Ruby string encoding problem - ruby

I've looked at the other ruby/encoding related posts but haven't been able to figure out why the following is not working. Likely just because I'm dense, but here's the situation.
Using Ruby 1.9 on windows. I have a set of CSV files that need some data appended to the end of each line. Whenever I run my script, the appended characters are gibberish. The input text appears to be IBM437 encoding, whereas my string I'm appending starts as US-ASCII. Nothing I've tried with respect to forcing encoding on the input strings or the append string seems to change the resultant output. I'm stumped. The current encoding version is simply the last that I tried.
def append_salesperson(txt, salesperson)
if txt.length > 2
return txt.chomp.force_encoding('US-ASCII') + %(, "", "", "#{salesperson}")
salespeople = Hash[
"fname", "Record Manager"]
outfile ="ActData.csv", "w:US-ASCII")
salespeople.each do | filename, recordManager |
infile ="#{filename}.txt")
infile.each do |line|
outfile.puts append_salesperson(line, recordManager)

One small note that is related to your question is that you have your csv data as such %(, "", "", "#{salesperson}"). Here you have a space char before your double quotes. This can cause the #{salesperson} to be interpreted as multiple fields if there is a comma in this text. To fix this there can't be white space between the comma and the double quotes. Example: "this is a field","Last, First","and so on". This is one little gotcha that I ran into when creating reports meant to be viewed in Excel.
In Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files they describe the grammar of a csv file for reference.

maybe txt.chomp.force_encoding('US-ASCII') + %(, "", "", "#{salesperson.force_encoding('something')}")

It sounds like the CSV data is coming in as UTF-16... hence the puts shows as the printable character (the first byte) plus a space (the second byte).
Have you tried encoding your appended data with .force_encoding(Encoding::UTF-16LE) or .force_encoding(Encoding::UTF-16BE)?


file read in ruby getting output as spaces in character

I have an function to read data from file but I have problem with reading data
input in file:
1,S1­-88,S2­-53,S3­-69,S4­-64 do |line|
p line.gsub(/\s+/, "")
"1,S1 ­-88,S2 ­-53,S3 ­-69,S4­ -64 \n"
The problem is, it adding an extra space after s1 -integer,s2 -integer like so, I have tried .gsub(/\s+/, "") to remove white space from string but it is not working, Please can any one help me why this happenning, How I can override this issue Or it may be file encoding issue?
If you binread, essentially you have UTF-8 characters in between
irb(main):013:0> f = File.binread('f2.txt')
=> "1,S1\xC2\xAD-88,S2\xC2\xAD-53,S3\xC2\xAD-69,S4\xC2\xAD-64"
\xC2\xAD are essentially whitespace characters
This may be because you have copied it from somewhere incorrectly or it was introduced in your text because of God. Don't know. You an check here, it shows there are hidden characters in between your text.
This will remove all characters not wanted.
File.foreach('f2.txt') do |f|
puts f.gsub(/[^\\s!-~]/, '')
=> 1,S1-88,S2-53,S3-69,S4-64

How can I read CSV with strange quoting in ruby?

I have CSV file with some line like:
col1,col "two",col3
so i get Illegal quoting error and fix that by setting :quote_char => "\x00"
["col1", "col\"two\"", "col3"]
but there is a line like
later in that file
["col1", "col2", "\"col", "3\""]
then i read file line by line and call parse_csv wrapped in block. Set :quote_char => "\"", rescue CSV::MalformedCSVError exceptions and for that particular lines set :quote_char => "\x00" and retry
All works perfectly until we get line
col1,col "two","col,3"
in this case it rescues from exception, set :quote_char => "\x00" and result is
["col1", "col\"two\"", "\"col", "3\""]
Apple Numbers is able to openn that file absolutely correctly.
Is there are any setting for parse_csv to handle this without preprocess string in some way?
UPD i show CSV lines as it is in file and results (arrays) as it was printed by p. there are no actual \" in my strings.
This is an invalid csv file. If you have access to the source, you could (ask to) generate the data as follows:
col1,"col ""two""","col,3"
If not, the only option is to parse the data yourself:
while(read_line) {
bool InsideQuotes = false
for each_char_in_line {
if(char == doublequote)
InsideQuotes = !InsideQuotes
if(char == ',' and !InsideQuotes)
// separator found - process field
This will also take care of escaped quotes like in col1,"col ""two""","col,3".
If the file contains multiline fields, some more work has to be done.
CSV is less a standard and more of a name that everyone thinks they're using to describe their quirky format correctly, and this is despite their being an RFC standard for CSV which is just another thing nobody pays attention to.
As such, a lot of programs that read CSV are very forgiving. Ruby's core CSV library is pretty good, but not as adaptable as others. That's because you've got Ruby there to get you out of a jam, and in Numbers you don't.
Try rewriting \" to "" which is conventional CSV formatting, as defined in the spec linked above:
CSV.parse(\\"/, '""'))

Parse CSV file with headers when the headers are part way down the page

I have a CSV file that, as a spreadsheet, looks like this:
I want to parse the spreadsheet with the headers at row 19. Those headers wont always start at row 19, so my question is, is there a simple way to parse this spreadsheet, and specify which row holds the headers, say by using the "Date" string to identify the header row?
Right now, I'm doing this:
CSV.foreach(params['logbook'].tempfile, headers: true) do |row|
but obviously that wont work because it doesn't get the right headers.
I feel like there should be a simple solution to this since it's pretty common to have CSV files in this format.
Let's first create the csv file that would be produced from the spreadsheet.
csv =<<-_
Flights Table,,,,,,
2017-07-27,N17AV,KHPN,KHPN,KHPN KHPN,17:26,18:08
FName = 'test.csv'
File1.write(FName, csv)
#=> 395
We only want the part of the string that begins "Date,".The easiest option is probably to first extract the relevant text. If the file is not humongous, we can slurp it into a string and then remove the unwanted bit.
str =\A.+?(?=^Date,)/m, '')
#=> "Date,AircraftID,From,To,Route,TimeOut,TimeIn\n2017-07-27,N17AV,
# KHPN,KHPN,KHPN KHPN,17:26,18:08\n2017-07-27,N17AV,KHSE,KFFA,,16:29,
# 17:25\n2017-07-27,N17AV,W41,KHPN,,21:45,23:53\n"
The regular expression that is gsub's first argument could be written in free-spacing mode, which makes it self-documenting:
\A # match the beginning of the string
.+? # match any number of characters, lazily
(?=^Date,) # match "Date," at the beginning of a line in a positive lookahead
/mx # multi-line and free-spacing regex definition modes
Now that we have the part of the file we want in the string str, we can use CSV::parse to create the CSV::Table object:
csv_tbl = CSV.parse(str, headers: true)
#=> #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
The option :headers => true is documented in CSV::new.
Here are a couple of examples of how csv_tbl can be used.
csv_tbl.each { |row| p row }
#=> #<CSV::Row "Date":"2017-07-27" "AircraftID":"N17AV" "From":"KHPN"\
# "To":"KHPN" "Route":"KHPN KHPN" "TimeOut":"17:26" "TimeIn":"18:08">
# #<CSV::Row "Date":"2017-07-27" "AircraftID":"N17AV" "From":"KHSE"\
# "To":"KFFA" "Route":nil "TimeOut":"16:29" "TimeIn":"17:25">
# #<CSV::Row "Date":"2017-07-27" "AircraftID":"N17AV" "From":"W41"\
# "To":"KHPN" "Route":nil "TimeOut":"21:45" "TimeIn":"23:53">
(I've used the character '\' to signify that the string continues on the following line, so that readers would not have to scroll horizontally to read the lines.)
csv_tbl.each { |row| p row["From"] }
# "KHPN"
# "KHSE"
# "W41"
Readers who want to know more about how Ruby's CSV class is used may wish to read Darko Gjorgjievski's piece, "A Guide to the Ruby CSV Library, Part 1 and Part 2".
You can use the smarter_csv gem for this. Parse the file once to determine how many rows you need to skip to get to the header row you want, and then use the skip_lines option:
header_offset = <code to determine number of lines above the header>
SmarterCSV.process(params['logbook'].tempfile, skip_lines: header_offset)
From this format, I think the easiest way is to detect an empty line that comes before the header line. That would also work under changes to the header text. In terms of CSV, that would mean a whole line that has only empty cell items.

Ruby: How do you search for a substring, and increment a value within it?

I am trying to change a file by finding this string:
<aspect name=\"lineNumber\"><![CDATA[{CLONEINCR}]]>
and replacing {CLONEINCR} with an incrementing number. Here's what I have so far:
file ='input3400.txt' , 'rb')
contents =
contents.each_index do |i|contents.join["<aspect name=\"lineNumber\"><![CDATA[{CLONEINCR}]]></aspect>"] = "<aspect name=\"lineNumber\"><![CDATA[#{i}]]></aspect>" end
But this seems to go on forever - do I have an infinite loop somewhere?
Note: my text file is 533,952 lines long.
You are repeatedly concatenating all the elements of contents, making a substitution, and throwing away the result. This is happening once for each line, so no wonder it is taking a long time.
The easiest solution would be to read the entire file into a single string and use gsub on that to modify the contents. In your example you are inserting the (zero-based) file line numbers into the CDATA. I suspect this is a mistake.
This code replaces all occurrences of <![CDATA[{CLONEINCR}]]> with <![CDATA[1]]>, <![CDATA[2]]> etc. with the number incrementing for each matching CDATA found. The modified file is sent to STDOUT. Hopefully that is what you need.'input3400.txt' , 'r') do |f|
i = 0
contents ='<![CDATA[{CLONEINCR}]]>') { |m|
m.sub('{CLONEINCR}', (i += 1).to_s)
puts contents
If what you want is to replace CLONEINCR with the line number, which is what your above code looks like it's trying to do, then this will work. Otherwise see Borodin's answer.
output = File.readlines('input3400.txt').map.with_index do |line, i|
line.gsub "<aspect name=\"lineNumber\"><![CDATA[{CLONEINCR}]]></aspect>",
"<aspect name=\"lineNumber\"><![CDATA[#{i}]]></aspect>"
File.write('input3400.txt', output.join(''))
Also, you should be aware that when you read the lines into contents, you are creating a String distinct from the file. You can't operate on the file directly. Instead you have to create a new String that contains what you want and then overwrite the original file.

problem with parsing string from excel file

i have ruby code to parse data in excel file using Parseexcel gem. I need to save 2 columns in that file into a Hash, here is my code:
worksheet.each { |row|
if row != nil
key =
value =
if !parts.has_key?(key) and key.length > 0
parts[key] = value
however it still save duplicate keys into the hash: "020098-10". I checked the excel file at the specified row and found the difference are " 020098-10" and "020098-10". the first one has a leading space while the second doesn't. I dont' understand is it true that .strip function already remove all leading and trailing white space?
also when i tried to print out key.length, it gave me these weird number:
020098-10 length 18
020098-10 length 17
which should be 9....
If you will inspect the strings you receive, you will probably get something like:
" \x000\x002\x000\x000\x009\x008\x00-\x001\x000\x00"
This happens because of the strings encoding. Excel works with unicode while ruby uses ISO-8859-1 by default. The encodings will differ on various platforms.
You need to convert the data you receive from excel to a printable encoding.
However when you should not encode strings created in ruby as you will end with garbage.
Consider this code:
#enc ="UTF-16LE", "UTF-8")
def convert(cell)
if cell.numeric
parts = {}
worksheet.each do |row|
continue unless row
key = convert
value = convert
parts[key] = value unless parts.has_key?(key) or key.empty?
You may want change the encodings to a different ones.
The newer Spreadsheet-gem handles charset conversion automatically for you, to UTF-8 I think as standard but you can change it, so I'd recommend using it instead.
