Web based Report Designer Spring/Hibernate - spring

I am looking for a web based report designer supporting spring/hibernate. I have seen BIRTStudio but it is not free.
I came across this list http://java-source.net/open-source/charting-and-reporting which could be helpful. It might be appropriate to cookup my own small reporting engine. My core requirements:
End user should be able to specify parameters for a report
Report should be available in Excel form
Report should use the same permissions scheme as the application (ie spring security)
Report can be of two types (visual and textual) and among those types report can be of Chart or Map

I have found Pentaho to be a solution
The target audience is not software developers, but it still seems a good start.

#geoaxis, try Jasper and DynamicJasper
I've written a set of tutorials for integrating Spring MVC 3 and Jasper. I've also provided a downloadable Maven build.


Reporting tool (Crystal Reports, Infomaker, ...) for Jhipster apps?

We created a Jhipster web application, we have some data that we need to share through documents (invoices for eg.)
My question is, is there any reporting tool for Jhipster (works fine with jhipster apps) ?
Anything like Crystal reports or Infomaker.
Thank you
JasperReports is a good option to generate reports from Java/Spring applications. You can design the report using a visual editor (called Jaspersoft Studio), and then put the report file (.jrxml) in the classpath of your JHipster application (src/main/resources) and invoke the Jasper engine to fill the report by passing the data as a Java object or JSON string. Using the same report design file as an input, the library allows you to export to multiple output formats (PDF, HTML, Excel, etc).

Reporting tool with angular 5 and .net Core 2

I am trying to build my first application using angular 5 and .NET core 2; The application is created in visual studio 2017 as one empty website based on .Net core 2; I am using angular 5 for the client-side, and to maintain data-access, security, authorization ... I am creating Web API controllers using .Net core 2 which will be called from angular; What I still don't know is how to create reports which requirements are the below:
Reports are textual and they can contain sub-reports or images;
They should be created in server side as some of them should
be saved on the webserver
They should be exported as images or PDF files
They should be also displayed on HTML page whether they were saved or not on the webserver: so there should be a way to revert back to angular 5 and display those reports on the browser
Please note that I have no SQL Database but Oracle 11G, which I guess in this way I have to create a data-set and fill it, then this dataset will be used in the report.
Before, I used to create RDLC or crystal reports with all the above, and I could run new tab from server side to display my reports; But now things are more complicated and new... So any hint is more than appreciated.
I have a simple idea will fix your problem. If you want with Crystal reports or SSRS:
Generate a new Web Form project that uses Crystal Report Viewer.
The new project has only two pages: Index.aspx, Report.aspx.
Index.aspx will receive report id and additional parameters of the report.
Index.aspx will open Report.aspx after internal processing.
Once the page Report.aspx is viewed, user can view, navigate and print the report.
If you want to use SSRS, you'll replace Crystal report.
This solution will cost you nothing except hosting the Web Form project on a server.
Hope this solution fix your problem.
You need to say a lot more about your report requirements, otherwise it's hard to give a useful answer. You should mention:
technologies - (you've got some of this already) - Angular and .Net
formats - you've mentioned HTML and PDF/images (in your comment)
client-side/server-side - are you trying to generate
the reports fully client-side (you have the data already at the
client) or can you generate server side. Each aspect has
benefits and particularly server-side you have more options,
access to more of your data (typically), access to your report
storage, more installation/interfacing options and more
processing power.
document types - what styles of documents
are you trying to create. Textual reports, spreadsheet-style
calculations and charts etc.
any other requirements you can think of (security, connectivity, speed, pricing etc).
There are lots of reporting libraries/engines ranging from simple code-based design and build to template-based (mail-merging) styles.
I know that's not a specific answer, but I've written more about your options than you have written about your requirements. I hope it helps.
I Guess you are trying to create a reporting engine using angular 5 and .net from server side.
If your report is Pure HTML then it is easier. If it needs any graphs then you have to look for 3rd party libraries like Hicharts.
To render report as PDF you can use Angualar 5 server side rendering support (Universal). Also lots of opensource components are available to generate PDF from HML. so you can combine Universal and PDF renderer components and produce the PDF output
note: Hicharts supports serverside rendering
Also in agular 5 you can dynamically create object for components, so you can make report components are configurable and flexible

ASP .NET MVC Reports

As you can see i'm a newbie at this site and have a question about asp.net mvc and reporting. I want to create reports (interactive - for example when the data is displayed you can filter some information by categories or countries witout generating the report again) and dashboards for a mvc project and I don't know which tool to use. Has anybody used any tool that works for mvc and has options like this. I have worked before with crystal reports but only static reports for printing.
Thanks a lot in advance
SSRS will help you get started, It can be used with MVC as well.
Article By John V. Petersen
I think this can help you, in the scenario you described I would do something like this ...
Keep in mind: Always try program data and behaviors in your applications...

OpenERP basic reports

OpenERP is one of the best ERP applications I ever used.
I found that almost everything must be built from the beginning to meet the specific needs for each one including the analysis reports, but there are some basic packages already built.
Since I am new to OpenERP functionality and still haven't learned how to create reports in OpenERP, I need to know if there is any addons/extra module that provides me some basic and ready to print reports and listings for the several modules. This reports and listings will help me to better understand and learn the functional part of the application and will allow me on a future to better understand how to build reports and listings in OpenERP.
If anyone can provide me a link or repository with such information I will be greatfull.
Thank you very much
Paulo Matos
There are various ways of creating reports with openerp. They are (i've prioritized)
Webkit (for html,web designers - this will be a great utility)
OpenOffice (for any office person with minimal technical skills)
RML (Strictly for programmers :))
Jasper Report (good for people with java-reporting base)
Aeroo (Rich functionality of exporting to excel,word etc, still i am not comfortable in aeroo with openerp 7)
Pentaho Report Designer (A reporting tool from pentaho )
These links will help you in understanding better, setup environment and learn from the sample modules and reports. However you need to design what u need with one of the reporting type.
What's the best way to create a report on OpenERP
Google more. You'll get everything u need. Good Luck!!
Reporting from Odoo / OpenERP can be very frustrating at times. We have found over the years that no single solution is great for every need.
The built in reporting mechanisms mentioned in the first answer (rml / openoffice) have been somewhat deprecated and replaced with qweb reporting which renders similarly in HTML or PDF. They can be difficult to get fine-grained control and alignment, a lot of work to achieve non-regular reporting structures and cross tab reports, but are fast and easy to use for straightforward "document" type reports (such as orders / invoices).
I cannot comment on Jasper or Aeroo, as I have not used them.
Using Pentaho Reports for Odoo can be great because they are primarily reporting engines. They can do wonderful things with data, present them in great ways.
One upside with this connector is its ability to access Data using the object layer, or SQL, or both in one report if necessary (using sub-reports for example), as well as custom methods!
One downside we have found with Pentaho Reporting is that as the code base changes for OpenERP/Odoo, the connector changes, and configuration has to be continually re-vesited.
The latest version supports Odoo version 8 and version 5.4 of Pentaho reporting engine.

Asp.net MVC3 reporting system

I am building a new asp.net MVC3 web application for reporting and I want to know the best way to create reports.
I've tried to use Crystal reports but its has some issues in implementation and styling so Is there is a free or customized solution for that?
After alot of searching in google i found a good solution that meets my needs that is a free open source tool here called doddleReports it creates pdf, excel, csv comma delimited, HTML report
I have used worddocgenerator.codeplex.com as a reporting tool in one lightweight ASP.NET application. It allows you to generate data bound content with very few code.
To preview reports you can use the Open Xml Viewer
