Create variables for unknown amount of arguments? - bash

Working on an rsync script and the portion below is in a for loop. What I want to achieve is assign a variable to every arguement after 3. Just confused if I need to create another loop for that or not:
#1: name
#2: ip
#3: user
#4+: folder exlusion
#any lines higher than 3 will be created as exlcude folders

Make an array like this:

There might be a cleaner way, but something like this should work:
function foo() {
echo "User " $user
echo "Rest " $rest


Change name of Variable while in a loop

I have this idea in mind:
I have this number: CN=20
and a list=( "xa1-" "xa2-" "xb1-" "xb2-")
and this is my script:
for a in "${list[#]}"; do
let "CN=$(($CN+1))"
echo $CN
I am trying to create a loop where it creates the following variables, which will be referenced later in my script:
However, I have not been able to find a way to change the variable name within my loop. Instead, I was trying myself and I got this error when trying to change the variable name:
scripts/ line 317: fxp0_21=fxp0-xa2-21: command not found
After playing around I found the solution!
for a in "${list[#]}"; do
let "CN=$(($CN+1))"
eval "fxp0_$CN=${fxp_int}"
echo $fxp0_21
echo $fxp0_22
echo $fxp0_23
echo $fxp0_24
echo $fxp0_25
echo $fxp0_26
echo $fxp0_27
echo $fxp0_28
One common method for maintaining a dynamically generated set of variables is via arrays.
When the variable names vary in spelling an associative array comes in handy whereby the variable 'name' acts as the array index.
In this case since the only thing changing in the variable names is a number we can use a normal (numerically indexed) array, eg:
list=("xa1-" "xa2-" "xb1-" "xb2-")
declare -a fxp0=()
for a in "${list[#]}"
(( CN++ ))
This generates:
$ declare -p fxp0
declare -a fxp0=([21]="fxp-xa1-21" [22]="fxp-xa2-22" [23]="fxp-xb1-23" [24]="fxp-xb2-24")
$ for i in "${!fxp0[#]}"; do echo "fxp0[$i] = ${fxp0[$i]}"; done
fxp0[21] = fxp-xa1-21
fxp0[22] = fxp-xa2-22
fxp0[23] = fxp-xb1-23
fxp0[24] = fxp-xb2-24
As a general rule can I tell you that it's not a good idea to modify names of variables within loops.
There is, however, a way to do something like that, using the source command, as explained in this URL with some examples. It comes down to the fact that you treat a file as a piece of source code.
Good luck

how to call a bash function providing environment variables stored in a Bash array?

I got two variables in a bash script. One contains the name of a function within the script while the other one is an array containing KEY=VALUE or KEY='VALUE WITH SPACES' pairs. They are the result of parsing a specific file, and I can't change this.
What I want to do is to invoke the function whose name I got. This is quite simple:
# get the value for the function
# invoke the function whose name is stored in $myfunc
Consider the function foo be defined as
function foo
echo "MYVAR: $MYVAR"
echo "MYVAR2: $MYVAR2"
If I get the variables
declare -a funcenv=(MYVAR=test "MYVAR2='test2 test3'")
How would I use them to call foo with the pairs of funcenv being added to the environment? A (non-variable) invocation would look like
MYVAR=test MYVAR2='tes2 test3' foo
I tried to script it like
"${funcenv[#]}" "$funcname"
But this leads to an error (MYVAR=test: command not found).
How do I properly call the function with the arguments of the array put in its environment (I do not want to export them, they should just be available for the invoked function)?
You can do like this:
declare -a funcenv=(MYVAR=test "MYVAR2='test2 test3'")
for pairs in "${funcenv[#]}"; do
eval "$pairs"
Note however that the variables will be visible outside the function too.
If you want to avoid that, then you can wrap all the above in a (...) subshell.
why don't you pass them as arguments to your function?
function f() { echo "first: $1"; echo "second: $2"; }
fn=f; $fn oneword "two words"

Saving function output into a variable named in an argument

I have an interesting problem that I can't seem to find the answer for. I am creating a simple app that will help my dev department auto launch docker containers with NginX and config files. My problem is, for some reason I can't get the bash script to store the name of a folder, while scanning the directory. Here is an extremely simple example of what I am talking about....
getFolder() {
local __myResultFolder=$1
local folder
for d in */ ; do
return $folder
getFolder FOLDER
echo "Using folder: $FOLDER"
I then save that simple script as and put it in a folder where there is only one folder, change owner to me, and give it correct permissions. However, when I run the script I keep getting the error...
./ 8 ./ =test_folder/: not found
I have tried putting the $folder=$d part in different types of quotes, but nothing works. I have tried $folder="'"$d"'", $folder=`$d`, $folder="$d" but none of it works. Driving me insane, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
If you want to save your result into a named variable, what you're doing is called "indirect assignment"; it's covered in BashFAQ #6.
One way is the following:
# ^^^^ not /bin/sh; bash is needed for printf -v
getFolder() {
local __myResultFolder=$1
local folder d
for d in */ ; do
printf -v "$__myResultFolder" %s "$folder"
getFolder folderName
echo "$folderName"
Other approaches include:
Using read:
IFS= read -r -d '' "$__myResultFolder" < <(printf '%s\0' "$folder")
Using eval (very, very carefully):
# note \$folder -- we're only trusting the destination variable name
# ...not trusting the content.
eval "$__myResultFolder=\$folder"
Using namevars (only if using new versions of bash):
getFolder() {
local -n __myResultFolder=$1
# ...your other logic here...
The culprit is the line
which is treating the folder names to stored with a = sign before and tried to expand it in that name i.e. literally treats the name =test_folder/ as an executable to be run under shell but does not find a file of that name. Change it to
Also, bash functions' return value is only restricted to integer types and you cannot send a string to the calling function. If you wanted to send a non-zero return code to the calling function on $folder being empty you could add a line
if [ -z "$folder" ]; then return 1; else return 0; fi
(or) if you want to return a string value from the function, do not use return, just do echo of the name and use command-substitution with the function name, i.e.
getFolder() {
local __myResultFolder=$1
local folder
for d in */ ; do
echo "$folder"
folderName=$(getFolder FOLDER)
echo "$folderName"

Accessing function-definition-time, not evaluation-time, value for a variable in bash

I hope that I can do something like this, and the output would be "hello"
dummy() {
local local_foo=`echo $foo`
echo $local_foo
This question means that I would like to capture the value of some global values at definition time, usually used via source blablabla.bash and would like that it defines a function that captures current variable's value.
The Sane Way
Functions are evaluated when they're run, not when they're defined. Since you want to capture a variable as it exists at definition time, you'll need a separate variable assigned at that time.
# By convention, global variables prefixed by a function name and double underscore are for
# the exclusive use of that function.
readonly dummy__foo="$foo" # capture foo as of dummy definition time, and prevent changes
dummy() {
local local_foo=$dummy__foo # ...and refer to that captured copy
echo "$local_foo"
The Insane Way
If you're willing to commit crimes against humanity, however, it is possible to do code generation to capture a value. For instance:
# usage: with_locals functionname k1=v1 [k2=v2 [...]]
with_locals() {
local func_name func_text assignments
func_name=$1; shift || return ## fail if out of arguments
(( $# )) || return ## noop if not given at least one assignment
func_text=$(declare -f "$func_name")
for arg; do
if [[ $arg = *=* ]]; then ## if we already look like an assignment, leave be
printf -v arg_q 'local %q; ' "$arg"
else ## otherwise, assume we're a bare name and run a lookup
printf -v arg_q 'local %q=%q; ' "$arg" "${!arg}"
# suffix first instance of { in the function definition with our assignments
eval "${func_text/{/{ $assignments}"
dummy() {
local local_foo="$foo"
echo "$local_foo"
with_locals dummy foo ## redefine dummy to always use the current value of "foo"
Well, you can comment out or remove the foo='' line, and that will do it. The function dummy does not execute until you call it, which is after you've blanked out the foo value, so it makes sense that you would get a blank line echoed. Hope this helps.
There is no way to execute the code inside a function unless that function gets called by bash. There is only an alternative of calling some other function that is used to define the function you want to call after.
That is what a dynamic function definition is.
I don't believe that you want that.
An alternative is to store the value of foo (calling the function) and then calling it again after the value has changed. Something hack-sh like this:
dummy() {
${global_foo+false} &&
global_foo="$foo" ||
echo "old_foo=$global_foo new_foo=$foo"
foo="a whole new foo"
Calling it will print:
$ ./script
old_foo=hello new_foo=new
old_foo=hello new_foo=a whole new foo
As I am not sure this address your real problem, just: Hope this helps.
After inspired by #CharlesDuffy, I think using eval might solve some of the problems, and the example can be modified as following:
eval "
dummy() {
local local_foo=$foo
echo \$local_foo
Which will give the result 'hello' instead of nothing.
#CharlesDuffy pointed out that such solution is quite dangerous:
local local_foo=$foo is dangerously buggy: If your foo value contains
an expansion such as $(rm -rf $HOME), it'll be executed
Using eval is good in performance, however being bad in security. And therefore I'd suggest #CharlesDuffy 's answer.

Are there any existing methods for importing functions from other scripts without sourcing the entire script?

I am working on a large shell program and need a way to import functions from other scripts as required without polluting the global scope with all the internal functions from that script.
UPDATE: However, those imported functions have internal dependancies. So the imported function must be executed in the context of its script.
I came up with this solution and wonder if there is any existing strategy out there and if not, perhaps this is a really bad idea?
example usage of my solution:
import user get_name
import user set_name
echo "hello $(get_name)"
echo "Enter a new user name :"
while true; do
read user_input < /dev/tty
set_name $user_input
import state
set_name () {
state save "user_name" "$1"
get_name () {
state get_value "user_name"
As one approach, you could put a comment in the script to indicate where you want to stop sourcing:
$ cat script
fn() { echo "You are running fn"; }
export var="Unwanted name space pollution"
And then, if you are using bash, source it like this:
source <(sed '/#STOP HERE/q' script)
<(...) is process substitution and our process, sed '/#STOP HERE/q' script just extracts the lines from script until the stop line is reached.
Adding more precise control
We can select particular sections from a file if we add both start and stop flags:
$ cat script
export var1="Unwanted name space pollution"
fn1() { echo "You are running fn1"; }
export var2="More unwanted name space pollution"
fn2() { echo "You are running fn2"; }
export var3="More unwanted name space pollution"
And then source the file like this:
source <(sed -n '/#START/,/#STOP/p' script)
create standalone shel script that do this
will have 2 argument the file name and the function name
it will source the input file first
it will then use declare -f function name
in your code you can include functions like this
eval "./ filename functionaname"
what is happening here :
step 1 basically read the file and source it in new shell environment . then it will echo the function declaration
step 2 will eval that function into our main code
So final result is as if we wrote just that function in our main script
When the functions in the script indent untill the closing } and all start with the keyword function, you can include specific functions without changing the original files:
function demo1 {
echo "d1"
function demo2 {
echo "d2"
function demo3 {
echo "d3"
function demo4 {
echo "d4"
echo "Main code of largeshell... "
Now show how to source demo1() and forget demo4():
source <(sed -n '/^function demo1 /,/^}/p'
source <(sed -n '/^function demo3 /,/^}/p'
Or source all functions in a loop:
for f in demo1 demo3; do
echo sourcing $f
source <(sed -n '/^function '$f' /,/^}/p'
You can make it more fancy when you source a special script that will:
grep all strings starting with largeshell., like largefile.demo1
generate functions like largefile.demo1 that will call demo1
and source all functions that are called.
Your new script will look like
You might want to reconsider your requirements.
Above solution is not only slow, but it will also make it hard for the
guys and ladies who made tha As soon as they are going to refactor their code or replace it with something in another language,
they have to refactor, test and deploy your code as well.
A better path is extracting the functions from into some smaller files ("modules"), and put them in a shared directory (shlib?).
With names as,,, and you can pick the includes file you need (and will include them all).
It's been a while and it would appear that my original solution is the best one out there. Thanks for the feedback.
