I need to add a custom log level like "verbose" or "traffic" to ruby logger, how to do?
Your own logger just need to overwrite the Logger#format_severity method, something like this :
class MyLogger < Logger
def format_severity(severity)
SEVS[severity] || 'ANY'
def verbose(progname = nil, &block)
add(5, nil, progname, &block)
You can simply add to the Logger class:
require 'logger'
class Logger
def self.custom_level(tag)
SEV_LABEL << tag
idx = SEV_LABEL.size - 1
define_method(tag.downcase.gsub(/\W+/, '_').to_sym) do |progname, &block|
add(idx, nil, progname, &block)
# now add levels like this:
custom_level 'TRAFFIC'
custom_level 'ANOTHER-TAG'
# using it:
log = Logger.new($stdout)
log.another_tag('another message here.')
Log levels are nothing but integer constants defined in logger.rb:
# Logging severity.
module Severity
INFO = 1
WARN = 2
You can log messages with any level you like using Logger#add method:
l.add 6, 'asd'
#=> A, [2010-02-17T16:25:47.763708 #14962] ANY -- : asd
If you start needing a bunch of custom stuff, it may be worth checking out log4r, which is a flexible logging library that lets you do a bunch of interesting/useful stuff easily.
This is an old question, but since it comes up so high on google, I figured it'd be useful to have to correct answer. You can actually use the Logging.init method. Here's how you would add a trace log level
require 'logging'
Logging.init %w(trace debug info warn error fatal)
Logging.logger.root.level = :trace
Logging.logger.root.add_appenders Logging.appenders.stdout
Logging.logger['hello'].trace 'TEST'
This is using the 2.0.0 of the logging gem.
You can create your own logger by overloading the Logger class
I'm trying to use SemanticLogger 4.10.0 as a part of a dynamic tracing solution in a Ruby 3.1.1 app. However, I seem to be misunderstanding something about how or where to access the logger instance that SemanticLogger::Loggable is supposed to create on the class, and am getting NameError exceptions (documented below) when calling #logger_measure_method from inside the extended class because I can't seem to implement the class extension properly.
Code That Demonstrates the Problem
Module with CustomLogger
require 'json'
require 'semantic_logger'
module SomeGem
module CustomLogger
include SemanticLogger
class MyFormat < SemanticLogger::Formatters::Default
def call (log, logger, machine_name: nil, json: nil)
self.log = log
self.logger = logger
message = "[#{machine name}] #{message}" if machine_name
payload = JSON.parse(json)
[time, level, process.info, tags, named.tags, duration, name, message, payload, exception].compact!
def self.extended(klass)
prepend SemanticLogger, SemanticLogger::Loggable, SemanticLogger::Loggable::ClassMethods
SemanticLogger.default_level = :debug
SemanticLogger.add_appender(file_name: "/dev/stderr", formatter: SomeGem::CustomLogger::MyFormat.new,
level: :warn, filter: proc { %i[warn fatal unknown].include? _1.level }
SemanticLogger.add_appender(file_name: "/dev/stdout", formatter: SomeGem::CustomLogger::MyFormat.new,
level: :trace, filter: proc { %i[trace debug info error].include? _1.level }
define_method(:auto_measure_method_calls) do
reject { _1.to_s.match? /^logger/ }.
each { logger_measure_method _1, level: :trace }
Module Extended by CustomLogger
module SomeGem
class Foo
extend CustomLogger
def alpha = 1
def beta = 2
def charlie = 3
auto_measure_method_calls if ENV['LOG_LEVEL'] == 'trace'
Exercising the Code
ENV['LOG_LEVEL'] = 'trace'
f = SomeGem::Foo.new
pp f.alpha, f.beta, f.charlie
Problems and Issues with Code
My issues are:
The underlying (and possibly X/Y) issue is that I want to DRY up the code of including SemanticLogger::Loggable and SemanticLogger::Loggable::ClassMethods in every class I'm tracing, and auto-measuring the extended classes' methods in development.
When I try to extend a class with a module that is intended to pull in SemanticLogger::Loggable, I don't seem to always have logger available as an accessor throughout the class.
I'm also concerned that including the module in multiple classes would result in duplicate appenders being added to the #appenders array, wherever that's actually stored.
Most importantly though, when I try to automagically add logging and method measurement through extending a class, I get errors like the following:
~/.gem/ruby/3.1.1/gems/semantic_logger-4.10.0/lib/semantic_logger/loggable.rb:96:in `alpha': undefined local variable or method `logger' for #SomeGem::Foo:0x00000001138f6a38 (NameError) from foo.rb:51:in `<main>'
Am I missing something obvious about how to extend the classes with SemanticLogger? If there's a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do, that's great! If I'm doing something wrong, understanding that would be great, too. If it's a bug, or I'm using the feature wrong, that's useful information as well.
Currently I'm using puts, but I'm sure that's not the correct answer. How do I correctly setup a logger, inside my gem, to output my internal logging instead of puts?
The most flexible approach for users of your gem is to let them provide a logger rather than setting it up inside the gem. At its simplest this could be
class MyGem
class << self
attr_accessor :logger
You then use MyGem.logger.info "hello" to log messages from your gem (you might want to wrap it in a utility method that tests whether a logger is set at all)
Users of your gem can then control where messages get logged to (a file, syslog, stdout, etc...)
You can keep the logger in your top-level module. Allow user's to set their own logger but provide a reasonable default for those who don't care to deal with logging. For e.g.
module MyGem
class << self
attr_writer :logger
def logger
#logger ||= Logger.new($stdout).tap do |log|
log.progname = self.name
Then, anywhere within your gem code you can access the logger. For e.g.
class MyGem::SomeClass
def some_method
# ...
MyGem.logger.info 'some info'
Using the Ruby Logger
A little example:
gem 'log4r'
require 'log4r'
class MyClass
def initialize(name)
#log = Log4r::Logger.new(name)
#Add outputter
#~ log.outputters << Log4r::FileOutputter.new('log_file', :filename => 'mini_example.log', :level => Log4r::ALL )
log.outputters << Log4r::StdoutOutputter.new('log_stdout') #, :level => Log4r::WARN )
#~ log.outputters << Log4r::StderrOutputter.new('log_stderr', :level => Log4r::ERROR)
#log.level = Log4r::INFO
#~ #log.level = Log4r::OFF
attr_reader :log
def myfunction(*par)
#log.debug("myfunction is called")
#log.warn("myfunction: No parameter") if par.empty?
x = MyClass.new('x')
y = MyClass.new('y')
y.log.level = Log4r::DEBUG
During initialization you create a Logger (#log). In your methods you call the logger.
With #log.level= (or MyClass#log.level=) you can influence, which messages are used.
You can use different outputters (in my example I log to STDOUT). You can also mix outputters (e.g. STDOUT with warnings, each data (including DEBUG) to a file...)
I think the easiest approach is to use it this way
Rails.logger.info "hello"
I'd like to include the name of the class that invokes the logger in the log output, such as:
[MyClass] here is the message
I've seen the option of using the Contexts but I don't want to have to do something like this throughout my app when I log stuff (keep in mind, I want the class name in every log message):
NDC.push('class:' + self.class.name)
logger.debug 'hello'
I'd like to just call:
logger.debug 'hello'
Any suggestions?
Using the contexts is preferable, but you can use your own formatter (see Log4r formatters)
logger = Logger.new 'test'
outputter = Outputter.stdout
outputter.formatter = PatternFormatter.new(:pattern => "%l - kittens - %m")
logger.outputters = outputter
logger.info 'adorable' # => INFO - kittens - adorable
Or, actually, because you want it to reference self.class my advice would actually to create a Logging module that works like so:
module Logging
def logger
return #logger if #logger
#logger = Logger.new 'test'
outputter = Outputter.stdout
outputter.formatter = PatternFormatter.new(:pattern => "%l - #{self.class} - %m")
#logger.outputters = outputter
class HasLogging
include Logging
def test
logger.info 'adorable'
test = HasLogging.new
test.test # => INFO - HasLogging - adorable
Probably not exactly like that, but you get the idea.
I have a small web-server that I wrote with Sinatra. I want to be able to log messages to a log file. I've read through http://www.sinatrarb.com/api/index.html and www.sinatrarb.com/intro.html, and I see that Rack has something called Rack::CommonLogger, but I can't find any examples of how it can be accessed and used to log messages. My app is simple so I wrote it as a top-level DSL, but I can switch to subclassing it from SinatraBase if that's part of what's required.
Rack::CommonLogger won't provide a logger to your main app, it will just logs the request like Apache would do.
Check the code by yourself: https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/master/lib/rack/common_logger.rb
All Rack apps have the call method that get's invoked with the HTTP Request env, if you check the call method of this middleware this is what happens:
def call(env)
began_at = Time.now
status, header, body = #app.call(env)
header = Utils::HeaderHash.new(header)
log(env, status, header, began_at)
[status, header, body]
The #app in this case is the main app, the middleware is just registering the time the request began at, then it class your middleware getting the [status, header, body] triple, and then invoke a private log method with those parameters, returning the same triple that your app returned in the first place.
The logger method goes like:
def log(env, status, header, began_at)
now = Time.now
length = extract_content_length(header)
logger = #logger || env['rack.errors']
logger.write FORMAT % [
env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] || env["REMOTE_ADDR"] || "-",
env["REMOTE_USER"] || "-",
now.strftime("%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S"),
env["QUERY_STRING"].empty? ? "" : "?"+env["QUERY_STRING"],
now - began_at ]
As you can tell, the log method just grabs some info from the request env, and logs in on a logger that is specified on the constructor call, if there is no logger instance then it goes to the rack.errors logger (it seems there is one by default)
The way to use it (in your config.ru):
logger = Logger.new('log/app.log')
use Rack::CommonLogger, logger
run YourApp
If you want to have a common logger in all your app, you could create a simple logger middleware:
class MyLoggerMiddleware
def initialize(app, logger)
#app, #logger = app, logger
def call(env)
env['mylogger'] = #logger
To use it, on your config.ru:
logger = Logger.new('log/app.log')
use Rack::CommonLogger, logger
use MyLoggerMiddleware, logger
run MyApp
Hope this helps.
In your config.ru:
root = ::File.dirname(__FILE__)
logfile = ::File.join(root,'logs','requests.log')
require 'logger'
class ::Logger; alias_method :write, :<<; end
logger = ::Logger.new(logfile,'weekly')
use Rack::CommonLogger, logger
require ::File.join(root,'myapp')
run MySinatraApp.new # Subclassed from Sinatra::Application
I followed what I found on this blog post - excerpted below
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
disable :run
set :env, :production
set :raise_errors, true
set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/views'
set :public, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/public'
set :app_file, __FILE__
log = File.new("log/sinatra.log", "a")
require 'app'
run Sinatra.application
then use puts or print. It worked for me.
class ErrorLogger
def initialize(file)
#file = ::File.new(file, "a+")
#file.sync = true
def puts(msg)
#file.write("-- ERROR -- #{Time.now.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")}: ")
class App < Sinatra::Base
if production?
error_logger = ErrorLogger.new('log/error.log')
before {
env["rack.errors"] = error_logger
Reopening STDOUT and redirecting it to a file is not a good idea if you use Passenger. It causes in my case that Passenger does not start. Read https://github.com/phusion/passenger/wiki/Debugging-application-startup-problems#stdout-redirection for this issue.
This would be the right way instead:
logger = ::File.open('log/sinatra.log', 'a+')
Sinatra::Application.use Rack::CommonLogger, logger
I have a small framework that is logging some info and debug messages using the Logger object built into ruby. At run time, this works great. At unit test time (using rspec if it matters...) i would like to dump the logged messages to an in memory string variable. What's the easiest way to go about doing this?
I was considering a monkey patch that would replace the info and debug methods, like this:
class Logger
def info msg
$logs = msg
super msg
is there a better way to go about sending my log messages to a string variable?
Use StringIO
require 'stringio'
require 'logger'
strio = StringIO.new
l = Logger.new strio
l.warn "whee, i am logging to a string!"
puts strio.string