How to configure Kannel with Linux web server? - kannel

I downloaded the Kannel software from the net and uploaded the software into the web server.
Now I need to compile and run Kannel. How can I run configure and files?
Can you provide the solution?

This is how I would install it:
latest svn:
svn co
./configure --with-mysql --with-malloc=native
–> you will get a message saying thank you for using Kannel.
touch .depend
make depend
sudo make bindir=/kannel/bin/ install #—-> Enter your root password.
and congratz

Howto start & stop the bearerbox & smsbox
#/usr/sbin/smsbox /etc/kannel.conf &
#/usr/sbin/bearerbox /etc/kannel.conf &
Howto Stop the kannel service
#/etc/init.d/kannel stop
Howto check logs for kannel
#tail -20f /sdp/wap_push_promotion/bearerbox.log
Howto check the kannel process is running or not?
# ps -ef | grep kannel
root 11314 11281 0 14:05 pts/2 00:00:00 grep kannel
kannel 20609 1 0 Aug02 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/bearerbox /etc/kannel.conf
kannel 20628 1 0 Aug02 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/smsbox/etc/kannel.conf
Read more about how to configure and use kannel here

here are some tips:

First decide where to install it:
./conifgure --prefix=/usr/local/kannel
Then run make to create binaries
Then make install to put the correct binaries in their right places
make install
Finally go to /usr/local/kannel and start the bearerbox and smsbox
./sbin/bearerbox smskannel.conf &
./sbin/smsbox smskannel.conf &
smskannel.conf is and example configuration distributed with the source code and you can copy it to your installation directory.

Download version 1.5.0:“”
$ curl -O
$ tar -zxvf gateway-1.5.0.tar.gz
$ cd gateway-1.5.0
Select a target install directory (different from your current directory) for the —prefix flag (for ex. /home/vtypal/kannel)
Build and install as usual
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/vtypal/kannel
$ make
$ make install
Under the sbin directory of kannel create a configuration file called kannel.conf with your kannel configuration.
Start kannel
$ cd /home/vtypal/kannel/sbin
$ nohup ./bearerbox &
$ nohup ./smsbox &
Check the logs if you have any config error in your kannel.conf


Install SoapUI via Shell Script on CentOS

I would like to install SoapUI via shell script through vagrant. I would be happy if there would be a way without puppet (not familiar with it)
What I have till now:
# Download SoapUI
echo "Download SoapUI"
cd ~
chmod 755
# Install SoapUI
sh ./
While installation there is a console wizard coming, default values would be fine for me also licence agreements.
Did someone solve it and is willing to share :-)?
You would need to add the -q flag (I guess standing for quiet) so it will install silently

Kerio vpn client doesn't rebuild " /etc/init.d/kerio-kvc " after i deleted the file and reinstall kerio on ubuntu 14.04

After some unsuccessful attempts to uninstall the kerio vpn client i deleted " /etc/init.d/kerio-kvc " and the " .deb " file i had downloaded(such a noob i am).Then i downloaded " kerio-control-vpnclient-9.0.0-442-linux-amd64.deb " and tried to install it by terminal.
#cd Downloads
#sudo dpkg -i kerio-control-vpnclient-9.0.0-442-linux-amd64.deb
#sudo dpkg-reconfigure kerio-control-vpnclient
reconfigured but didn't start."/etc/init.d/kerio-kvc" does not exist.No idea how to fix it.
Sorry for bad English.
You must extract .deb file, copy and paste etc/init.d/kerio-kvc manually in /etc/init.d folder on your linux machine.
I don't know need for somebody this answer still, but I've one:) (step by step)
Here intruction, how I installed kerio control vpn client (working only 8.1.1-1212-p3-linux) on linux machine 64bit (Ubuntu 18.04 & Mint 19), so:
sudo apt-get install debconf openssl
You need to download 8.1.1-1212-p3-linux.deb (32bit) for this link
cd Downloads
sudo dpkg -i kerio-control-vpnclient-8.1.1-1212-p3-linux.deb (will be error:)
sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture kerio-control-vpnclient-8.1.1-1212-p3-linux.deb:i386 (error again;)
sudo apt install -f (linux automatically downloads all necessary dependencies for 64 bit)
then we ask the server address - enter IP
then - say "Yes"
here we must to look on our certificate in Kerio admin panel on the server and enter it
and then enter your login&password for connect to the server
sudo /etc/init.d/kerio-kvc start
Kerio starting and we can connect to the server, if you already have a customized RDP client or some other protocol.
Good luck:)

FreeSurfer installed on Ubuntu

I am trying to install FreeSurfer on Ubutun. I follow an installation instruction online. When I walk through this step, I have a question:
Here is your FreeSurfer license. Place the four lines between theCUT HERE markers in a file named "license.txt" in the directory pointed toby the $FREESURFER_HOME environment variable (see the FreeSurfer documentation).
#---------------CUT HERE---------------
#---------------CUT HERE---------------
Does that mean I have to paste the four lines into a file called "license.txt"? I actually did in this way. I paste the four lines at the end of a file called "license.txt". But when I finish all the steps and check the installation. There is an error popping up:
ERROR: FreeSurfer license file /home/urser/Downloads/freesurfer/license.txt not found.
But the license.txt is really in that fold called "freesurfer". Do I misunderstand the instruction?
Please follow the instructions:
sudo apt-get install tcsh
Download and installation
cd ~
# this is the 64 bit version
cd /usr/local/
sudo tar -xzvf ~/freesurfer-*.tar.gz
Setting the environment
echo "FREESURFER_HOME=/usr/local/freesurfer" >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'source $FREESURFER_HOME/' >> ~/.bashrc
Cleaning up -> this is optional
rm ~/freesurfer-*.tar.gz
Registering your software
Now register at and paste the license code emailed to you here, PLEASE BE EXTRA CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP:
sudo gedit /usr/local/freesurfer/license.txt
I am not sure whether this next step is essential, but I usually run it.
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/{4,3}
All in all, installing Freesurfer is not that hard, but installing it in a new linux system is surely a better option than messing with VirtualMachines in Windows. The VM that they offer in their website does not allow to run the commands in files residing in the host machine, which is the point of running a VM in the end.
The current freesurfer 7.2 version has some semblance of a binary installer (.deb package) that worked for me on Ubuntu 18
( On Windows, in lieu of running Ubuntu in a VirtualBox VM (which includes an X-server), you can use the windows subsystem for linux (WSL) to download and run the default Ubuntu image. Then try to download and run the freesurfer .deb binary installer in Ubuntu. With WSL 1 or 2 you can access the path to your windows home directory mounted in linux ( You still need to setup an X server on Windows 10 to work with freeview running in Ubuntu under WSL, but I read that should no longer be necessary with WSL in Windows 11. Once you obtain a freesurfer license ( then just set the environment variable FS_LICENSE to the absolute path for the license file, e.g., in your shell init file in Ubuntu (in order for freeview to run).

Clamav installation steps for linux centos

I have tried to install clamav in linux centos, but not able to succeed, so anybody provide me the procedure to install clamav antivirus and test the same.
Thanks in advance
First thing to do is install the program sudo apt-get install clamav
It´s necessary install the deamon program as well sudo apt-get install clamav-daemon
Once that we have the program properly installed, will be necessary configure to make it works with our app. /etc/clamav/clamd.conf
TCPSocket 3310
To configure by console the antivirus just type sudo dpkg-reconfigure clamav-freshclam
Restart the service sudo /etc/init.d/clamv-* restart
For CentOS 6
Install ClamAV via yum epel repo:
yum install clamd
Edit config file:
vim /etc/clamd.conf
ExtendedDetectionInfo yes
ExcludePath /usr/local/maldetect/
DetectPUA yes
Set to start on boot:
chkconfig clamd on
Update ClamAV prior to a scan:
Start ClamAV:
service clamd start
Add the cron for daily automatic scans:
vim /etc/cron.daily/daily-clamscan
/usr/bin/clamscan -i -r $SCAN_DIR >> $LOG_FILE
Set proper cron permissions:
sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/daily-clamscan
Update the logrotate file to look for all logs via wildcard
vim /etc/logrotate.d/daily-clamscan
/var/log/clamav/daily-clamscan.log {
create 644 clam clam
Thats how I installed it on my machine. Here are a few good quick commands or you can use the cron to manually run it. I also installed Linux Malware Detect (LMD) with it so I can do more for my scans.
Full System Scan that only displays infected files and runs in the background with bell
Use jobs command to view status
clamscan -r --bell -i / &

Class 'AMQPConnection' not found

I am using Mac OSX Lion. I am running php ver 5.3.6 through MAMP and when trying the create a AMQPConnection I get this error
Class 'AMQPConnection' not found
I installed rabbitmq through macports using this command
$ sudo port install rabbitmq-server
I run the server using this command
$ sudo rabbitmq-server -detached
It all works fine
I added "" to my php.ini file. More specifically my /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/conf/php.ini file.
I have rabbitmq-c
I ran autoreconf -i && ./Configure && make && sudo make install with no errors
I configured rabbit with this command phpize && ./configure && make && make install
All that seemed to go perfectly.
I even created my user with permissions and verified those permissions with the web plugins that can be accessed through localhost:55672
I even tried copying into my /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/ file in a futile attempt to get it working.
Everything that I have done has seemed to work flawlessly. I get no error/warning messages. The Rabbit server is running. I ran it without the -detached option to see if I was getting any errors there. Nothing.
Any Suggestions??????
Best way to test your RabbitMQ Server installation is by testing with simple python code.
Installing PIKA library on Mac OSX is very easy. Follow the steps given here.
copy paste and create two python files and Execute these from two terminal windows. In about 10 minutes you'll know that RabbitMQ is able to receive the message and queue.
Create the info.php on server with
Check the results from browser if it shows AMQP library is active.
I feel your RabbitMQ server is installed, but PHP library is not getting loaded correctly.
Check your error.log. There must be some details why it is failing to load '' file.
Can You please Add:
use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;
under your:
use PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPStreamConnection;
line and it will work.
