sorting group of lines - shell

I have a text file like below
RATERUSG.iv_destination_code_10 = WORK.maf_feature_info[53,6]
RATERUSG.iv_destination_code_2 = WORK.maf_feature_info[1,6]
RATERUSG.iv_destination_code_3 = WORK.maf_feature_info[7,6]
RATERUSG.iv_destination_code_4 = WORK.maf_feature_info[13,6]
RATERUSG.iv_destination_code_5 = WORK.maf_feature_info[19,6]
RATERUSG.iv_destination_code_6 = WORK.maf_feature_info[29,6]
RATERUSG.iv_destination_code_7 = WORK.maf_feature_info[35,6]
RATERUSG.iv_destination_code_8 = WORK.maf_feature_info[41,6]
RATERUSG.iv_destination_code_9 = WORK.maf_feature_info[47,6]
combination of three lines form a unit:
RATERUSG.iv_destination_code_9 = WORK.maf_feature_info[47,6]
is one unit.
9 indicates the number by which i have to sort
i need a shell script/awk which will sort the units in a descending order.
how is it possible?

cat file | tr '\n' '#' | sed 's/]#/]\n/g' | sort -nrt_ -k4 | tr '#' '\n'
First all end of lines are replaced by #, and end of lines at the end of blocks (]#) are recreated.
Then a numeric reverse sort is performed on the fourth field with fields separated by _.
Finally, original end of lines are retrieved.

sed 'N;N;s/\n/#/g' file |sort -t"_" -nr -k4 | sed 's|#|\n|g'
Or with gawk
awk -vRS="\niv_" -vFS="\n" 'BEGIN{t=0}
line[a[m]] = $0
cmd="sort -nr"
for(i in num){ print i |& cmd }
while((cmd |& getline m) > 0) {
print line[ arr2[1] ]
if(line[ arr2[j]] != "" ){
print "iv_"line[ arr2[j] ]
}' file

This works similarly to mouvicel's answer, but uses non-printing characters as the special markers (and assumes that the original file doesn't contain them).
sed 's/]$/]'$'\1''/' text_file | tr '\1' '\0' | sort -znrt_ | tr '\0' '\n' | sed '/^$/d'
It assumes that there are no blank lines in the original file since it deletes them at the end. It also relies on every group-ending line to end in "]".


end result of bash command with a dot (.)

I have a bash script that greps and sorts information from /etc/passwd here
export FT_LINE1=13
export FT_LINE2=23
cat /etc/passwd | grep -v "#" | awk 'NR%2==1' | cut -f1 -d":" | rev | sort -r | awk -v l1="$FT_LINE1" -v l2="$FT_LINE2" 'NR>=l1 && NR<=l2' | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/, */, /g'
The result is this list
sstq_, sorebrek_brk_, soibten_, sirtsa_, sergtsop_, sec_, scodved_, rlaxcm_, rgmecived_, revreswodniw_, revressta_,
How can i replace the last comma with a dot (.)? I want it to look like this
sstq_, sorebrek_brk_, soibten_, sirtsa_, sergtsop_, sec_, scodved_, rlaxcm_, rgmecived_, revreswodniw_, revressta_.
You can add:
| sed 's/,$/./'
(where $ means "end of line").
There are way to many pipes in your command, some of them can be removed.
As explained in the comment cat <FILE> | grep is a bad habit!!! In general, cat <FILE> | cmd should be replaced by cmd <FILE> or cmd < FILE depending on what type of arguments your command does accept.
On a few GB size file to process, you will already feel the difference.
This being said, you can do the whole processing without using a single pipe by using awk for example:
awk -v l1="$FT_LINE1" -v l2="$FT_LINE2" 'function reverse(s){p=""; for(i=length(s); i>0; i--){p=p substr(s,i,1);}return p;}BEGIN{cmp=0; FS=":"; ORS=","}!/#/{cmp++;if(cmp%2==1) a[cmp]=reverse($1);}END{asort(a);for(i=length(a);i>0;i--){if((length(a)-i+1)>=l1 && (length(a)-i)<=l2){if(i==1){ORS=".";}print a[i];}}}' /etc/passwd
# BEGIN rule(s)
cmp = 0 #to be use to count the lines since NR can not be used directly
FS = ":" #file separator :
ORS = "," #output record separator ,
# Rule(s)
! /#/ { #for lines that does not contain this char
if (cmp % 2 == 1) {
a[cmp] = reverse($1) #add to an array the reverse of the first field
# END rule(s)
asort(a) #sort the array and process it in reverse order
for (i = length(a); i > 0; i--) {
# apply your range conditions
if (length(a) - i + 1 >= l1 && length(a) - i <= l2) {
if (i == 1) { #when we reach the last character to print, instead of the comma use a dot
ORS = "."
print a[i] #print the array element
# Functions, listed alphabetically
#if the reverse operation is necessary then you can use the following function that will reverse your strings.
function reverse(s)
p = ""
for (i = length(s); i > 0; i--) {
p = p substr(s, i, 1)
return p
If you don't need to reverse part you can just remove it from the awk script.
In the end, not a single pipe is used!!!

Counting palindromes in a text file

Having followed this thread BASH Finding palindromes in a .txt file I can't figure out what am I doing wrong with my script.
search() {
tr -d '[[:punct:][:digit:]#]' \
| sed -E -e '/^(.)\1+$/d' \
| tr -s '[[:space:]]' \
| tr '[[:space:]]' '\n'
search "$1"
paste <(search <"$1") <(search < "$1" | rev) \
| awk '$1 == $2 && (length($1) >=3) { print $1 }' \
| sort | uniq -c
All im getting from this script is output of the whole text file. I want to only output palindromes >=3 and count them such as
425 did
120 non
etc. My textfile is called sample.txt and everytime i run the script with: cat sample.txt | source palindrome I get message 'bash: : No such file or directory'.
Using awk and sed
awk 'function palindrome(str) {len=length(str); for(k=1; k<=len/2+len%2; k++) { if(substr(str,k,1)!=substr(str,len+1-k,1)) return 0 } return 1 } {for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) {if(length($i)>=3){ gsub(/[^a-zA-Z]/,"",$i); if(length($i)>=3) {$i=tolower($i); if(palindrome($i)) arr[$i]++ }} } } END{for(i in arr) print arr[i],i}' file | sed -E '/^[0-9]+ (.)\1+$/d'
Tested on 1.2GB file and execution time was ~4m 40s (i5-6440HQ # 2.60GHz/4 cores/16GB)
Explanation :
awk '
function palindrome(str) # Function to check Palindrome
for(k=1; k<=len/2+len%2; k++)
return 0
return 1
for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) # For Each field in a record
if(length($i)>=3) # if length>=3
gsub(/[^a-zA-Z]/,"",$i); # remove non-alpha character from it
if(length($i)>=3) # Check length again after removal
$i=tolower($i); # Covert to lowercase
if(palindrome($i)) # Check if it's palindrome
arr[$i]++ # and store it in array
END{for(i in arr) print arr[i],i}' file | sed -E '/^[0-9]+ (.)\1+$/d'
sed -E '/^[0-9]+ (.)\1+$/d' : From the final result check which strings are composed of just repeated chracters like AAA, BBB etc and remove them.
Old Answer (Before EDIT)
You can try below steps if you want to :
Step 1 : Pre-processing
Remove all unnecessary chars and store the result in temp file
tr -dc 'a-zA-Z\n\t ' <file | tr ' ' '\n' > temp
tr -dc 'a-zA-Z\n\t ' This will remove all except letters,\n,\t, space
tr ' ' '\n' This will convert space to \n to separate each word in newlines
Step-2: Processing
grep -wof temp <(rev temp) | sed -E -e '/^(.)\1+$/d' | awk 'length>=3 {a[$1]++} END{ for(i in a) print a[i],i; }'
grep -wof temp <(rev temp) This will give you all palindromes
-w : Select only those lines containing matches that form whole words.
For example : level won't match with levelAAA
-o : Print only the matched group
-f : To use each string in temp file as pattern to search in <(rev temp)
sed -E -e '/^(.)\1+$/d': This will remove words formed of same letters like AAA, BBBBB
awk 'length>=3 {a[$1]++} END{ for(i in a) print a[i],i; }' : This will filter words having length>=3 and counts their frequency and finally prints the result
Example :
Input File :
$ cat file
kayak nalayak bob dad , pikachu. meow !! bhow !! 121 545 ding dong AAA BBB done
kayak nalayak bob dad , pikachu. meow !! bhow !! 121 545 ding dong AAA BBB done
kayak nalayak bob dad , pikachu. meow !! bhow !! 121 545 ding dong AAA BBB done
$ tr -dc 'a-zA-Z\n\t ' <file | tr ' ' '\n' > temp
$ grep -wof temp <(rev temp) | sed -E -e '/^(.)\1+$/d' | awk 'length>=3 {a[$1]++} END{ for(i in a) print a[i],i; }'
3 dad
3 kayak
3 bob
Just a quick Perl alternative:
perl -0nE 'for( /(\w{3,})/g ){ $a{$_}++ if $_ eq reverse($_)}
END {say "$_ $a{$_}" for keys %a}'
in Perl, $_ should be read as "it".
for( /(\w{3,})/g ) ... for all relevant words (may need some work to reject false positives like "12a21")
if $_ eq reverse($_) ... if it is palindrome
END {say "$_ $a{$_}" for...} ... tell us all the its and its number
Running the Script
The script expects that the file is given as an argument. The script does not read stdin.
Remove the line search "$1" in the middle of the script. It is not part of the linked answer.
Make the script executable using chmod u+x path/to/palindrome.
Call the script using path/to/palindrome path/to/sample.txt. If all the files are in the current working directory, then the command is
./palindrome sample.txt
Alternative Script
Sometimes the linked script works and sometimes it doesn't. I haven't found out why. However, I wrote an alternative script which does the same and is also a bit cleaner:
#! /bin/bash
grep -Po '\w{3,}' "$1" | grep -Evw '(.)\1*' | sort > tmp-words
grep -Fwf <(rev tmp-words) tmp-words | uniq -c
rm tmp-words
Save the script, make it executable, and call it with a file as its first argument.

Shell command for inserting a newline every nth element of a huge line of comma separated strings

I have a one line csv containing a lot of elements. Now I want to insert a newline after every n-th element in a bash/shell script.
Bonus: I'd like to prepend a line with descriptors and using the count of descriptors as 'n'.
"4908041eee3d4bf98e606140b21ebc89.16","7.38974601030349731","45.31298584267982221","94ff11ce7eb54642b0768dde313e8b25.16","7.38845318555831909","45.31425320325949713", (...)
Edit: I made a first attempt, but the comma delimiters are missing then:
(...) | xargs --delimiter=',' -n3
"4908041eee3d4bf98e606140b21ebc89.16" "7.38974601030349731" "45.31298584267982221"
"94ff11ce7eb54642b0768dde313e8b25.16" "7.38845318555831909" "45.31425320325949713"
trying to replace the " " with ","
(...) | xargs --delimiter=',' -n3 -i echo ${{}//" "/","}
-bash: ${{}//\": bad substitution
I would go with Perl for that!
Let's assume this outputs something like your file:
printf "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"
Then you could use this if you wanted every 4th comma replaced:
printf "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" | perl -pe 's{,}{++$n % 4 ? $& : "\n"}ge'
cat data.txt | xargs -n 3 -d, | sed 's/ /,/g'
With n=3 here and input filename is called data.txt
Note: What distinguishes this solution is that it derives the number of output columns from the number of columns in the header line.
Assuming that the fields in your CSV input have no embedded , instances (in which case you'd need a proper CSV parser), try awk:
awk -v RS=, -v header='"id","lon","lat"' '
print header
colCount = 1 + gsub(",", ",", header)
ORS = NR % colCount == 0 ? "\n" : ","
' file.csv
Note that if the input file ends with a newline (as is typical), you'll get an extra newline trailing the output.
With GNU Awk or Mawk (but not BSD/OSX Awk, which only supports literal, single-character RS values), you can fix this as follows:
awk -v RS='[,\n]' -v header='"id","lon","lat"' '
print header
colCount = 1 + gsub(",", ",", header)
ORS = NR % colCount == 0 ? "\n" : ","
' file.csv
BSD/OSX Awk workaround: stick with -v RS=, and replace file.csv with <(tr -d '\n' < file.csv) in order to remove all newlines from the input first.
Assuming your input file is named input:
echo id,lon,lat; awk '{ORS=NR%3?",":"\n"}1' RS=, input

How can I use bash to split only some elements of a text file?

I'm trying to figure out how to make a .txt file (myGeneFile.txt) of IDs and genes that looks like this:
Probe Set ID Gene Symbol
1007_s_at DDR1 /// MIR4640
1053_at RFC2
117_at HSPA6
121_at PAX8
1255_g_at GUCA1A
1294_at MIR5193 /// UBA7
into this:
First I tried doing this:
cat myGeneFile.txt | tail -n +2 | awk '{split($2,a,"///"); print a[1] "\t" a[2] "\t" a[3] "\t" a[4] "\t" a[5];}' > test.txt
(i.e., I removed the top (header) line of the file, I tried splitting the second line along the delimiter ///, and then printing any genes that might appear)
Then, I tried doing this:
cat myGeneFile.txt | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $2}' | grep -o -E '\w+' > test.txt
(literally listing out all of the words in the second column)
I got the same output in both cases - a long list of just the first gene in each row (e.g. so MIR4640 and UBA7 were mising)
Any ideas?
EDIT: Thanks #CodeGnome for your help. I ended up using that code and modifying it because I discovered that my file had between 1 and 30 different gene names on each row. So, I used:
awk 'NR == 1 {next}
sub("///", "")
print $2 }
{ for (i=3; i<=30; i++)
if ($i) {print $i}
}' myGeneFile.txt > test2.txt
#GlenJackson also had a solution that worked really well:
awk 'NR>1 {for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) if ($i != "///") print $i}' file
My awk take:
awk 'NR>1 {for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) if ($i != "///") print $i}' file
or sed
sed '
1d # delete the header
s/[[:blank:]]\+/ /g # squeeze whitespace
s/^[^ ]\+ // # remove the 1st word
s| ///||g # delete all "///" words
s/ /\n/g # replace spaces with newlines
' file
Use Conditional Print Statements Inside an AWK Action
The following gives the desired output by removing unwanted characters with sub(), and then using multiple print statements to create the line breaks. The second print statement is conditional, and only triggers when the third field isn't empty; this avoids creating extraneous empty lines in the output.
$ awk 'NR == 1 {next}
sub("///", "")
print $2
if ($3) {print $3}
}' myGeneFile.txt
This will work:
tail -n+2 tmp | sed -E 's/ +/ /' | cut -d' ' -f2- | sed 's_ */// *_\n_'
Here's what is happening:
tail -n+2 Strip off the header
sed -E 's/ +/ /' Condense the whitespace
cut -d' ' -f2- Use cut to select all fields but the first, using a single space as the delimiter
sed 's_ */// *_\n_' Convert all /// (and any surrounding whitespace) to a newline
You don't need the initial cat, it's usually better to simply pass the input file as an argument to the first command. If you want the file name in a place that is easy to change, this is a better option as it avoids the additional process (and I find it easier to change the file if it's at the end):
(tail -n+2 | sed -E 's/ +/ /' | cut -d' ' -f2- | sed 's_ */// *_\n_') < tmp
Given the existing input and the modified requirement (from the comment on Morgen's answer) the following should do what you want (for any number of gene columns).
awk 'NR > 1 {
for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) {
if ($i == "///") {
printf "%s%s\n", p?"n":"", $i
}' input.txt
Your criteria for selecting which strings to output is not entirely clear, but here's another command that at least produces your expected output:
tail -n +2 myGeneFile.txt | grep -oE '\<[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*\>'
It basically just 1) skips the first line and 2) finds all other words (delimited by non-word characters and/or start/end of line) that consist entirely of uppercase letters or digits, with the first being a letter.

Switching the format of this output?

I have this script written to print the distribution of words in one or more files:
cat "$#" | tr -cs '[:alpha:]' '\n' |
tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sort |
uniq -c | sort -n
Which gives me an output such as:
1 the
4 orange
17 cat
However, I would like to change it so that the word is listed first (I'm assuming sort would be involved so its alphabetical) , not the number, like so:
cat 17
orange 4
the 1
Is there just a simple option I would need to switch this? Or is it something more complicated?
Pipe the output to
awk '{print $2, $1}'
or you can use awk for the complete task:
$0 = tolower($0) # remove case distinctions
# remove punctuation
gsub(/[^[:alnum:]_[:blank:]]/, "", $0)
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
for (word in freq)
printf "%s\t%d\n", word, freq[word]
awk -f wordfreq.awk input
