++){
h[i] = h[i-1]*h[1]-glast*g1;
glast = glast*h[1]+h[i-1]*g1;
If I didn't make any errors then that should do it. Of course there could be round-off problems so be aware of that. I implemented this in Python and it is quite accurate.
There are some good answers here but they are all recursive. Recursive calculation will not work for cosine function when using floating point arithmetic; you will invariably get rounding errors which quickly compound.
Consider calculation y = 45 degrees, totalN 10 000. You won't end up with 1 as the final result.
To address Kirk's concerns: all of the solutions based on the recurrence for cos and sin boil down to computing
x(k) = R x(k - 1),
where R is the matrix that rotates by y and x(0) is the unit vector (1, 0). If the true result for k - 1 is x'(k - 1) and the true result for k is x'(k), then the error goes from e(k - 1) = x(k - 1) - x'(k - 1) to e(k) = R x(k - 1) - R x'(k - 1) = R e(k - 1) by linearity. Since R is what's called an orthogonal matrix, R e(k - 1) has the same norm as e(k - 1), and the error grows very slowly. (The reason it grows at all is due to round-off; the computer representation of R is in general almost, but not quite orthogonal, so it will be necessary to restart the recurrence using the trig operations from time to time depending on the accuracy required. This is still much, much faster than using the trig ops to compute each value.)
You can do this using complex numbers.
if you define x = sin(y) + i cos(y), cos(y*i) will be the real part of x^i.
You can compute for all i iteratively. Complex multiply is 2 multiplies plus two adds.
Knowing cos(n) doesn't help -- your math library already does these kind of trivial things for you.
Knowing that cos((i+1)y)=cos(iy+y)=cos(iy)cos(y)-sin(iy)sin(y) can help, if you precompute cos(y) and sin(y), and keep track of both cos(iy) and sin(i*y) along the way. It may result in some loss of precision, though - you'll have to check.
How accurate do you need the resulting cos(x) to be? If you can live with some, you could create a lookup table, sampling the unit circle at 2*PI/N intervals and then interpolate between two adjacent points. N would be chosen to achieve some desired level of accuracy.
What I don't know is whether an interpolation is actually less costly than computing a cosine. Since its usually done in microcode in modern CPUs, it may not be.
