Scheduling Jobs On web server - job-scheduling

We Want to Create an online game like this.I think that ,this type of games have a scheduling software on web server. For Example : Player Click to create a resource And resource creation will be take a moment like 20 Minutes.(Every resource creation time will be different). This message will send to web server application but this message will not processed at same time for example must be processed after 20 Minutes. The web server application after getting the message must be put the order in the Queue.
We have Some big problems :
1- The Jobs must be complete by the web server application Even the player Exit the Game. I think that we must create something like Windows service on Web Server. Can we do it? or Is there a better way?
2- The Second problem depended on problem 1 .Because we will have many Jobs (every player can create 20,30 Jobs in every Loggin and we will have thousands of users) , So Our Scheduling System Must be Work On time . it's possible that , there is 100 , 1000 jobs in a same second , if application Can't Done Jobs in him Second will be use the next second Time and the next second jobs will shift to next second and etc. How We can do for this problem ?
Platform : .Net 3.5 On Windows 2003 Web server
Asad Safari
Agile Coach , Scrum Master

On unix, use cron to schedule a script to run every minute - the script then handles all the jobs.

Well the specific answer would depend on which technology/language/platform you're using. In java, check the scheduling services provided by Quartz to schedule jobs; and check JMS/MDBs to implement the asynchronous event processing you mention in question 2.

I think my answer won't exactly fit your question but it will solve your problem. Both points at once.
First at all, why do you want to automatize the execution of this events? As far as I understand, you need to give the player access to his resource if and only if he created the resource an especific time ago.
Well, this is my solution:
Insert a field in your resource model class named usable_since or something like that and, when the player create his resource, just set it the value of this field to the current time plus the desired waiting time.
In this way you beat the two problems:
the resource will be usable even if the player gets offline and
you just won't need to set up so big job handler, even with a million users.
I hope it helps. I wish you the best luck in developing the game. Make it fun!

I had a somewhat similar question, as I'm also developing an application which relies on server-side scheduling: Job-Scheduling in Play! Framework. I use the Play Framework (Java) and it works like a charm; except I have no experience in how many jobs can be scheduled concurrently without bringing the server to its knees.


Laravel . Cron vs Queue

Hello fellow programmers. I google it before posting! Still confused about .
So here is the idea.
Users are planning post to be posted on their social media (concrete time ).
They can change post time even 2 minutes before . Cron would work as expected if it run every minute ,but it seems old solution. On the other hand queue works different (as far as I get) , trying to make better performance which means if there are high number of requests it will not post !!
Is there anything I am missing???
Thanks in advance
I personally prefere old and reliable concepts over new and unreliable one.
About cron - I did set it to run regularry user script (under the user account) and then user can modify that script how often he wants and cron runs it regularry without need for reloading configuration. And the user script can do anything user can - so it can check if time is larger than some value and some unsent messages are pending and eventually send everything needed. So even if it fails send on scheduled time (maybe server down or anything else), it would be send next time the cron hits (maybe every minute)

Windows "system service", not "web service" performance

We have an image processing workflow product. Typically 10,000->100,000 images can be run though our processing in a job. More than one job may be pending.
Currently, all the image processing is performed in our home grown imaging library, a managed C++ library, .NET compatible. It is run in the user’s application space. What I mean by that is that if you log on as “PeteSmith” the images will be run on Pete Smiths’ account.
Currently, we only allow one instance of this image processing at a time. Customers are asking us for a new version, one that allows more than one instance to run at the same time, so the question of how we do this is now something we are examining.
The idea of getting processing off the “users account” and using a “system account” to do the processing in the background is appealing. It is appealing, because of the way windows services are naturally managed by OS events like logging in and logging out and other system resource utilization events alarms.
It appears to me that all we would need to do is manage a small number of well-defined events, well documented by Microsoft.
That’s all nice and wonderful. But what I need to understand is what going to a service implantation for our image processing code means for performance, from our customer’s point of view.
In their view, they need more processed, faster.
QUESTION How I should think about tradoffs:
1) Using a service to run a job vs. running N different “instances” of the software running only on Pete Smith (the users’) account?
2) Allowing N number of services to run N different jobs (no cross talk needed) in comparison to running N different “instances” of the software running only on Pete Smith (the users’) account?
Well, the image processing requires a certain amount of CPU and IO resources for the processing. That amount does not change by fiddling with how and where you start your process.
The difference between service or not should be governed by the required usage pattern. If you want the application to go on processing images automatically regardless if anyone is logged on you should run as a service, but if the usage is more like "choose an image, start processing and wait for the result" style you should go for a client app.
It is not entirely clear why your customer wants to run multiple instances. Is it because they want to have one instance do the heavy processing work while they configure the processing for the other? Or do they want to run multiple instances because the processing is heavy and they want to run multiple in parallel?
In both those cases I would consider running the calculation(s) on a background thread in the application. If it is not possible to use threads (maybe due to some global shared state in the library) my second best bet would be to start each processing in a new process and wait for the result on the main process.

How can make my database records automatic

is there any way i can make my records in the database to be automatic. e.g i want a message to be sent to helpdesk if a requested service is not attended within 24 hours, without clicking anything.
technically it depends on the database you are using. if the database supports it, you could set up a scheduled job to scan the records and identify late services and email the helpdesk.
if the database doesn't support scheduled tasks then you could set up a client job on a timer to do the same thing.
This is what application software is for.
When the application saves to the database, the application also sends an email.
The traditional approach to this is to schedule a job (there are too many ways[1] to do that for me to go into details without knowing your server operating system, DBMS, and how much control you have to install or schedule programs on the server).
Your scheduled job would regularly check the database for records that have not been attended, and then take the appropriate action such as emailing the support team.
[1] Just so that this is not left completely unanswered; some DBMS (ex. SQL Server) have built in job scheduling facilities. You could run a Windows service on the server to do this. If not, you might consider running a Windows Service on one of your own servers to access the website (a great way to waste bandwidth).
Use a scheduler like this one, found on rufus site. You could program it to run, for instance, every hour, and make it do the job without human interaction.
I am a Java shop myself and I've been using quartz. It is quite good and usable if you can adjust to jruby.
I've never liked database or operating system based solutions, since you might not control them and often get asked to run on different environments.
Here's a very simple background job handler for Ruby:
Easy to install and use. Fairly lightweight. It uses a SQL backend for managing concurrency. Runs on multiple machines simultaneously if you need it to.

What Windows API to look into for building a scheduling application?

Why not use the Windows scheduler?
I have several applications that have to run at certain times according to business rules not the typical every weekday at 1pm.
I also need a way for the applications to provide feedback of their progress so that I can have rules that notify me when the applications are running slow or aren't even running anymore.
What Windows API should I be looking into? (like, a time version of the FileWatcher apis)
What's the best way to have the application notify the scheduler of its progress (files, sockets, windows messages, ???)?
For Vista/Win2k8, there's the nice Task Scheduler 2.0 API: Previous version have the Task Scheduler 1.0 API, but I've never used it.
AppControls has a CronJob component that you can use to create scheduled events. This saves your program from having to wake up every minute and check the schedule itself. Instead, just schedule the job and indicate a callback method.
I have used this component for scheduling jobs myself and have been very happy with the way that it works.
I think what you really want is a common framework for your applications that report to something (you or the system messages or tracing or perfmon, event log, whatever) and also to receive via some inter process protocol a way to receive messages and respond.
based on the reporting you can change the scheduling or make changes, etc.
So, there is some monitor app, and then each of your other apps does common reporting.
events I can think of:
- started
- stopped
- error
- normal log messages
- and of course specific things your apps do.
I think there are probably existing classes/framework that do this - you'll have to check around.
If it were me, I would make a service that could talk to all the other apps and perhaps was even an http server. It would be able to route messages to particular apps and start stop those processes and query them.
There are lots of ways to do what you want though. those were just off the top of my head.
Alternatively you might just be able to get these to be services and they handle messages sent to them. Their normal processing does nothing until they are "woken up" with some task command.
You have more questions in one. Normally you should split them. But let's overlook this and try to answer.
To schedule certain events (including running an application): Use TJvScheduledEvents from JVCL. IMHO JVCL is the best Delphi open source library around with extensive number of components, developers & support. TJvScheduledEvents is quite neat, uses threads for event scheduling and also you have in JVCL a detailed editor for your events (it needs a small hack to use it though).
To provide 'feedback' from your applications to a (remote) central point: A very very very good solution (if your requirements permit) is to log the progress of your applications in a table (let's call it LOG) on a Firebird server. In LOG you can have the following fields: COMPUTER, USERNAME, APPNAME, MSG, LOGDATE (etc. etc.). In the After Insert trigger of the LOG table you can fire an event (let's call it NEW_LOG). In your console app you can register the interest for this event and so, your application will be automatically updated with everything which happens in any of your applications, so you can do log analysis, graphs etc. Of course you can do it with IB, but IB costs.
...going on Windows API route you need headers (which probably aren't translated), you'll encounter our dearest Pointers/PChars etc. etc. Of course, building from scratch everything isn't worthwhile but when this is already done in a Delphi way, why don't use it?
Use service with a timer that is fired regulary (for example each minute). It reads the schedule and looks if some are due before the next iteration. If so, you can execute them.
You can add an interface that shows all running apps. For the feedback and query that using a desktop application.

Looking for pattern/approach/suggestions for handling long-running operation tied to web app

I'm working on a consumer web app that needs to do a long running background process that is tied to each customer request. By long running, I mean anywhere between 1 and 3 minutes.
Here is an example flow. The object/widget doesn't really matter.
Customer comes to the site and specifies object/widget they are looking for.
We search/clean/filter for widgets matching some initial criteria. <-- long running process
Customer further configures more detail about the widget they are looking for.
When the long running process is complete the customer is able to complete the last few steps before conversion.
Steps 3 and 4 aren't really important. I just mention them because we can buy some time while we are doing the long running process.
The environment we are working in is a LAMP stack-- currently using PHP. It doesn't seem like a good design to have the long running process take up an apache thread in mod_php (or fastcgi process). The apache layer of our app should be focused on serving up content and not data processing IMO.
A few questions:
Is our thinking right in that we should separate this "long running" part out of the apache/web app layer?
Is there a standard/typical way to break this out under Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP (we're open to using a different language for the processing if appropriate)?
Any suggestions on how to go about breaking it out? E.g. do we create a deamon that churns through a FIFO queue?
Edit: Just to clarify, only about 1/4 of the long running process is database centric. We're working on optimizing that part. There is some work that we could potentially do, but we are limited in the amount we can do right now.
Consider providing the search results via AJAX from a web service instead of your application. Presumably you could offload this to another server and let you web application deal with the content as you desire.
Just curious: 1-3 minutes seems like a long time for a lookup query. Have you looked at indexes on the columns you are querying to improve the speed? Or do you need to do some algorithmic process -- perhaps you could perform some of this offline and prepopulate some common searches with hints?
As Jonnii suggested, you can start a child process to carry out background processing. However, this needs to be done with some care:
Make sure that any parameters passed through are escaped correctly
Ensure that more than one copy of the process does not run at once
If several copies of the process run, there's nothing stopping a (not even malicious, just impatient) user from hitting reload on the page which kicks it off, eventually starting so many copies that the machine runs out of ram and grinds to a halt.
So you can use a subprocess, but do it carefully, in a controlled manner, and test it properly.
Another option is to have a daemon permanently running waiting for requests, which processes them and then records the results somewhere (perhaps in a database)
This is the poor man's solution:
exec ("/usr/bin/php long_running_process.php > /dev/null &");
Alternatively you could:
Insert a row into your database with details of the background request, which a daemon can then read and process.
Write a message to a message queue which a daemon then read and processed.
Here's some discussion on the Java version of this problem.
See java: what are the best techniques for communicating with a batch server
Two important things you might do:
Switch to Java and use JMS.
Read up on JMS but use another queue manager. Unix named pipes, for instance, might be an acceptable implementation.
Java servlets can do background processing. You could do something similar to this technology in a web technology with threading support. I don't know about PHP though.
Not a complete answer but I would think using AJAX and passing the 2nd step to something thats faster then PHP (C, C++, C#) then a PHP function pick the results off of some stack most likely just a database.
