Why does the wc utility generate multiple lines with "total"? - shell

I am using the wc utility in a shell script that I run from Cygwin, and I noticed that there is more than one line with "total" in its output.
The following function is used to count the number of lines in my source files:
count_curdir_src() {
find . '(' -name '*.vb' -o -name '*.cs' ')' \
-a '!' -iname '*.Designer.*' -a '!' -iname '.svn' -print0 | \
xargs -0 wc -l
But its output for a certain directory looks like this:
$ find . '(' -name '*.vb' -o -name '*.cs' ')' -a '!' -iname '*.Designer.*' -a '!' -iname '.svn' -print0 | xargs -0 wc -l
19 ./dirA/fileABC.cs
640 ./dirA/subdir1/fileDEF.cs
507 ./dirA/subdir1/fileGHI.cs
2596 ./dirA/subdir1/fileJKL.cs
(...many others...)
58 ./dirB/fileMNO.cs
36 ./dirB/subdir1/filePQR.cs
122200 total
6022 ./dirB/subdir2/subsubdir/fileSTU.cs
24 ./dirC/fileVWX.cs
36 ./dirZ/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
88 ./dirZ/fileYZ.cs
25236 total
It looks like wc resets somewhere in the process. It cannot be caused by space characters in filenames or directory names, because I use the -print0 option. And it only happens when I run it on my largest source tree.
So, is this a bug in wc, or in Cygwin? Or something else? The wc manpage says:
Print newline, word, and byte counts
for each FILE, and a total line if
more than one FILE is specified.
It doesn't mention anything about multiple total lines (intermediate total counts or something), so who's to blame here?

What's happening is that xargs is running wc multiple times. xargs by default batches as many arguments as it thinks it can into each invocation of the command it's supposed to run, but if there are too many files it will run the command multiple times on subsets of the files.
There are a couple ways I see to fix this. The first, which will break if you have too many files, is to skip xargs and use the shell. This may not work well on Cygwin, but would look like this:
wc -l $(find . '(' -name '*.vb' -o -name '*.cs' ')' \
-a '!' -iname '*.Designer.*' -a '!' -iname '.svn' )
and you also lose the print0 capabilities.
The other is to use an awk (or perl) script to process the output of your find/xargs combo, skip "total" lines, and sum up the total yourself.

You're calling wc multiple times - once for each "batch" of input arguments provided by xargs. You're getting one total per batch.
One alternative is to use a temporary file and the --files0-from option for wc:
$ find . '(' -name '*.vb' -o -name '*.cs' ')' -a '!' -iname '*.Designer.*' -a
'!' -iname '.svn' -print0 > files
$ wc --files0-from files

The command-line length is much more limited under cygwin than on a standard linux box, and xargs must split the input to respect those limits. You can check the limits with xargs --show-limits:
On cygwin:
$ xargs --show-limits < /dev/null
Your environment variables take up 4913 bytes
POSIX upper limit on argument length (this system): 25039
POSIX smallest allowable upper limit on argument length (all systems): 4096
Maximum length of command we could actually use: 20126
Size of command buffer we are actually using: 25039
On centos:
$ xargs --show-limits < /dev/null
Your environment variables take up 1816 bytes
POSIX upper limit on argument length (this system): 2617576
POSIX smallest allowable upper limit on argument length (all systems): 4096
Maximum length of command we could actually use: 2615760
Size of command buffer we are actually using: 131072
And to build on #JonSkeet's answer, you don't need to create an additional file, you can pipe your find results directly to wc, by passing - as argument to --files0-from:
find . -name '*.vb' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=-

To avoid generation of multiple lines with "total" counts when feeding the wc utility with an enormous number of file paths as command line arguments, you can use an intermediate xargs to cat the contents of files to the stdin of wc (see piping output of find to xargs wc gives unreasonable totals).
This is a workaround if your wc command does not have the --files0-from as mentioned by Xavier.
count_curdir_src() (
export LC_ALL=C
find . -name '*.vb' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1000 cat | wc -l


Counting sum of lines in all .c and .h files

I am trying to write a shell script that will count the sum of all lines in every file in a directory (and its subdirectories) of format .c and .h.
I already have that code but I am not sure how to make it find both file formats.
find /path -type f -name "*.php" | while read FILE; do
count=$(grep -c ^ < "$FILE")
echo "$FILE has $count lines"
let total=total+count
I am newbie to shell/bash and if anything else is wrong I would be grateful for help.
Optimized and fast find + GNU parallel solution:
find /path -type f -name "*.[ch]" -print0 | parallel -q0 -j0 --no-notice wc -l {} \
| awk '{ sum+=$1 }END{ print "TOTAL LINES COUNTED: "sum }'
-print0 - print the full file name on the standard output, followed by a null character (instead of the newline character that -print uses). This allows file names that contain newlines or other types of white space to be correctly interpreted by programs that process the find output.
with parallel the command wc -l {} will be excuted for each file in parallel (that's called parallel processing)
To find .c and .h files instead of .php,
simply change the value of the -name parameter to *.[ch].
There are a few other issues in the script:
It would be safer to read the filenames as IFS= read -r
The first line should be #!/bin/bash instead of !/bin/bash
And some minor improvements are possible:
The summing logic can be written a bit simpler using ((...)) syntax (arithmetic context)
It's not recommended to use uppercase variable names, as that conversion is reserved to system variables
Putting it together:
find /path -type f -name "*.[ch]" | while IFS= read -r file; do
count=$(grep -c ^ < "$file")
echo "$file has $count lines"
((total += count))
Other answers recommend variations of find ... -exec wc -l.
Although they look more elegant,
they will not work exactly the same way as your script:
wc -l counts lines a bit differently from grep -c ^. In particular it doesn't count the last line of a file if it doesn't end with a newline. Try for example printf hello > file; wc -l file; grep -c ^ file -> you'll get 0 and 1.
Getting the line count in the individual files, and the total lines is not so simple. Using find ... -exec wc -l {} + comes quite close (if your implementation of find supports +), but again there will be corner cases that need special treatment. For example if there are too many files, then wc will be invoked multiple times, producing multiple sub-totals that would need to be reconciled.
Try this:
cat $(find /path -type f \( -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' \)) |wc -l
It will run cat on every file returned by find and pipe the output into wc. If you need the value in a variable just do this
lines=$(cat ...)
echo counted $lines lines
Cat all files ending in .c or .h and pipe to grep -c:
find -type f -name '*.[ch]' -exec cat {} + | grep -c '^'
For a find without the + option, the alternative is
find -type f -name '*.[ch]' -exec cat {} \; | grep -c '^'
which calls cat once per file instead of as few times as possible, making it a bit slower.
If you know that you won't have a lot of files approaching the command line length limit, you could use just shell globbing:
shopt -s globstar # enable **/* glob
cat **/*.[ch] | grep -c '^'

xargs command length limits

I am using jsonlint to lint a bunch of files in a directory (recursively). I wrote the following command:
find ./config/pages -name '*.json' -print0 | xargs -0I % sh -c 'echo Linting: %; jsonlint -V ./config/schema.json -q %;'
It works for most files but some files I get the following error:
Linting: ./LONG_FILE_NAME.json
return binding.open(pathModule._makeLong(path), stringToFlags(flags), mode);
Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '%'
It appears to fail for long filenames. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.
Edit 1:
Found the problem.
-I replstr
Execute utility for each input line, replacing one or more occurrences
of replstr in up to replacements (or 5 if no -R flag is specified)
arguments to utility with the entire line of input. The resulting
arguments, after replacement is done, will not be allowed to grow
beyond 255 bytes; this is implemented by concatenating as much of the
argument containing replstr as possible, to the con-structed arguments
to utility, up to 255 bytes. The 255 byte limit does not apply to
arguments to utility which do not contain replstr, and furthermore, no
replacement will be done on utility itself. Implies -x.
Edit 2:
Partial solution. Supports longer file names than before but still not as long as I need.
find ./config/pages -name '*.json' -print0 | xargs -0I % sh -c 'file=%; echo Linting: $file; jsonlint -V ./config/schema.json -q $file;'
On BSD like systems (e.g. Mac OS X)
If you happen to be on a mac or freebsd etc. your xargs implementation may support option -J which does not suffer from the argument size limits imposed on option -I.
Excert from manpage
-J replstr
If this option is specified, xargs will use the data read from standard input to replace the first occurrence of replstr instead of appending that data after all other arguments. This option will not effect how many arguments will be read from input (-n), or the size of the command(s) xargs will generate (-s). The option just moves where those arguments will be placed in the command(s) that are executed. The replstr must show up as a distinct argument to xargs. It will not be recognized if, for instance, it is in the middle of a quoted string. Furthermore, only the first occurrence of the replstr will be replaced. For example, the following command will copy the list of files and directories which start with an uppercase letter in the current directory to destdir:
/bin/ls -1d [A-Z]* | xargs -J % cp -Rp % destdir
If you need to refer to the repstr multiple times (*points up* TL;DR -J only replaces first occurrence) you can use this pattern:
echo hi | xargs -J{} sh -c 'arg=$0; echo "$arg $arg"' "{}"
=> hi hi
POSIX compliant method
The posix compliant method of doing this would be to use some other tool, e.g. sed to construct the code you want to execute and then use xargs to just specify the utility. When no repl string is used in xargs the 255 byte limit does not apply. xargs POSIX spec
find . -type f -name '*.json' -print |
sed "s_^_-c 'file=\\\"_g;s_\$_\\\"; echo \\\"Definitely over 255 byte script..$(printf "a%.0s" {1..255}): \\\$file\\\"; wc -l \\\"\\\$file\\\"'_g" |
xargs -L1 sh
This of course largely defeats the purpose of xargs to begin with, but can still be used to leverage e.g. parallel execution using xargs -L1 -P10 sh which is quite widely supported, though not posix.
Use -exec in find instead of piping to xargs.
find ./config/pages -name '*.json' -print0 -exec echo Linting: {} \; -exec jsonlint -V ./config/schema.json -q {} \;
The limit on xargs's command line length is imposed by the system (not an environment) variable ARG_MAX. You can check it like:
$ getconf ARG_MAX
Surprisingly, there doesn't not seem to be a way to change it, barring kernel modification.
But even more surprising that xargs by default gets capped to a much lower value, and you can increase with -s option. Still, ARG_MAX is not the value you can set after -s — acc. to man xargs you need to subtract size of environment, plus some "headroom", no idea why. To find out the actual number use the following command (alternatively, using an arbitrary big number for -s will result in a descriptive error):
$ xargs --show-limits 2>&1 | grep "limit on argument length (this system)"
POSIX upper limit on argument length (this system): 2092120
So you need to run … | xargs -s 2092120 …, e.g. with your command:
find ./config/pages -name '*.json' -print0 | xargs -s 2092120 -0I % sh -c 'echo Linting: %; jsonlint -V ./config/schema.json -q %;'

How do you grep results from 'find'?

Trying to find a word/pattern contained within the resulting file names of the find command.
For instance, I have this command:
find . -name Gruntfile.js that returns several file names.
How do I grep within these for a word pattern?
Was thinking something along the lines of:
find . -name Gruntfile.js | grep -rnw -e 'purifycss'
However, this is doesn't work..
Use the -exec {} + option to pass the list of filenames that are found as arguments to grep:
find -name Gruntfile.js -exec grep -nw 'purifycss' {} +
This is the safest and most efficient approach, as it doesn't break when the path to the file isn't "well-behaved" (e.g. contains a space). Like an approach using xargs, it also minimises the number of calls to grep by passing multiple filenames at once.
I have removed the -e and -r switches, as I don't think that they're useful to you here.
An excerpt from man find:
-exec command {} +
This variant of the -exec action runs the specified command on the selected files, but the command line is built by appending each selected file name at the end; the total number of invocations of the command will be much less than the number of matched files.
While this doesn't strictly answer your question, provided you have globstar turned on (shopt -s globstar), you could filter the results in bash like this:
grep something **/Gruntfile.js
I was using religiously the approach used by Tom Fenech until I switched to zsh, which handles such things much better. Now all I do is:
grep text **/*(.)
which greps text through all regular files in current directory.
I believe this to be much cleaner syntax especially for day-to-day work in shell.
When too many files exist for the * expansion to run:
$ grep -o 'xxmaj\|xxbos\|xxfld' train/* | wc -l
-bash: /bin/grep: Argument list too long
Then this code fixes the “too long” problem:
$ find junk -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -o 'TVDetails\|xxmaj\|xxbos\|xxfld'
$ find junk -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -o 'TVDetails\|xxmaj\|xxbos\|xxfld' | wc -l
It runs faster on my system, and maybe yours, when using the -P 0 option:
$ /usr/bin/time -f "%E Elapsed Real Time" find train -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs -P 0 grep -o 'TVDetails\|xxmaj\|xxbos\|xxfld' | wc -l
0:02.45 Elapsed Real Time
$ /usr/bin/time -f "%E Elapsed Real Time" find train -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -o 'TVDetails\|xxmaj\|xxbos\|xxfld' | wc -l
0:11.96 Elapsed Real Time
Hope this helps.

how to grep large number of files?

I am trying to grep 40k files in the current directory and i am getting this error.
for i in $(cat A01/genes.txt); do grep $i *.kaks; done > A01/A01.result.txt
-bash: /usr/bin/grep: Argument list too long
How do one normally grep thousands of files?
This makes David sad...
Everyone so far is wrong (except for anubhava).
Shell scripting is not like any other programming language because much of the interpretation of lines comes from the power of the shell interpolating them before the command is actually executed.
Let's take something simple:
$ set -x
$ ls
+ ls
bar.txt foo.txt fubar.log
$ echo The text files are *.txt
echo The text files are *.txt
> echo The text files are bar.txt foo.txt
The text files are bar.txt foo.txt
$ set +x
The set -x allows you to see how the shell actually interpolates the glob and then passes that back to the command as input. The > points to the line that is actually being executed by the command.
You can see that the echo command isn't interpreting the *. Instead, the shell grabs the * and replaces it with the names of the matching files. Then and only then does the echo command actually executes the command.
When you have 40K plus files, and you do grep *, you're expanding that * to the names of those 40,000 plus files before grep even has a chance to execute, and that's where the error message /usr/bin/grep: Argument list too long is coming from.
Fortunately, Unix has a way around this dilemma:
$ find . -name "*.kaks" -type f -maxdepth 1 | xargs grep -f A01/genes.txt
The find . -name "*.kaks" -type f -maxdepth 1 will find all of your *.kaks files, and the -depth 1 will only include files in the current directory. The -type f makes sure you only pick up files and not a directory.
The find command pipes the names of the files into xargs and xargs will append the names of the file to the grep -f A01/genes.txtcommand. However, xargs has a trick up it sleeve. It knows how long the command line buffer is, and will execute the grep when the command line buffer is full, then pass in another series of file to the grep. This way, grep gets executed maybe three or ten times (depending upon the size of the command line buffer), and all of our files are used.
Unfortunately, xargs uses whitespace as a separator for the file names. If your files contain spaces or tabs, you'll have trouble with xargs. Fortunately, there's another fix:
$ find . -name "*.kaks" -type f -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 grep -f A01/genes.txt
The -print0 will cause find to print out the names of the files not separated by newlines, but by the NUL character. The -0 parameter for xargs tells xargs that the file separator isn't whitespace, but the NUL character. Thus, fixes the issue.
You could also do this too:
$ find . -name "*.kaks" -type f -maxdepth 1 -exec grep -f A01/genes.txt {} \;
This will execute the grep for each and every file found instead of what xargs does and only runs grep for all the files it can stuff on the command line. The advantage of this is that it avoids shell interference entirely. However, it may or may not be less efficient.
What would be interesting is to experiment and see which one is more efficient. You can use time to see:
$ time find . -name "*.kaks" -type f -maxdepth 1 -exec grep -f A01/genes.txt {} \;
This will execute the command and then tell you how long it took. Try it with the -exec and with xargs and see which is faster. Let us know what you find.
You can combine find with grep like this:
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.kaks' -exec grep -H -f A01/genes.txt '{}' \; > A01/A01.result.txt
you can use recursive feature of grep:
for i in $(cat A01/genes.txt); do
grep -r $i .
done > A01/A01.result.txt
though if you want to select only kaks files:
for i in $(cat A01/genes.txt); do
find . -iregex '.*\.kaks$' -exec grep $i \;
done > A01/A01.result.txt
Put another for loop inside your outer one:
for f in *.kaks; do
grep -H $i "$f"
By the way, are you interested in finding EVERY occurrence in each file, or merely if the search string exists in there one or more times? If it is "good enough" to know the string occurs in there one or more times you can specify "-n 1" to grep and it will not bother reading/searching the rest of the file after finding the first match, which could potentially save lots of time.
The following solution has worked for me:
grep -r "example\.com" *
-bash: /bin/grep: Argument list too long
grep -r "example\.com" .
["In newer versions of grep you can omit the “.“, as the current directory is implied."]
Reinlick, J. https://www.saotn.org/bash-grep-through-large-number-files-argument-list-too-long/

How can I count all the lines of code in a directory recursively?

We've got a PHP application and want to count all the lines of code under a specific directory and its subdirectories.
We don't need to ignore comments, as we're just trying to get a rough idea.
wc -l *.php
That command works great for a given directory, but it ignores subdirectories. I was thinking the following comment might work, but it is returning 74, which is definitely not the case...
find . -name '*.php' | wc -l
What's the correct syntax to feed in all the files from a directory resursively?
find . -name '*.php' | xargs wc -l
or (when file names include special characters such as spaces)
find . -name '*.php' | sed 's/.*/"&"/' | xargs wc -l
The SLOCCount tool may help as well.
It will give an accurate source lines of code count for whatever
hierarchy you point it at, as well as some additional stats.
Sorted output:
find . -name '*.php' | xargs wc -l | sort -nr
For another one-liner:
( find ./ -name '*.php' -print0 | xargs -0 cat ) | wc -l
It works on names with spaces and only outputs one number.
You can use the cloc utility which is built for this exact purpose. It reports each the amount of lines in each language, together with how many of them are comments, etc. CLOC is available on Linux, Mac and Windows.
Usage and output example:
$ cloc --exclude-lang=DTD,Lua,make,Python .
2570 text files.
2200 unique files.
8654 files ignored.
http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.53 T=8.0 s (202.4 files/s, 99198.6 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
JavaScript 1506 77848 212000 366495
CSS 56 9671 20147 87695
HTML 51 1409 151 7480
XML 6 3088 1383 6222
SUM: 1619 92016 233681 467892
If using a decently recent version of Bash (or ZSH), it's much simpler:
wc -l **/*.php
In the Bash shell this requires the globstar option to be set, otherwise the ** glob-operator is not recursive. To enable this setting, issue
shopt -s globstar
To make this permanent, add it to one of the initialization files (~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile etc.).
On Unix-like systems, there is a tool called cloc which provides code statistics.
I ran in on a random directory in our code base it says:
59 text files.
56 unique files.
5 files ignored.
http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.53 T=0.5 s (108.0 files/s, 50180.0 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
C 36 3060 1431 16359
C/C++ Header 16 689 393 3032
make 1 17 9 54
Teamcenter def 1 10 0 36
SUM: 54 3776 1833 19481
You didn't specify how many files are there or what is the desired output.
This may be what you are looking for:
find . -name '*.php' | xargs wc -l
Yet another variation :)
$ find . -name '*.php' | xargs cat | wc -l
This will give the total sum, instead of file-by-file.
Add . after find to make it work.
Use find's -exec and awk. Here we go:
find . -type f -exec wc -l {} \; | awk '{ SUM += $0} END { print SUM }'
This snippet finds for all files (-type f). To find by file extension, use -name:
find . -name '*.py' -exec wc -l '{}' \; | awk '{ SUM += $0; } END { print SUM; }'
More common and simple as for me, suppose you need to count files of different name extensions (say, also natives):
wc $(find . -type f | egrep "\.(h|c|cpp|php|cc)" )
The tool Tokei displays statistics about code in a directory. Tokei will show the number of files, total lines within those files and code, comments, and blanks grouped by language. Tokei is also available on Mac, Linux, and Windows.
An example of the output of Tokei is as follows:
$ tokei
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks
CSS 2 12 12 0 0
JavaScript 1 435 404 0 31
JSON 3 178 178 0 0
Markdown 1 9 9 0 0
Rust 10 408 259 84 65
TOML 3 69 41 17 11
YAML 1 30 25 0 5
Total 21 1141 928 101 112
Tokei can be installed by following the instructions on the README file in the repository.
Unlike most other answers here, these work on any POSIX system, for any number of files, and with any file names (except where noted).
Lines in each file:
find . -name '*.php' -type f -exec wc -l {} \;
# faster, but includes total at end if there are multiple files
find . -name '*.php' -type f -exec wc -l {} +
Lines in each file, sorted by file path
find . -name '*.php' -type f | sort | xargs -L1 wc -l
# for files with spaces or newlines, use the non-standard sort -z
find . -name '*.php' -type f -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L1 wc -l
Lines in each file, sorted by number of lines, descending
find . -name '*.php' -type f -exec wc -l {} \; | sort -nr
# faster, but includes total at end if there are multiple files
find . -name '*.php' -type f -exec wc -l {} + | sort -nr
Total lines in all files
find . -name '*.php' -type f -exec cat {} + | wc -l
There is a little tool called sloccount to count the lines of code in a directory.
It should be noted that it does more than you want as it ignores empty lines/comments, groups the results per programming language and calculates some statistics.
You want a simple for loop:
for file in $(find . -name *.php -print)
count=$(wc -l $file)
let total_count+=count
echo "$total_count"
For sources only:
wc `find`
To filter, just use grep:
wc `find | grep .php$`
A straightforward one that will be fast, will use all the search/filtering power of find, not fail when there are too many files (number arguments overflow), work fine with files with funny symbols in their name, without using xargs, and will not launch a uselessly high number of external commands (thanks to + for find's -exec). Here you go:
find . -name '*.php' -type f -exec cat -- {} + | wc -l
None of the answers so far gets at the problem of filenames with spaces.
Additionally, all that use xargs are subject to fail if the total length of paths in the tree exceeds the shell environment size limit (defaults to a few megabytes in Linux).
Here is one that fixes these problems in a pretty direct manner. The subshell takes care of files with spaces. The awk totals the stream of individual file wc outputs, so it ought never to run out of space. It also restricts the exec to files only (skipping directories):
find . -type f -name '*.php' -exec bash -c 'wc -l "$0"' {} \; | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'
I know the question is tagged as bash, but it seems that the problem you're trying to solve is also PHP related.
Sebastian Bergmann wrote a tool called PHPLOC that does what you want and on top of that provides you with an overview of a project's complexity. This is an example of its report:
Lines of Code (LOC) 29047
Comment Lines of Code (CLOC) 14022 (48.27%)
Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC) 15025 (51.73%)
Logical Lines of Code (LLOC) 3484 (11.99%)
Classes 3314 (95.12%)
Average Class Length 29
Average Method Length 4
Functions 153 (4.39%)
Average Function Length 1
Not in classes or functions 17 (0.49%)
Cyclomatic Complexity / LLOC 0.51
Cyclomatic Complexity / Number of Methods 3.37
As you can see, the information provided is a lot more useful from the perspective of a developer, because it can roughly tell you how complex a project is before you start working with it.
If you want to keep it simple, cut out the middleman and just call wc with all the filenames:
wc -l `find . -name "*.php"`
Or in the modern syntax:
wc -l $(find . -name "*.php")
This works as long as there are no spaces in any of the directory names or filenames. And as long as you don't have tens of thousands of files (modern shells support really long command lines). Your project has 74 files, so you've got plenty of room to grow.
WC -L ? better use GREP -C ^
wc -l? Wrong!
The wc command counts new lines codes, not lines! When the last line in the file does not end with new line code, this will not be counted!
If you still want count lines, use grep -c ^. Full example:
# This example prints line count for all found files
find /path -type f -name "*.php" | while read FILE; do
# You see, use 'grep' instead of 'wc'! for properly counting
count=$(grep -c ^ < "$FILE")
echo "$FILE has $count lines"
let total=total+count #in bash, you can convert this for another shell
Finally, watch out for the wc -l trap (counts enters, not lines!!!)
Giving out the longest files first (ie. maybe these long files need some refactoring love?), and excluding some vendor directories:
find . -name '*.php' | xargs wc -l | sort -nr | egrep -v "libs|tmp|tests|vendor" | less
For Windows, an easy-and-quick tool is LocMetrics.
You can use a utility called codel (link). It's a simple Python module to count lines with colorful formatting.
pip install codel
To count lines of C++ files (with .cpp and .h extensions), use:
codel count -e .cpp .h
You can also ignore some files/folder with the .gitignore format:
codel count -e .py -i tests/**
It will ignore all the files in the tests/ folder.
The output looks like:
You also can shorten the output with the -s flag. It will hide the information of each file and show only information about each extension. The example is below:
If you want your results sorted by number of lines, you can just add | sort or | sort -r (-r for descending order) to the first answer, like so:
find . -name '*.php' | xargs wc -l | sort -r
If the files are too many, better to just look for the total line count.
find . -name '*.php' | xargs wc -l | grep -i ' total' | awk '{print $1}'
Very simply:
find /path -type f -name "*.php" | while read FILE
count=$(wc -l < $FILE)
echo "$FILE has $count lines"
Something different:
wc -l `tree -if --noreport | grep -e'\.php$'`
This works out fine, but you need to have at least one *.php file in the current folder or one of its subfolders, or else wc stalls.
It’s very easy with Z shell (zsh) globs:
wc -l ./**/*.php
If you are using Bash, you just need to upgrade. There is absolutely no reason to use Bash.
On OS X at least, the find+xarg+wc commands listed in some of the other answers prints "total" several times on large listings, and there is no complete total given. I was able to get a single total for .c files using the following command:
find . -name '*.c' -print0 |xargs -0 wc -l|grep -v total|awk '{ sum += $1; } END { print "SUM: " sum; }'
If you need just the total number of lines in, let's say, your PHP files, you can use very simple one line command even under Windows if you have GnuWin32 installed. Like this:
cat `/gnuwin32/bin/find.exe . -name *.php` | wc -l
You need to specify where exactly is the find.exe otherwise the Windows provided FIND.EXE (from the old DOS-like commands) will be executed, since it is probably before the GnuWin32 in the environment PATH and has different parameters and results.
Please note that in the command above you should use back-quotes, not single quotes.
While I like the scripts, I prefer this one as it also shows a per-file summary as long as a total:
wc -l `find . -name "*.php"`
