Archive/Compress Command FTP Through Terminal? - ftp

Is it possible to compress a folder and create a .zip on my server through a command in terminal via FTP? Is there a archive command? Thanks.

Welcome to stackoverflow.
What I believe you want to do is ssh onto your server and use the tar command.
tar -cf archive.tar contents/
Takes everything from contents/ and puts it into archive.tar
You can find more information here.


tar -zxvf cannot unzip file

here's the problem:
First step
transfer the *.gz file to the remote host using ftp, the code below
open $IP
user nfc nfc123
cd /nfc/APPBAK
tar -zxvf $local_filename
Second step
tar -zxvf $local_filename
but it says:
"?Invalid command. "
Should I change the mode of of the *.gz file first, any help will be appreciated.
You are trying to run the tar command inside FTP, as far as I can see, rather than in the shell after you've fetched the file with FTP. It is confusing since some shell commands, like cd, seem to work in FTP too, but the cd command actually attempts to change directory on the remote machine (you need lcd to change directory on the local machine).
Put simply, tar isn't a valid FTP command, which is why you get the ?Invalid command error.
try this one::
tar -xvf $local_filename
Please make sure that file has right permissions.

SCP says file has downloaded, but the file does not appear

I am using ssh to work on a remote server, however when I try to download a file using scp in this format:
scp ~/Desktop
It asks me for my password, and shows this: 100% 6491 6.3KB/s 00:00
however, this file never appears on my desktop. Any help
I think that you are logging into the remote machine using ssh and then running the command on the remote machine. You should actually be running the command without logging into your remote server first.
You need to specify the file path
scp ~/Desktop
~/Desktop should actually be a directory, not a file. I suggest that you do the following:
Remove the ~/Desktop file with rm ~/Desktop (or move it with mv if you want to keep its contents).
Create the directory with mkdir ~/Desktop.
Try again to scp the zip file.
BTW, when I need to copy files into directories, I usually put a slash after the directory to avoid such problems (in case I make a mistake), e.g. scp server:file ~/Desktop/; if the directory doesn't exist, I get an error instead of unwanted file creation.
You are doing this from a command line, and you have a working directory for that command line (on your local machine), this is the directory that your file will be downloaded to. The final argument in your command is only what you want the name of the file to be. So, first, change directory to where you want the file to land. I'm doing this from git bash on a Windows machine, so it looks like this:
cd C:\Users\myUserName\Downloads
Now that I have my working directory where I want the file to go:
scp -i 'c:\Users\myUserName\.ssh\AWSkeyfile.pem' IgotThisFile.tar
Or, in your case, (that is with the VERY strong password you must be using):
cd ~/Desktop

How can I FTP many files I have listed in a TXT?

I have a list of files inside a TXT file that I need to upload to my FTP. Is there any Windows Bat file or Linux shell script that will process it?
cat ftp_filelist | xargs --max-lines=1 ncftpput -u user -p pass ftp_host /remote/path
You can use the wput command.
The syntax is somewhat like this
wput -i [name of the file.txt]
Go through this link
It works for linux.With this it will upload all the URLs given in the text file onto your ftp server one by one.
You may want to check out Jason Faulkners' batch script about which he wrote here.

How to upload multiple files and directories using command line FTP? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How do you recursively ftp a folder in linux
I'd like to simply upload a directory and all of its contents, recursively, from the command line. To do this from the command line would be so much easier than resorting to FileZilla or some other windowed app.
My workaround for this has been to zip, then upload the zip w/FTP, then SSH and unzip...
Is there a way using the BASH command line ftp to upload multiple files and directories?
Looking at the available commands there is only put and send which allow only a single file and no directory.
If you have access to SSH, can you also use scp? If so, try something like:
scp -r local_dir you#server:remote_dir
The -r flag allows you to recursively copy to your destination.
Here's a technique that doesn't use ftp, since you already have ssh access:
tar czf - [your files here] | ssh user#host 'cd /dir && tar xzf -'
Create a tar file on stdout, and pipe to ssh where it will untar from stdin.

Rename multiple files using ftp

I have a set of files in my ftp folder. I have access to only ftp mode. I want to rename those files with extension .txt to .done
1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt
1.done, 2.done, 3.done
Only rename command is working in this ftp. I am expecting something like
rename *.txt *.done
to rename them all in a single command.
In short: You can't.
FTP is very basic and does not support mass renaming. You can either write a small script for it, or download some helper software, such as the one here.
Hallo to all,
Even if the question is quite old, I think could be usefull for others to read my suggestion.
I found a great and easy solution combining curlftpfs, "A FTP filesystem based on cURL and FUSE" as they define it, and rename linux and unix multi rename tool.
I tested on linux mint 17 (and I think it should work in other debian based distributions)
install curlftpfs
sudo apt-get install curlftpfs
create the mount folder
sudo mkdir /mnt/ftp_remote_root
mount remote ftp on folder
sudo curlftpfs -o allow_other -o user="USERWITH#CHARACTERTOO:PASSWORDTOACCESSUSER" /mnt/ftp_remote_root/
jump into desired ftp remote folder
cd /mnt/ftp_remote_root/path/to/folder
rename as you need files (-v shw new names, -n show interested files, omitt them to rename files)
sudo rename -v -n 's/match.regexp/replace.regexp/' *
It could took few seconds because it works on network.
I think it is really powerfull and easy to use.
Let me know if you find any problems.
try something like this:
the following example move/rename files on the FTP server
for f in $(lftp -u 'username,password' -e 'set ssl:verify-certificate
no; ls /TEST/src/*.csv; quit'| awk '{print $9;}'); do
lftp -u 'username,password' -e "set ssl:verify-certificate no; mv
/TEST/src/$f /TEST/dst/$f; quit"; done
note: use .netrc to store username and password.
Use the following command:
ren *.txt *.done
