how to protect plain text password in my script? (ruby) - ruby

in my ruby script I need to pass user name and
password as a plain text in a form in order to log in. Both user name and password are currently stored in my script.
I have no control over the server I log in from the script. The script is localy working fine and in the future I want to move to onto my
webhosting provider and run it from there (I have ssh access)
using cron. Is there any way/method how to
protect the password in case somebody gets access to this script by any chance?

The more I think about this, the more I think you must trust your hosting service. I would make sure the hosting service has "skin in the game": That is, that they host enough "high profile" accounts that being found untrustworthy would be very costly to them (in lost accounts and sales).
And whether or not you think the hosting service is trustworthy, you ought have a plan in case the target account is compromised. Who will you notify, how will you get that account deactivated, etc.
The only technological solution I can think of--you log on manually, capture the cookie, and provide that cookie to the script--protects the password, but presumably a hostile host could use that cookie to do any damage he wanted on the target system using whatever privileges are attached to that cookie, including changing your password. So it's no solution at all.
Oh, speaking of privileges: Can the task you need to automate be accomplished with a target account that has lowered privileges, such as a read-only account, or one that cannot make any changes to its profile? Having only your low-privilege credentials on the hosting service would lower your risk (or "exposure," as the polysyllabic crowd likes to say).
Prior answer, found to be unworkable, below the line.
You can encrypt the user id and password using yet another password. In order to run, the script has to be provided with it's password. It uses that password to decrypt the web service's user name and password. Make sure that the script's password doesn't get stored anywhere, but only held in memory and only for long enough to decrypt the ultimate user id and password.
If it really matters, make sure your connection to run the script is crypto (ssh, ssl, etc.), and make sure the script only uses https to log on.
That doesn't make you invulnerable to someone with root privileges on the box (at some point, the plaintext user-id and password will be in memory, and therefore vulnerable), but it does make it take more work for them to be able to get the user-id/password.
Updated: The requirement that this be automated makes the above solution no good.

If an automated script needs to run something with a password, then you either have to have it readable by the script (which opens up the possibility of someone else reading it) or else not provide it in automation.
The trick is to bypass the "Automation" part by having a one time startup: run the script as a small continual process that will wake up periodically and run. Have the process ask for the password on startup or via some other kind of API request (not on the command line!).
If the server reboots, the password is lost until you log in and enter the password again. This way, the password is only in memory, not on the file system.
You might want a cron job to check on the process and alert you if it is not running.

If you need to pass the password onwards to a form that you presumably can't alter to use a more secure scheme, there's little you can do besides obfuscate the password so that it's not immediately obvious. However, anyone with access to the script itself can simply find where it is passed to to the form and insert a command to print the password there — it needs to be “decrypted” at that point for you to pass it on, no matter what.
To protect it from non-programmers, you could XOR it with something or rotate the letters by some amount, but I wouldn't spend too much time on this as it will be futile against pretty much anyone with a rudimentary understanding of programming. Instead, protect the script itself from other users (set file access rights properly, don't put it in a web-visible directory, etc). And if you do not trust the server's administration, do not upload it there!

You should store a hashed version of the password in your database. A hash is a one way encryption, so it is impossible to use logic to guess the password from the hashed password.
Create a method to hash the password, and do something like this:
require "digest/sha1"
class User
attr_accessor :password
def initialize(password)
#password = hash_password(password)
def hash_password(password)
def valid_password?(password)
#password == hash_password(password)
u ="12345")
p u.password # => "8cb2237d0679ca88db6464eac60da96345513964"
p u.valid_password?("not valid") # => false
p u.valid_password?("12345") # => true
When you get the plain text password from the form, you pass it to your valid_password? method. This will do the same one-way encryption as it did when the password was stored. So the one way encrypted passwords are compared. This means that you never store a reference to the actual password anywhere, which is a big win.


Windows account password hash location

I have a machine which I want to find where my password hash is stored.
the set command returns details about the account and shows that it is connected to a domain however it doesn't show in net user. As well as this on advanced system settings -> User profiles the account shows as type: local and Status: local.
It seems to be a domain user however windows doesn't think it's on a domain.
Because of this searching for hashes has only brought up dead ends. They aren't in the SAM file and they aren't in SECURITY. I also tried password recovery software and the account simply didn't show.
I could see the correct hash through sekurlsa::LogonPasswords full - specifically serkurlsa::msv with mimikatz but now I would like to know where they are stored.
I know they are cached somewhere as I can login without internet, so I think I'm specifically looking for this file.
A brief search of the command suggests they are in the SAM database but I know they aren't.
Any assistance would be appreciated.

Storing password to logon to SQLPLUS from Shell scripts

I have a number of Unix Shell scripts that logon to SQLPLUS in a batch environment. In order to logon to SQLPLUS the user and password are currently available to the shell script in plain text from a text file. Not Good ! I need to change this so that the password is protected and possibly encrypted, but the shell script can pick up the password and decrpyt to use. I'm not really sure how I would go about achieving my objectives, other than I presume I need to write some shell script code that can be in a library and pulled into all my shell scripts as required. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Probably not what you want to hear.
Encrypting or otherwise obfuscating the password in your shell script does not provide any real security: only "security by obscurity" which isn't actually secure. This is a good reading about passwords in plaintext.
So in my opinion it would be best, that as less people as possible have access to the shell script.
IMHO best possible solution in this case something like HashiCorp Vault Vault
You are setting up Vault server in secure/audited network/host and store your password there (vault will encrypt it for you). Then you generating vault access token with rights to read db password. With Vault you have http(s) API which will give your secret if you have correct token (curl inside shell script). Examples: api documentation
It is not best solution but with this you centralizing your secrets storage, everything encrypted, you can audit and revoke access to your secrets. This is way better than db passwords in plaintext all over your infrastructure.

hiding passwords in shell scripts

I'm writing a bash script that needs login credentials (username and password) to make an API call. The script will eventually become a cron job, so it's not feasible to prompt the user for login credentials. What is the best way to hide the credentials in a bash script?
If you can't set up restricted read permissions on the bash script itself (e.g. only root can read it), the usual approach is to use a separate file, with said restrictions (only root or a dedicated user can read it (chmod 400 filename)).
This is how you store your ssh keys in ~/.ssh/, as well.
If you are worried about someone having full access to your drive, e.g. someone stealing it, try cryptsetup/luks.
If you are worried about someone reading the unencrypted raw device, you might try breaking up the password, and assemble it in memory when needed...
SSHPASS=$_pass sshpass -e ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $_host
I use this bit for instance and prompt user input to a restricted file, a bit more security not actually passing the variable during SSH session, but instead defining as an env variable. Haven't had many concerns from my work place Security Engineers. You can always do as others stated and have that file already containing creds rather than prompting and do the same here.

mvn --encrypt-master-password <password> : Good practice for choosing <password>? Which level of privacy should it be?

I am learning to use maven password encryption capabilities and I would like to know how to choose the parameter <password>. There are two things that I don't understand:
1) mvn --encrypt-master-password foobar will always give a different encrypted master password.
Since the encrypted master password is always different, I see only two possibilities:
A local property is stored somewhere so that it can be used to decrypt the encrypted master password to get the master password. That means that our encrypted server passwords can only be used locally.
Nothing is stored and the master password is useless and doesn't matter at all.
So, my questions here are:
What is stored locally? Will my master password remain safe? Is there a third possibility I didn't think of?
2) On the maven website, it is written:
Also note that the encrypted passwords can be decrypted by someone that has the master password and settings security file. Keep this file secure (or stored separately) if you expect the possibility that the settings.xml file may be retrieved.
If the settings security file is the thing to protect, why should I bother choosing a strong master password? Can't I just use foobar and keep my settings security file safe?
Also, it looks like someone with the two files (settings security file and settings file) would not need the master password to connect to the maven servers. He could use our identity without knowing the passwords. The master password is "only" needed to decrypt the servers passwords (to get them plain text). But then again, protecting the settings security file should be the way to go and the master password would remain useless.
My questions:
How important is the master password? Have I got to remember it? Can I use a long random phrase and forget it forever?
PS: I couldn't find my answer here.
First password is used to generated the master password only, then you can forget it. It is generated using encryption mechanisms and pseudo-random component. As a consequence of that, it should not be possible to decipher it. There is nothing else stored locally than your master password in your security-settings file and it won't be ever prompted or asked again.
This master password is used to cipher and decipher passwords in your settings file. It has the same value as an user-introduced password, but it is almost impossible to deduce it.
There is nothing else stored locally than your master password in your security-settings file and it won't be ever prompted or asked again. All the safety resides in the safety of the security-settings file.
The master password is not really important and you can forget immediately. You can use whatever you want.
I don't like this approach to protect my password and I would like having a real password cyphering mechanism with a real master password not stored. Public-private key with password strategies seems to be better.

fill in password based on var shell script

I'm working on a shell script where it zips up a file then uploads it to a server i have.
So far i have it so it asks for the server password and then keeps that variable. After it does that the script zips up a folder with a bunch of files in it. Then it dose the "scp" command to send it to my server.
Now, this is where i need help... I want it to fill in the password that was provided earlier in the script when it asks for the server password. I'm sure your asking "why doesn't just put in the password when the "scp" command asks for it. The reason being is that the file i have is going to be large, and i dont want to sit around and watch it zip up. So thats why i provide the password early on.
here are the steps:
1) user provides server password which is saved as the variable "password"
2) the script zips up the file
3) the script sends the file to the server (when i run this part in the script it asks for the password. i have to put in the password variable here.)
Any ideas on how to do this? thanks so much, will,
Step 1 is flawed, for several reasons, both security-related and technical.
What you should do is to create a "null" SSH session in the background that generates a master connection (see the ControlPath and ControlMaster options in the ssh_config(5) man page). Using the same control settings for the subsequent SCP operation will use this connection without having to ask for the password. Don't forget to kill the null session once the script is done.
